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Kyurem's Return [ACCEPTING]

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Kyurem's Return [ACCEPTING]
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Mon, 23/01/2017 23:53 (8 Years ago)
You remember how it was back in the day. The sun was shining, the water was crystal clear, the soft breeze blowing against your ear. That all stopped once Kyurem thrown his rage onto our land. The sun ceased to give heat, constant snow flew and tore down trees. Your actions were limited now with the famine and enemies raising your chance of death. What will you do to survive the cold winters? Will you fight, defend, group together, or go alone? Will you make your adventure to stop Kyurem?

SIGN-UPS are right here!

Only Guzma and I are aloud to roleplay as Kyurem.

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- Obviously follow the Pokeheroes Rules.
- No mary-sues, bunnying, etc.
- If you want to put in death, please be least descriptive with the gore.
- Please no one-liners and such.
- Have fun!

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Snowy Woods of the Prey
A frozen forest filled with wild Pokemon constantly roaming. The best spot in the world to live but also the hardest.

You start off in the Snowy Woods of the Prey.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:18 (8 Years ago)
Saxton shook of the snow he had. "Another day of Kyurem wastelands..." He mutters. He floats along.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:32 (8 Years ago)
At the exact same time and day, a dark figure ran around. This Pokemon, of course, was Weavile. She ran at a speed near the speed as a Ninjask and seemed to be searching for something. She was looking for food obviously and eventually, she crashed into Saxton.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:34 (8 Years ago)
"Scan!" He yelled, using Forsight. A Weavile. "Thunder wave!" He said, casting a electric current.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:46 (8 Years ago)
Wind tore at her eyes. She glared against the wind as she struggled forward. Almost. "Hercules!" she screeched, boiling hot tears forming in her eyes. A Leafeon was walking, struggling, toward her, carrying a small pouch. Around his neck was a thick and strong leaf and branch bag, held together with sap. "C'mon, you'll be okay. Just stay close, I'm warm," she whispered, dashing to him and pressing against his side. He's freezing cold!

"J-J-Jerry?" he whimpered, sneezing. "Jerry, wh-where w-w-will we g-go? I- I-"

"Shh, Hercie it's okay. We're going to be okay."

"Y-You're l-lying..."

"It's to make you feel better."

The two struggled against the blizzardous winds, hoping to find shelter against the storm.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:50 (8 Years ago)
Weavile was shocked by the sudden thunder wave, even more by the winds starting to pick in. She got up and glared at the Rotomdex. She spat curses at him before charging at him with the move "Slash" on her mind.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:52 (8 Years ago)
"So. Another regular ice type." He mutters. "You're with Kyurem, aren't you?" He asks.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 01:56 (8 Years ago)
In Kyurem's icy fortress, tiny ice-Pokemon flinched away from something. They may have the advantage, but this powerful beast of a Pokemon was not someone to mess around with. "I'm here to report something, your highness," a deep, masculine voice growled. "A Houndoom and Leafeon are in the forest, and appear weak. We can strike them down if you so wish, your highness."

Silence. "I understand. We shall leave them alone for now."

And with that, the dragon-Pokemon disappeared.

((:o I absolutely love roleplaying as villains! Reish is going to be so fun to use!))
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 02:03 (8 Years ago)
The wind blew harder and harder and snow started to fall. "Kyurem? You're quite stupid for a Pokemon with the purpose of collecting information," she said. She flinched at the cold and suddenly realized that shelter was more important than the battle with the Rotomdex. "Look, whoever you are, you don't look like nor sound like an underling for Kyurem," she declared, "the storms are kicking back in. After this ends, you will fight me at this exact place." After that, she ran back into the forest, scavenging for shelter.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 02:08 (8 Years ago)
Saxton looked back at her. Deciding never to wait, he started floating back to her, yelling "Wait!"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 08:12 (8 Years ago)
Weavile couldn't hear his yells with the snow and wind blowing against her ears. The blizzard was getting more violent by the second until she heard the sound of Pokemon shivering. She looked around and thought. "Should I go for the Rotomdex or the shivering cries I hear?" she thought. She figured that the Rotomdex would be okay so she ran in the direction of the cries and ran into a Houndoom as well as a Leafeon. She hid behind the bushes. Without notice, she gave a sorry look at them.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 08:38 (8 Years ago)
Saxton sighed, looking at the Weavile going away. Saxton, snarling, decided to camp out in the woods for now. "Shadow Ball." He says, using it to cut down trees. "Thunderbolt." He mutters, casting an electric shock. It made a fire, and he made a nice camp right there. "This will attract many pokemon here. At least i'll get food." He mutters. A warning screen showed up. "I have to charge?" He snarls. He exited his form and cast a Thunder Wave on it.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 10:56 (8 Years ago)
"So... This is how hell really looks like...? Hmm, very well then. This is no match for me, my body is only temporary so it shouldn't be too much of a chaotic problem." Daiyu smirked as she took another glance at the frozen wasteland surrounding her. To be quite fair, an Illumise shouldn't belong in such dreary places like this. But, she had no other choice. After all, she had nowhere else to go.

Meanwhile, Mia is already hiding right inside the cave just behind the rocks nearby. She isn't exactly desperate for food or life energy or anything. However, she needed allies in order to also survive and to stay away from her insanity that's slowly creeping inside of her. Luckily, she spotted a Houndoom and Leafeon cuddling each other like teenagers on the bleachers. Oh how cute, she thought. But then she remembered what's her main mission here! To find recruits! So with a quick slide towards, she waved her tiny wax stubs for hands and cried out. "Hey!"

"Hmm..." The Absol merely and closely observed the Weavile and the Rotom Dex. He was apparently brought along, acting as more of the wise man instead of what his job really is which was a fighter. But then again, relying on these Pokemon to fight, maybe that'll give him enough time to recover from his current injury at that moment.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 11:53 (8 Years ago)
"Why again at this time with no shelter..." Ekoeo mumbled as he took off his scarf and wrapped it around his head since it would lose the most heat. He should try to find some scraps of cloth to make more protective gear against the snow. He gazed opon the white unto- never mind not untouched there were Pokémon and they had tracks. Ekoeo floated with the help of phychic his hardest move to use if anything happened that was not the same right now the move would stop. He tried to look for a cave then lost concentration due to him focusing on something else. He landed on his knees then got up.
Made by owliix from pokefarm
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 12:17 (8 Years ago)
A ding sounded the finished charging of his Pokedex. Saxton went in. Knowing that being out would leave him vulnerable, he immediately scanned the surrounding area. He picked up a trace of a pokemon. "Mostly white, but with black..." He says, looking at the very short description. He started floating towards it.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 12:56 (8 Years ago)
Oh, so he has been found, he thought. Nevertheless, he could already sense that these Pokemon would serve a purpose for his current goal: to stop Kyurem. Sure, it may be a myth to some young Pokemon today but for him, it was real. He could feel it. "Ah, so I have been found, hmm?" He then approached the Rotom Dex slowly. Now, he has never seen one up close before due to its rarity.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 13:04 (8 Years ago)
"Scan." He mutters. An Absol. "Are you with Kyurem?" He snarls, readying a thunder wave in case. "With your white fur, I could mistake you as an ice-type."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 13:09 (8 Years ago)
"Rest assure, young one, I'm not apart of his clan." He shook his head as he looked at the Rotom up and down. "I see you are also trying to fight against him." Aoi continued with a slight chuckle. Now, he couldn't blame this mon. Back when Kyurem didn't rule over this land, he was always mistaken for an Ice type thanks to the meddling children who are playing on his shrine yard.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 13:15 (8 Years ago)
Saxton looked at the Absol. "... I suppose I can't argue with that truthful of a voice!" He says, suddenly cheerful and childish. "Its always nice to have a companion! How about joining me?" He says, smiling.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2017 13:20 (8 Years ago)
He merely nodded in silence, slightly amused by this floating dex. Ah yes, there was a mon he knew who was just like that. He trained her under his supervision and guidance. Hmm, he hasn't seen her in quite a while now, he bets that she's up to no good, going through all kinds of mischief despite their current situation. "Suppose you have a name..."