Forum Thread
starboy's art shop [OPEN]
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Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 16:52 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:24 PM hello there! welcome to my art shop!
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:25 PM i'm currently looking for popplio plushies,
PD, popplio (the actual pkmn! for trade), and other
rare/interesting items and pkmn!
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:26 PM my prices are as follows:
fullbody (chibi or not): 20k to 50k pd - or - five pkmn - or -
three plushies
knee-up: 10k to 30k pd - or - three pkmn - or - two plushies
sketch: 10k to 20k pd - or - two pkmn - or - one plushie
these are all for one character! it is an extra 5k pd - or - one
pkmn - or - one plushie per additional character!
you can also do a mix of these things!
ex: 15k pd and one plush
ex: two pkmn and two plushies
ex: 20k pd and one pkmn
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:42 PM art examples:
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:50 PM form:
hidden content
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
type of art:
reference image:
method of payment:
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:51 PM i am a mspaint user! it may take me a day or
two to finish your commission after i accept it! please be
i start your commission after your payment has been sent! thank you
for understanding
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
12:58 PM i will draw:
i won't draw:
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
2:10 PM pickup!
Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 16:58 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Reptilian Goddess
type of art: Fullbody x2
reference image:
Chomper and
Cuddle in Chomper's toyhouse there's a shipping pic of
them both, I would love to see them together
method of payment:20k and 4 popplio plushies /I can breed ypu
popplios if you wish/
Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:06 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Trager
type of art: Fullbody~
reference image:
My neko twins~ Together or not, it doesn't
matter to me~ ;3
method of payment: PD and Popplio plushie~ ;3
P.s. HOLY COW!~ You use MS paint??? *O* //Huggles// You're
amazing at it!!~~
Forum Posts: 316
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:09 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: SkySilvally
type of art: Fullbody
reference image:
Sword is not necessary, and if you could draw him smiling that
would be great~
method of payment- 35k PD
Thank you, your art is so cute and it's amazing that you use MS
Paint to make it! Great work~
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:11 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
1:06 PM @-ReptilianGoddess-
your commission has been accepted!
feel free to send the payment whenever! ;o; i'll get started right
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
1:08 PM @Trager
your commission has been accepted as well! what cute characters
feel free to send the payment whenever + i'll get
Quote from starboy - 3/31/2017
1:10 PM @SkySilvally
thank you so much for the compliment! it means a lot <3
your commission has also been accepted! i'll try to be done with
these as soon as possible!
Forum Posts: 316
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:14 (7 Years ago)
No problem! I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true! ^.^
I will send payment now, thanks!
Also, take your time, I'm not in a hurry!
Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:25 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Popplio
type of art: sketch (those are really good, aa)
reference image:
method of payment:
my soul 15k??
kitkat OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 54
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 17:36 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: kitkat
type of art: fullbody!
reference image:
method of payment:50k pd!!
Koushi OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 67
Forum Posts: 911
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 18:01 (7 Years ago)
i hope you're not overwhelmed with commissions ;A; if you are,
ignore me!!
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Koushi
type of art: fullbody x2 please!!
reference image:
him and
him <3
method of payment: PD + i'll send some extra after because your art
is so so cute omg!!
Spacey OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 25
Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 20:07 (7 Years ago)
aaah your art's so cute! <3
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: SpaceyAbsol
type of art: fullbody!
reference image:
method of payment: 50k pd! ^-^
Forum Posts: 482
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 21:37 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Blaire
type of art: fullbody!
reference image:
my bab
method of payment: would you accept 50 nuggets??
Posted: Fri, 31/03/2017 23:30 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: SensGirl25
type of art: fullbody
reference image:
Lombard and Dean
method of payment: 50,000 pd
Credit to Veris
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 02/04/2017 19:28 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017
3:23 PM @Popplio
your commission has been accepted!~
feel free to send the payment whenever! ;o; i'll get started as
soon as possible!
Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017
3:24 PM @kitkat
your commission has been accepted as well! what a cutie :0
feel free to send the payment and i'll get started soon
Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017
3:25 PM @Koushi
i don't think i'm too overwhelmed! but accepted ;o; <3
what cuties omg!! feel free to send the payment whenever is best
for you~
and thank you so much ;;; <3
Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017
3:26 PM @SpaceyAbsol
your commission has been accepted also~ i really like the way they
look :'0 i'm sure they'll be fun to draw! feel free to send payment
Quote from starboy - 4/2/2017
3:28 PM @SensGirl25
what nice designs :0
feel free to send the payment whenever and i'll get
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 04/04/2017 23:17 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017
7:16 PM @Blaire
i will accept 50 nuggets! please and thank you ;o;
i'll get started on them soon~ they're cute too!
Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017
7:17 PM also bumping this thread! :0
Forum Posts: 482
Posted: Tue, 04/04/2017 23:22 (7 Years ago)
can i send the payment now, or should i wait? :0
Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Tue, 04/04/2017 23:53 (7 Years ago)
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Trager
type of art: Fullbody
reference image:
Monstrosity\Monster~ and
together~ (They are enemies btw~ ;3 Insanity has an outdate ref
buuut for the colors-
Monster's ref Insanity's ref ;3
method of payment: Do you accept gem payment? (Dragon gems,
Electric gems, etc) If not, i'll pay in PD and\or plushies~ ;3
ecco2k OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 41
Forum Posts: 756
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 05:55 (7 Years ago)
Boi i see you have way too many orders atm, so you can add me
later/add me at a waiting list
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: crystalcat
type of art: fullbody pls/digital or trad anything is fine uwu//can
you do ship art? If so, imma add another character
reference image:
pics close to end and if possible to do ship art,
rain? (Its a
gift im not claiming the character) rain belongs to
method of payment: 200kpd + art + 100 nuggos(digital, fullbody,
colored+shaded/things i cant do + more examples stated at my art
shop that you can find in my "visit me on" links)
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 11:00 (7 Years ago)
Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017
7:16 PM @Trager
aaa unfortunately i don't accept gem payments,, but it's just
because i don't really use gems for anything ;w; please forgive
otherwise i will draw them!~ all of your characters are
Quote from starboy - 4/4/2017
7:17 PM @CrystalCat
your commission has been accepted! i really like nova's design ;o;/
+ your art is super cute
i'll get started as soon as possible
Forum Posts: 892
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 14:33 (7 Years ago)
Gotcha~ ;3 And I completely understand~ I myself don't use em much
either. ;,D
Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 15:57 (7 Years ago)
Hey boi I've come-
- hey starboy, i'd like some art!
username: Reptilian Goddess
type of art: Full Body
reference image:
Daniel my main sona I barely made her ref yesterday- W
H E E Z E if you draw her left side view, she has two fangs poking
out of her mouth like in my profile Pic! If you want to add
accessories no need to ask!
method of payment: PD