Forum Thread
Grand Reopening! (Fnaf 2 Roleplay Sign Up.)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Grand Reopening! (Fnaf 2 Roleplay Sign Up.)Taken Canon Characters:

No spamming please.
Be kind to others.
Nothing too gory please.
No Powerplaying.
All other PH rules apply.

Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender:
Agressive, Good, or both?: (Animatronics only.)
Human or Animatronic?:
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.):
My Form(s)

Name: Mangle/The Mangle.
Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender: Unknown. But she is referred to as being female.

Agressive, Good, or both?: Both.
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.): No.
Other?: Haiii.
Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender: Male
Appearance: You should know if you are signing up XD If not //points at fab avi//
Agressive, Good, or both?: Both
Human or Animatronic?: Animatronic bruh
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.): No.
Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender: Generlesss. (I consider her female.)
No but,
Agressive, Good, or both?: Neutral.
Human or Animatronic?: Animatronic
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.): No.

If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
-Vana n' Ice, The Last Supper.
Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender: Male
Agressive, Good, or both?: Aggressive
Human or Animatronic?: Animatronic
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.): Yes
Other?: Eyy
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender: Female
Agressive, Good, or both?: (Animatronics only.) Both
Human or Animatronic?: Animatronic
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.): Does it have to be based on the real fnaf story, or can we make it up, if we can, Yes.
Other?: Nothing I can think of...
Age: (Hoomans only.)
Gender/Programmed Gender: Female

Agressive, Good, or both?: (Animatronics only.) Both
Human or Animatronic?: Animatronic
Possessed? (Animatronics Only.):Yup

Don't starve >:3