Forum Thread
Dawn of the Dragons [Gijinka RP]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Dawn of the Dragons [Gijinka RP]
For a long time, Dragon type were among the most powerful of all Pokemon, practically on par with elusive Legendaries. They were feared and respected, and few trainers ever had what it took to properly raise these creatures. The lore of many regions was filled to the brim with these majestic monsters, stories of both love and fear. However, with the introduction of Fairy types to the world, they quickly began to lose their influence. What was a great and powerful Dragon if it couldn't even touch a 6 inch tall Fairy riding a flower?
Soon, the Dragons became harder and harder to find. Their power was practically forgotten to time.
Some, however, couldn't forget. Few trainers strove and succeeded to tame the beasts. Many of those were rallied together under one strange leader, a well spoken scientist by the name of Professor Redwood. He told them of reclaiming the future for Dragons, proving to the world what he could really do. Many donated DNA to his research, even a few eggs. Yet if you asked them, no one truly knew what exactly he was doing with all of it.
You are a strong trainer from the nearby Trainer School in Jubilife City, Sinnoh region. A mysterious letter has summoned you to a strange research facility outside of any city limits, without any known routes to or from. It offers a large sum of money and a mysterious surprise, so for whatever reason, you accept. What you never expected was that you would be signing up for genetic experimentation.
Sign-up Thread
Dililah blinked drowsily as she stared up at a painfully bright ceiling. Her head was pounding, and as she slowly approached the waking world, images of what had happened before she passed out flashed in front of her eyes, melding with the real world in front of her with each pulse of her own heart. The letter, the terrifying walk off into the unknown woods, the so called Mystery Zone. The middle aged professor, who reminded her of the professor in nearby Sandgem town, though more welcoming in a way that was slightly unsettling. With Abra, they had gone on a short tour before arriving at a strange room with equipment big enough for a person or a person sized pokemon. She remembered the incredibly sized dragon pokemon that she had only seen on television and in a few books, the beastly Tyrantrum. It had taken one powerful bite to take out her beloved Abra, and a swipe of it tail to knock the wind out of her. What's pokeball was taken away and the professor had held something over her face to knock her out, before...
Jolting straight up, Di nearly fell back down as her vision tunneled a moment before her head stopped spinning. Yet it seemed like with the memories her thoughts just could stop reeling. With a deep, shaking breath she calmed herself enough to think and take in the surroundings. A bright white room, like one would see in a ward at a pokemon center, sterile looking and plain. A pair of clothes awaited her on a stainless steal tabel in the corner, making her quickly look down at herself. Only a basic hospital gown. Looking around and ensuring there were no windows for someone to be peaking through, she carefully slid off the warm, padded medical table and cautiously made her way over like a scared Deerling. Nothing but the sound of her own pulse and shivering breath reached her ears, so she quickly slid on the underwear and shorts, shaking the hair out of her eyes a bit uselessly as it kept falling back in. At least she hadn't been shaven bald. With one more quick check of the room, she pulled on the bra and warm, large sweater.
Already her mind was churning with what could be happening, what would she do next, but the sight of her own face in the metal made her stop and her breath catch. Her hair was dark, much darker than her original auburn, even in her eyebrows. Someone looked like they chopped it rather lazily, it looked quite shaggy and kept falling in her face. Yet when she pushed it out of her eyes she was almost glad that it was so terrible. The once green gaze was now an odd fuscia, almost red, in a dark black pool. Such a demonic look had her give a small yelp of surprise.
Like the sound was some kind of trigger, the lone door in the next room buzzed before opening. Pressing herself against the table, she quickly tried to come up with some plan for what happened next, but despite it all she froze at the familiar face. The elderly lines and hinting sadistic smile were unmistakably that of Professor Redwood. Indeed, as she had changed, he had remained exactly the same. The fear and anger and resent ment and sheer terror seemed to all well up as a low growl in her throat.
"Come!" He spoke excitedly, waving to her like an eager child. "Come now, don't be like that! You have to come meet the others, dear Dililah!"
Narrowing her eyes, Di refused to budge from the table. Yet curiosity pried her mouth open. "What others? Where am I? What did you do to me, and where is Abby?!" She barked out at him.
"Your dear Abra is locked away safely, come now before I regret leaving you your vision!" He continued to beckon as if whathe said hadn't been something so outrageous, leaving Di standing there with her mouth slightly open in shock. Apparently impatient though, he approached and reached out to grab her shoulder. Without though, she reached her head out and bit down on the space between his thumb and forefinger. He quickly tried to retract, and being a bit appalled at her own actions, she release the bleeding hand and let the other take her by the wrist and pull her out of the room like a child drags around their mother, although he was a good few inches taller than she. He led her down twisting hallways to a bigger room, with a circle of a few chairs set up. Apparently whoever these "others" were, they were either invisible (at least to her) or she was simply the first here.
"Wait here, I'll be back with others!" He commanded, before leaving her in the room and closing the door with a locking sound and a sort of beep from the other side. Alone now, she stared at the door a moment, before moving to the other side of the room and sitting on the floor against the wall, huddled up in the large sweater for a bit of comfort in the cold and strange place.

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Although the young woman had not fully escaped from the hazy mire of whatever drug had made her unconscious, she struggled to sit up and assess her surroundings. It was then that she noticed the sharp, semi-circular axe blades on her forearms. She tried to scream, or make some sort of sound, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a sharp intake of breath. Noticing her long tail covered in scaly armor, with matching clawed, reptilian feet didn’t help things. Chiara fell off of the table in fright at her own appearance, landing rather harshly on the floor.
She glanced around, catching her breath. No one seemed to be around. She remembered traveling here and meeting… someone. A scientist, maybe? She had barged through the front doors and demanded the money that had been promised to her in the mysterious invitation. There had been footsteps from behind and then… nothing. Nothing except waking up on a padded table in a sterile room as some type of monster.
Out of habit, Chiara reached to her hip, where she normally kept her Pokeballs. There was nothing there except thin, white fabric. Apparently they had taken Clove and Luca from her as well. She leapt up, frantically searching the room for her belongings. There was nothing except a pile of unfamiliar clothes: underclothes, a black dress, tall black socks, some type of golden armor that matched the scaly plates on her tail, and coverings for her clawed feet. She changed into them, rather grudgingly. She didn’t trust them and hated that they fitted her perfectly. Still, it was better than wandering through… wherever she was in just a thin hospital gown.
Her heart was still pounding heavily as she looked at her reflection. Her long hair had been pulled up out of her face… her face! Although her face had remained relatively unchanged, she was surprised to see piercing, intimidating red eyes looking back at her. With a sound that was half yell, half snarl, she raised her arm and hit the metal table as hard as she could with the scythe on her left arm. The vibrations from the attack felt as if they shook her to the core, as if the scythe was connected to her very bones. It wasn’t painful. It made her feel powerful in some primal way that she didn’t understand, which unsettled her. However, she was satisfied to see a thin, small scratch on the table.
A small sound signaled the door to the room opening, and the man she had briefly met before stepped through. Chiara lunged toward him in anger, yelling, “What did you do to me?!” She hated what she had become, but that wasn’t going to stop her from swinging her scythes towards him. It seemed he had expected such an attack, and easily sidestepped her. Before she knew it, she was shoved down a dark corridor into a large room that was empty. Well, almost empty. As she glanced around she noticed a girl sitting on the other side of the room. With that brief diversion, the door clicked shut behind Chiara.
She turned and starting hitting the door repeatedly with the scythes on her arms. It appeared to be made out of sturdier material than the table she had sliced previously, since her attacks seemed to have no effect. With one last slicing motion she yelled, “Come back here! What did you do to me?”
Of course, no reply came from the now-silent hallway.

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
As it was, Ceeley felt himself, yet at the same time he didn't. How could he explain that? How could anyone? His memory slowly drifted in after he had woken, remembering the letter he had nearly ignored, except it promised further training for him and his Gabite partner, Hakkon. Ceeley had finally just packed a bag and went looking for one Professor Redwood, not expecting the welcome wagon he had; Hakkon was easily thrashed and he could still feel the blow to his head throbbing, having jumped into the battle once Hakkon had been thrown aside and tried to pummel the Tyrantrum himself. He had been whacked by the immense tail it used like a whipcord, and before he had passed out a rather unhappy rush of words had rang in his ears.
Ceeley lifted his head away from where he had settled his forehead against his arm, opening his eyes when the door finally opened. He grimaced at the sight of the Professor, but stood regardless when he was waved over. "Where's Hakkon?" He ground out, feeling turbsharper edges to his teeth digging into his tongue. "Oh don't you worry, your Gabite won't be going anywhere! Come, come! You have to meet the others now." He seemed so very scatterbrained to Ceeley, and while the Professor turned around he stood his ground. The chain at his belt jangled softly as one bandaged hand picked up the dangerous, tail fin shaped end, fingers going white with his grip. The gill like additions to his neck flared, glowing a dark, bloody red as heat seemed to escape them like vents on a vehicle. He felt his blood boiling, and his gums began to burn slowly.
Yellowed eyes glared bitter and angry, narrowing as the pupil slit in a diamond like shape, similar to a cat or a dragon. "Give him to me." He demanded, the Professor turning around. "You'll get him back, but you must come with me first!" The man replied, stern and unimpressed. "If you don't follow, he won't be returning to you how you remember." He warned, and Ceeley grit his teeth as he deliberated; but he couldn't risk anything happening to his partner, and while he growled lowly, the noise feral and rolling like a beast, he let the weapon chained to his new belt drop smoothly and he followed the man he felt a deep hatred for.
The hallway was as plain as his room, but soon another door was opened, and Ceeley stepped through at the Professor's insisting, only to have it close quickly behind him. There were two others inside already, one girl curled up against a wall in an overgrown sweater, and then another was aggressively attacking a door on the opposite side of the room, some kind of weapon jutting from her arms. But the noise was irritating and making his throbbing head hurt more, and Ceeley growled loudly.
"Knock it off!" He yelled at her, his feet sliding aggressively apart, feeling his muscles ready to bolt forward and shove her against the door if she wouldn't quit. He felt the gills as his neck raise again, and his gums beginning that slow, numbing burn before he resigned himself to the situation at hand. He was stuck in another room hat was too bright for his eyes, and he closed them tightly before rummaging in a deep pocket; there had been a pair of shades with his clothes but he had shoved them in his pants instead, now realizing it didn't matter if he wore them inside or not. Once he pulled them out he slid them in place, feeling the odd scar over his nose and forehead, before stalking toward the girl sitting against th wall and following her lead. Sliding down against the wall, a fair distance from the sweaterd chick, he began grinding his teeth as he waited for whatever else the Professor had in mind.
She winced as she slid off the table, scraping her new tail on the floor. She noticed some clean and folded clothes sitting on a metal table nearby. She shuffled over to said table, picking up the clothing and glancing around the room to make sure no one was there. She shivered as she slid off the uncomfortable hospital gown, slipping on the provided clothing. They were much like the clothes she had been wearing when she had first entered the mystery- wait. Where was she? The last thing Kauri could seem to remember was entering the woods, Terra in tow. Next- she was falling, her head hitting the ground as she caught a glance of her beloved pokemon battling a gigantic tyrantrum.
To her dismay, the provided clothing mainly consisted of a dress, matching the color scheme of goodra. On the plus side, the dress came with leggings and pouches, but it was still a dress. With a huff, she slipped on the provided clothing, having some trouble for a moment with the pants, until she figured out to slip her tail through a hole in the back of the leggings. She finished slipping on the clothing, leaning on the metal table and checking the pouches for supplies, none being found. She surveyed the room before glancing down at the table, recoiling in shock upon viewing her reflection. Her previously black locks were now a pale purple color, and her eyes were a bright green instead of their usual hazel. "I look like a cartoon character!" She exclaimed, stumbling backwards and tripping herself with her tail.
Kauri suddenly felt furious. She had no idea where she was, had awoken looking like a freak, and had absolutely no idea where her belongings or pokemon where. She caught the sound of a door opening, and she turned to see an entrance she had not noticed to be opened. An unfamiliar man stood in the doorway, completely unphased as Kauri stomped up to him with angry footsteps. "Hey, I have no idea who you are or where I am but you better give me my pokemon and return me to normal or else!" She growled, green eyes furious.
"Now now, don't get so angry! Come, you must meet the others." He said, turning to walk down the hallway. With an angry huff, Kauri followed the man, stopping as he did in front of a closed door. She stepped in front of him to check what was in the room as he opened the door, pushing her into the room, the doors closing quickly behind her as she spun to face the door. After finding the door closed, she turned around, surveying the room. There were three others in the room, two girls and a guy. One of the girls -the one who looked somewhat like a haxorus- was standing in front of the door on the other side of the room, which was covered in large scratches, almost definitely carved from the large blades on the girl's arms. The other two individuals -a deino and a garchomp?- where leaning against the wall with a large space between each other. It was almost completely silent in the room besides the sound of breathing.
"Soooooo," Kauri said, awkwardly padding to the center of the room. "Hi, I guess? Anybody know what's with the whole 'freaks of nature' thing?" She inquired, squinting due to the bright lights. "And jegus what's with the lights? This aint a tanning booth." She mumbled under her breath.
Minori slid off the table, her feet barely making a sound. As she glanced around, Minori saw a glimpse of a girl with blue hair. Immediately, she froze her heartbeat quickening. A few moments past, the blue-haired girl seeming to be as scared as she was. "Wait a minute..." Minori tilts her head and her eyes widen as she realizes she is staring at a mirror.
Minori approaches the mirror in disbelief. "No...that can't be me..." The girl had blue hair tied in a ponytail, the hair tie resembling a blue pearl and on each side of her head was a wing. Minori shut her eyes tightly and re-opened, in hope that she would see her black pixie cut hair. Sadly, it didn't happen. Her eyes were no longer gold but instead lilac with a tint of blue and there was a huge pearl on her chest. Minori pulled on it softly and pain erupted, causing her to let go. "Oh...its connected to" She took deep breaths as she leaned against the wall. I'm crazy... Minori thought, unable to keep herself together. No...I got this...even though I sort of look like a Dragonair... After a few moments, Minori regained her posture. She glanced around and saw another table with clothing on it. Minori slowly approached it, wondering if she should put them on. "I mean, they were left here with me..." Minori put on her under garments and the blue-white dress, its huge sleeves covering all of her arm. She then put on the leggings and the shoes.
After getting dressed, Minori approached the mirror again to examine herself fully. She definitely reminded herself of a Dragonair. Then that means...Minori lifted her bangs to reveal a small, white horn.
The door then opened, causing Minori to jump. She turned around taking a step back.
"Now, now. I'm not going to do anything to you. Now come!" The Professor said with a grin. Minori didn't believe what he just said considering how different she looked. "Where's my pokemon?" She asked softly.
"Safe," He replied but Minori still didn't believe him. Before she could open her mouth, the Professor grabbed her arm rather harshly making her yelp. He then dragged her down a hall before pushing her to another room. Minori stumbled and heard the door closed behind her. "Ow..." She muttered, rubbing her arm. Minori then stopped though, realizing that there was four others there with her. Who are they?

At the sound of another door, she carefully tilted her head up a bit and peaked through her hair at another girl, who almost immediately began angrily beating at the door with the wicked looking blades on her arms. Slowly pieces were falling together in her head, but she couldn't be certain of too much yet. Much could be left to coincidence.
What she did know: neither of them were fully human anymore. Both of them were here against their will. Both of them shared odd traits with pokemon, Di being a Deino the other girl, Haxorus. Neither of them had pokemon on them, but given their age they both should, whether or not they were trainers or casual owners. Nobody traveled this world without a partner to defend them to some extent. Most probable answer was that they both had their pokemon taken.
Not too much after that, she watched a man not much different from her own age brought in, with a sharp dinner tail on a chain, angrily flared gills on his neck, and pointed teeth in his smile. She watched quietly as he sat beside her and scrolled through what she could remember of the pokedex in her head. Sharpedo? No, too much red, not enough dark. Garchomp, that was it. A new theory was gathering as yet one more girl appeared in pastel lavender and bright green. Goondra. Indeed, every one of them was dragon type.
With two years at the trainer school under her belt, she knew quite a lot about the different types, strengths and weaknesses especially. Dragons use to read only two elements: ice, and themselves. Until the fairy came around, that is. A type that was immune to all Dragon attacks. Until then, however, dragons were considered the nearly uncontrollable type, so powerful and proud that most trainers could barely handle one, much less specialize in them. Statistically, they were said to be able to rival the gods, the pokemon that at one time created everything.
Indeed, one more girl appeared, undeniably a Dragonair. She had no more doubts. This supposed "professor" was trying to rally the group of the strongest half humans he could make.
Finally coming out of her thoughts, she ignored the others in the room and carefully stood up, looking around at each of the others there. "He's making us into a personal army," she muttered, hardly aware she even spoke out loud. She looked at the door where the Haxorus girl had been slicing, and was disappointed to find the paint hadn't even been scratched. There were chairs left for them though, even if she had ignored them earlier. Moping, screaming, and wasting energy would not get any of them out. The one chance they had was to hear the mad scientist out, and wait for a better moment to make their escape. "We should sit," she spoke softly, but with conviction in her words. "Trying to escape a right now is a waste of energy." With that, she took her own chair, attentively waiting for when the keeper of the facility would return to them.

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
"Hi there, I'm Kauri. While we're trapped in this dumb room we could at least try to get to know each other, I guess. You're a deino, right? Any idea why we're all dragons, specifically?" She shrugged, thinking for a moment. "Like I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to pick pokemon with less weaknesses? Like normal types, or elektross or something? Steel types would probably be better as well, more durable, less temperamental."
Kauri glanced around the room, a small idea popping into her mind. She gave a small shake of her head, coming across several reasons why the idea wouldn't work. She cast her gaze to the girl who had previously been attacking the door. "The door's not the way to go." She called out to her. "If anything, try the lights." The lights would be easier to break, and they would have to lead to something, though that something might not be big enough for any of them to fit through.
Kauri sighed, sliding down in her seat, her tail resting uncomfortably off to the side. "Ugh, this tail is ridiculous." She grumbled, frontal antennae twitching as she tugged her skirt down. She settled down in the chair, contenting herself waiting for the professor to return.
Dragons... why didn't I think of that? She was a bit embarrassed to admit that, while she had noted that there was something strangely familiar about everyone in the room, she hadn't thought of dragon Pokemon as the answer. She stood near a seat, but made no motion to sit down. At least the Goodra girl seemed talkative.
"In my opinion, there's no use just sitting around waiting for something to happen. That's not going to get me out of here. The lights are a good idea. I'm not sure how I could reach them though." Chiara scowled and looked up, squinting into the brightness. They didn't seem any different from regular lights, so why were they so bright? Don't most dragons live in dark caves, or something?
She tapped her fingers impatiently against the back of the chair, already tired of waiting. At least her head wasn't pounding anymore. Her memory was clearer, and her mind drifted back to when she had first arrived. The heavy, pounding footsteps of something with lots of teeth and a strong tail like a whip... something dragon-like. Her Drapion hadn't had a chance against it. She felt rage boiling up inside of her, her blood running hot in her veins, her tail lashing and nearly knocking over a nearby chair.
"Ugh, why can't we just gang up on him and overpower him and the dragon Pokemon he uses? We may be freakish monsters now, but we're part dragon, and dragons are good at fighting other dragons. That's what I think we should do." She sat down, rather grudgingly, on the edge of her chair, ready to jump up at a moment's notice.

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
"Alright..." She says, her voice not louder than a whisper. Minori slowly approaches one of the chairs and takes a seat. After hearing what the Haxorus said she couldn't help but disagree. "Even if we try...he might be already one step ahead. He has pokemon and we don't even if we are kind of half..." Minori points out softly, not averting her eyes off the ground.
Minori hated being so negative but it was sort of true. Even if they teamed up, how would they take the Professor down? She shut her eyes as her head migraine increased. My headache isn't getting better... She thought as she moaned. Minori started to bury her face into her hands but yelped as her horn poked her fingers. "This darn horn..." Minori muttered and crossed her legs.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to introduce myself... Minori bit her lip. "I'm Minori..." She says quietly, refusing to look up.

With the brief adrenaline rush over, Rune was able to examine his surroundings. Everything looked and...bright. The only way he could describe it was like playing a hyperrealistic video game at 60fps. He blinked his eyes a few times, but his sight didn't return to normal. That wasn't all, though. He could hear every shuffle, every scrape that he made against the cold floor. If he listened closely, it almost seemed like he could hear things outside of the walls, but it may have just been his imagination. There was a soft, constant beeping. Sometimes it would speed up or slow down, and sometimes it was interrupted by other beeps.
Besides medical-looking equipment, it seemed that the only thing of significance in the room was a folded pile of clothes on a second table in the room, although it wasn't padded like the first. Rune stood up and walked over to it. He could hear the pit-pat of his bare feet on the floor. The edge of his vision was blue, and he found out why when he turned around and began to put on the clothes: it was his hair. His hair had changed color. Instead of its usual dirty-blonde color it Bright blue. He ran a hand through it. It still felt like his hair, if that made any sense, but the color was both confused and freaked out Rune as to why someone would dye his hair while he was knocked out.
Knocked and Jasper...JASPER, that's right! He couldn't remember much, but he could remember something large. It roared at Jasper, his Banette, and then...that was where his memory came up blank. His hand flew to his belt where Jasper's Pokeball should be, but it was missing. A touch of fear rushed through him, and he jumped as a man entered the room whose smile sent tiny shivers down Rune's back.
"I see you're ready to come meet the others, come with me!" Professor Redwood spoke with an almost sickening smile. Rune clapped his hands over his ears and shut his eyes. It sounded like the man was shouting in his ear at the top of his lungs.
"Hm? Oh, do put on your headphones. I think you'll find they help." The Professor waved to the pair of headphones resting on the table, along with a pair of red tinted shades. Rune did so, and was pleasantly surprised that the surrounding noises lessened. Noise canceling... He picked up the shades as well, but pocketed them. The lights were bright, but bearable for the time being.
"Better, I hope? Yes, your kind has the most sensitive senses, so we prepared accordingly." Redwood nodded.
"Uh, where did my uh, Pokemon go?" Rune asked quietly.
"We've taken it for the time being. I promise you'll get it back eventually, but he's safe with us, currently. Now come with me to come see the others!" His tone was that of an overly excited child. Knowing he was unable to do anything else, Rune opted to follow the man, and was led to a room full of...well...strange people like him. He cautiously waved his hand, as he could almost feel the awkward tension in the room.
"Um, I assume you guys are the 'others' I heard about? I'm Rune, and I uh, just got here." He was excited to see that he wasn't alone, but at the same time were unsure of what these other people were like.

But he thought about the option of hitting he lights in the room. That would probably help his headache and eyes, but how would it get the doors to open? Still... He had only just stood up when another one of them was pushed through a door, waving awkwardly and introducing himself. He grimaced, his lips contouring into a half snarl. As if he cared who these people were, he just wanted Hakkon back and then he'd get he hell out of here. "Good going all of you, banding together to figure out a plan. He has my Pokemon, and I'm sure he's got yours too so why don't we just shut up and let him explain things. I'd rather get Hakkon back in one piece instead of little bits like he promised if I didn't get in here." He told them, leaning back against the wall he was at instead of moving to take a seat.
He removed the subglassss and rubbed the bridge of his nose between two fingers, his eyes clenched as his head throbbed painfully. "He'll come back. There's no way he'd just leave us in here when he obviously has some plans if he kidnapped us." He supplied more calmly, trying to get on some kind of good side with everyone. He wanted what they all did, answers and to get out of wherever they were. "As long as I get Hakkon in game for getting out of here however way we do, but I'm not risking my partner over people I've never met." He told them all, still call but he glare at them all. He wasn't above fighting them off if it meant Hakkon was safe.
"My name is Dililah, most call me Di," she introduced without looking up from her hands in her lap. Her mind was still gradually piecing things together. Seeing a few of them still standing, she began to speak her thoughts in her rather quiet voice, not from shyness but habbit.
"We all seem to have traits of certain pokemon, don't we? If I recognize these pokemon correctly, we have a Garchomp, a Haxorus, a Goondra, a Dragonair, a Noivern, and a Deino. Notably all these pokemon are Dragon types. I remember reading an old textbook on different types, and, at the time before fairies, Dragons were referred to as the strongest pokemon next to the Creators, the pokemon we call Legendaries now days. Some could even match their power. Although they took a critical hit to their reputation when Fairy type was discovered, that doesn't mean their statistical power has decreased at all.
"There were also... Legends I suppose. Old talk of mixing humans and pokemon to create something with power to rival the gods. Imagine clever pokemon with unlimited memory, the intuition and intelligence of a human, or a human with the power and instinct of a pokemon. They'd have dominion over every living creature." Di didn't remember when she had closed her eyes, but she opened them now, catching a glimpse of some faces and quickly looking back down. "No one should have that much power, especially if-"
"If what?" A voice broke in as the door opened again. This time, Redwood stepped in. "If they were powerhungry? Insane? Evil, persay? Well, Dililah I don't think you have much of a choice but to do what I say, you see," he held up a pokecenter tray of a variety of types of pokeball. "I still have these, your sweet pokemon, and I'm afraid Tyrantrum might just be a bit hungry!" On cue, the giant, ancient pokemon appeared beside him from its pokeball, almost too big for the low ceiling. It's roar made Di nearly jump out of her chair. She watched as a Vibrava zipped in the door, though, taking the tray and flying off with it at high speed. As much as she wanted to save Ally, it seemed like instinct kept her frozen in place with fear for the other pokemon.
((Note: I'm going to close sign ups for now, maybe to be opened later. As you've been doing, feel free to utilize the professor and any of his pokemon :3c))

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Minori jumped as the Professor came in during Di's theory. She slowly glanced to see him sadistically grinning holding a tray full of pokeballs. Horizon... She thought as she gritted her teeth. Anger swelled in her. How dare he? Who gave him the right to preform experiments on them, to take their pokemon away and lock them in a room? Minori wasn't the type to get mad but the Professor had now crossed the line for her.
She stood, gathering her courage to glare at him. "Give back my part-" Minori began but was interrupted as the Tyrantrum roared. It sent chills down her spine causing her to freeze. At that time, a Vibrava zoomed in and took the tray.
Horizon! Her headache worsened causing her to stumble back. "Ugh..." She moaned as she held her head. What does he want with us? Someone mentioned earlier about a 'personal army'... She reopened her eyes as it suddenly clicked.
The Professor did want them. For power, Minori supposed and he wouldn't have been able to control them unless...he had leverage. Our partners make the perfect leverage. I wouldn't care how much he tortured me. I'd rather die but put Horizon in the picture... Minori took another step back, deciding to do nothing. "For now," She whispered only loud enough for herself to hear.

"Di, got it," Rune said. He listened to Di's theory as she talked, nodding his head every now and then to show he understood. She was interrupted when Professor Redwood entered the room with a tray of Pokeballs. His eyes were immediately drawn to a particular one on the left: a familiar Dusk Ball with a few scuff marks to the right of the button.
Rune pressed his headphones hard onto his ears as the Professor's Tyrantrum loosed a mighty roar. Even with the noise cancellation, his hearing was still abnormally sharp.
"M-my ears," he mumbled numbly. They were ringing, and he only barely caught what the Professor said to them. Using our own bait? He had barely registered this when a Vibrava whisked away the Pokeballs. I suppose I'll cooperate for now and see if I can get Jasper back, but...what exactly are we supposed to do?

As they continued to talk about why they were all there, the Professor himself decided the show himself. With a tray filled with varying Pokeballs, including the Heavy Ball that he knew Hakkon was in. He could feel a stronger connection to his dragon type now, and his blood boiled as he looked back up into the sadistic smiling that Redwood held.
"Give him back!" He snarled, kicking away from the wall and standing with fists clenched and upper body half bent over, ready to charge. The appearance of the massive Tyrantrum stopped him though, and he clamped hishands over his ears at the deafening roar before he regained his senses, and his rage. "Give me Hakkon, Redwood!" he roared back, running forward just as the Vibrava took off with their Pokemon.
The jangling chain and tail mace reminded him that he had a weapon, maybe he was the only one besides that Haxorus girl, and he quickly pulled it into his left hand before rushing like a bull toward the giant of a Pokemon. "That Tyrantrum can't move, so if you want to fight your way through now's the time for it!" He roared to the others, casting a heated glance at scythed girl, giving a feral and angry smirk as he hoped she would join him in attacking this monster of a former fossil. The others didn't look to have any sort of weapons built apart of them, not like the chain that was attached to his belt or the blades that erupted from the others arms.
He moved as quickly as he could, finding his breathing becoming harsher until the fans at his neck flared open, but he bit his lip when they closed again for a moment; he didn't think he had control over them, and he doubted he would be able to fight for long if that was the case. His gums burned irritatingly, as to why he still couldn't figure it out, but he clamped his mouth shut to push it out of his mind, it could wait. He was headed for the Professor anyway, wanting to drive his mace into the mans skull if it meant he could get out and find Hakkon.
She thought she saw the polished black gleam of two Luxury Balls that likely held Clove and Luca captive. Of course, those Pokeballs are also the only things keeping them safe from Tyrantrum right now. The thought sent chills down her spine. She was certain that, if commanded to, the monstrous fossil Pokemon would have no problems attempting to eat any of their Pokemon. And, despite the fact that eating her Drapion and Scolipede would likely be an unpleasant experience, due to all the noxious toxins they held within their bodies, the threat still had validity, particularly after hearing that thundering roar that struck fear into her heart. I have to get them back!
As these thoughts raced through her head, she saw that the Garchomp-like guy was already a step ahead of her. Chiara sprang out of her chair, her tail knocking it over as she ran towards the Vibrava that was currently retreating with her friends. It was too swift… too far away to attack. She turned her angry gaze towards Tyrantrum and crouched, brandishing her scythes in front of her. For the moment, she felt nothing but searing anger towards Redwood.
“Why should I believe that obeying you is going to keep my Pokemon safe?” Her voice was low, and a guttural snarl lurked beneath her words.

❄ Journal || Flight Rising ❄
Kauri was going to ask a question about the topic of becoming half pokemon, but she was interrupted by the scientist dude from earlier stepped into the room. She watched him in horror as he produced a large tray holding a bunch of pokeballs, threatening to feed them to his massive tyrantrum. The large dragon towered over everyone else in the room, and its roar made Kauri's ears ring, which was probably the same for everyone else in the room. She caught a glance of her six pokeballs on the tray, identifiable by the stickers decorating them. A vibrava whizzed into the room, grabbing the tray and flying off with it, allowing Kauri a sigh of relief.
After the speedy dragon pokemon was out of sight, Kauri turned back to -what was his name again?- Professor Redwood, anger beginning to build up. "Why should I believe that obeying you is going to keep my Pokemon safe?" The haxorus girl growled, her voice low and laced with danger. "Yeah, we have pretty much no reason to trust that you'd actually keep our pokemon safe!" Kauri piped in, clutching her fists at her sides. Her arms were trembling out of fury, and it took almost all of Kauri's concentration not to completely lose her temper and try to punch the professor in the face.
Knowing she had to do something about that Tyrantrum, she rushed out of her chair with little to no thought, charging the beast. She searched the new instincts in her head and latched onto a little piece of it. Her moveset, or at least a part of it. Screeching to a halt just out of tail and jaw reach of the beast, she took a deep breath and felt the power charge in the core of her body, a dull purple light already gathering in her mouth. A few seconds later, she felt her mouth unhinge and a strong pulse of almost magnetic power burst out in a bright purple glow. She knew it had headed straight for the head of the proper pokemon, but only knew it hit by the pained roar that followed. Overwhelmed by her own attack, however, her vision seemed nothing more than dark, hard to follow shadows.
"Go! While it's out of it!" She yelled to the others. At least, she hoped it was injured enough to buy them some time. After trying to readjust her eyes a moment, she gave up and decided to go for her escape anyway. While she would love to stay and extract information from the professor, she didn't know that they would all be really capable of taking down the dinosaur and whatever else he might have up his sleeve.
Orienting herself as best as she could, she ran straight for the door, hopping a chair and what she thought was a massive tail, searching a moment for the handle before finding it and pushing her way out, nearly running into the frame but shouldering it hard.

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
"Oh shoot we gotta go!" Kauri screeched, jumping up in her seat, grabbing the hands of the two nearest to her, the noivern and the garchomp, and dashing to the door, momentarily contemplating punching the professor in the gut before dragging the other two into the hallway. She slid to a stop, almost crashing into the nearest wall as she exited the room, looking down the opposing directions of the hallway. She heard another angry roar, making up her mind to go left, dodging around Di as she dashed down the hallway. "Nope nope nope nope nope!" She said as she nearly tumbled into some guards, barely scrabbling to a stop. "Uhhhh, I seem to have taken a wrong turn at the tyrantrum, I don't suppose you'd point us in the direction of the exit?" She asked jokingly as the guards pulled some pokeballs from their belts, sending out several pokemon, most of them ice or fairy types.
"Sorry, but I really don't wanna be a popsicle." She said as she barely dodged a cryogonal's ice beam. She attempted to counter with a swipe of her tail, surprised when her tail became metallic momentarily during the attack. "Oh heck yes, iron tail!" She exclaimed as the cryogonal bounced off the floor, recognizing the move from countless battles with her aggron. Her small moment of victory was interrupted by a dewgong's aurora beam, hitting her in the tail. "Sweet mother of monkey milk that's cold!" She yelped, turning to face her attacker only to be blasted in the face by a blast of cold. Unable to see through the attack, Kauri swiped out with her tail, barely scraping the opposing pokemon's side. She cleared her eyes of frost, finding her target and punching it in the snout, stunning it for a moment before stomping over to its trainer and kneeling him in the gut. "Hey guys, a little help here?" She called to the other gijinkas she had dragged along for the ride, wincing as she shook the frost off of her frozen tail.