Forum Thread
Raylóng Quest
Forum-Index → News → Raylóng Quest
A new Quest has been added to the Ancient Cave! Yay!
Many of you already know the legendary Dragon Pokémon from Emera Town, Raylóng, which was distributed during our "Asian Week" in February 2014. It was very limited and only 42 trainers got the chance to claim a Raylóng. However, now the green dragon returned and stays as a permanent new quest!

Like every other special Quest on PokéHeroes (Harvest Sprites & Jirachi), you need to unlock the Ancient Cave first. This dark cave is unlocked on Trainerlevel 10.
Apart from that, there are no special requirements to start this Raylóng quest.
About the quest:
In order to claim a Raylóng egg, you need to complete 7 very difficult tasks.
These tasks have to be done one after another - you can not work on multiple tasks at the same time.
The Ancient Cave page tells you exactly what you have to do for every task - or at least it gives you a few hints. But don't worry, figuring out what you have to do is the easiest part of this quest ;) It is nothing like the Harvest Sprites.
After finishing a task, you receive a special

Important notes:
Make sure you have an empty spot in your Party before summoning Raylóng. Also be aware that it will most likely break your PokéRadar chain (unless you are on a Raylóng hunt or are not hunting at all).
The Raylóng quest can be started again and again - and considering the fact that it affects your PokéRadar... Well, I don't want to make you do crazy things, but very very very dedicated and talented trainers may try to hunt it one day...
... Nah, that's just too crazy. That's like the #MostDifficultChallengeInYourLife but totally worth it. It's even harder than hunting for a shiny Ditto... maybe.