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A Dangerous Rebellion

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP A Dangerous Rebellion
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Thu, 19/10/2017 02:29 (6 Years ago)
Magda's blush returned in full force, and her smile only grew. "It is definitely returned." She jumped slightly as she heard a voice come from everywhere. She wasn't sure what was being said, but she knew it was young.

Violet gasped and stared at the pancakes. "They're... So pretty! Thank you Vera! Thank you!" She clasped her hands with a clap and giggled.

Cassie nuzzled her once more before they arrived in the kitchen. "You two have definitely been through a great deal, but I think it has only strengthened the bond between you two."
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Thu, 19/10/2017 14:49 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda was just as spooked by the voice. Looking around, she tried to find it. Seeing Violet clap her hands and giggle, she wondered if it was her.

"You are most welcome, honey. Would you like to see the ones I made for Hazel?" Vera asked.

"I think so too, momma. What about me, Vera? You madr me something?" Hazel asked, curious as she leaned forward but not enough to throw Cassie off balance.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Thu, 19/10/2017 15:53 (6 Years ago)
"What was that?" Magda whispered as she watched the children. Perhaps it was one of them?

Violet gasped softly again. "I would love to!" These words made Magda tense again as she wasn't sure where exactly it was coming from.

Cassie moved a little closer so that Hazel could see easier. Since she was so large in this form she wouldn't be easily taken off balance.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 02:14 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda looked around confused before leaning in towards Cassie. "Hey, um...do you know what is going on? Magda and I are hearing voices. Is someone a telepathy?" She asked.

"My sister is!" Hazel announced proudly. She gasped when Vera showed her the pancakes she had made. Vera had made blue flowers for Hazel.

Max chuckled, nodding. "Both girls are incredibly special. For more then just their powers but their powers do make them unique as well."
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 02:22 (6 Years ago)
Magda waited patiently to be told what was going on, but seeing the girls smiling and laughing made her smile as well. She usually didn't spend time with children, but when she did see them they did seem cute.

Violet raised her hands. "Me! That's me!" She giggled before gasping at the pancakes.

Cassie let the girls answer and chuckled softly. "Yup, our girls are wonderfully special in their own ways."
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 03:00 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda smiled, then relayed what she had learned to Magda. She wondered if Magda would be interested in making a language related deal. To help her understand people better quicker. "They really are. They are lovely and very sweet, from what I have seen."

Hazel took the plate, looking absolutely thrilled. "I love these! Thank you, Vera! Did you make special ones for everyone?" She asked, curiously.

"Just you two girls get special ones," Vera told them, setting out some more stuff on the table.

Max set Violet on the ground and looked over at the woman. "Sleep well?" He asked, grabbing himself some orange juice.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 05:17 (6 Years ago)
Magda nodded slowly in response to Andromeda as she watched the little girl whose name seemed to be Violet. "Very sweet." She caught Max's glance and then looked to Andromeda wondering if Max was just talking to one of them. She really had to start learning the language. She couldn't keep doing this to Andromeda.

Cassie set Hazel down and once Violet was on the floor she moved over to hug Vera. The little girl looked over at the sound of the new voices to see Andromeda and Magda. She had never seen a dark skinned woman, or a woman so tall and white. She wasn't staring to be rude, but more so in curiosity. "Hello!" She said with a smile after a moment or two. Magda then turned her attention to the little girl who had spoken in her mind. That truly was an interesting gift.

Cassie shifted back so she could fit better at the table. She did hope that the women had slept well, but seeing Magda look at Violet in that way made her wonder if the woman was concerned about the children, or if she was battling with emotions or perhaps even memories.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 07:36 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda looked down at her feet, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry...I hadn't meant to wake people," she murmured, making Max concerned. He reached out, squeezing her shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong? I wasn't woken. As far as I know, the girls slept throughthe night. You okay?" He asked.

"You mean...I didn't wake you? Oh thank gods! Or Vera...both? Anyway, I had, as Magda called them, a bad night seeing. But she came and helped me. I don't think she slept. She was watching out for us all," Andromeda told him, looking over at Magda, starstruck.

Max smiled, letting her go. "I am glad she was there to help."

Hazel studied the woman a moment before getting Magda's attention. Once she had it, she leaned in and whispered, "Don't let my daddy see you guys kissing. He is silly and thinks it's gross. You remind me of my uncles. They like to kiss. So do grandma and grandpa. I think daddy is just being silly," she confided, making Andromeda first blush then smile as she translated.

"Hello," the dark skinned woman greeted the twins. "I am Andromeda and this is Magdalena, or Magda. It is nice to meet."
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 12:21 (6 Years ago)
Magda waited so very patiently to learn what was being said around her. She leaned down a little to be closer for the little girl to whisper to them, and looked to Andromeda for a translation. When she got it, her cheeks flushed quite noticeably. "It is very nice to meet you," She knelt down to be closer to the girls' level. She worked for a few moments to get out Hazel's name, a slight smile on her face as she met the little girl's eyes, and then she did the same with Violet.

"That's my name! She said our names!" Violet clapped. The woman obviously didn't speak how they did, but she did a good job getting their names from having just listened.

Cassie smiled as she watched Magda work to say their girls' names and nodded. "Yes, she did a very good job. Andromeda, would you let Magda know that I'm thankful that she was watching out for all of us and you especially?"
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 16:58 (6 Years ago)
Max shook his head, smiling at what Hazel had said. Kids had a way of saying whatever was on their mind.

Andromeda smiled, squeezing Magda's hand she was still holding after she said their names. "Violet is really excited and happy you said their names. And Cassie wanted you to know she is thankful for you watching out for all of us last night. Especially me," she translated for Magda. Her slight blush looked like it was becoming a permanent feature. "Magda? I was wondering...would you want to make a deal of some sort to have my magic teach you this language? Then you don't have to wait for me to translate and can respond to everyone too. I enjoy doing this. I just wanted to offer in case you wanted to do it."

Hazel had to set down her pancakes to clap her hands in delight! "Yes! Yes, that is our names! And magic?"
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 02:37 (6 Years ago)
Magda stilled and stared at Andromeda. "I-I could do that? You'd do that? To help me like that?" She didn't want to keep making Andromeda have to translate for her, but this would be a good trade off. "I think I would like that..."

"Of course magic!" Violet giggled clapping her hands as well.

Cassie smiled and started eating some of her pancakes while things settled themselves out.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 07:12 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda nodded, rocking on her feet. "Yes. You are my friend and I want to help you. I don't know what price my magic will set but it shouldn't be high. It is something that'll help you. We'll still brave the storms together. Right?" She asked softly, glancing up at Magda.

Hazel waited, wondering what sort of magic the strangely colored woman had. She was itching to look at Andromeda's tattooed and trace the lines withber fingers.

Max joined his beloved Cassie, watching the girls as Octavius and Jason came in.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sun, 22/10/2017 22:41 (6 Years ago)
Magda's face softened and she smiled broadly. "Of course. No matter the weather, we can and will be together." She really wouldn't care what the price was, but it did concern her a bit. What would the price be and how would she pay it?

Violet didn't want to eat the beautiful pancakes, but she was quite hungry.

Cassie turned her head to kiss him on the cheek. "Good morning," She whispered.

Jason gently rubbed Octavius' hand with his thumb as he kept them clasped together.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 23/10/2017 01:51 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda grinned, throwing her arms around Magda and hugging her. "What should we do? Would just a favor work or maybe an afternoon together?" She offered.

Hazel stared at her own pancakes sadly. They were so pretty...maybe she could eat just one? And save the others?

Max smiled, kissing her back, chuckling as he waved to his cousin and Octavius.

Octavius waved as Henry and Elaine came running in.

"Max! The girls!" She called out, stopping short as she noticed the whole family in the room. Elaine slumped against her husband, relieved.

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 23/10/2017 12:04 (6 Years ago)
Magda chuckled and wrapped her arms around Andromeda returning the hug quite happily. "Either works for me. Which one is better for you?" She wanted to make sure that the deal was fair.

Violet looked over to Max's mom when she had yelled. "We're okay." She thought with a smile.

Cassie waved, but was honestly a little distracted by the two women making their deal.

Jason had waved as well and then nodded. "The girls are quite alright."
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 23/10/2017 21:04 (6 Years ago)
"I like an afternoon together better. Less like something is owed. We are doing something for and with each other because we want to," Andromeda murmured, smiling up at her. "Shake on it?" She asked her voice nearly a whisper as she offered her hand.

Elaine rushed forward with her husband, hugging both girls. But they remained quiet as the two strangers talked.

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 13:06 (6 Years ago)
Magda nodded and gently took Andromeda's hand and shook it. She wondered exactly how the magic would feel and how things would sound. Would she just suddenly understand the words? How would it work?

Violet hugged Max's parents happy that they were okay.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 14:22 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda stilled as she felt the familiar magic work it's way through her and into Magda. The taller woman would be able to understand and reply to their language as if she had spent years learning how to. She would not lose her own language. Just have the knowledge to translate their language into hers and hers into theirs. A tingling sensation began on Andromeda's own arm as a tattoo made it's mark on her skin. An aurora borealis was etched and colored in on the palm of her hand that she had held Magda's hand with. It would disappear after their afternoon together. That thought saddened Andromeda. This was one she didn't want to lose.

Max and Octavius's eyes widened at the sight of colored lights surrounding the woman as the magic worked.

"Oh! So pretty!" Hazel gasped, pointing to the lights as well.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 22:27 (6 Years ago)
Magda gasped softly as the magic began to seep into her, but then she jumped and stared at Hazel as she spoke. She could understand what she said. "Hello?" Another gasp escaped her lips and her hand flew to cover her mouth. "It worked!" She laughed as she threw her arms around the shorter woman and pulled her into a hug.

Cassie's eyes were glued. She could not look away from the beautiful lights swirling around their guest.

"Yeah..." Violet's mouth had fallen open and she nodded, agreeing with her twin.

Jason did very much the same thing that Max and Octavius did, eyes wide and like Violet, mouth slightly agape.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 23:25 (6 Years ago)
Andromeda grinned, laughing happily at Magda's surprise. "Of course! I am glad you are so happy with it. Magic does strange stuff. Hence the lights. But I think they are very pretty as the girls said," she told the group, a blush on her cheeks as they faded. "Another reason I was great at parties."

"I have never seen that...what were they?" Max asked, curiously.

"The northern lights, a borealis," Octavius supplied, still awed as he sat himself down.

Hazel grinned, jumping up to run over and hug them. "That was so pretty! Thank you!"

Vera cocked her head, curious. That magic seemed familiar...not a god or even a demigod. But not entirely human.