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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 02:33 (2 Years ago)
"Well it's..." Kynik was having a hard time reading his expressionless walking companion. "It's hard to get lost, it makes a good reference point really." He went quiet, maybe he was talking too much.

Up ahead the water glistened. Since they had reached it, he looked out and over. "The brown buildings to our opposite are the Mages Dorms. Your training field is between them so that's the general area we'll be going to."

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 01:58 (2 Years ago)
"Mage it is then." Kynik popped a hand on the basketed handle of the broadsword that hung at his waist. There were very few occasions where he could be seen without it. "I'm in the Knight's course myself." He nearly stumbled when his foot hit a pocket. He leaned down to poke into it.

"Something's been digging... Going to have to watch our footing" He mumbled and picked back up to continue downhill. The voice raised back to normal with the next sentence, approaching the edge of the tree lined pathway. His voice raised to normal on the next sentence. "The walk might be far but hey! There's the lake."

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 01:35 (2 Years ago)
Kynik nodded in response and indicated for her to follow. "We don't currently have any classes actually going on." He said as he stared down the length of hill they would have approached. "There was a big meeting earlier so right now the focus is getting to know our classmates."

He took the first step down it. "There's an emergency going on with the earth elementals so they're going to send the 2nd and 3rd years to check out the situation." The explanation was continued. His voice paused as he looked her over, thinking.

"Knights course or Mages?" The question popped up. He wasn't really sure where all everyone was but he had a couple guesses. One thing he knew for sure, there might be students down at the training fields. He'd heard some of them mention they wanted to get more practice in."There's separate fields and dorms for both. We might be able to find others from your course in one of those locations."

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 01:13 (2 Years ago)
"Ah, well..." Kynik dropped down from the tree, it seemed heightwise he only had 4 inches on her. The 18 year old pointed again, this time towards the edge of the hill and the tops of the trees below it. There was a line of trees missing where the student himself had originally climbed to reach this place.

"The way down is through there. Everything is more or less centered around the lake." His hand had risen, making a small circle with his finger to indicate the water filled feature.

"If you have somewhere you need to be, I can take you." He offered his guidance. It was the least he could do.

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 00:57 (2 Years ago)
Kynik eyed her for a moment more. This was a face he didn't recognize. He looked back over his shoulder in the direction of the school somewhere at the bottom of the hill. This person must have missed the opening ceremony or they would have recognized the local area.

"Yeah, we're currently at the shrine on the outskirts of academy safe grounds." He indicated with a gesture towards the monument. "Did you just get here?"

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Posted: Tue, 23/11/2021 00:24 (2 Years ago)
Well, at least she had found the edge of the forest. Beyond the hanging man was the open topped hill of the shrine area. The shrine in the distance to his left, the scuffs in the grass remained on the right where the tables had been originally been planted for their morning session days before.

Kynik's reasoning for his strange position had been to keep the blood flowing to his head. Needless to say it had been successful, at least in the part of blood flow, his face a deeper shade of red than normal. He had been focused on his hearing with his eyes closed when there was a prompted 'hello'.

This could provide a distraction. He opened his eyes to look down at Raven. "Oh hello!" He waved and made a move to pull upwards so he could sit in the tree instead.

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Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 20:38 (2 Years ago)
It seems like they were allowed to leave. Kynik lifted himself from his seat and excused himself, heading for the outside. His first turn was to the right, following around the outside of the lake. Once he got to the dock, he broke out into a long sprint.

This would take him the long away around the lake, avoiding the river, to which his feet then guided towards the shrine and its nearby forest. He let his thumping heart cool, skirting the edges of the shrine area with his pacing.

It was always easiest to think this way. After a while, if anyone approached, they'd find he'd hung himself upside down from a branch on a tree that poked into the shrine's surrounding area a little more than the others.

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Posted: Sun, 21/11/2021 04:40 (2 Years ago)
finished those headshots

Did a fullybody of this character
Labraeys Corriset is an Archfey Kitsune who serves as the Plot B Big Bad for my D&D game.
She basically causes Chaos whenever the chance comes up and has a lot of resources to work with due to being a very active patron.
She has a sort of string of wisps she carries with her that just floats around unless she wants them to do something.

I think I was right to postpone reopening the art shop. Work just picked up because events. One of the places I work for as an Artist needs a lot of Christmas art done. The goal is to be done by Nov 29th but honestly at my current pace it'll likely be met before Thanksgiving. Sooner's always better.

I reduced my Commission flow offsite as well by only restricting to gifts so for now I can focus on getting my person lists done in between real work.

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Posted: Sat, 20/11/2021 23:26 (2 Years ago)
Kynik finished his meal, still quietly observing the comments of his peers. Though restless, there wasn't much he could do until they were dismissed. His dishes were organized, taken off to where they would be received and he sat back down.

His head was held in his hand, still contemplating. It was much easier to think when the blood was flowing. 'I could use a good long run...' He thought to himself.

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Posted: Mon, 15/11/2021 08:53 (2 Years ago)
Kynik would enjoy the rest of his meal in silence, watching the people around him as he collected his thoughts. He noted a particular banner on the wall, eyes fixed on it for distraction.

He still wasn't a fan of the situation and having to choose so early. He wasn't quite ready to make claimence to friends, it felt like he had barely personally met anyone from their class. It didn't feel right. He'd had less time to figure his classmates out than he did with the Margrave's son and his friends before they ditched him.

A hand folded down next to the empty plate, fork placed in a proper spot. Of the people he had talked to personally, he only knew Xavier, Thalia, Sampton, Tien, Juzi, Riley, Elliot, Mira and Klaus. Based on observation and his exchanges, they all seemed fairly easy to get along with.

Kynik closed his eyes still thinking, practically meditating in place. As an endurance fighter who wielded the sword, it would be easiest to only consider a balanced party. Elliot used the bow, an archer was always useful. Riley wielded the Axe, a potential strength based fighter.

A mage... a mage... Mira... Juzi... He didn't know everyone's elements. Sampton seemed skilled in both his magic and a sword which could be incredibly useful. He'd probably stick with Tien who'd already left a strong positive impression on the currently silent male. 'I shouldn't bother them, they have a strong presence and I'm likely to get in the way when more than just Klaus come storming in.'

He opened his eyes and looked towards the head of the hall, scratching the back of his head. It wasn't going to be that simple, building a balanced team meant nothing when he felt he didn't know them well enough. The newfound problem was only going to cause stress to the 18 year old whose lack real social experience was going to become quite prominent.
Swords... swords and strategy were easy. People were much more complicated.

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Posted: Fri, 12/11/2021 07:21 (2 Years ago)
Kynik perked up, his attention quickly drawn to the tall man and the sight he'd caused on his approach at their end of the table. He raised a knuckle to his chin in thought, observing what scene was to proceed. 'He's quite forward isn't he? This is interesting.'

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Posted: Thu, 11/11/2021 03:55 (2 Years ago)
So I've gone on a bit of a doodle rampage this week.
I've had this ridiculously long list of personal drawings I wanted to do but I either put them off until I end up with more comms or I add more stuff to do xD

So I worked on my headshots section since it's partially used for my Toyhou.se but also putting to paper some designs I've had in my head for years and have described thoroughly in writing but never had the chance to fully visualize.

From Right -> Left and Top V Bottom

Animela Morphing Stone & No stone version

Haps (Harper) - Quite the tomboy but a bit of a hothead at times, she acts as the de-facto mom of her friend group. She seems to know most of the group better than they know themselves sometimes. If the world had D&D classes she would be a Monk. She works in the Mercenary Guild because her parents originally did.

Keris - She's written mostly as a femme fatale. She's generally bored with everything or tired in general. She ends up being the only one of the group to retire from mercenary work purposefully after reaching a monetary goal in mind. She doesn't really say much but when she does it's very direct and quick to the point. She is a very skilled assassin and a master of poisons but doesn't really enjoy her work.

Tysiga Preferred Form & "Corrupted" Form
Tysiga prefers to hide his demonic traits. He sometimes ends up like this when his magic isn't working. He's not part of the original group Ani worked with in the Bounty League, I just felt like drawing him.

Claude Claude is written as the gentle giant trope. He's a bit of a jokester and loves a good laugh but being the oldest of the group, tends to pick up on subtext quicker than the rest, esp when dealing with Haps. He's a Axe Dual wielder and isn't really in it for the money. He just loves the adrenaline rush he gets hunting bounties and specializes in Monster Hunting.

Ross Ross is sort of the cranky one of the group. He tends to set a more serious tone but doesn't talk much except in some circumstances. He often to come into confliction with Xenith due to his high energy. He has a good heart, he just deals with a lot of anxiety problems when it comes to people. He's a weapons specialist. If the world had D&D classes he'd be like a Rogue with a couple levels set into Artificer.

Maxwell - He's the Guild Master, secretly has demonic heritage. He has to keep his hair pulled back because his natural lightening magic tends to make his hair fly all over the place. When he purposely activates his magic, his hair usually comes forcibly loose and the electricity becomes prominent.
He's the main Antagonist for the first 3 arcs as he's the one who originally blackmailed Ani into working for him. He's very much a business man and really only cares about money. Ani isn't the only hybrid he's blackmailed into working for him but she has certainly lasted the longest.
Rouxin doesn't really like him due to his lack of respect in general an Ani's relationship with him is a bit more physical than she'd like it to be. His blackmailed hiring contract usually includes a clause for a 'punishment' session for disobeying orders instead of being fired.

Mentioned but not drawn - Rouxin & Xenith. I'll draw them again after I finish this batch.

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Posted: Wed, 10/11/2021 02:57 (2 Years ago)
Kynik poked his fork in Tien's direction. "You're not wrong in the slightest. It may be noted though when the groups start rotating it will cause a temporary imbalance. Efficiency gets lowered while the group resettles."

He thought to himself for a moment before speaking again. "It's works best if there aren't clashing personalities. A group could have amazing potential but if they find they can't work well together then it isn't really a team." He plucked at a bright red tomato, letting it burst behind closed lips.

"I am just worried the circles will run into more of those kinds of problems than normal because of the lack of preparation. Some might forget we're not just choosing groups, we're forming teams." He paused again and shook his head. "Or maybe I'm just being overcritical and overthinking it. I would prefer to get it right the first time though."

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Posted: Mon, 08/11/2021 20:12 (2 Years ago)
"So they really are going to force the circle thing huh?" Kynik tapped at his plate with his fork, failing to stab a particularly round vegetable that kept getting away. He managed to spear it, triumphantly chomping down. "The students haven't exactly gotten to know each other that well yet. I hope they choose correctly the first time."

The young man glanced towards Sparmi at the head table but continued the thoughtful observation. "It'll suck when the circles reorganize themselves later due to wrong choices." Another vegetable was plopped in his mouth. He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, he had just voiced his thoughts so those sitting nearby could comment if they wanted.

"Still, everyone seems promising, I'm just not sure who it would be appropriate for me to join up with." He had some ideas based on his view of the last couple days, but he wanted to hear opinions from his peers firsthand.

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Posted: Wed, 03/11/2021 19:27 (2 Years ago)
It's getting to that time of the year again.
I love all the pretty colors of the autumn because the bright reds and oranges are just really lovely to look at.

But I hate when the holidays start up because every year I get hit with Seasonal Affective Disorder which double layers with my general depression and anxiety. It's really not fun, my motivation always goes to the trash and I just start thinking a *lot* more.

Part of it is just not getting enough sunlight but I don't exactly have positive associations with the holidays because outside of the music, they always meant lots of stress, lots of yelling and ultimately were just disappointing and tiring. As an adult I don't really fully celebrate them and before we had our kid I only observed a few "traditions". Even the traditions are more "I do this, this time of the year" like fetching Eggnog because it's available or greeting people with "Happy Holidays".

At least now that the kid has gotten a little older we are doing stuff that requires a bit more energy but we're mostly doing stuff the kid herself can participate in. We hype her up for it, I want her experiences to be a lot better than mine.
We didn't decorate for Halloween but we still all dressed up and took her Trunk or Treating. (Trick or Treating was banned this year).
My husband wants to put up the tree for come December and most of our ornaments are plastic so she can also help with that. She'll get plenty of gifts for sure.

Idk, it just gets really hard to focus. I'm going to be trying to do a bit more writing since that is something I enjoy even if I keep getting distracted from it. I just never really feel the best this time of year.
I just want to hibernate but I'm not physically tired.

Anyways I got bored during D&D last night so here's a quick Sketch for an Illustration I'll finish later.

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Posted: Sun, 24/10/2021 03:00 (2 Years ago)
So something I've always had in mind is like different subspecies of Kobold that have traits from different reptile species.
For example, my Husband has a Kobold with a lot of Alligator traits.

It's not a reptile but he did ask about Axolotl themed 'Bolds while I was working on my remaining commissions since I can sit for a little while with my back brace on.
so have a quickie doodle

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Posted: Fri, 22/10/2021 19:35 (2 Years ago)
It had certainly been a lot to take in. The first years wouldn't be getting involved either so Kynik and the rest of his class would continue their training instead. Still he thought long and hard about what kind of consequences all this could have for the future.

He had gone back to his dorm in the Knight's dorm building as instructed and changed into his casual clothes for the moment. He still needed time to think, how to improve himself. His door was left open to the hall for the extra air flow, his mind wandering after his body had gone on autopilot.

It was basic endurance training. He was on the ground in his room nearly in pushup position, except with his forearms parallel to the floor. Everything else between there and his toes were held tightly, holding for 3 minutes before relaxing. It was 5 reps of this before switching to another part of his routine... and another.

At some point he realized he was looking at the wall near the ceiling. He had pulled himself up the doorframe using it to hang.

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Posted: Sun, 10/10/2021 23:05 (2 Years ago)
Kynik thought back to his early lessons at home from before his family had been forced to admit he had no magic capability. The names of the spirits seemed familiar, ticking off the early memories before he'd been allowed to focus on his swordsmanship.

"That sounds fairly serious." The male student noted, thinking out loud. A hand drew up to pinch near his chin in thought. "I wonder what could have hurt a leader of elementals." His brain wracked itself of the different possibilities but he wouldn't be able to come up with a proper guess.

His vision glanced to the other students around him, trying to read their reactions.

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Posted: Sat, 09/10/2021 00:32 (2 Years ago)

Title: Update

Hey Guys~ I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to this. x.x
I unfortunately fell while a friend was visiting and ended up hurting my back in a way that made it impossible to sit without a lot of pain. So I haven't been at the PC much which sucks because I've been in a huge drawing mood and stuck in bed.
When I have been at the PC I've tried to work on stuff a little at a time but pain is very distracting.

While I am delivering the last of the orders the shop is going to stay closed a little longer.
I have some stuff I really want to draw for myself and I'm technically still not supposed to be sitting rn but I realize how long it's been so I was making a push to finish stuff today.

I'll PP this as well since I don't know if you're subbed to the Thread anymore.

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Posted: Wed, 06/10/2021 19:48 (2 Years ago)

Title: Dream Time!

So I finally had one of those rare dreams last night.

I dreamed I was in a school setting, attempting to make friends. Apparently something happened at the school and we found out during a dance that the Principal had a small case full of gold bars.
So I chance upon an opportunity to take the small gold bars in a way that would leave no evidence since nobody knew where I was (I don't remember how I ended up there either)
Grabbed most of them in the first handful. They were sorta like these thin sticks similar in size to dove chocolate bars.

So someone I met in the dream, I'll call him "R" was making a plan with out friends to steal the stash of gold the next day during lunch, it had been his idea when we found out about it, I just stole it since I was there. Before they could execute it I was like "Hey wait a second. R come here, lemme show you something."
I show him the gold, he's dumbfounded I got ahold of it.
The next day I guess they'd opened up the case and found that yeah most of the gold is missing. An investigation is launched.

Now I've already hidden the 'gold'. Most of it is in the garage but in secret locations, some small pieces buried in the yard with things buried above them in case of metal detectors.
I'm not worried, there's no evidence, only witnesses who wanted it to begin with.

R, not knowing they had already checked and cleared my house, when then investigation still hadn't found something, decided to make a threat with some of the gold I'd given him. He hands the small bars to various people in our class while our teacher is out. The bars are wrapped to make them look like the chocolates they sometimes sell at school.

A strange thing about this room setup was it was 2 rooms combined into one with 1 class on each side. The wall that should normally separate the classes was missing. So Mrs Douglas, the teacher for the other class, was still in her side of the classroom.

I open the 'chocolates' and find the gold.
Then grab the small pile in my fist. "Sorry Mrs Douglas I need to go to the office."
In my panic I run to the office, slap the 'chocolates on the table'. "R sent these to me in class today."

My first thought when I was woke up was "wow, I am a terrible friend, I reported him after making some threats" xD
But now that I think about it, I might have thrown the sus off both of us because he could have claimed he bought them on the bus this morning thinking they were chocolates since they were wrapped that way.
But I'll never know, twas a dream after all.

Also I don't remember why but I brought 2 boxes of pizza to another class that was featured in the dream that I obtained sometime between talking to the office about the chocolate wrapped gold and actually going there. I don't know why.

Remember kids, theft is bad, don't even steal in your dreams. xD

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