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Forum Thread

[L] Professor Acacia's Birthday Bash

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [L] Professor Acacia's Birthday Bash
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2016 16:24 (8 Years ago)
Acacia's Birthday Box Bash

==> Hello, Trainer!
It's almost November 10th! do you know what that is?
That's right! it's my 21st birthday! November 10th 1995, I was brought into this amazing world, and now, 21 years later, I'm celebrating yet another year on this amazing planet we call earth!
To celebrate I'm going to do a Lottery/Raffle!

Rules and how to enter
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==> 1 Ticket-- Share the hashtag #AcaciasBirthday . {Maximum twice a day}
==> 1 Ticket-- Send a plushie i don't have. {Maximum three times a day} Must include the hashtag in the message, or it will not be counted.
==> 1 Ticket-- Send me any box or key (except black or gold). {Unlimited} Must include the hashtag in the message, or it will not be counted,
==> 2 Ticket-- Send me Gold Boxes or Keys. {Unlimited} Must include the hashtag in the message, or it will not be counted
==> 2 Ticket-- 1 Nugget Large ticket orders only. 100 tickets or more {obviously}
Note: you can buy tickets for friends.
Pal Pad me before sending nuggets, or they will be counted as some sort of donation.

boxes and keys will be opened the day of my birthday, anything able to be sold will be sold in my Item Lab, and possibly added to the raffle!
Received Boxes and keys are given to one of my pokemon, to be sure i don't accidentally sell or open it.

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1st place: Shiny hunt of your choice {From my couple's box}.
2nd place: 200 gems {mixed, at least 1 Dragon and 1 Fairy Garunteed}.
3rd: 1 Black Box and 1 Enigma Pearl.

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ShadeThePlushieUmbreon- 3 Tickets
psyduuck- 5 ticket
Shadowedfury- 2 Tickets
Majora_Mask- 1 ticket
3abbie3- 4 tickets
Carnet- 4 Tickets
AllyBear- 12 Tickets
Pokechick2388- 1 ticket
TheNinjaCyndaquil- 2 tickets
zetsuenko- 229 Tickets
Xerolin- 1 ticket
Yukina-chan- 1 ticket
Swagmoney- 1 ticket

Received Boxes and Keys
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8x Gold Box
3x Gold Key
2x Light Blue Box
2x Dark Blue Box
1x Red Box
2x Brown Key
2x Green key
3x Purple Key

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Pal Pad me
this thread is simply for information and for players to see how many tickets/entries they have.
Hashtag is to be posted on your feed.
Questions, comments, or concerns come straight to me through PalPad or PM.
good luck~!

Ends November 10th, 2016
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 04:18 (8 Years ago)
Majorly Updated