Forum Thread
Zûpêr Mãrket
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Zûpêr Mãrket
Welcome to the Zûpêr Market!
Wait!We are not a Superstore!
We are a Zûpêr Store!
Currently we have 3 shop(s) here!
The list of Shops are as follows!
To create a shop, do the following

1.Get yourself permission from me or Wahi.
2.Create a Post and use it as a shop^^.
So start shopping or selling!
Welcome to Ash's Multistore!
You can buy stuff here for PD(accepting Pokemons and items too!Make a offer!)
My stock is in the following format!
Please don't Palpad me to buy.
Item xNumber~Price per piece
Please have a look!

Bug x4~250
Fighting x3~300
Flying x20~500
Grass x249 ~450
Ground x2 ~ 200
Normal x21 ~750
Rock x3 ~300
Water x8~300
Dark x1 ~500
Ice x2 ~500
Steel x3 ~500
Fairy x3~750
Everstone x100 ~200
Soothe Bell x0~1000
Honey x75~15
MooMoo Milk x1~20
Lemonade x10 ~20
Soda Pop x11 ~15
Mystery Box Light Blue x1 ~6500
Mystery Box Pink x1 ~6500
Mystery Box Purple x1 ~6500
Mystery key dark blue x1 ~4000

Sewaddle~200 both male and female
Dragonair~800 both male and female
Butterfree ~100 both male and female
Gift Vouchers

250 PD Voucher:
Allows you to avail a discount of 250 PD on purchases above 500 PD.~300
More to be added!
Currently, this is the stock I have.
Keep on checking or you will miss something really rare.

Can I sell some things here please? ^^
I'm talking about some items like Honey and Moomoomilk and about pokemon if possible? ;)
Thanks in advance :P

I'm maaari (a girl, wow... that's so
surprising xD)
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
Title: mâäãri shop
I'd like to sell some things if possible ^^
I'm selling these items:
-200x Honey ~25 PD each/4.500 PD for all of them (That's with a 10% discount ^^)
-150x Sodapop ~100 PD each/15.000 PD for all of them
-100x Moomoomilk ~500 PD each/ 50.000 PD for all of them
And I'm selling these pokemon:
-Pichu ~(both male and female) 100 PD each
-Pikachu ~(both male and female) 500 PD each
-Gligar ~(both male and female) 1.000 PD each
-Relicanth ~(male: ) 4.000 PD each & (female: ) 10.000 PD each
My way of selling items :
1. Make sure that I know that you want to buy something.
2. I have to agree.
3. You send PD.
4. I send the items.
My way of selling pokemon:
1. Make sure that I know that you want to buy something.
2. I have to agree.
3. I put the pokemon up for trade at the GTS.
4. You offer on it.
5. You send the PD.
6. I accept the trades.
Thanks for reading ^^
:D Have a nice day :D

I'm maaari (a girl, wow... that's so
surprising xD)
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
Can I buy these:
Mystery key pink x1 ~4000
Mystery Key Red x1 ~4000
Nugget Goal: 1,324/8k