Forum Thread
REFORMED || Semi-Lit || Accepting
Forum-Index → Roleplay → REFORMED || Semi-Lit || Accepting
Kevin MacLeod - Day of Chaos
Hans Zimmer - (Chappie) Mayhem Downtown
Hundreds of millions of years ago, 5 strange meteors hit the Earth, causing havoc and massive destruction . . .
So, you've found your way here. Might as well give you instructions before you dig deeper.
"Set in the distant future, where humans are thought to just be myths and legends, Earth, now populated by monsters, mutants, and creatures unlike you could've ever imagined."
And you happen to be one of them.
If I put all the info and the plot there, this thing would be really long, so here's a list.
. • ✖ RULES • ✖ .

• All PH rules apply of course
• No spamming in any way or form
• Avoid god-modding, all characters have their flaws
• Refrain from controlling others' characters, aka bunnying
• Avoid excessive verbal gore and going too gruesome
• No killing others' characters without permission
• Proper spelling is required as the RP is semi-literate
• Avoid making your character a Mary Sue or Gary Stu
• Don't cause drama, as it is rude and unpleasant to look at
• No one-liners, once again, this whole RP is semi-lit
• After 2-4 weeks of inactivity, you will be removed from the rp
If you have any questions feel free to ask me or the other members.
Suggestions of any kind will be appreciated too.
The password is "Synodic Caldera", input it in the password section of your form.
. • ✖ FORM • ✖ .

(Simply put in your own username here)
Character Name:
(The name of your character. These creatures can have names of any kind, so be creative)
(Male - He/Him pronouns || Female - She/Her pronouns || Genderless - They/Them pronouns)
(Royalty || High Class || Middle Class || Low Class)
(Adynaton || Adianoeta)
(Vibration sensivity, Extreme strength, Time stop, etc, if any)
(Preferably use your own art if possible, but you can write out a detailed description too)
(Try to provide as much information as possible, but feel free to edit afterwards as your character develops during the RP)
(This isn't really required, but it'd be nice to know about the backstory at least a little bit, be it simple or not)
(Please remember to always read the rules and all the info before you join)
(Put in anything else you want to add, and an example of your roleplaying and grammar skills. Take your time making this)
. • ✖ MY FORM • ✖ .

Character Name:
Genderless || They / Them
Vibration sensitivity, Prehensile (Climbing, Arms & Tail)

Higher resolution
Stays calm at all times, even in the most stressful situations, or at least attempts doing so. Is prone to talking in a quiet, smooth tone. But aside from their almost alluring speech, their looks are not the most friendly or attractive. Is also prone to lying, which makes everything they say highly doubtable. Due to both their dreadful looks and untrustworthiness, being alone isn't too uncommon for Koine, but the feeling of loneliness is practically unexisting.
(I'll add this later because of my current lack of inspiration)
(To be added later, plus as the creator this isn't exactly required from me)
Theme - The DrawKill Song - Extended Version
Age - About 950 y/o
. • ✖ CHARACTER LIST • ✖ .
Royalty: 3/3
(Slots reserved for MemeQueen, Ishi)
High class: 4/5
(Slots reserved for NyanCat15, Twin)
Middle class: 1/10
(Slot reserved for ectoBiologist)
Low class: 0/15
Koine || Unenu || Form
High class:
Snippe || Finhawk || Form
Lunadia || glotilde2 || Form
Middle class:
Low class:
Banner art © Ishi
Name: Inditsa ( Indie for short)
Gender: Female- Pronouns She,her
Class: Medium
Sociality: (don't know what this means) Adianoeta
Picture/Description: A blue human like thing with a tail that starts as one but splits near the end. Has 4 eyes.
Personality: Shy, scared, kind of ditzy.
History: She doesn't really remember, but her family is dead.
Password: Synodic Caldera

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
plus the design is invalid, because 4-5 eyes, multiple ears or tails are required on middle class creatures))
also if you don't have a picture, you must describe the markings and colors))
and you don't have the introduction post in your form either, which is also required from new members))
and of course the personality information is too short, try to add more details))
Do not edit your current post.
Slot reservation ended. Please always remember to take your time making your first character.
Reserving a slot again is an invalid option.

but physical features change between class and each invidual))

Character Name:
Genderless - They/Them
High Class
Extreme speed
Snippe's favorite past time is mouthing off others from the high class and picking on individuals from lower classes. The little prick is mostly full of themselves and doesn't know when to stop. However, they do know their place, even though they need to be reminded of it from time to time, and have respect for the royalty class adianoeta. Also likes to watch conflict and havoc go down but flees when the situation becomes dangerous for them. Snippe is all bark and no bite and relies on their speed quite a bit. Boredom is their greatest adversary and not doing anything isn't an option for the troublemaker. Upon being subjected to being still or quiet, they get fidgety and whiny. Snippe is not a fan of being alone either and tends to seek the company of other adianoeta even if they don't wish to have anything to do with the brat.
Due to being the runt of the litter and being rather weak and frail, Snippe was quite often overlooked or ignored, which didn't sit well with them. Pestering others and annoying your fellows to no end just happens to be an effective way to get attention.
((Kinda unable to come up with anything imaginative right now, I might add more stuff here at a later date.))
Synodic Caldera
They're still fairly young at an age of 297.
((If I misunderstood this age thing completely and that isn't considered young, just tell me and I'll edit it. :>))
Two tails swished rhythmically from side to side in unison as Snippe narrowed their eyes while observing their 'prey' in a crouched down position in a hiding spot behind an overgrown bush. The adianoeta's unsuspecting prey was in fact another adianoeta just minding her own business. The bright purple female was clearly of low class due to the rows of eyes on her face, the masses of spikes on her back, and the lack of a tail. She had no idea what was coming as she bent down slightly to pick up a bright yellow flower.
Tensing their leg muscles, Snippe prepared for a take-off as a sharp tongue came out to flick through the air briefly. Then, in a blink of an eye, the green adianoeta pushed themselves into motion. With few fast strong leaps, Snippe reached the other adianoeta before she even had time to react properly. With a quick sweep of their tails, the mischievous creature took the legs from under the female and with an alarmed cry of surprise, she fell on her spiky back. The sharp spikes sunk into the ground, effectively making it harder for her to eventually get up.
After accomplishing their task with flying colors, Snippe brought the mad sprint into an abrupt stop about three meters away from the purple female just to gloat. A wide victorious grin spread on the green face as they watched the situation dawn on the female and anger soon overtook her facial features. However, before she could even try to get back on her feet, Snippe was already gone and running towards new misdeeds.
((And that's that. I hope it doesn't suck completely. :>))