Forum Thread
Kyurem's Return [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Kyurem's Return [OPEN]RP is here!

- Obviously follow the Pokeheroes Rules.
- No mary-sues, bunnying, etc.
- If you want to put in death, please be least descriptive with the gore.
- I want to make this as realistic as possible, so no alternate colors to Pokemon (unless they're shiny). If you put a description for why they are colored alternately, I might consider it.
- Please no one-liners and such.
- Max amount of characters you may have is three.
- Put your username backwards.
- Choose one Skill Class.
-Your moveset must contain at least one Status move.
- Although there are a ton of rules, do have fun.

Username -
Pokemon Species -
Gender -
Shiny or Normal -
Personality -
Skill Class - [Scavenger, Hunter, Explorer, Defender, or Attacker]
Moveset -
Other -
My Form:

Username - noitalaHwonS
Pokemon Species - Weavile
Gender - Female
Shiny or Normal - Normal
Personality - As cold as the winter herself but as caring alike to the spring. At first, if you try to recruit her, she'll instantly decline. You'll need to be persistent to be her friend and once you do, you won't even regret it. If you manage to get to close terms with her, she will be like a mother to you.
Skill Class - Defender
Moveset - Metal Claw, Dark Pulse, Slash, Leer
Other - Wears a dull red bandana
Environment -
Imagine the world after a nuclear explosion but covered in snow. This is what the setting will be like. Materials and food are very scarce and you might only find ragged cloth or string around your home. There are constant snowfall and blizzards that flying-types might not even exist anymore. Snowy deserts are very common and lacks resources. You'll find lots of prey Pokemon there though so it covers up the fact it is still a desert. Snowy woods are uncommon and will be where you start roleplaying. Tons of resources lie around but a lot of enemies lurk. You'll find some allies around parts of the forest but mostly enemies. Icy Caverns are rare, as they contain a lot of materials but lack in prey. Kyurem's lair is probably a myth.
Pokemon Species - Lopunny
Gender - Female
Shiny or Normal - Shiny
Personality - She is very nice, kind, polite, and has very good manners. She might seem like a flirty person but she's not, shes the oppisite. She can be playful but when a fight starts shes very serious and never plays around.
Skill Class - Attacker
Moveset - High Jump Kick, Blizzard, Toxic, and Fire Punch
Other - She wears a pink, ripped up bow on the back of her neck
Pokemon Species - Beartic
Gender - Male
Shiny or Normal - Normal yo
Personality - He is like a dad, and he absolutely loves his fellow Pokemon. He wants to do everything in his power to protect them, and he will go down for others. He is very accepting, and will love anyone. He can be very lonely when he is not interacted with, and sometimes he can be very annoying with his "I will die for you" talk.
Skill Class - Defender.
Moveset - Rest, (Him being very tired after along time) Slash, (Look at his claws man!) Play Nice, (He wants to stop bullying) Sleep Talk, (When he needs to defend while sleeping)
Other - He has a necklace with a stone from one of the kids he played with, after the kid dissappeared, he holds it very dear.
Pokemon Species - Lucario
Gender - Male
Shiny or Normal - Normal
Personality - He likes to fool around with friends/foes, he likes to run around in fights and doesn't like getting really close to a enemy unless he uses a flash cannon, He seams to like the cold weather he's grown use to it, sometimes he's completely someone else this happens when he thinks deeply (I sometimes do this) and doesn't want to be disturbed, he has a minor fear of mirrors in the dark since he thinks it has some sort of horrible magic in the dark.
Skill Class- A Hunter but a strange one to say the least...
Moveset - Toxic, Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon, and psychic
Other - Wears a white scarf a real one not pmd. His name is Ekoeo "Ek-o-eo" (I made this name by mistake when I was nameing my first elemental dragon on egg cave.) He doesn't have any spikes what's in its place is fur. Also he's 13 that's why he's a strange hunter.
Pokemon Species - Braviary
Gender - Male
Shiny or Normal - Shiny
Personality - He is a serious hunter that has been around for years searching for his old trainer who released him when he was just a tiny little Rufflet but he ends up meeting other pokemon instead
Skill Class - Hunter
Moves - Brave bird, Superpower, Roost,Rock Tomb
Other - Has a little plush Rufflet that he always brings with him in a small pouch on his wing
Username - onireaG
Pokemon Species - Scolipede
Gender - Male
Shiny or Normal - Shiny
Personality - He is a loner who likes to battle but is used as an attacker so that he can poison any foe he sees
Skill Class - Attacker
Moves - Venom Drench, Venoshock, Rollout, Pursuit
Other - wears a scarf that is red and blue
Username - onireaG
Pokemon Species - Golurk
Gender - None
Shiny or Normal - Shiny
Personality - Golurk used to be a normal statue until Arceus brought him to life and told him to help all that he meets and he promised he would, he never broke that promise
Skill Class - Scavenger
Moves - Fly, Rollout, Focus Punch, Phantom Force
Other - Has a giant crack on one of its eyes
Pokemon Species - Rotom-Pokedex
Gender - Male
Shiny or Normal - Shiny, which means his pokedex is changes to the Pinkish thing
Personality - He's a smart person, always willing to help.
Skill Class - Explorer
Moveset - Thunder Wave, Shadow Ball, Foresight(if thats ok), Thunderbolt
Other - His name is Saxton, and he doesn't work like a normal pokedex, his pokedex has to be charged, but he can get out of it. He gains data for his pokedex by using foresight, but he can't gain data for ice types.
Pokemon Species - "I am a Gothorita. My name is Opal."
Gender - "Female!"
Shiny or Normal - "I'm a normal pokemon!"
Personality - To be roleplayed, but she is rather active. She also is protective.
Skill Class - Scavenger
Moveset - "Psychic, Play Nice, Tackle, and Pound."
Other - Has an ability to jump through realms, but only once every ten years. Realm jumps go back in time. She also has a dawn stone from her trainer from one of these realms. Refuses to evolve. ((Also, this is her first year in this realm, so her power will not be used))
Username - rruvlySehTarovE
Pokemon Species - "I-I'm a litwick. I-I'm called Tourmaline."
Gender - "Female."
Shiny or Normal - "Shiny..."
Personality - Very shy, and is not ready to attack anyone
Skill Class - Explorer
Moveset - "Ember, Fire Spin, Confuse Ray and Nightshade."
Other - She came into this world with Opal. She holds a firestone. She also refuses to evolve.