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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 19:45 (2 Years ago)
Redraw of this old piece

In a tower far away, the hunters became prey.
But freedom's never free, for Civs and their price to pay.
But then one day, Master came down and promised she'd be free.
"Just kill the beast and bring the proof, I'll erase your bounty."

Tried and tried to find a way, but in the end she failed...
Turns out the girl had decided, to befriend the aviel.
They faked his death to free them both but she was still betrayed...
To this day the bounty remains and a bad day to try claim.

His bounty too was back on track, the situation grim,
When he was weak and they got split, could not keep track of him.
The hunters numbers grew and grew and blades she held they slew and slew.
But still their numbers overwhelmed and magic became their downfall...

He... was already gone. She'd already know.
Hands could heal, mana to spare... but still, there was... no soul.

The hunters gone, the hunt was on, she refused again to fail!
Return to her the wings and sword stolen from the aviel!
She traveled far to find them all, and slain the civs have been.
Returned to village with it all, to bring it back to him.

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Posted: Sat, 05/03/2022 01:57 (2 Years ago)
Sometimes we dream in ways that tell us what we're thinking about subconsciously. Although it's up to interpretation what is actually wanted, sometimes it can be quite clear.

I haven't really had any dreams in quite some time that I could remember on waking.

Last Night's dream is barely remembered but I do remember one part, even if I don't remember the rest.

While it's not that significant, my main hobby is story writing. It's been an obsession for 15 years now that worked as an effective escape for my teenage years when I couldn't control anything in my life and when I was isolated on multiple occasions.
It's also my job, technically, as I write quests and story details/scenes for a RPG game company.

I also love seeing discussion for other people's stories because I like how excited people get when talking about something they've put a lot of thought into. It honestly makes me feel more human when I'm just able to sit and listen to others doing their own thing because I can't really easily discuss my own and even when I can, it's not exactly discussion... just me shouting into the void of my own discord server.

But a while back, I had a few friendsno one from here that were rambling about their story stuff, where it turned into discussions back and forth. I got so excited prompting them for more and they got so excited being prompted that it turned into flooding the discord we were on =w=;;
I was pretty sure I was part of the discussion when we suggested making a thread or another server/group chat so we could talk about story stuff without flooding that chat or feeling back about flooding it.

After a while I realized the rambling had stopped entirely except for the random excerpts I felt like sharing... Though that was uncomfortable because of the previous discussion we had had. ...But then found out later that they made one without me, yet included others from our friendgroup that I didn't see in the original discussions at all.
I tried to ask to join but was told no because it had to be a group decision... But I guess there wasn't a point to a group discussion because they never got back to me on that either.

I ended up having a dream last night where they finally did talk about it and let me in but...

I guess it just reminded me of how hurt I felt. Because it's one thing to be accidentally left out of an activity I had been actively participating in... it was another to be purposely left out by an entire group of friends who knew story stuff one of my big fixations.
I don't get to have discussions or helpful contributive thoughts for my book stuff... I'm stuck alone rambling to myself or sneaking in details when similar concepts get brought up by strangers. I don't get to watch others happy talk about their stories either anymore...

I just... It hurts, I thought they were my friends.

It doesn't help that I've been dealing with a strong wave of depression since the holidays started.

While I'm past the worst of the wave now thinking about this again still hits pretty hard. I already know the feeling of being unwanted but having it shoved in my face like that really stung.

Also have a random doodle of a young character being chased by the village ravens.

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Posted: Mon, 17/01/2022 00:00 (2 Years ago)
Oh hey, we exist lol

Bunch of Headshots for Important First arc book characters. Characters with two faces show their preferred form and their real face.

Corriset Labrays, the Big Bad antagonist for my D&D game

Tysiga Illustration based on a scene prompt from his second interaction in book with MC.
She accident fell asleep in his living room so she wakes up to him waiting for her. He has questions.

Oh and some 3d model work for my VRChat avatar
My Elf needed some new clothes for an RP Season change. Dress is an edit, Jacket is a full painting.
Getting better at faking proper wrinkles with texture shading.
(As opposed to a wrinkled model, it's better for others to keep the polys lower)
Show hidden content

Did the original work for this model last September

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Posted: Mon, 03/01/2022 01:03 (2 Years ago)
After maybe a little too much time at the farm and having lost his talking companion somewhere along the way, Kynik was feeling a little more worn than his usual. He'd make a note to make a habit to help contribute more often as it seemed like a good way to get his endurance up when compared his more traditional regimen.

It wouldn't take much of a rest to get back up but after the student led work had been finished for the morning, his volunteered self left back south for the lake.

The true goal this time was the academy building, skipping the knights dorms instead of going for a nap. Perhaps he had something else in mind but the display as he tried to walk past the Mage dorms and their field ended up distracting him. He'd approach from the side, not quite pushing past the vegetation for a brief observation.

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 13:55 (2 Years ago)
"Yeah." A nod in return was given when they suggested a continuation of the duo's original course. He'd restart the walk that had been paused, looking back towards the wide fanned mill.

"Well the pay off wouldn't feel as good if you weren't forced to try your hardest." Kynik said, tapping the top of his hilted broadsword by habit. "If we got it our way all the time, we wouldn't put much thought into the feeling you get after you've achieved something."

"Wouldn't that make life dull?" He craned his neck, able to see the clear edges of the field areas from here. He'd wait for a pause before prodding back into the previous part of the conversation.

"Like my father and his father before him, after graduation I'm pursuing the royal army to see how much I can accomplish. Might not have magic but a sword still comes in handy."

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 11:25 (2 Years ago)
"Well Father certainly couldn't make a mage out of a boy with no magic." Kynik chuckled in reply. "I probably still would have been drawn to the sword, it was allowed for hobby afterall." He smirked reminded of another student, a skillful mage with talent in the blade.

The taller student paused his walking when their companion seemed to have a notable change in behavior. He hadn't expected a reply so getting one to what he thought were his thoughts surprised him. "Well..."

He turned towards the other person, an optimistic smile on his face. "Then let us try our best so we can fulfill that future." This was a familiar scene he'd only experienced through proxy before, a reminder of a future promise. It brought a warm feeling that showed on his face when the thought came, it couldn't be helped.

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Posted: Thu, 16/12/2021 06:49 (2 Years ago)
"Well, I always wondered what the people with the swords outside were doing." Kynik seemed amused, thinking back to an old memory with a smile. "My family have been mages for generations. Not all of them as good as my father mind you but..." The boy continued, unnecessarily jumping over a stone in the pathway instead of stepping.

"He really wasn't happy when my younger sister developed her ability before I could." He definitely wasn't sorrowful over the situation himself. "But I liked the sword and I liked being able to learn from others who didn't mind me hanging around."

He listened to Sigil, nodding at intervals. "I was going to enroll either way, I just needed them to give up on forcing an unachievable path." He rubbed the back of his head. "It doesn't matter how I do it, I just want to put myself out there and be the best me that I can be."

"I want to be someone people can rely on." The student paused thinking back to the circles problem he was currently dealing with, not realizing he had placed his next thoughts out loud. "...I hope I can find others who can do the same for me."

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Posted: Wed, 15/12/2021 13:09 (2 Years ago)
Kynik chuckled, eyes ahead as he stepped over a pocketed hole. The other person had made a comment on the agriculture. "Sounds like something everyone should try once in their lifetime then." He turned back, kicking a loose dirt clot back into the hole it had likely come from.

'Someone one have dug that up with their heel' It was quick fix.

They certainly didn't need to travel that far along the lake before Kynik swapped paths, taking the same common footholds and many others before them up towards the Windmill. "You make it sound fun. I grew up with books and tutors. My parents were less than pleased that I went with the sword."

"Hunting's always been fun though. I caught a shadow panther during that first early morning exam. It was uh, a bit more than I expected."
(Context Pages 4-8, After the first sleep we went to the forest to catch magical beasts but the event ended early due to Mimics.)

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Posted: Wed, 15/12/2021 00:17 (2 Years ago)
"Yeah I usually stick near the shore whenever I'm going in the direction of the shrine." Kynik glanced towards the windmill to their north-northeast whose giant fan-like structure was prominent on the hill.

"I've heard the farms themselves are managed by students, so I was curious how it was setup." He chuckled rubbing at the back of his head. The Margrave's estate had a small maid managed garden but most food was imported for convenience. He wouldn't have much experience in the matter. The closest he had was in helping out with the stables because of his horse.

The taller of two listened to the hesitant question and waved for them to follow with a cheerful disposition. "Why not? Don't mind in the slightest." He'd start off in his original pathing, allowing the other person to walk alongside him. "Not sure how well I can help out but if they need any heavy lifting I'm still good for that."

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 12:25 (2 Years ago)
Kynik wore a friendly grin, the other person having taken his hand for the greeting. "To each their own, of course."

He listened to them speak for their name and extra comment, then he gave a nod in acknowledgement. "I'll have to admit, my training regimen's more in endurance. I don't need to go to the training field to run laps. I mostly go there to practice my form."

The young man watched them with an observant eye as they continued the conversation towards an explanation. "I think I've gotten pretty familiar with the terrain... But thanks for worrying. There are some surprise pockets if you get too close to the edge." He paused, looking back out over the water at the green academy building across the way.

"Since the lake's a good center point, it makes navigation pretty simple. I've actually done all my morning runs around the lake. Go to the Wyst river from each side and to the field for practice after." His head bounced so he could see the shorter student in full view again. "To be honest, I was on my way to the farms to check them out. I haven't actually gone up there yet."

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 10:05 (2 Years ago)
The male stood for a moment at the lake, letting the fresh breeze rolling off it tickle his face with a cool air. It was a slow walk, more or less a casual stroll while he gathered his thoughts. 'I think I've seen those knight course students at the field before.' He thought to himself, still looking out over the water. 'They seem to mostly stand around and only touched the earth dummies during the one round the Teacher assigned us.'

That wouldn't do very well. It wasn't a suitable group for him, there was no balance in the life of a focused socialite. 'I need a group I can trust. They seem like the kind of people who would cut you when you're down' He pondered, turning his head slightly when a shape along the shoreline caught his attention from behind.

Another student seemed to be coming in his direction.

They caught up as he continued his slow pace, not really in a hurry to get where he was planning on going. A question was popped. The taller person paused his toes and turned to face the follower.

"Not really." Kynik was honest. "Was there a while, I thought I'd take a break, find more interesting people. We're supposed to join our circles this week after all. Many people there today seemed more focused on the gossip than anything."

He tilted his head, offering a hand towards the newcomer. "Kynik Kuffer, but I'm fine with just Kynik. I don't believe I've formally met you yet." The baritone voice that made its reply would feel warm, a clear greeting with an expression of interest.

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Posted: Tue, 14/12/2021 03:52 (2 Years ago)
The Knight's training field truly was emptier than normal. Kynik frowned in disappointment, unable to find any actually recognizable faces.
(No active players in the area)

He'd find a group of students chittering amongst themselves at the sidelines, introducing himself to those who hadn't heard his one in the classroom and giving a more personal one to those who had greeted him by such. The topic of conversation was still on recent events but when it turned to gossip he quickly lost interest.

Learning more about other students was something he could take interest in but the problem about second-hand information like this, is it was often exaggerated or made up. He'd grow bored, unable to contribute himself and bid his goodbyes, deciding to walk towards the lake.

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Posted: Sun, 12/12/2021 03:26 (2 Years ago)

Up ahead, a mostly full moon filtered a pale light through an uncovered window. The light fell upon a figure with white hair, who sat upon the only unbroken armchair currently starring out at the slowly appearing stars. A book was left to the ground at his right, worn and well-used.

Animela hesitated, remembering where she was, recognizing the figure, who, sitting under the light of the moon and wings inexplicably missing, seemed much smaller. When the larger movement of putting an arm to the ground was made, she saw an ear twitch, attention caught by his peripherals. He only moved slightly, glancing for a moment before looking back out the window.

"I don't understand what you're doing." The baritone voice rang out after a few moments, the first sound made within the tower since she had awoken. It was a statement, yet also a question. The girl focused her eyes on the floor, tracing the pattern within the stone with a finger as she replied. "I don't really know anymore either."

"It's confusing." He continued, focusing his sight back in the girl's direction. "The only reason why anyone has ever come here is to clash blades." It was a small gesture with little movement, but he seemed to indicate to move, seeming to prefer her not on the ground. She stood, following instruction, grateful to remove her behind from the hard surface that had numbed it.

Despite the dark, the icy stare of the eye was clear, partially glowing in its turn away from the light. "So why?"


"Why did you come?"

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Posted: Thu, 09/12/2021 08:33 (2 Years ago)
After the oddly practiced sword dance had gone on long enough, the student came to a standstill, his body overheating from the movement. He held to steady his breathing and put away his broadsword with a satisfying ssssshtk.

Hand brushing away perspiration, Kynik glanced out towards the rest of the Knight's Training field. It felt oddly empty compared to days before with less students mingling about. His feet would guide him to the side while he took a short break, searching among his possible companions for recognizable faces.

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Posted: Mon, 06/12/2021 23:13 (2 Years ago)
Kynik had decided to set himself up in the Knight's training field for the morning. After a usual round of greetings with local staff between the dorms and breakfast on the way there, he held center field with sword in hand.

With a focused breath, the 18 year old swung, practicing his form. Each swing would come after the next, allowing no break in their continuation. It was almost like a choreographed dance the way they flowed from one to the next, though in truth he was picking what happened next seemingly at random.

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Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 22:53 (2 Years ago)
'There we go.' Kynik would interpret the smile he'd received as a success in making her feel more at ease. "Raven it is then."

They would pop out through the vegetation and into the field, the boy letting go of her hand once he was sure her feet would be safe from the tangle.

He looked out noting the different students already there. There was Luna to one side, someone whose name hew knew but had not personally greeted as of yet. Mira and Thalia were also there, playing with the pets owned by the latter.. Another girl he didn't recognize who seemed to be making steam by combining elements.

Not including the two who had just arrived, it seemed like there were already at least 4 students at the Mage's field. "Ah, so I heard correctly. Seems like there's a couple mage students from our class here already."

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Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 08:02 (2 Years ago)
"Oh!" Kynik turned, offering a hand to guide the female student through the vegetation. "I am named Kynik Kuffer, but I prefer to stick with just Kynik." He gave a friendly grin with a slight bow. "Might I ask what my Lady would like to be called?"

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Posted: Wed, 24/11/2021 00:11 (2 Years ago)
"The training fields are between their prospective dorms." Kynik replied, repeating the information from earlier. "So the Mages field will be between the Mage's dorms"

He continued forward looking up at the buildings at they got closer and turned to head around the nearest. He paused when they got to the thick lining of vegetation around the area and paused looking up at it.

"I suppose this stuff works the same as the Knights field. Ours keeps arrows from hitting passersby, I assume these ones keep the magic in." He stated and walked a little further towards what seemed to be a more appropriate area to get into the field from, leading Raven through to her classmates.

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 03:40 (2 Years ago)
"As I mentioned, there aren't really classes going on right now, so we don't really need to be anywhere in particular I suppose." Was that panic he saw? He wouldn't point it out.

"You said you wanted to go where your classmates were." The reached the corner-ish part of the lake that was nearest to the Knight's dorms and continued following the lake's edge towards the buildings with the brown tiled roofing "Since you're in the mages course, the Mage Dorms and field would be the best place to check."

He tilted his head slightly, quietly watching for any responses. "I heard some students wanted to get some training done after dinner so the fields might be the best place for you to meet up with that part of our class."

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 03:07 (2 Years ago)
The male student had begun leading her clockwise around the lake. "The other set of buildings to its left." He chirped and looked towards them himself. "It's the pair of blue buildings over there."

The were walking near the farms and the fields that spread over a wide area. "I suppose it doesn't have to be explained what the windmill is for."

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