Forum Thread
Matched (Play)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Matched (Play)*NOTE*
This RPG will no longer accept any sign ups!!!
Girls~ 9
Rosemary- Saratank
Addison- AkuaFina
Melissa- JigglyPuff4evs
Cassidy- TurquoiseMuffins
Willow- wolfgirl2398
Bonnie- -Shy-
Paige- SensGirl25
August- Peep
Chiora- -Shy-
Boys~ 9
James- Saratank
Daxter jr.- AkuaFina
Jack- Mad_Mod
Marshal- wolfgirl2398
Enkei- Angelkat567
Anthony- Xetrobia
Troye- TurquoiseMuffin
Greyson- -Shy-
Riley- *InfernalMadScientist*
The RPG starts the day before the Ceremony. Everyone is getting their final things done or working. Its noon and sunny. About 82 degrees Fahrenheit out.
James stirred as the sun hit his face. He had worked late the night before. He had to stock for the coffee shop to be able to open early this morning.

Grey was lying in his room, ready to pull an all nighter later. He knew it was the day before the ceremony, but he wouldn't sleep anyway. He sniffled, and ran his tongue along his lips. He reached to grab his soda, sipping it.
Bonnie sat in her front yard, and had a book in hand. She had always laughed at the title and description on the back. "Barbie Clone" read the front, and if you flipped it over it said four words. "Kiss my hall pass". It was set in high school, and she was in love with it. She felt the pressure of Maxie on her lap, and smiled down at her.

James got up and made himself lunch as he looked at the time. "I best pick up my stuff after I eat" he mumbled to himself.
Cassidy was in her room on her computer. She was talking to her friends anout the Ceremony tomorrow night. She had all her things ready, but she hadn't tried them on yet. She just wanted a minute to appreciate the time she had left alone.

He is my buddy Adam.

Cassidy closed her laptop and put it on her desk. Lise came over to her and fell asleep on her lap. Cassidy groaned because she couldn't get up now but she smiled. Lise was so cute. She would never leave her behind for anyone.
Cassidy waited until Lise woke up and strolled to sleep on the living room couch before trying on her dress. She put it on and styled her own hair. She put on her necklace and her shoes, which were surprisingly comfortable. She had chosen the simple look. She knew everyone else would look much better than her, but she didn't mind.

He is my buddy Adam.