Forum Thread
The Great Shiny Jirachi Hunt!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → The Great Shiny Jirachi Hunt!
Sell Me Star Piece!



*Jirachi = x3 Star Pieces Each.
Every Pokemon From This box.
Shinies/ Mega Ables (ask me if i sell the one you are interested in)
Every Pokemon From This box.
Shinies/ Mega Ables (ask me if i sell the one you are interested in)
Order a Jirachi!
If you will give me 3 Star Pieces- you will get a Jirachi (when i will hatch) + 10K PD.
If you will give me 6 Star Pieces- you will get x2 Jirachi (when i will hatch) + 30K PD.
If you will give me 9 Star Pieces- you will get x3 Jirachi (when i will hatch) + 30K PD + a Phione.
Order List:

Lachelord- x1 Jirachi. bonus was
BanetteXD- x1 Jirachi. bonus was given.
Winter_Soul- x1 Jirachi. bonus was given.
BanetteXD- x1 Jirachi. bonus was given.
Winter_Soul- x1 Jirachi. bonus was given.
Donation=Raffle Ticket
If you don't have 3 Star Pieces, or just want to help me out you can also donate Star Pieces.
For each Star Piece you donate, i will give you a raffle ticket. Also, you can Donate PD. I will give you a raffle ticket for each 50K PD you donated.
You can also Donate 75 nuggets for TWO nuggets raffle ticket.
The more player donate the more prizes i will give out.
There is no ticket limit.
Prize for donated Star Pieces:
Super Prize: Surprise (only if many will donate for the raffle)
1st: x3 Jirachi's + 30K PD a Rare/Hard/Medium/Easy Shiny Hunt of your choice.
2nd: x2 Jirachi's + 25K PD + a Medium/Easy Shiny Hunt of your choice.
3rd: x1 Jirachi + 20K pd + an Easy Shiny Hunt of your choice.
Prize for donated Pokedollar:
Super Prize: Surprise (only if many will donate for the raffle)
1st: x3 Jirachi's + an Medium/ Easy Shiny Hunt of your choice.
2nd: x2 Jirachi + 20K PD.
3rd: a Jirachi.
Prize for donated Nuggets:
Super Prize: Surprise (only if many will donate for the raffle)
1st: x3 Jirachi's + an Medium/ Easy Shiny Hunt of your choice.
2nd: x2 Jirachi + 20K PD.
3rd: a Jirachi.
There will be more raffles with better prizes after:
*50 Star Pieces Donated.
*1.5 milion PD Donated.
*750 Nuggets Donated.
Donated Star Pieces:

celebi1- x1 Star Piece.
ChaosQueen- x1 Star Piece.
cocobobo10- x3 Star Pieces.
Rdominicana809- x1 Star Piece.
Hitomoshi- x3 Star Pieces.
CadetArianRae- x1 Star Piece.
Porygon_Storm- x1 Star Piece.
misue- x4 Star Pieces.
Corrish- x1 Star Piece.
OptimusCrime- x2 Star Pieces.
David_- x6 Star Pieces
H3XAGON- x1 Star Piece
ChaosQueen- x1 Star Piece.
cocobobo10- x3 Star Pieces.
Rdominicana809- x1 Star Piece.
Hitomoshi- x3 Star Pieces.
CadetArianRae- x1 Star Piece.
Porygon_Storm- x1 Star Piece.
misue- x4 Star Pieces.
Corrish- x1 Star Piece.
OptimusCrime- x2 Star Pieces.
David_- x6 Star Pieces
H3XAGON- x1 Star Piece
Donated PD:

Blacktiger5 - 50K PD.
ChaosQueen- 50K PD.
shinyumbreon79- 150K PD.
ThunderAmpharos- 50K PD.
LogicalCabbage- 50K PD.
misue- 250K PD.
David_- 500K PD.
mich-the-king- 150K PD.
Donated Nuggets:
750 Nuggets Have To be donated until new better prizes will be exposed
299/500 Star Pieces