Forum Thread
Just Another Day Here
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Just Another Day HereThis is home. Well, it's supposed to be. Everyone here comes from a heart-filled past, full of loss, pain, blood, tears, and broken hearts. We've all come shattered and broken, in hopes for a newer and better life. Some of us are still in one piece, others are not so lucky. Some of us will live to the end, and others might tumble on the way. Surrounded by others just like you. We're a dysfunctional family. But we'll pull through. No one here's perfect. But we'll all strive to be. Welcome home. Or should I say, welcome to the rehabilitation hospital of Hoenn. This is home. For now.

Note: This is a Gijinka Roleplay in case that wasn't clear


1. Your pokemon may not be
2. Romance is allowed but don't let things get too steamy
3. If someone is already a certain gijinka, you cannot be that gijinka (ex: If I am a dragonair, you cannot be a dragonair)
4. No swearing
5. No fighting
6. If you want your character to "die" that's fine.
7. No godmodding
8. Max of 4 characters
9. Make sure you have at least one of each gender if you are to make two or more characters
10. Try to express your character's personality through the form, see my form if that's confusing
2. Romance is allowed but don't let things get too steamy
3. If someone is already a certain gijinka, you cannot be that gijinka (ex: If I am a dragonair, you cannot be a dragonair)
4. No swearing
5. No fighting
6. If you want your character to "die" that's fine.
7. No godmodding
8. Max of 4 characters
9. Make sure you have at least one of each gender if you are to make two or more characters
10. Try to express your character's personality through the form, see my form if that's confusing
My Form:

Name: "Erynn Marvel Dreyar"
Gender: "What does it look like to you? Female!"
Age: "16"
Pokemon: Glaceon
Patient/Nurse: "Patient"
Room#: "113. Don't stalk me."
Crush: "Nobody. Who on earth would I like in this messed up place?"
BF/GF: "I can't even get someone to like me. What makes you think I'd have a boyfriend?"
Injuries: "Both my feet are broken. Why else do you think I'm in a wheelchair?"
History: "I'd prefer not to talk about it...get on my good side then maybe."
Other: -
Gender: "What does it look like to you? Female!"
Age: "16"

Pokemon: Glaceon
Patient/Nurse: "Patient"
Room#: "113. Don't stalk me."
Crush: "Nobody. Who on earth would I like in this messed up place?"
BF/GF: "I can't even get someone to like me. What makes you think I'd have a boyfriend?"
Injuries: "Both my feet are broken. Why else do you think I'm in a wheelchair?"
History: "I'd prefer not to talk about it...get on my good side then maybe."
Other: -
Don't be a couch a hardcore potato.

Gender: "Female, creep."
Age: "I'm 15."
Pokemon: Meowth
Patient/Nurse: "Patient."
Room#: "14."
Crush: "Clover, though I wouldn't say just a crush, hehe~"
BF/GF: "C-clover..."
Injuries: "I'm blind. I wear a green band over my eyes."
History: "..."
Gender: "Female~"
Age: "I'm 16."
Pokemon: "Skitty."
Patient/Nurse: "Patient."
Room#: "14."
Crush: "No one..."
Injuries: "I'm mute."
History: "..."
Gender: "Female."
Age: "16."
Pokemon: "Purrloin."
Patient/Nurse: "Patient."
Room#: "15."
Crush: "Glitchy!"
BF/GF: "Glitch."
Injuries: "Deaf."
History: "..."
Gender: "Male."
Age: "14."
Pokemon: "Growlithe."
Patient/Nurse: "Patient."
Room#: "17."
Crush: "Nope."
BF/GF: "Uh, no."
Injuries: "Memory loss. Bad."
History: "Uh..."
Gender: "I'm a Female"
Age: "I'm 18"

Pokemon: "Vaporeon!"
Patient/Nurse: "I'm a patient"
Room#: "123, please visit"
Crush: "I don't know yet" TBRP
BF/GF: "Still don't know yet" TBRP
Injuries: "I broke my arm and leg"
History: "I don't wanna talk about it....."
Other: "I don't have anything else!"
Name: "Hey, I'm Max"
Gender: "Male"
Age: "I'm 14"

Pokemon: "Umbreon"
Patient/Nurse: "I'm a patient"
Room#: "149"
Crush: "I don't want one"
BF/GF: "Still don't want one"
Injuries: "I broke my legs"
History: "I don't wan't to even talk about it"
Other: "Nothing"
Gender: I am a Male
Age: I am only 15

Pokemon: I am a Jolteon
Patient/Nurse: I am a Patient
Room#: I live in room 224a
Crush: No one yet
BF/GF: No one yet
Injuries: My neck was broken so I need to relearn how to walk and move my body completely.
History: I had a great family who loved me and always enjoyed having me around until one is in the past...
Other: N/A
Name: I am Skarlet, but I go by Star
Gender: I am Female
Age: I am only 13

Pokemon: I am Leafeon
Patient/Nurse: I am a Patient
Room#: 224b
Crush: None so far.
BF/GF: None so far.
Injuries: Broke my back also like my brother sparky but I have no movement in my legs....
History: I have always been a shy person the only one who knows how to talk to me is my brother. He is the one who I will always be around....I get scared easily and doesn't know how to be alone.
Other: Sparky and Skarlet are brother and sister of the same family. They have the same hobbies in a way except for a few.
Name: I am Azure
Gender: I am a Female
Age: I am 14 (middle sister)

Pokemon: I am an Espeon
Patient/Nurse: Patient
Room#: I live in room 314....
Crush: None
BF/GF: None
Injuries: Right now in a coma from a bad accident that had damaged my head and not able to wake up yet.
History: I am an energetic creature that loves to look around the world and be around explorers. I have been in the woods and even in countries that others have not been.
Other: I am the middle sibling of Sparky and Skarlet. We are all close to each other but I do not agree with my brother at times even if he is a year older then me.
Name: I am Kione
Gender: I am Male
Age: I am only 10 years old

Pokemon:I am anEevee
Patient/Nurse: I am a Patient
Room#: I live in room 314...
Crush: None
Injuries: Same injuries as my sister Azure. We both had the same thing happened to us.
History: I am shy and scared because I do not know enough and still young.
Other: I am the youngest of 4 siblings. My brother Sparky who is 15, Sister Skarlet who is 13, and my other sister Azure who is 14. I am the youngest and also the one who is the quietest and the follower of my siblings.
Skarlet try's to get herself sat up in her bed while looking around and watching Sparky trying to encourage him.
Azure and Kione are both asleep in there room while there monitors are beeping and doing everything to keep them alive.