Forum Thread
Littlebay High! (SIGN UPS!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Littlebay High! (SIGN UPS!)Ah, Littlebay. A coastal little town, in Long Island, right by the beach. There, dwells a high school. Drama, love, and friends can be a pain, or a blessing here... cross your fingers you don't have to deal with them at all.
-No mary sues, godmodding, etc.
-Please use good grammar! I know you can't always, but try your best!
-Please, no "TOBERPED"
-Please make dorms realistic!
-Please keep this PG13!
-Only keep ages ranging from 14-18!
-Only use a drawing/digital creation for characters and dorms, no real life pictures! And, use pictures! Don't try to describe it all!
-No spamming, bad mouthing, etc.
-This is a real life rp, so no magical things {ex. Pokemon, powers, etc.}
-Only mild sob stories
-Treat others the way you want to be treated
-Have fun!
Character name:
Dorm (Please include if shared or not):
Username: Lillypie
Character name: Draco Cassiopeia (If you get my reference I will die XD)

Personality: She is very sweet, and fun loving. But, she can be impatient, and jumpy. However, she is very social, and wants to be a photographer when she grows up. She cares about her looks a lot, and is not afraid to break school rules so she can look a certain way (Hair dye, belly shirts, etc.) She actively posts on her beauty blog and her YouTube channel, which has gained a huge following. She will go to vid con and beauty con to meet her fans. She is very humble and funny, but can be mean to those she doesn't like.
Dorm (Please include if shared or not):

(Not shared)
Crush/BF/GF?: N/A
Other: N/A
Character name: Jax
Personality:kind but has a mild temper. Shy but when you get to know him he will talk to you. He will breakdown to tears often.
Dorm (Please include if shared or not): not shared
Crush/BF/GF?:none yet...
Character name: Lexi
Appearance: here
Personality: She's competitive but really sweet. If you watch Aphmau, she's Katelyn without the anger issues. She likes sarcasm and isn't quick to trust people.
Dorm: bap
Crush/BF/GF: Open
Other: She doesn't share her dorm. Tennis and sports are her life.
Character name: Sami
Appearance: Here!
Personality: Geeky, but very outgoing to friends.
Dorm (Please include if shared or not): Here
Crush/BF/GF?: (Anyone wanna crush on her O.O)
Other: Bleh

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Character name: Aranea Tortno
Personality: She's a shy, innocent young girl. She is kind, and sweet, but is quite clumsy and easily flustered. She sings often, using it as one way to express herself. She is quiet, and easily scared. She never likes fighting, but she is quite strong and intelligent.
Dorm (Please include if shared or not):
Not shared
Crush/BF/GF?: Crush on Ray
Other: She is a gamer, with a minor YouTube channel. She isn't popular, but loves all of her followers.
Character name: Marc
Appearance: can you see my bad art skillz
Personality: He absolutely loves animals, and wishes to own a pet koala. He isn't really sweet, probably being that when he is shy over for new people, he handles it like its whatever. But when he knows you better, be prepared to be punched alot, and have to deal with him talking about gaming, and cartoons.
Dorm (Please include if shared or not): Not shared
Crush/BF/GF?: Crushin' on Sami
Character name:Rantarou Amakai
Personality:Rantarou is a kid who's somewhat...crazy at times. Literal crazy. He is calm and laid-back. He tries his best to help people around and is a little rule-breaker. He can get out of his troubles by making another one that is larger than the previous one so the it would be cancelled out, which is quite odd but true. He enjoys nature and hates crowded,noisy places.
Dorm (Please include if shared or not):shared. if anyone is open,tell me?ouo
Other:He's 18 and 6" in height (about 182 cm)