Forum Thread
Eeveelution Magick
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Eeveelution Magick#EeveelutionMagick by
[b]Begins[/b]: December 2nd
[b]Ends[/b]: Shiny Hunt Completion or December 31st
[b]Prizes Awarded[/b]: Day after Shiny Hunt Completion or January 1st
[b]Grand Prize[/b]: Shiny Set of Eevee AND Eeveelutions
[b]Second Prize[/b]: Choice of Three Shiny Eeveelutions
[b]Third Prize[/b]: Male Alola Starters with Everstones
[b]Fourth Prize[/b]: Random 20 Items (Could be Gems or Evolve Items)
[b]Fifth Place[/b] Shiny Plushie (500-800 DP Worth) [u]IF[/u] over 50 new Plushies received
[b]Sixth-Tenth Place[/b]: 50k
[b]Daily Prizes and a Mystery Prize on 12-16[/b]
[url=]Delibird[/url]||[url=]Details[/url]||[url=]Plushie Collection[/url]
[b]Begins[/b]: December 2nd
[b]Ends[/b]: Shiny Hunt Completion or December 31st
[b]Prizes Awarded[/b]: Day after Shiny Hunt Completion or January 1st
[b]Grand Prize[/b]: Shiny Set of Eevee AND Eeveelutions
[b]Second Prize[/b]: Choice of Three Shiny Eeveelutions
[b]Third Prize[/b]: Male Alola Starters with Everstones
[b]Fourth Prize[/b]: Random 20 Items (Could be Gems or Evolve Items)
[b]Fifth Place[/b] Shiny Plushie (500-800 DP Worth) [u]IF[/u] over 50 new Plushies received
[b]Sixth-Tenth Place[/b]: 50k
[b]Daily Prizes and a Mystery Prize on 12-16[/b]
[url=]Delibird[/url]||[url=]Details[/url]||[url=]Plushie Collection[/url]
How To Enter:

1 Entry: Daily Share WITH clickable links
1 Entry per 40 DP of Plushies I don’t have
1 Entry per 10k PD
1 Entry: 1 Weather Balloon
1 Entry: Evolution Stones/Items
2 Entries: Plates, Meteorites, Drives, Fossils
2-4 Entries: Rotom Form Change Items
3 Entries: DNA Splicers
4 Entries: Red, Blue, Green Orbs
5 Entries: Dragon Gem
5 Entries: Star Piece
9 Entries: 60 Nuggets
10 Entries: Weather Trio Summon Items
50 Entries: Mega Stone
Daily Prizes—Pokemon and ONE item randomly given

Gem Packs (Common Gems)
Matching Box and Key (NOT Black or Gold)
Lugia Voucher
Pokemon (Rarity: Hard, Rare, Retro, Event)
Other Prizes added out of surplus
Birthday Prize
Revealed 12-16:
Ticket Counter (Updated at Reset)
Daily Winners
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests
Just because this has a hashtag does NOT make it a Hashtag contest. It's called using a Hashtag for Daily Entries into a RAFFLE/LOTTERY.
And I'm sorry. But I am NOT posting this elsewhere. It needs its own thread so I and others can find it easier. AND BECAUSE IT'S UNDER THE USER MADE CONTEST CATEGORY!!!
Honestly, the fact that you have created TWO places for contests is redundant and absolutely unnecessary. If required, I can remove the Hashtag, though I see no reason to, as it's in the proper category. Or, I can just copy/paste this to Facebook, though I would have thought you wanted YOUR game related stuff in YOUR forums.
The hashtag thread is not unnecessary. It is there in order to stop spam in the user-made contest section. If a thread merely has one page that advertises a hashtag, I'd say it's spam. There is no point in having that cluttering the user made contests section where there are threads that require posting e.g. art contests.
Also, I see you've ignored the second part of my previous post. Please add the tag to this thread.

Art credit: gelatin