Forum Thread
(OPEN) PMD [World's Protectors] (RP Page)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → (OPEN) PMD [World's Protectors] (RP Page)But everyone knows something; Yveltal and Giratina have threatened the world and have already left many Legendary Pokemon powerless. It's up to you, with Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, Xerneas, and Zygarde's assistance to fight off evil.
And protect the world.

-Hide signatures!
-3 "Human" characters per user. However, this doesn't mean all of your characters can be human,,, Except no, you aren't really human. You're a former-human.
-Everyone starts at Level 5. You can, however, have any move your Pokemon can learn.
-If your Pokemon evolves later than level 40, ask me about their reduced evolution level.
-Happiness/trade evolutions are after the 3rd dungeon your character(s) enter.
-Stone evolutions; your character starts out with the stone, but cannot use it until after the 2nd dungeon. (If the Pokemon is Growlithe->Arcanine, I think it should be later on, since Arcanine is huge!)
-No character maximum, but if you have former-humans, then you need more natives than former-humans.
-No one-liners. Use more than 1 sentence when in the middle of Roleplaying.
-Post forms on the SignUp! Not the RP Page!
-You can have two shiny characters, but you'd need to have 5 characters to balance it out.
-No choosing Legendaries.
-Feebas can evolve whenever you want your Feebas to evolve seriously I mean c'mon, Feebas is extremelu stupid. (that's my new quote)
-Please be kind to other users OOC.
-I will generate Pokemon for you to choose from. If you don't like the 6, then you get 3 more. Don't like them? 2 more. If you don't like them, 1 more.
-3 "Human" characters per user. However, this doesn't mean all of your characters can be human,,, Except no, you aren't really human. You're a former-human.
-Everyone starts at Level 5. You can, however, have any move your Pokemon can learn.
-If your Pokemon evolves later than level 40, ask me about their reduced evolution level.
-Happiness/trade evolutions are after the 3rd dungeon your character(s) enter.
-Stone evolutions; your character starts out with the stone, but cannot use it until after the 2nd dungeon. (If the Pokemon is Growlithe->Arcanine, I think it should be later on, since Arcanine is huge!)
-No character maximum, but if you have former-humans, then you need more natives than former-humans.
-No one-liners. Use more than 1 sentence when in the middle of Roleplaying.
-Post forms on the SignUp! Not the RP Page!
-You can have two shiny characters, but you'd need to have 5 characters to balance it out.
-No choosing Legendaries.
-Feebas can evolve whenever you want your Feebas to evolve seriously I mean c'mon, Feebas is extremelu stupid. (that's my new quote)
-Please be kind to other users OOC.
-I will generate Pokemon for you to choose from. If you don't like the 6, then you get 3 more. Don't like them? 2 more. If you don't like them, 1 more.
Want to join? Sign up here!
Leli opened her eyes. She found herself on the beach, watching the waves. She stared in awe as bubbles floated above. They reflected the early dawn light. "It's beautiful," she whispered. She heard faint calls before looking back to see... "AHOHMYGODOLIVERISTHATYOU?" she yelled in terror as she sprinted over to the Shiny Purrloin. She poked him with a pale pink paw. "Dang it Oliver," she growled in her fancy accent. She dragged him over to the water and splashed him by dragging her tail through the water, making a small wave to wake up her friend.
"Oh, you're weak to that? Let's keep doing it!" Leli taunted. Oliver looked afraid as Leli continued to spam Synchronoise on the Mega Lopunny. "Wait... Yep, we're dead," she commented before backing up slowly. "Oliver, do we run, or do we fight?"
"Scram," the Mega Lopunny commented to the Totodile. She then looked at the Eevee who had revealed her. "And you... You should also leave. Tell everyone that they've arrived. That Giratina and Yveltal's armies have- Oof!"
Leli had slammed into the Mega Pokemon's stomach, knocking her backward. "Don't. touch. Oliver," she growled, narrowing her silver eyes to see a Shinx and Larvesta behind the Mega Lopunny. There was a flash of blue light and the Larvesta rammed his head into the left leg of the Mega Lopunny. "Back off, Marine. These Pokemon aren't a threat. I know how cautious you are."
"Sassy as always," Sienna commented before adding, "and yes, I'd like to know too."
Leli blinked. "I'm Leli, and my friend is Oliver."