Forum Thread
Palpad "Voice mail"
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Palpad "Voice mail"Basically you can go to your settings, the same place where you edit your signature, and click a box that says "edit voicemail" to make your voicemail. Then you can click the palpad icon, and to make things simpler, you could put a checkbox on the top that reads "enable voicemail?" and click the checkbox to enable it so that people don't bother you as much. ^^
I know that mods and the more popular users get many messages like this so I thought this would help cut down on the amount of messages they have to read through every day. ^^
Please let me know if anything is unclear or why this shouldn't be implemented. Thanks.
I actually know how to make this better like
Instead of the voicemail letting people know you're away, your voicemail could prevent a user from messaging you at all like say my voicemail was like "Yooooo Im away right now"
that message would be blocking the type box like how it does when a user doesnt have a palpad or has theirs locked
That does sound great but it's mainly to prevent spamming because the user is away. I mean you could just put a single message there and then leave instead of spamming the user's palpad. ^^ Some users find PMing too much of a hassle, but I'll have your idea as something to think about.
y'know some people dont like to listen and they'll spam anyways

resisting the user to contact us. It could show the message "Not accepting any messages" kind of thing.
This would also require a lot of hard work by Riako to make the Voice Mail system, would be tough feature.