Forum Thread
The Unexpected Truth [RP Thread]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Unexpected Truth [RP Thread]Members on hold -
Members RP'ing-
Glove - Adeeva Nagi
Luckylikeit - Mira
osacrys - WooSoo, Heejae
Saightora - Xerolin
Ashlynn - Ageha
-Zoroark-Shadow- - Natia
You Do not know each other until introduced. Please keep it that way
Please add your character names in brackets [] to avoid confusions if you have multiple of them
Okay, what? were the first words that uttered out of his mouth, while the light shining from outside the room directly hit on his hair and sparkled it. He had no idea what was going on and how the hell the book, which he thought was a joke book, turned out to be real.
He slowly stood up and started staring at everyone around him in a weird manner
Sarah, who apparently bumped her head muttered Ouch. Her Sunday was already ruined enough at home, and now this? She slowly put her hair towards her back and stood up. She looked at a guy, who was standing around weirdly, but totally ignored him.
Sarah, who thought
Mira looked around at the others in the room, confused. She felt... Weird. Strange. Like something wasn't right. "Does anyone know what just happened?" She called out.

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Heejae was awake but stayed lying down for a few minutes.
What happened? he thought. He remembered a book, yeah, a black book, he was at the library, searching for books to help him with homework and that book seemed not in place. He took it out, whispered some words and bam. Everything was black and now he's here with them. He grinned, sitting up.
This is going to be fun.
As soon as he woke up, his eyes widen and his breathing became faster. He was panicking in other words. White rooms never meant ever good, even if he's with other people. In movies or books, white rooms were when the main character was told they're part of an experiment or they are the experiment. Woosoo sat up but soon, after looking around the other people, dragged himself into a corner and sit there, to think, away from the noise. He still couldn't remember how he got here but he remembers who he is and everything he learned before this happened .
Navneet moved away from the wolf, he couldn't care about it much. He was wondering what the hell happened. He later joined Sarah and stood next to her.
Sarah didn't utter a word. After reading the message she was awestruck. She wanted to know what was going on as she hated waiting for stuff. But, she stood there with a blank face
Heejae noticed the two people standing, looking confused. He decided that they're the best people to approach right now so he stood up himself and casually walked over to them with wide steps.
"Hiya," he waved to them. "I'm Heejae, nice to meet you!" he smiled, holding out his right hand to shake theirs and his other hand in his light coat's pocket.
He didn't know what to do. Should he befriend the people? That's the best option but he would like to watch over them first, see how they act and who he likes the best. Yeah, nobody would notice him over here. He fixed his hair, moved it away from his eyes and wiping away the cold sweat in the process.

Credit to Viper
"Well, mine was a book but I didn't believe it either. I want to believe it though," Heejae tried to start a conversation. "Like, imagine having water powers or something. If you're thirsty you can just create a water fountain by yourself like-" he pointed his index finger up and actual water, just like a water fountain found in schools, came. Heejae thought he was dreaming and immediately shook his hand, making the water fountain stop.
"You saw that, right?" Heejae turned to Mira. He gulped. Was this really real?
He looked at the person who just created a small water fountain. Suddenly, thoughts of that person came to him. Or that's what Woosoo thought. His thoughts definitely did not contain anything like So I have water powers now?? That's so cool!. Was this his power? His head hurt, making him squint and check his head temperature by putting his hand on his forehead.

Credit to Viper