Forum Thread
[L] Sukki's Monthly Lottery
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] Sukki's Monthly Lottery

Ufufu~ Hello there little boy/girl/human being ! I'm Sukki and I'm fairly new in this town named Emera(ld) Town ! I've been traveling around the world since I was just a small Snivy. I've watched my trainer working at a Lottery and I must admit that I've always wanted to have my own Lottery. So here I am !
But I must tell you, my lottery tickets aren't for free ! You must pay a fee to get my lottery tickets and have a chance to win my awesome Prizes ! The tickets are paid in Grass Gems, and sometimes, other things too, as I am a hoarder. My goals are quite hard to reach, so this lottery is a help from everyone !

Ticket costs:
- 1k Pokedollas = 1 Lottery Ticket !
- 1 Star Piece = 50 Lottery Tickets !
- 1 Dragon Gem = 50 Lottery Tickets !
- 2 Grass Gems = 1 Lottery Ticket !
- 2 Poison Gem = 1 Lottery Ticket !
- 1k Pokedollas = 1 Lottery Ticket !

- 1 Star Piece = 50 Lottery Tickets !

- 1 Dragon Gem = 50 Lottery Tickets !

- 2 Grass Gems = 1 Lottery Ticket !

- 2 Poison Gem = 1 Lottery Ticket !

- Special: Sharing the lottery gets you 10 Free Tickets ! You can do that Only Twice !
❥ Every 50 tickets you get 5 FREE
❥ [!] Use the form. [!]
❥ After completing and posting the form, the Grass Gems must be sent via Delibird Item Delivery, mentioning the fact that it is for the lottery [!]
❥ The Lottery ends every 1 month !
❥ You do NOT pick your number. The Lottery Ticket's numbers are determined by how many Grass Gems you are giving !
❥ The Lottery Tickets you are buying are not Permanent ! You have to buy new ones after the current lottery ends, so you can get the new prizes.
❥ You must pick up your prize in 1 week or I will choose a new winner !

Prizes ! - There will be 3 main prizes and 2 Grand prizes !
Every prize will be hidden in the spoilers and info about them as well.
Every one month after I draw the winners, new prizes will be added in exchange of lottery tickets.
Prize #1 - Sparkly Trash
Prize #2 - 1 month premium + Flutes !

Info - Every month I will give
1 month premium + flutes nuggets worth prize. This way I won't
enjoy alone the premium.
800 + 360 = 1 Month Premium +

Prize #3 - New Home Wanted ! - NOT AVAILABLE

Info - Every 1 month, a design
made by me waiting for a new home.
N/A - Not Available.[/url]
N/A - Not Available.[/url]
Prize #4 - Grand Prize - Ditto ! [LOCKED]

Info - This is the grand prize
when the 500/500 Star Pieces goal is met ! A ditto will be handed
out to a lucky user.
Status - 201/300 Star Pieces collected at this moment !
Status - 201/300 Star Pieces collected at this moment !
Prize #5 - Grand Prize - Half year premium ! [LOCKED]

Info - If I manage to collect
1000 Star Pieces, another grand prize will be unlocked. That
another Grand Prize will be a 6 months of premium ! 4000 nuggets
will be handed out to a lucky user.
Status - 201/500 Star Pieces collected at this moment !
Status - 201/500 Star Pieces collected at this moment !


[b]Username:[/b] [Your username here]
[b]How many tickets:[/b] [The amount of tickets you are purchasing. Please specify the number of Grass Gems too (Eg: 90 Grass Gems= 45 Tickets) !]
[b]The prize you are picking:[/b] [Please tell me for what Prize are you participating ! Choose 1, 2 OR 3.]
[b]Other:[/b] [Leave N/A if you have nothing else to say !][/center][/size][/color][/i]
//Will be added soon//

List for the Prize #1:
Bart~ - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [1-55]
Psychosylveon - 25 Tickets ! [56-81]
Bart~ - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [82-137]
Darkmount - 29 Tickets [138-167]
Bart~ - 125 Tickets ! + 10 FREE ! [168-303]
List for the Prize #2:
sammy5555 - 2 Tickets ! [1-2]
bara - 250 Tickets + 25 FREE ! [3-278]
Bart~ - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [279-334]
Rhoo - 80 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [335-420]
Nymphrasis - 200 Tickets + 20 FREE ! [421-641]
Psychosylveon - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [642-697]
GhostGem - 239 Tickets + 20 FREE ! [698-958]
Shiro_kun - 18 Tickets ! [959+977]
Shinzo - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [978-1033]
Bart~ - 47 Tickets ! [1034-1081]
GhostGem - 1 Ticket ! [1082-1082]
List for the Prize #3:
List for the Prize #4:
List for the Prize #5:
Bart~ - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [1-55]
Psychosylveon - 25 Tickets ! [56-81]
Bart~ - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [82-137]
Darkmount - 29 Tickets [138-167]
Bart~ - 125 Tickets ! + 10 FREE ! [168-303]
List for the Prize #2:
sammy5555 - 2 Tickets ! [1-2]
bara - 250 Tickets + 25 FREE ! [3-278]
Bart~ - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [279-334]
Rhoo - 80 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [335-420]
Nymphrasis - 200 Tickets + 20 FREE ! [421-641]
Psychosylveon - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [642-697]
GhostGem - 239 Tickets + 20 FREE ! [698-958]
Shiro_kun - 18 Tickets ! [959+977]
Shinzo - 50 Tickets + 5 FREE ! [978-1033]
Bart~ - 47 Tickets ! [1034-1081]
GhostGem - 1 Ticket ! [1082-1082]
List for the Prize #3:
List for the Prize #4:
List for the Prize #5:

Username: GhostGem
How many tickets: 12 Tickets. That is 24 grass gems right?
The prize you are picking: 2
Other: If I win chances are the shinies will go to dorky.
Username: Noctowl
How many tickets: 100 Tickets = 200 Grass Gems
The prize you are picking: #1
Other: Thanks (:
Username: Noctowl
How many tickets: 100 Tickets = 200 Grass Gems
The prize you are picking: #2
Other: Thanks again :3

Made by Girafarig <3
Username: steaks
How many tickets: 50 grass gems so 25 tickets !
The prize you are picking: 1
Other: N/A
Username: steaks
How many tickets: 50 grass gems so 25 tickets !
The prize you are picking: 2
Other: N/A
Username: steaks
How many tickets: 50 grass gems so 25 tickets !
The prize you are picking: 3
Other: N/A
Username: Lurantis
How many tickets: 50 Tickets = 100 Grass Gems
The prize you are picking: 3!
Other: N/A
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Username: -Alucard-
How many tickets: 666 tickets, and that'd be 1332 Grass Gems :}
The prize you are picking: 3~
Other: Those designs are really beautiful! Also, do all of the designs go to a single winner, or are they given out separately as their own prizes?