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Posted: Fri, 01/12/2023 13:42 (6 Months ago)
Congrats to the winners! ^^

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Posted: Sat, 28/10/2023 17:38 (7 Months ago)
Entry/Entries submitted I forgot this part when sending the message 😬(x)

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Posted: Wed, 19/10/2022 05:14 (1 Year ago)
~Ghosts~, I didn't see Boomers ;-;

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Posted: Fri, 14/10/2022 05:10 (1 Year ago)
I've been trying for 3 days now to get my Email Verification email in my email, but it never showed up. I checked in my spam, I made sure it was being sent to the correct email, but I still get nothing. I sent another and another and it still never showed up. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but I'm at a loss of what to do about it.

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Posted: Tue, 14/06/2022 02:31 (1 Year ago)
I'd like to join!

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Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 20:07 (2 Years ago)
My first anime was a comedy/action/adventure called Slayers, it's an old anime, but it's a good anime. I loved watching it. I was 7? when I first watched it? Maybe a little younger, I'm not sure, It's been little over 18 years since then, so I'm not entirely sure how old I was when I watched it 🤔

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Posted: Tue, 15/06/2021 04:08 (2 Years ago)
I'll join! I love these so much 💕💕😍

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Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 19:06 (4 Years ago)
:D I want to join! :D

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Posted: Sat, 04/04/2020 05:17 (4 Years ago)
Since my last post a lot has happened, let me get to everything that happened.

A few weeks after my birthday we moved to a big house, which my dad complains about buying it constantly, but he needs to get the heck over it, we needed this. Not only for the space but also for the safety of my Niece, who is almost 9 months now, she is beautiful.

I started to paint again, but not recently because of the virus... I don't want to run out of paint and be screwed with being in the middle of something and have it waiting for months to be able to get some more, my local Micheal's store is the cheapest, I'm not paying for the same paints for more money, and that's what I don't want to spend money when I don't work and my disability money goes towards food for my family.
(If you want to see some of my paintings they are on my insta)

When the colleges where still open my sister would go to school and I'd be watching my Niece, her father isn't with my sister anymore and they are currently in the middle of a custody battle. Hopefully they can go to court for their court date. My whole family knows how my Niece is treated over there, they put her in size 2 diapers when she is size 4, the father even told my sister that when he runs out of size 2 that he was gonna get size 3, when my sister legit TOLD him that she wears SIZE 4!! Also he's been told about the brand of diapers they have gives her diaper rash, they still put her in it. We've sent her to her father's house with a lot of nice binkies that we bought and they were told to return my niece with everything she is sent with, but we've lost 4 binkies cause of them. now we've got 1. Their previous court date my sister told the judge that I watch over her sometimes, the father doesn't trust me enough with his daughter, he knows I have brain damage and doesn't think I could take care of her. I've proved him wrong on so many levels. Once my sister got sick with the stomach flu and my niece couldn't be in her room with her mother, so I watched her for the couple of days, changed her diapers, fed her, made her smile. It was a lot of fun, her smile is so precious to me. Anyways the point is I take care of her just as much as a normal person, back to the rest of what happened.

So what else has happened, well since the virus happened my wrist started hurting, but I thought it was just a little sore, maybe I slept on it or something, nope, not the case, in fact my dad told me I might have carpel tunnel syndrome. My dad only thinks this because I'm an artist and a gamer, oh and a writer. I've been drawing for 10+ years, and I took all the art classes in my High School (Just not drawing or painting cause I knew who the teachers where for that and I had a 1/3 chance to get the good one who supported their students.)

Oh and since this virus started I can't get a bike, nor a dog. I've been waiting for years to get a bike again, the apartment didn't have a place for them, and dogs weren't allowed, so I've had to wait longer to get my own dog...

Well that's all I can think of for now. Thanks for reading my little rant about my life

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Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 05:48 (4 Years ago)
When I was 14-15 years old I checked out seasons 1-2-and 3 of Veronica Mars from my public library and loved it, but it being owned by a public library makes it crappy condition by the many people that don't care about others property. But no longer do I have to suffer with library Veronica Mars for now it's on Hulu! I woke up and turned on my TV and checked and saw it there. I didn't think it was gonna be on there so soon.

My birthday month is becoming better and better everyday with Veronica Mars being on Hulu and Dr. Stone coming out on the 5th and my birthday week on PFQ, going to Noah's Ark on my birthday, it's everything I couldn't help but smile for!

It also helps that my best friend online ordered me a Franky(from One Piece) Figure from the Film Gold movie, and I legit screamed when I got it, I love Franky so much so I was extremely happy when I got it in the mail and opened it. I got it a week early but she said it was on sale for 40$ She also required me to record my reaction opening the box, I made her mom laugh when she heard my scream of excitement.

Today I got to buy a really cool game called Graveyard Keeper, it's kinda like Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon. I really like it, my dad said I wouldn't like it cause he classified it as "hard" when he couldn't find the blacksmith... it was down the road from where you get asked to find said blacksmith... He said it was hard because he can't play those types of games like me. He was never into Harvest Moon type games. He loves the concept but he just isn't into them in my opinion, haha.

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Posted: Tue, 14/05/2019 08:33 (5 Years ago)

Title: Old Classic Anime and Rant about My Dad

So my dad and I watched the whole Neon Geneses Evangelion in 2 days, a lot on Tuesday and again on Saturday, that was 2 weeks ago, now we started Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, I don't necessarily like mecha animes, but I love my dad and I want to make him happy, he hasn't watch any of this anime since we moved (they were in our great grandparents shed for 10 years), he didn't think we'd get any of his stuff back. And the awful thing is, he can be on his phone but I can't ;_; he says, "Oh I already watched this, you need to pay attention!"

Now let it be known that I've been watching anime longer than him as of right now. He's only watched Speed Racer, Initial D, Voltron (The older version), Slayers, Lodoss War, a 18+ anime that I will NOT be watching with him, Devil Lady (It's like Devil Man but with a girl instead) and maybe another one I'm forgetting. I've watched 254 animes, he tells me after we can watch your anime after mine, but I have a feeling he won't... there are a lot of animes I KNOW he will like.

Anyways, back to the phone thing, I've watched a lot of dubbed animes, and I still do if I don't really care for it. I do watch a lot more subbed than dubbed now, but if I watch it dubbed, doesn't mean I don't care about it, it's just that I don't see myself wanting to sit there and watch it for 20+ minutes. I like to do stuff as I watch, but when I'm watching subbed animes I have to pay attention I mainly watch girly animes dubbed, unless it doesn't have a dub, then I'll watch it very slowly. The current animes I'm watching subbed are, JoJo, MHA, Black Clover, Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba, Juni Taisen Zodiac War (Mainly because I read the manga all the way through), The Promise Neverland. I plan to watch Dr. Stone subbed as well.

Now just because I'm on my phone doesn't mean I'm not paying attention, he did the same thing on me when we were watching Grey's Anatomy, WHEN I WAS THE ONE WHO HAD TO REWATCH IT! It's like no one can be on their phone but him when we're watching stuff with him. It's like taboo or something. And to be completely honest, that's gotta be one of my biggest pet peeves about him. I don't care about the other stuff he does that is weird, but I do care that he gets on his phone all the time when we are watching our current shows, new episodes he hasn't even seen (Unless he has behind my back which I doubt because the wall I share with the living room is thin and the TV and speakers are right in front of that wall so I'd be able to hear unfortunately

Whew, that was a lot to rant about. Welp bye, it's 3:29 am when I wrote this haha, see ya next time!(Y)
If you want to know about the animes I've watched my MyAnimeList account is on my profile!

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Posted: Sat, 11/05/2019 09:04 (5 Years ago)
So pretty, nice colors. I didn't know it was gonna be this colorful! XD

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2019 05:30 (5 Years ago)
I want to Join! It looks like fun! Get to see everyone's coloring styles mashed together :3

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Posted: Mon, 15/04/2019 18:44 (5 Years ago)
Okay, so I didn't know where to put this so I'm gonna put it in the others.

So I have a lot of links on my contact links, and me being me I want to organize them by pokeheroes stuff and other sites, and have those be organized by Social Medias and just game sites I'm in, it would be awesome to have a thing to move them around to make it pleasing to look at.

Yeah, I could just redo them but that requires a lot of tabs to be open and my laptop can't handle that many tabs open at once...

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Posted: Thu, 03/01/2019 09:12 (5 Years ago)
I'm not really sure what a diary is on here, but I'm gonna just vent about my day when I feel the need to vent.

So today I had plans to go to the store and when I get home I'd work on my Fanfictions I needed to get done, but I didn't get to finish anything today since my dad wanted to watch a really old TV show with me, I love the show it's funny, but there are times where I want to say no, but I can't because I'll feel bad.

My dad is getting to the point in his life where games are boring him, and newer TV shows aren't as fun as they used to be. So he wants to show his little girl (me) shows that he loves, now I may like them because they are neat. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna want to watch them every day when I'm not playing games. He knows I write Fanfictions, though he doesn't know WHAT I write.

Anyways, I wanted to get stuff done today considering I'm 3000 words in to my Fanfiction and no where near done with it and I have 18 more requests to get done before I reopen my requests, he wanted to watch West Wing with me, So I said yes, I can't say no to the man, he's not only the man that raised me, he's also the man that gets me, he understands me when no one else does, he was also the man who made me who I am today, I love anime cause of him, I love games cause of him, I love so much stuff because of him, he's also the one who encourages me to draw and make art for him and my family. So I wasn't able to finish anything today

I hope tomorrow(Later today since it's 3 am as I am writing all this) I'm able to finish this Fanfic, because I've been in a writers block for 3 months or more, I'm not sure. I'm a nerd, I write Anime Fanfics. If you have questions about me I'm willing to answer them just PP me with them, I would say PM but I'm afraid I don't know how to delete PMs on here so I'm kinda flooding with welcoming messages since I'm apart of Newbie Welcoming team.

On here I'll be showing off my Shiny Pokemon in the future and talk about Anime moments that either made me happy or made me ticked off. Or anything that I want to talk about I'll talk about them here ^^

(I hope I'm aloud to make this Diary for venting, I wasn't really sure on what the Diary form tab meant...)

P.S - I don't have the best Paragraphing when I write considering I write Fanfics where people are talking and other stuff in a story.

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Posted: Sat, 01/12/2018 06:35 (5 Years ago)
My Top 5 Pokemon are:
1- Flareon
2- Chimchar
3- Growlith (not sure if I spelt this right)
4- Mimikyu
5- Grubbin

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Posted: Sat, 01/12/2018 06:31 (5 Years ago)
I love Fire types, I'm a pyromaniac :P

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Posted: Sat, 01/12/2018 06:29 (5 Years ago)
My first pokemon game was Fire Red for Gameboy Advance, first starter is Charmander. I don't remember which pokemon card was my first.

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Posted: Sun, 23/09/2018 17:54 (5 Years ago)

Title: Heart Puzzle - Hanta Sero x Reader

I was walking through the halls of U.A looking for my friend Denki, He promised to hang out with me and buy me food. I looked in his classroom and he wasn't there, I asked Izuku where he went, he told me he didn't know, I'm guessing he went to my class to get me. I walked back to my class 1-B and saw Denki with Neito... I ran to Denki and punched Neito

"Were you making Denki uncomfortable?!" I yelled at him

Denki placed a hand on my shoulder, "Thank you (Y/n)!" He smiled.

I looked at Neito, "Do it again Neito, and I will tell the teacher, or I'll tell mom!" I glared at him

He sighed, "Fine, go... but be home for dinner!" He said quickly and crawling away

I turned to Denki, "So, did you get me the thing I asked?" I blushed looking down

"You mean Ser-" I cut him off by putting a hand over his mouth

"SHHHHHHHH! I don't want people hearing it! Lets leave campus! Then we can talk." I looked around and he laughed and walked out of the school with me and we left the campus, we went to the arcade.
He handed me the tape "Here, some of Sero's tape, why do you need it everyday?" He asked confused

I sighed, "I already told you, I'm making something for him! Then my plan will work!" I blushed looking up thinking of Sero

"Creepy. What are you making? A giant statue of him?" He asked playing a game

"No, I'm making hearts, it's gonna be neat, I bet Sero will tell you when it happens." I stuck out my tongue

He looked at me, "Wait, so you're making hearts for Sero?" He asked confused

I looked at him, "Yea, I'm not telling you my whole plan!" I narrowed my eyes at him

We hung out for a while, when I went home I saw Neito in my room with the tape from Sero. I ran to him and snatched them from him.


"Neito! Get out of her room!" Mom screamed

Neito ran out of here quickly, I grumbled and slammed my door and went to my desk where I worked on my plan. I started to form the hearts and I put a piece of paper in each of them. It's gonna be a puzzle! I love puzzles. I smiled as I started the Questions. I knew all the answers from Denki, he asked and I'd get the answers.

I knew the first thing I had to tell him, I wrote this, "Hello Hanta Sero, I'm your secret admirer, and before you ask if I'm stalking you, I'm not. I asked a fellow classmate about you, and I also got my material from him, if you could tell, it's your tape, if you want to get to the end of these puzzles and find out who I am then go and find the classmate who asked for some of your tape~ I really hope you do this. I've always admired you!" I added a little blushing face the end of it. and I sealed it in the tape heart.

I knew I had to get these done so I worked on them all night. When I got done with all the questions for him I packed them up and stored them in a box. I looked over at the time and it was midnight. I sighed and went to bed. When I woke up it was to Neito going through my bag. I screamed and jumped on him, he had one of my heart puzzles. I beat him up till he released it.

"No sister of mine will be going out with a Class A student!!" Neito yelled I punched him on the head

"And No brother of mine is gonna be at my wedding or have contact with me forever if you this up for me!!! Do you really not want to see your nieces or nephews!? And I bet mom and dad will hate you also for not letting me do my own stuff! You're always ruining for me!!!" I screamed in his ears

He opened his mouth and then closed it, he looked away scoffing and dropped the heart puzzle. I sighed in relief that it wasn't damaged. I took it and got up and helped Neito up. I looked at him, "Good, I guess you do care about me." I smiled pushing him out of my room, "Now, If you don't mind I have to get dressed!" I slammed my door in his back and got ready for school.

After I got ready I ran down to the front door and saw Denki. I smiled brightly, "Hey (Y/n), I got your text, what did you need?" He asked leaning on my gate

I smiled jumping a bit, "I just need you to put this is Sero's locker!" I smiled showing him the heart

He looked at me nervous, "Why me?" He asked

I sigh, "Because I need you too, PLEASE!" I did my puppy dog eyes and begged him

He looked up and then back down at me, "Fine!!" He grumbled heavily

I smiled hugging him, "Thank you!" I smiled. We started to walk to school talking about more things Sero likes. When we got to school I saw Sero, he smiled and walked towards us.

He smiled, "Hey Denki! Who's the cute girl?" He looked down at me smiling

I blushed, "I-I gotta go to class, I'll see you Denki..." I rushed to my class and sat down in my seat next to Neito. I saw Tetsutetsu walk in and say good bye, I lend over to see who he was talking to and it was Kirishima from Class A. I smirked seeing them both blush.

I looked away thinking about Sero and his wonderful smiling, I wonder what he's doing right now... I wonder if he's gonna do my love puzzles... I sighed looking out the window.

Later that day Denki ran up to me during lunch and told me Sero asked him who made his this. I gave him the next question to the puzzle and told him to give Sero it.

This one said, "Sero, the answer you seek is where you like to eat. Let it be lunch or Dinner with your friends."

He nodded and ran back to class when the bell rang. I smiled as I turned to go to my class and I bumped into someone, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I said looking up and stood there frozen, I felt heat rise to my face.

It was Sero. He smiled, "It's no problem, I gotta ask you something real quick. Do you mind?" He asked smiling

I looked down, "U-Uhm, I-I actually gotta go back to class, I-if my brother sees I'm not in class I'll be snitched on to our mom..." I quickly walked away from him heading to my class. When I got to my desk I put my head on my desk.

"I saw you with S-e-r-o~" I looked up to see Neito there smirking like a idiot

I groan, "Shut up Neito!" I blushed looking down at my desk, "I bet he was gonna ask about the hearts..." I mumbled sighing to myself thinking about Sero

When the day ended I ran to where Sero's favorite place to eat and I placed a heart on the table and wrote Sero's name on a napkin and set it on top of it. I hid in the back with a menu covering my face.

When I saw Sero he smiled and picked up the third heart and it said, "Tomorrow after school go to the place where you like to be You'll see a girl with a heart, she's not the one you want, she's just the messenger."

He smiled and held it close to him, he sat down and looked at it with a smile. A smile that made me melt into pieces

After a bit he left and I left after he did, I made my way to the arcade where I knew Denki was. I saw him talking to Sero, he must've wanted to talk to him. I took out my cellphone and texted Denki, "Hey, stop talking to Sero, I need you over here by the claw machines!"

I looked over and Denki looked right at me and said something to Sero and ran here, "What do you need?" He asked quietly

"I need you to give this to a girl in your class and tell her to wait at Sero's favorite place." I gave him a heart

He nodded, "I know the perfect girl for it!" He smiled putting it in his bag

I smiled, "Thanks Denki! I owe you one!" I looked over and Sero was talking to another guy. I smiled, "I gotta go, this puzzle thing is long, but by his face earlier it'll be worth it!" I walked away and went home.

When I got home I saw Neito on the couch on his phone. I smiled going up to my room, "(Y/n), you might want to see Sero's Facebook!" Neito said I was confused and I put my bag on the bed and opened Facebook and saw Sero's page. I blushed when I read it, "I wonder who is sending me these hearts, they are so cute and I don't know who is sending them! I wish they would come out and tell me!" With a sad face, I looked at the comments and half the girls were saying it was them, he ask them questions he didn't add into the post and they all got them wrong.

I blushed and added a comment, "I know who it is..." He respond immediately

"Really! (Y/N) You want to meet up right now?!" He said

I blushed, before I could reply some girl said, "Sero! I-It's me! I-I made the hearts... I-I didn't think you would find them..." she added a blushing face.

Sero responded, "(Y/n) will you meet me today?" he completely ignored the other girl I giggled, she must be pissed.

I smiled, "S-Sure... Where?" I got a quick response

"I think you know where my favorite spot is." With a winking face. Does he know it's me?? Did he see me giving Denki my heart puzzle

I blushed typing, "Yea... I know it..." Then I got a private message

"Oi! You will tell him it's me that made the hearts! I'll make your life a living hell if you don't!"

I sighed, "I'm telling him the truth! And it's not you!" I grumbled getting dressed to go out, I looked at my phone and saw another message from her

"I'll kill you if you don't tell him it's me!" She threatened

I smirked, "You won't, What's your quirk?" I asked

"That's none of your business!" She responded

"Well, I'm in class 1-B, and since I don't see you in the hero classes, you must be support, so there is nothing you could do to kill me." I smirked closing my phone and running to Sero's Favorite place.

I saw Sero sitting down in the grass looking up at the sky, "S-Sero?" I said blushing looking at him

He looked at me and stood up and walked towards me, "You said you would tell me who it is?" He smiled softly

I looked down giving him all the hearts I made, "H-Here! G-Give me your answer tomorrow!" I ran away blushing like crazy hearing him wait.

All the questions expect for one, with him... to read and to think about it... When I got far away I stopped and started to catch my breath, "Wait! (Y/n)!" I looked back and saw Sero I blushed like crazy and ran away but I got stopped by his tape, I gasp as I halted from moving anymore.

I looked down biting my lip, "W-What do you want Sero..." I asked

He came in front of me and smiled, "I love you too, I always have, I told Denki all the stuff because I assumed his was telling you since you and him were so close, and today at school, I was gonna confess... since I started to get these hearts, I didn't think they came from you... I wish I had the guts to tell you, also when I get home I'm gonna read all these cute hearts you made!" He smiled kissing my forehead

I blushed looking up at him, "Y-you like me too!" I smiled softly wishing this tape wasn't on me.

He smiled getting his tape off of me, and wrapping his arms around me, I wrapped my arms around him also, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling looking down at me

I blushed nodding, "Of course I will, I love you Sero, and my heart puzzles where a great way to ease me into confessing to you..." I blushed kissing his cheek

He leaned down and kissed me softly, I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back, We pulled away for air. I smiling placing my head on his chest. "(Y/n), we have to thank Denki tomorrow!" He smiled looking at me with a bright smile.

I smiled and nodded, "Yes! He helped me so much! Also, I think we should try to get him a girl!" I giggled.

He chuckled, "We can try, but I don't think it will work!" He looked away, "We should get going before it gets to dark." I looked up and nodded

"Yea, we should get going." I sighed hugging Sero tightly, "But I really don't want to leave..." I blushed looking up at him

He kissed my cheek, "I know, but we can spend tomorrow after school together." He smiled softly hugging me

I smiled, "Okay, will you walk me home?" I asked shyly

He grabbed my hands, "Of course I will!" we started to walk home, while we walked to my house we were talking about our quirks.

"So I want to know, what made you like me of all people? I thought it would be someone like Katsuki or Shouto who girls like." He asked looking at his empty hand

"I like you because your different from them, you are nice and you look cool saving people! I saw your exam against the teachers, you saved that pervert from Midnight, I was jealous I must say, I only got to see you guys' exams because one, Denki asked the others if I could watch, and second, my grandma is Recovery Girl." I smiled shyly looking away

"What?! Really? That's cool!" He smiled brightly, "I'm glad you got to see our exams." He said as his face started to turn a shy shade of red.

I smiled when we got to my house, "Do you want to come in and meet my parents?" I asked smiling opening my gate

"I'm sorry, I don't want to just yet, I want to look nice when I meet them, I'll see you tomorrow" He kissed me and hugged me good bye and ran off. I smiled walking in my house

"Oooo~ I saw that~" Neito smirked looking at me

"Good..." I smiled ignoring him walking up to my room

I plopped on to my bed and looked at Facebook and saw a lot of responses to Sero's status. They all said basically the same. Which was them saying they made the hearts. I refreshed the page and saw Sero's new updated status, "Hey guys, I talked to the real girl who made me the hearts, and me and her found out we liked each other for a long time! I'm so happy to have her as my new Girlfriend!" I looked at the comments and saw pissed off people.

I commented on Sero's status, "S-Sero, I-I didn't think you would tell people now!" With a blushing emojis

After I said that on his status I got a but load of hate, "You are probably just a liar! He wouldn't want a thing like you!"

"Stop giving her hate! I'll block everyone who hates on (Y/n) for being my girlfriend!" He replied to the hate

Things went quiet for a couple minutes, then I get a notification, Sero wants to add me to his relationship status. I blush and smiled as I accept it.

"(Y/N)'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!" Neito yelled loudly throughout the whole house.

"NEITO!!!" I screamed

"(Y/N)!! Get down here now!!!" My mom screamed making me sigh heavily

I walk down the stairs sighing, I get to the living room to see my mom looking at me with a big ass smile on her face!

I groan, "Mom, no... I'm not calling him to come over..." I glared at her

She frowned, "Awww, why not! I want to see your first boyfriend! It's my right as your mother to see anyone you are dating!" She pouted

"Maybe tomorrow... Sero and I are planning to hang out tomorrow after school..." I blushed looking away

She squealed like a fan girl who just saw her favorite actor, "Really!?" She smiled brightly showing her teeth
I nodded rolling my eyes, "Yes mom... Can I go..." I asked sighing.

She nodded and walk away happily, I turned and saw Neito smirking, I walked up to him smiling, I punched him in the face and whispered, "That's what you get for telling mom about Sero!!"

He ran off frowning, I smirked and walked upstairs to my room, I opened my phone and saw Sero messaged me while I was talking to my mom.

"Hey babe~" He texted with a winking face and hearts

I blushed and responded, "H-Hey babe! I...I gotta tell you something..." I added a nervous face at the end.

"What is it?" He texted back

"You gotta meet my mom tomorrow, so we might as well just come over to my place and put our bags in my room..." I sighed as I typed it and sent it

"Oh that's fine! You have to meet mine also... My mom added me of Facebook so she saw my relationship status..." He put a laughing face at the end of it.

I giggled and texted him all night till I had to go to bed. When I woke up the next morning I opened my phone to Sero saying good morning. I smiled and said the same thing to him. I got up and took a shower and got ready for school today. I walked out and saw Denki, I ran to him and hugged him tightly

"Whoa! What's this hug for?!" He asked confused

"Yesterday Sero confessed to me!!! He posted on Facebook that he wanted to know who was making the heart puzzles, lots of other girls were lying to him and he obviously knew to ask them questions, but for me, I told him I knew, he asked to meet me and when we met up I just shoved them all in his hands and ran off, he caught me with his tape and that's when he confessed! Now today after school Sero and I are gonna go to my place so he could meet my mom then we are going to his place to meet his mom! I'm so happy!!" I jumped up and down like a fan girl

He laughed, "Wow, I guess the hearts worked!" He smiled patting my head

"Yea! They did! Thank you Denki!" I smiled brightly

"Hey (Y/n)!"

I turned to see Sero, I ran to him and hugged him, he hugged back and kissed my forehead, "Sero, not in front of Denki!" I blushed giggling

He smiled, "Sorry, I couldn't help it! I missed you too much!" He laughed

We walked to school together, I was in the middle holding Sero's hand as we walked. When we got to school we said good bye to Denki, Sero followed me to my locker and we talked, then we walked to his locker, that's when he was swarmed by girls asking him out. He rejected them all and grabbed my hand and ran down the hall to my class.

"(Y/n), if anyone harasses you tell a teacher quickly! Got it? I don't want my lovely girlfriend hurt..." He hugged me softly kissing the top of my head.

I smiled, "Yea Sero, I'll tell someone..." I looked up at him kissing his cheek since I was too short to reach his forehead.

When he left I was confronted by others telling me how lucky I was. I thanked them for not harassing me. They were nice. I walked into class and everyone screamed "Way to go (Y/n), you got a class A man!" I blushed and walked to my seat and glared at Neito asking if he had anything to do with it. He just looked the other way whistling. I rolled my eyes and took out my things.

When it was lunch time me and Sero ate with his classmates, he introduced me to them, everyone was so nice, except Katsuki... He was an asshole. Sero apologized for him and told me he's always an asshole. I giggled and forgave Sero for Katsuki.

After school Sero and I went to my house where he was bombarded with questions by my mom and dad. I sighed and went upstairs to quickly change, when I got done changing I walked downstairs to see them all laughing.

"What's going on?" I asked

My mom looked at me, "Oh nothing. just talking about you two's future!" She smiled

I blushed bright red, "O-Our Future?!" I covered my face, "Mooooommmm!" I groaned out

"It's okay (Y/n) I love you, and want to spend the rest of our lives together!" Sero got up and hugged me lovingly

"Awww~" Mom sighed happily

I looked around, "Where is dad?" I asked looking at mom

She looked down, "He had to leave for work again..." She got up, "But it comes with the territory of being a hero! You two should get going, Sero told me that his mom wants to meet you too!" She smiled softly

"Okay, bye mom!" I smiled as we left.

We started walking to Sero's house, he and I were talking the way there. When we got there, he kissed me quickly and walked in his house, "Mom, I'm home, and I've brought (Y/n) with!" He took off his shoes and walked upstairs to get changed

His mom came out and introduced her, she called me cute and beautiful. She also asked me about the future, I told her the same thing Sero told me. It's true, I love him, I want to be with him forever! Even in death! When Sero came down he smiled and walked over and lifted me up off the couch

He held my hands, "We need to go mom, I'll be home later." He said walking out with me, I told his mother bye and we walked to...somewhere, I didn't know where we are going.

A few years have passed now, and Sero and I are married and expecting in a few months, Sero took off from heroing to spend time with me and my baby. I was a hero also, but being pregnant meant being on hiatus for the whole pregnancy. Sero was laying on his head on mine and gently rubbing my big tummy. He kept kissing my head and telling me how lucky he was to have me, and to be honest, I was very lucky to have him, if I kept quiet about the hearts I would've lost my chance! I looked up at him and kissed him, he blushed and told me that he didn't expect that. I told him I was thinking about if I just kept quite about the hearts back in high school. He chuckled and kissed me back. He told me that he would've gotten the guts to ask me out someday, he loved me for so long.

The End

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Posted: Mon, 17/09/2018 07:12 (5 Years ago)

Title: Doflamingo x Reader - You Are Mine

This is a request and they wanted it to fluffy, so Doffy maybe OOC this is also a AU where Doffy doesn't lose his brother Cora, and Law doesn't hate him will all of his being, Law still doesn't like him tho lol Anyways I hope you enjoy!!! Also another adding I'm making Law at least the legal age to be with Corazon since I ship those two so hard. If you don't like that please don't yell at me. Just ignore those parts. It's gonna be very little Cora x Law ^~^'


I was reading a book in my room with Law, he's my best friend, has been since the day he saved me from almost getting killed. Law's best friend is Corazon, We all call him Cora because we feel like it. I think Law likes Cora, he's always taking care of him when he gets clumsy and burns himself, or trips and falls over himself. He's reading medical based books, he wants to be a doctor. I know he'll make it to that goal. When he was younger he had a rare illness that coulda killed him, but the master and Cora's brother, Doflamingo let Cora and Law go find a cure. They found a decent cure that resulted in Law having a Devil Fruit power The Op Op fruit, it's basically a doctor fruit I guess, it healed him, that's all we care about.

"(Y/N)?" I shook my head out of thought and looked at the voice. It was Law, "You were zoning out again. Anyways, I have to go help Cora, he set himself on fire again, and after I told him to quit smoking..." He sighed walking away

I snickered, "You just don't want to smell the smoke coming off of him and his clothes~" I teased him
He blushed looking at me with a angry embarrassed look, "Shut Up! I told you I don't like Corazon like that!!" He turned back towards the door and left in a hurry, probably to get away from my teasing. Hehe.

I went back to my book, it was a romanticish book, called Beauty and The Beast (If it's not really a book it is in this fanfic ._.) I heard a knock at my door, "Come in!" I yelled to the person on the other side, I didn't look up from my book

I heard snickering, "Hello (Y/n) my dear~" I blushed as I shot my head up at the tall man now in front of me. I couldn't see his eyes since he always wears those damn sunglasses.

I looked down, "Y-Yes Master?" I asked, he never comes in my room... this is a new surprise for me...

He sits next to me on the couch in my room, "Call me Doflamingo or Doffy (Y/n). I don't like it when you call me Master when we are alone." He held me close to him. I got up from the couch blushing, "Where are you going (Y/n)?" He asked standing up

I blushed looking down at my hands, "T-The bathroom... I'm sorry I really gotta go..." I ran out and into the bathroom where Law and Cora were talking

They both look at me and Law asks, "What are you doing here?" He asked, I walked over to him and clung to him, "He did it again I presume?" I nodded

Cora looked at me confused, "Who did what again?" He asked

Law rubs my back soothingly, "Doffy flirted with her again. She likes him, but she doesn't want him to know because she'll just get teased by him..." He sighed looking at Cora

Cora was frowning, "That's what he would do that idiot... I can't stand when he teases people..." I looked at him frowning

I walked over to him and clung to him now, "I really want some who is close to him to ask if he likes me! So I could know if he likes me or he's just a big tease..." I felt tears sting my eyes.

Cora looked at me, "Ugh, fine... I'll ask..." He said looking away with a guilty look on his face.

Law sighed looking away, "Why don't you two hang out a lot... If the bird brain gets jealous he'll most likely get possessive and try to but in..." He leaned on the wall.

I smiled brightly, "Law! You are a genius!!" I smiled jumping excitedly. I grabbed Cora's hand and ran out of the bathroom, "I'll give him back after I get what I want Law!" I yelled as I ran with Cora

He came out of the bathroom, "I DON'T WANT HIM BACK!!" He yelled, Yea right, I know these two love each other! Hehehe!!

I began to walk with Cora through the halls, talking about his Devil fruit and how useful it is. He could sneak in anywhere and steal anything. It's the perfect for Pirates like us. He just shrugged it off and mumbled something about it's troublesome.

As we walked Doflamingo saw us walking together and I saw his mouth turn from a frown to a scowl, "(Y/n), you ran away to go find him..." He said looking away

I looked down, "No, I went to the bathroom and bumped into him when I came out..." I frowned sighing slightly

He scoffs and walks off, "I know you left to stop being around me. Don't try to hide it. You hate me and that's fine... Make her happy Corazon, or so help me I'll beat you till you can't see!" He walks past us, I felt my heart beat faster when he past us

When Doflamingo turned the corner I fell to my knees, "I-I pissed him off... I-I don't want him to think I hate him..." I started to cry I hid my face and cried into my hands, I couldn't believe he thinks I hate him!

Cora knelt down and placed his hand on my back, "It'll be okay, I'll ask him why he thinks you hate him." He got up and walked in the direction Doflamingo went

I just stared off in to space thinking about how I messed up, "Ani?" I got shaken out of my thoughts, "Ani? Earth to Ani!" I shook my head and looked at Law who was shaking me

I look around seeing that I'm somewhere else, "Where am I?" I asked looking around

Law scratched his forehead, "You were sitting in the hall for such a long time, I don't even know how long you were there for, I took you to Doflamingo's room to see if he would get you out of your spacing out. I found him and he told me to just call out your name, what happened to him?? He would've been here faster than anyone, I couldn't believe he didn't want to come..." He looked at me with a puzzled expression.

I began to cry once again, "He thinks I hates him!!" I grab a pillow and cried into it, "I don't hate Doffy! I love him!" I cried even harder

Law chuckled, "Okay, you got your answer, you can come out now." Law got up and leaned against the wall

I was confused, "Who are yo-" I stopped when I saw Doflamingo coming out of from the bathroom. I blushed bright red as I saw him.

He smiled sweetly and sat next to me on the bed, "Law, you can go now." He pulled me into a hug.
Law left chuckling I glared at him, "Law, go to Corazon and tell him you love him now! Or I will do it!" I could hear him blushing

He turned to me with a red face," FINE!" He slams the door closed

Doflamingo looked at me and smiled, "I was hoping to have you all to myself" He held me close to him, "I love you (Y/n), ever since you first came here. When Law saved you and brought you back here I couldn't believe my eyes, you were so beautiful, you're even more beautiful when you're clean and properly dressed." He brought my face up and kissed me, my eyes widen, I blushed.

We pulled away and Doffy held me tight, I hugged him tight as well, "I love you too Doflamingo!" I smiled nuzzling my head in his chest, He chuckled and kissed my forehead I looked up at him, "Are we gonna tell the others during dinner tonight?" I asked in a excited tone.

He laughed once more and patted my head, "Yes my new Queen, we will. You will be seated next to me at the table this time instead of Trebol, if he does anything to you afterwards tell me, he can get extremely upset if something changes causing him trouble." He lifted me up and laid down on the bed and placed me on top of his chest, since he's tall and all...

I blushed sitting on him, "O-Okay my king!" I smiled with my face beat red. I laid down on his chest, "You are so tall Doffy" I looked up at him

He chuckled once again, "Yea, I am, but it's better this way so I can make the people fear me when I tower over them" He smirked raising his hand above us, "The only thing I have is fear, if people fear me they will follow and respect me." He sighed, "But sometimes fear is what keeps me alone. Even in the family people fear me." He turned his head away from me and let his hand fall to his side

I blushed, "D-Doffy, I don't fear you. I love you. The only reason I ran away from you a lot is because I thought if you knew about my feelings you'd exploit them for your own gain. I didn't know you loved me also, I thought you were just teasing me like you do with the whores you have come by and surround you..." I fiddled with my fingers in a nervous way

He turned his head back to face me, "I understand your reasons, and don't worry I'll never call those whores again. You have my word on that." He smiled

I sighed internally, I sat up and looked at him head on, "Doffy! May I see your eyes?" I blushed as I finally asked the big question I've always wanted to know, for years I've wanted to see his eyes, I even sneaked into his room to see them, but much to my dismay he wore a eye mask.

He snickered trying to hold his laughter in, "You said that with such determination! It was cute, and to answer your question," He sat back up I started to fall to his lap, he held me close to his face, "You may." He smiled not moving, I guess he wanted me to take off his glasses.

I gulped and hesitantly grabbed his glasses and pulled them off his face, I gasped and accidently dropped the glasses to the bed, "Y-You're so...HOT!" I blushed deep red, like not even deep red like the darkest red possible, that was my face right now! Doffy had such hot eyes! I couldn't stop staring at them

He adverted his eyes, "T-Thanks, y-you are the only one non-family that has seen my eyes, the only people that seen my eyes was my parents and my brother. You are the only outsider who has seen my eyes, and I am so glad I showed you." He blushed looking at me again, he eyes filled with love and passion, he smiled letting our foreheads touch.

I blushed, "I feel honored to be able to see your eyes, I love you Doflamingo" I smiled kissing him softly He kissed me back moving his hands up my body and to my head, he tangled his fingers in my (H/l) (H/c). We almost made the kiss heated, but someone knocked on the door interrupting us.
Doffy grabbed his glasses, "Who is it?" He yelled looking at the door. I blushed resting my head on Doffy's chest looking at the door also.

They came in and it was Sugar, She smiled, "It's dinner time Young Lord!" She said while smiling.

He smirked, "Good, thank you Sugar, round everyone up, I have some news to share with everyone." He picked me up and put me on my feet and stood up himself. Sugar nodded and left. I looked up at Doflamingo, He looked down at me, "You ready my Queen?" He smirked. I nodded smiling pointing at my lips, He smirked and leaned down and kissed me again, "Lets go" He walked ahead of me. I rushed to walk by his side, he looks at me and smiles, "You are so cute, I want to carry you to dinner but then my announcement will be for nothing." He smiled patting my head.

We got in front of the doors to the dining hall, Doflamingo smiled at me, I smiled back and we opened the doors for everyone to be seated, Corazon and Law look happy, Law must've finally told him after my threat. I looked up at Doffy, "Trebol is in my spot" I whispered.

He looked at me and nodded, "Everyone! I have an important Announcement to make!!" He grabbed everyone's attention, He smiled, "I'd like to announce that I've found my queen! (Y/n) will be my Queen! And she will sit next to me at the dinner table! Trebol you have to move down a seat." He looked at Trebol with a plain face.

Trebol stood up, "B-but Young Master! I-I ne-"

"No buts. Go down one seat. You know how I want my seating arrangements. My real family in around me. My brother and my Queen should eat next to me." He scowled at Trebol.

Trebol hung his head low and walked down a seat, "Yes young master.." He said in disappointment.

I walked with Doffy to our seats, before I could grab out my seat Doffy pulled it out and let me sit before he did. I smiled, "What a kind gentlemen" I sat down and he pushed my chair in. Doffy went to sit in his chair next to me. He held my hand and ordered the food out.

We started to eat and talked about how we got together. We told him Law's plan and how it worked, "I'm so glad that it worked, I wouldn't have been able to keep myself away from her much longer, and after all the stuff I said to her before we got together.. I felt like dying right then and there." Doffy said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

I giggled and looked at Corazon, "Oh Cora, I saw them!" I blushed looking at Doffy who only smiled at me

Corazon chuckled, "That's very good, I'm glad someone else seen them!" he thrown me a thumbs up and winked, "Now you're gonna be my sister soon! And law will be your brother soon also!" He throws up a peace sign and a flashy smile

I squealed excited, "My ship is finally being real!" I gave them both a thumbs up, Law just smiled and turned to kiss Cora's cheek

Law got up and walked over to me, "Thank you (Y/n), I couldn't have done this without your threat" He hugged me. I hugged him back telling him it was nothing.

After dinner Doffy and me, along with Corazon and Law went out to the library and talked a while more, once it got late we went to our rooms, well I went to Doffy's room and Law went to Cora's room. Doffy held me the entire night.

After a few months Trebol finally approved of me being with Doffy, we got married a few days after Trebol approved of me. Doffy wanted everyone to approve of me, without getting them afraid. A few years after the marriage Doffy and I had 7 kids, Law and Corazon adopted 2 kids. Doffy always wanted a big family. I guess I helped him with that one! Hehe, We had two pairs of twins, they looked like Doffy and Corazon, the other pair of twins looked like me and Doffy mixed, they had my (E/c) eyes and his blonde hair, then we have the two girls and a boy left. the girls got his fathers eyes and my hair, the boy looked like me but a boy, he got my (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes. We lived together as a happy big family!

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