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-Setup- Willow Yokai [pokemon rp]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up -Setup- Willow Yokai [pokemon rp]
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 23/12/2014 23:29 (10 Years ago)
There comes a time when a kingdom needs a new ruler, but what if the right ruler is running from his true position, and the wrong person is taking it. Everything seems right in place on the outside at least.


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» No Godmodding, Mary Sues, Gary Sues, Wall posting, Powerplaying etc.
» Read all the information in the first post before joining. It's important to know what your getting into
» Fill out the form fully and correctly. Don't alter the form unless necessary.
» Read everybody's character forms. It's important to know who your roleplaying with.
» There will be a post order during the full rp. Do not skip somebody unless the first post says there on Haitus.
» Notify me or a mini-mod of the thread (if I'm on Haitus) if your going to be on Haitus (gone for a day or more). You will be treated as if your character left temporarily during this time.
» Grammar and spelling must be understandable, it's okay if you misspell or are not perfect by any means, but if we can't read what you type.... how will we respond?
» This rp will be rated T for 13+. Minor Violence, language and themes will appear. BUT nothing higher then that.
» No one is to be left out, or to be alone for to long. It's important that we ALL advance the plot.
» NO legendaries, Fakemon (recolors, fusions, event etc), or overly altered pokemon. some marking changes, scars, and accessories are okay. You may be a shiny as long as there isn't another shiny of your pokemon already in the rp, as well as there generally being to many to begin with.


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Your in a Monarchy based pokemon world where a King named Arcania, a male Jellicent, has gotten sick, his wife is missing, And his eldest son has ran away from the kingdom. The second son, Arc, a male Frillish, has taken the throne, and he isn't the best of rulers. However, it seems there's a different snake in the garden that is causing troubles around town.

this is Victorian/Medieval setting with a Monarchy government (King and Queen, prince and princess if you don't know) There will be need of many of the classes below the king, (such as knights) as well as shop owners, or simple townsmen. For the most part the setting will take outside of the castle in town, but there are occasions were it will be necessary to roleplay inside the castle or even outside of the town. We may expand as much as we all feel. FEEL free to add onto the plot especially with your character. I encourage unique characters.

NPC Characters

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NPC's are non player characters that can be used by anyone in the rp, as long as you stick to there profile when you use them. You don't have to roleplay them, and it is encouraged to only do so when needed. You may create a npc if you feel a hole needs to be filled.Name: Arcania
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Jellicent
Occupation: King of the kingdom Willow Yokai
Nature: Lonely [spicy ^ sour v]
Characteristic: Strongly Defiant
Ability: Cursed body :: disables an opponents move, if attacked with move, temporarily.
Held Item: N/A

Personality: often a Kind gentle soul in public, but a bit rude and selfish when in the company of close people. He is good at disguising something wrong under a false smile, and is always trying to keep things running despite his illness. He is to depart from the throne soon.
looks: A normal Jellicent with a purple cape (cant think of the name right now), and crown to symbol royalty. his eyes are somewhat foggy due to old age.

Move set
Hex :: When opponent has status condition it doubles in power.
Toxic :: poisons apponent
Water Spout :: A powerful water attack that spouts water at target. higher the users health the more damage done [usually used on ceremonies as a beautiful entrance]
Rain dance :: makes it rain for a while.

Shotonemar's characters

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Name: Arc
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Frillish
Occupation: Second Eldest Prince of kingdom Willow Yokai / temporary ruler
Nature: Naughty [spicy ^ bitter v]
Characteristic: A little quick tempered
Ability: Cursed body :: Disables an opponents move, when attacked, temporarily
Held Item: Ghost Gem {unused} [raises ghost type moves power by 30%]

Personality: Very temperamental when he doesn't get his way. He is good at what he does, and he gets things done, but how he gets there is a little odd. He is a little violent, but mostly angry from time to time. When around others, whom he should be nicest to, he puts on an act that makes him seem very innocent and weak, but a majority of the people know him in other ways.
looks: working on image A normal frillish with a crown and purple cape to symbol royalty. He also carries around a sword around his waist on a pretty brown belt. The Ghost Gem is located on this belt as decoration, but he knows if he needs to he can remove, and consume it.

Move set
Water pulse :: shoots a sharp spray of water at the opponent may confuse target.
Ominous Wind :: a Strange wind blows at the target. User has a small chance in increasing stats.
Night Shade :: scares opponent with a frightening mirage. does deal damage depending on the level of user
Bubble :: a weak water attack that rarely lowers opponents speed. [uses it to calm himself... not that it works all to well]

Name: Mathew
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Meowstic
Occupation: [oldest son of Arcania] Wondering merchant/odd jobs
Nature: Modest [Dry ^ Spicy v]
Characteristic: Strong willed
Ability: Keen eye :: prevents accuracy from lowering
Held Item: N/A

Personality: Completely selfless in many ways, except when it comes to the royal family. He easily is able to slip out if it due to his family being mostly Frillish, and the fact that it shouldn't be possible to be apart of it in the first place. He is merely a half brother and no one knows he should exist, so he's often modest about anything special about himself. Showing off isn't his thing, however he believes in a lot of good things and keeps a hold of his hopes and dreams.
looks: working on image A male meowstic with a blue ribbon tied in a bow around his neck. from time to time he is seen wearing a brown tattered cloak to give off the allusion of wanderer.

Move set
Disarming voice :: a cry is let out the emotionally damages the target, this attack never misses unless the target has the ability Soundproof
Psychic :: target hit with telekinetic force. rare chance of lowering special defense.
Charm :: harshly lowers opponents attack
Miracle eye :: removes immunity from Dark type pokemon and resets evasion stat
Name: Yuki
Gender: Male
Species: Charmander
Occupation: Knight of Willow Yokai, Usually patrols the city
Nature: Timid [sweet ^ spicy v]
Characteristic: scatters things often
Ability: Blaze :: if weakened, fire power is increased
Held Item: N/A

Personality: Is a timid fellow, who doesn't exactly get along with the other guys as it may look. He will hang with them, but he is often quiet and has a hard time saying anything. He almost seems as if he's a squire due to his rookie look.
looks: image to come someday He's a normal charmander with a blue snowy scarf, a symbol of knighthood is clipped to the bottom of the scarf.

Move set
Dragon Rage :: always inflicts the same damage no matter the target unless immune.
Smokescreen :: spits a ball of dark gas at target lowering accuracy.
Flame burst :: Damages all nearby figures with flames, if an ally Magic guard can prevent harm.
Fire Fang :: bites with burning hot teeth. may burn or flinch target.


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[b]Held Item[/b]:

[b]looks[/b]: (if you provide an image bigger than 600wx400h link it instead thank you)

[b]Move set[/b]

Avatar made by me on Deviantart.
Journal | Pokemon Rp | Fantasy original RP | Sprite Shop
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 02:32 (10 Years ago)
Name: Fathi Agro (Faith)
Gender: Male
Species: Lucario
Occupation: Mercenary/ Fighter for hire - Skills are in Stealth and physical battles
Nature: Serious [N/a]
Characteristic: Likes to Fight
Ability: Steadfast :: Speed increases if he flinches
Held Item: N/A

Personality: A mostly silent character who likes to watch things and assess the situation before getting involved, however if money is involved, he's more likely to jump in. He sticks to his morals, though, and if the job will break that, he's been known to steal the money and leave without much of a trace left behind.


I hope he's alright, since there's a fair amount of minor differences to his build.
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Spikes all curl up.
Spikes and claws are made of metal.
Ears are longer than a normal Lucario's ears.
Missing the parts behind the ears that normal Lucario have.
Arms and legs are more feral.
Jaw is more curved
Shorter muzzle
Band/belt curves around legs some.
Hand paws have claws, but can be used like actual hands (like any other Lucario)
Slightly shorter than normal Lucario, but his ears make him seem taller.
His colors are slightly darker than a normal Lucario's colors.
Has a nose that is the same color as his mask marking.

Move set
Blaze Kick - Egg move :: The user launches a kick that lands a critical hit more easily. It may also leave the target with a burn.
Force Palm :: The target is attacked with a shock wave. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
Metal Claw :: The target is raked with steel claws. It may also raise the user's Attack stat.
Extreme Speed :: The user charges the target at blinding speed. This attack always goes before any other move.

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 00:34 (10 Years ago)
@Navuso Accepted I'll add your character to the first post :3 thanks for joining.
Avatar made by me on Deviantart.
Journal | Pokemon Rp | Fantasy original RP | Sprite Shop
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 292
Posted: Sun, 28/12/2014 06:36 (10 Years ago)
Name: Carla
Gender: Female
Species: Spinda
Occupation: Traveling musician
Nature: Naive (^sweet V bitter)
Characteristic: Scatters things often
Ability: Contrary (Reverses stat changes)
Held Item: N/A

Personality: Carla is friendly and quick to trust people. Despite looking absent-minded, she can be clever at times, often thinking of unconventional solutions to problems, however, since Carla is a bit of a worrywart, she also imagines all the 'what-ifs.' She also has a penchant for joking and wisecracking.
looks: Sorry it's not that good.

Move set
Swagger - The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
Dizzy Punch - The target is hit with rhythmically launched punches. This may also leave the target confused.
Hyper Voice - The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.
Water Pulse - The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. This may also confuse the target.

Through the woods a girl came sadly.
Something broken in her chest.
She had dared to love another.
Alas, no better than the rest.
Up my path the girl came gladly.
Something opened up my doors.
I longed to stop her bleeding heart.
And so I called her to my shores.
Those you trust will hurt you badly.
Something now I'm sure you see.
So drown your tears in me my dear.
As you drown, my dear, in me.

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 29/12/2014 03:29 (10 Years ago)
@Cujoh accepted. I'll add you to members :3
Avatar made by me on Deviantart.
Journal | Pokemon Rp | Fantasy original RP | Sprite Shop
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Fri, 09/01/2015 19:29 (10 Years ago)
Occupation:It's just a Magikarp...Or is it just a Magikarp?
Characteristic:Highly curious
Ability:Swift Swim - Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in rain.
Held Item:Everstone

Personality:Johhan is a quick-spotted Magikarp who people usually ignore.

Move set
Splash - The user just flops and splashes around without having any effect.

hey there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my diary!
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 09/01/2015 19:41 (10 Years ago)
@SquirtleEvolution I'd love for you to join, but may I ask you to adjust your form a bit so it follows pokemon basics. A list of Pokemon Natures can be found Here and a list of Characteristics can be found Here, and Magikarps Personal pokemon Ability is either Swift Swim or Rattled. This is mostly battle information, but it helps us know your character better as well. Your pokemon will be able to use any of it's moves at any time during the rp. another note is that Splash is a Normal type move because its japanese name was Jump. (thus why Hoppip, and other non water types can use it.) Once you fix these matters I will accept your form and add you to the rp.
Avatar made by me on Deviantart.
Journal | Pokemon Rp | Fantasy original RP | Sprite Shop
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Sat, 10/01/2015 17:42 (10 Years ago)
Okay, I fixed my form. :p
Oh and, Splash's japanese name is Hop. (はねる)

hey there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my diary!
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Mon, 19/01/2015 10:45 (10 Years ago)
This roleplay is so offline! -.-

hey there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my diary!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 01:14 (10 Years ago)
I know that Shoto hasn't been online in 8 days, but this is just in case. ._.

Name: "Nevermore" (Real name is Katsa Evergreene)
Gender: Female
Species: Weavile
Occupation: Assassin (A bit of thievery mixed in as well.)
Nature: Naughty (Spicy: ^ Bitter: v)
Characteristic: Alert to sounds
Ability: Pickpocket :: Steals an item from an attacker that made direct contact.
Held Item: N/A

Personality: "Nevermore" usually wears a solemn expression. She doesn't care much about anyone except for herself, and when told about her selfishness, she claims that it's simply a lesson she learned early in life. Next to nothing is beneath her morals, and she will do almost anyone's dirty work if they pay well enough. She tends to appear rather cold and intimidating, although she talks about the things she loves with a fiery passion.
Looks: I drew this just for this RP, please don't let be inactive and let me down. T^T
She looks like a normal Weavile. There's a large scar on her back, and a smaller one next to it.

Move set (Idk where you guys got your type icons. >_>)
Hone Claws :: Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by one stage each.
Thief :: The user attacks and steals the target's item simultaneously. It can't steal if the user holds an item.
Ice Beam :: The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may also leave the target frozen.
Aerial Ace :: The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. The attack lands without fail.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 27/01/2015 01:12 (10 Years ago)
Sorry. PS a roleplay isn't offline in forums (or at least 90% of them) till a month. add to the factor that this community is slow when it comes to roleplays (as far as I've noticed)

Accepted Death I'll add you to the members list. Nice art by the way. Shall I start the rp everyone? we have enough members to start I think. (will wait for all members to state there opinions)

also I was gone due to family issues, + I'm having surgery done here soon (don't know when) so do understand that being gone a weak or so deosn't always mean I'm inactive.

Avatar made by me on Deviantart.
Journal | Pokemon Rp | Fantasy original RP | Sprite Shop
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 28/01/2015 00:38 (10 Years ago)
I'm all for starting, probably after you're back from surgery. If it's a major one, I know you probably won't get back for a while and I don't want to start without you. >3< But at the same time, if you know/think that it will be a while to get papers/forms sorted out and such, we might as well start as soon as everyone's ready.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 29/01/2015 23:30 (10 Years ago)
I'm mostly worried about inactive users in the future. If everyone responds in a reasonable time (I'm pretty lenient so...) it should work out quite well. I'm trying to at least be on once a day if possible.

As for the surgery. Don't worry about it to much. I'll let everyone know when I'm gone for that, and it's small compared to ones I had in the past. I should be able to rp during my recovery time for that anyway. What took up so much time was planning for the surgery...

I'll keep your thoughts in mind, but I should be ready when everyone else is.
Avatar made by me on Deviantart.
Journal | Pokemon Rp | Fantasy original RP | Sprite Shop