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Pokemon GO Fan Club!
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Welcome to the
PokeHeroes Pokemon Go fan club!!
This is a club that accepts all three
Pokemon Go teams.
get regular updates~!

You CAN NOT take credit for another persons hard work.
If you'd like to become a member of this group, please PRIVATE MESSAGE @HOLLYNINETALES and she will add you to the member list. There is NO form to join this fan club. I just find it incredibly unnecessary, and it clogs the comment feeds. If you play Pokemon Go, feel free to join the club.

1. HollyNinetales - July 16, 2017
2. seastar - July 16, 2017
3. AkadeannaH - July 17, 2017
4. LamiaViper - July 18, 2017
5. heha192 - July 19, 2017
6. Woerot - August 2, 2017
7. bunstelle - September 12, 2017
8. KyloRen - December 19, 2017
9. Flordelys - June 22, 2018
10. TheBandedFlame - June 23, 2018
11. Lola~Bunny - July 8, 2018
12. Hipsterpotamus - July 8, 2018

Pokémon GO Fest Chicago
Pokémon GO Fest (Saturday, July 22 taking place in Grant Park, Chicago, IL) is fast approaching, and we hope you’re all as excited as we are. We wanted to share some details about how Pokémon GO Trainers everywhere can participate in a global challenge with Trainers at the event to unlock special rewards worldwide.
During the day, there will be three Challenge Windows in which Trainers everywhere will work alongside those in Chicago to unlock global rewards. During the Challenge Windows, Trainers in Grant Park will attempt to unlock perks for Pokémon GO players around the world by catching certain types of Pokémon. Each Pokémon- type will be tied to a different perk, so Trainers at the park will need to carefully choose which Pokémon they catch. Will those in attendance try to catch Electric-type Pokémon to reduce the distance required to hatch Eggs, or Grass-type Pokémon to increase Stardust bonuses, or other Pokémon- types to secure a variety of other bonuses? Join in the action and find out!
Meanwhile, Trainers outside of Chicago will attempt to catch as many Pokémon as possible during the Challenge Windows to extend the duration of the bonuses unlocked by those attending the event. If Trainers around the world catch enough Pokémon, a mystery challenge will be unveiled in Grant Park that, once completed, will unlock an extra-special bonus across the globe. Trainers everywhere will want to grab their friends and family to help make this the biggest celebration in Pokémon GO’s history!
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Pokémon GO updated to version 0.69.0 for Android and 1.39.0 for iOS
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017
Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.69.0 for Android and 1.39.0 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.
- Added icons to the Pokémon information screen to indicate how the Pokémon was caught.
- Added the ability for Trainers to spin the Photo Disc at a Gym after completing a Raid Battle.
- Added the ability for Trainers to send Berries to their Pokémon defending Gyms through the Pokémon info screen when they are not nearby. Motivation regained will be less effective through this method.
- Added the ability for Trainers to give Berries to Pokémon defending Gyms if their motivation meter is full.
- Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality.
- Fixed an issue where Trainers were unable to complete Raid Battles started before time expired on the map view.
- Fixed an issue where Pokémon are not properly returned to their Trainer after defending a Gym.
- Various bug fixes.
—The Pokémon GO team
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"We're excited to announce that #PokemonGOFest will be streamed live on Twitch! Watch live this Saturday at"
Speculation that Gen 3 is going to be released this weekend at the Chicago fest.
Speculation article
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Watch the video here!
As part of our ongoing celebration of Pokémon GO’s one-year anniversary, we’re excited to reveal that Legendary Pokémon are nearly here! Soon, millions of Trainers around the world will be able to discover, battle, and catch these extremely rare and very powerful Pokémon.
As Trainers around the world go out and explore their neighborhoods in search of Pokémon and Raid Battles, they can keep an eye out for unique Legendary Eggs appearing at Gyms. If Trainers and their team are able to successfully defeat a Legendary Raid Boss, they’ll have the opportunity to catch a Legendary Pokémon of their own! While Legendary Pokémon will help them take on the toughest Raid Bosses and Gym Battles, they’re not willing to leave their Trainer’s side, so they can’t be left to defend Gyms.
On July 22, thousands of Trainers in Grant Park for Pokémon GO Fest and the millions of others around the world will be working together to unlock in-game bonuses for the entire Pokémon GO community. If they manage to catch enough Pokémon during the Pokémon GO Fest Challenge Windows, the first Legendary Pokémon will be revealed in Grant Park. If the Trainers in Chicago succeed in defeating the Legendary Pokémon, that Pokémon will start appearing in Raid Battles around the world, after Pokémon GO Fest.
Trainers everywhere can tune in to watch the action taking place in Grant Park live and join in the conversation using #PokemonGOFest on social media. Follow the official livestream on Twitch or YouTube for the latest news coming out of Pokémon GO Fest including Challenge Window updates, exclusive interviews, and the reveal of the first Legendary Pokémon!
It’s time for Trainers everywhere to start powering up their Pokémon for battle because there are many legendary adventures to come!
—The Pokémon GO team
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Link to Live Feed!
I'm going to be posting updates through out the day!
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Official information here
A few friends and I tried to take down a Lugia and it KICKED OUT BUTTS. You need at least 15+ trainers to battle a legendary at one time or you'll lose.
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1. "Trainers, the global rewards unlocked during #PokemonGOFest have been extended 72 hours. They will now end at 5:00 P.M. PDT on July 27."
2. Battle Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos in Raid Battles around the world
- Articuno: Now - July 31st
- Moltres: July 31st – August 7th
- Zapdos: August 7th – August 14th
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1. *JAPAN*
AUG 9 - AUG 15, 2017 - Pokémon GO at Pikachu Outbreak - More details coming soon!
SEP 16, 2017 - Pokémon GO Safari Zone at Unibail-Rodamco - Celebrate the summer together with thousands of Trainers and catch Pokémon that haven't been seen before in Europe at one of the upcoming Unibail-Rodamco events.
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There was this one guy who was home for a visit, was level 15 before this most recent event, last week he left to return at level 31. I almost died! Have you seen any Moltres raids? Suppose to come out today but I haven't seen any and my local raid chat hasn't reported any haha
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Moltes HAS officially dropped in Pokemon Go. It will only be here for ONE week. Moltes will only be in Pokemon Go until August 7th, 2017. This will probably be the only time we'll be able to get Moltes, so definitely raid as many as you can! The Legendary birds will be GREAT trade pokemon when trading is introduced.

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I FINALLY went Moltres hunting today. And it was a NATURAL DISASTER.
Moltres are super easy to take down. A party of 12 mid-level trainers took it down with 90 seconds remaining at the end of the battle. BUT, it's very, VERY hard to catch. I caught ONE out of the four Moltres raids I was in. And I caught ALL of the Articunos I raided.
I'm curious if it has anything to do with teams. I'm Mystic and Articuno was super easy to catch. Can any Valors confirm this or am I crazy?
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