Forum Thread
compass rose
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → compass rose
It is said that this nimbei was born, not of flesh and blood, but from the energy of an exploding star in the dead of night. Whether true or not, he has always had a particularly strong affinity to night and mystical elements. Known only as Compass, this peculiar creature takes great joy in leading travelers – particularly those lost in the woods – to different destinations. He innately can sense whether someone is good of heart or if they are someone with bad intentions; good people are ones he will lead to safety, but bad people would be wiser not to follow the lead of stardust in the dark…
Name – Circinus
Alias – Compass
Gender – Male
Species – Nimbei
Frequency – Mystic
(Special thanks to Rhunes for this nimbei adoptable!)