Forum Thread
Orphans College.
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Orphans College.

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Recap for those who need. (I will try to keep this updated as much as I can.)

Today is moving day. The students will have a free day to settle in, get to know their surroundings. School will start tomorrow at 09:00 in the morning.
Season: Early spring, there's still snow. February.
Weather today: Cloudy, a little chilly but not cold.
If there's something wrong in the recap, tell me and I'll edit.

Leo was nervous as he walked past the schoolbuilding. He knew that he was about to share his dorm with another boy. And thinking about it made him alot more nervous than just the thought of starting college. He only had one bag, filled with the most essential necessities like clothes, toothbrush and soap. He was carrying it in his left hand. With his right hand he held a golden-yellow, oval birdcage, carrying with him a silent humming-song.
"Tu as froid?" Leo smiled nervously down to Cricket as he was asking 'Are you cold?' in french.
(I don't know french, so pardon if it doesn't come out right, I use google translate.)
Ofcause Cricket didn't answer, but it didn't bother Leo. Just having him along felt good. As he walked the garvel pavement, he looked around himself to start be-friend his surroundings.

"Right this way..." Leo just mumbled nervously, with a rolling R on right. He put his bag down before pointing to the building several meters away. Leo didn't know if he dared to say he was the strangers roommate, but sooner or later it would appear anyway.
"I'm also in 314." Leo put on a small smile, trying to hide his jitter.

Aside from the odd choice of apparel, he was also lugging around quite a bit of stuff. On his back, he had a backpack filled with whatever it is that normal people need during their day-to-day lives. Additionally, hanging from his right shoulder, there was a duffel back filled with sports equipment, hockey to be specific. His skates were hanging outside the bag by the laces while a hockey stick was balanced on top of the duffel bag.
Precious equipment, obviously worn and loved, that Colt had worked his butt off to get and whoever dared to lay their hands on any of it would meet their end swiftly.
The equipment was also the reason he was pouting. The amount of snow was declining. Winter was dying. Which meant no more ice hockey for him soon. Way too soon. Why couldn't it be winter all the time? The cold wasn't that bad, people were whiny babies. Colt complaining about not being able to play ice hockey all year round naturally wasn't whiny in the least. Nope.
There was most likely no way he'd be able to play in any remaining games for the season even if he managed to wiggle his way into the team right away. But he could at least try to find as much time to practice as possible though. Silver linings and all that.
But to the actual task at hand: Dorms. Apparently he was on the second floor, which suited him just fine. What worried Colt was his unknown roommate. Hopefully the guy wouldn't be too bothered by Colt's rather unusual sleeping schedule. But with his luck, that wouldn't be the case and he could see a lot of arguments regarding the matter marring his future. How fun...
A sudden shout had Colt stop dead in his tracks and lifting his head to locate the source of the disturbance. Turned out it was a guy chasing after something -a cat?- a little further down the sidewalk. Still unmoving, Colt watched as the guy got his cat under control and scampered off to bother some other student. He couldn't help but snigger at the brief incident, he'd take amusement where he could get it.
Colt got back to walking after a short moment, determined to ignore the cathunter and the other guy chatting away as he passed them by. However, he couldn't wipe his amused smirk from his face.
(((I tend to get carried away with first posts. Sorry if this is too much. xD)))
"Well, Mr. Roommate, let's get a move on!" Mitch declared, turning and marching towards the building Leo had indicated. Mitch quickly began to babble. "By the way, I like your birdcage, it's very fancy. Say, what's your name? I certainly can't call you 'Mr. Roommate' forever, ha! I'm Mitch. My friends call me Mitch." He chuckled at his own joke.
"Thankyou." Leo looked at his own cage as Mitch complimented it. He remembered when he got it, a late christmas present from father. He didn't really want to remember that christmas though..
"Mitch, I'm Leonard.. Or, Leo for short." Leo couldn't really whipe that blush of his cheeks. If he had to guess, it was Mitch possitive energy that got to him. Leo started taking steps thowards the dorm-building, slowly. He was unsure if they were supposed to walk together or just.. Not? Leo felt awkward. He hated these situations. He just placed the eyes down on the pavement, waiting for Mitch to make the choice.

"No, it's Leonard..." He murmured softly, trying to hide his lightly red cheeks by staring at the ground. He had to keep himself together. He was not good of a socializer, especially not now. He had to be honest with Mitch, they were suppose to share room after all.
"Ofcause, I'm just slow!" Leo answered with a harder tone in his voice this time, trying to shake of all the abashed feelings. He wasn't really honest by saying he was a slowpoke, but he just couldn't get himself to open up infront of a person he just met, saying he felt embarassed and really nervous for today. He started to walk a little faster to get into Mitch phase. Cricket was humming soundly as he did.

He might as well take a quick nap while waiting for his roomie to drag himself to the small room.
Mitch continued to babble as he and Leo made their way to the building. Upon entering though, Mitch excitedly broke off, running a bit down the hallway before backtracking and starting up the stairs. "314 is probably upstairs right? Yeah," Mitch huffed back at Leo's general direction. Mitch was obviously super excited. A dorm to himself (and Leo, and their respective pets)? Score!
Mitch hustled his way up to the op of the stairs, where he dropped his things and bent over, planting his hands on his knees and wheezing over dramatically. "Wow. Okay. Bad idea. Oh my gosh." Mitch tossed his head back and groaned, then stooped to pick up his things. "Remind me to not do that again," he said, plausibly to Leo, plausibly to Maou, most likely to himself.
"Do you have the key?" Leo asked softly as he got up beside Mitch. He seemed like a fun guy, which was sort of a jackpot in Leo's opinion. To be honest, things couldn't really get better than this. Before knowing Mitch was so cheerfull, Leo had been worried about getting a snotty roomate. He looked around himself for their roomnumber, but it was probably further down the corridor. Right before the stairs was the door to room number 250. To the left of that door, 249, so they was supposed to walk to the right.

"Yup." He answered shortly before puting it back into his pockets, but the frontpocket this time. He picked up the cage again and raised it thowards their direction.
"314 should be this way." Leo started to walk slowly, so that Mitch wouldn't fall behind, hoping he had gotten back some energy efter running up the stairs.