Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Wishes"..."
He didn't say anything. He slowly pulled out his phone, took a picture of it and started typing something.
"S-Sir...? Do phones e-even exist in t-this dimension...?"

"Tell you what, I'm sick of this. I'm sick of being nice to these foolish children. Those absolute idiots HAD to send me to a goddamn dimension full of people I can't get along with.
Listen up, Tin-Can. I ain't doing anything a mortal commands me to do."
Electris and Axel blinked.
"Can it, Elec. I can't deal with this 'holiday' anymore."
He thought about the others for a moment. What would Araysh and the Mewtwo think of him? He cancelled these and pushed them out of his head.
It hurt to think that they too would dislike him for doing this, but he sighed.
It was either they hate him now or eventually hate him later.

As much as I understand you, it's hard to not be creeped out by some kind of robot-Pokemon. And now that I think about it, you and Pakuona look... Similar, to say the least.”
He ducked under Robyn's slash coolly.
"Tryna make the situation worse by escalating it.
Well, too bad for ya.
I've seen it all, tinny."
Electris blushed a little and turned away, meeting Axel's eyes when he did so.
"Saffo's gonna get hit in the gob in a minute, innne."
Electris didn't listen.
"He dodged that... s-so s-swiftly... l-like h-he predicted it..."

~(Nothing--not made by them-- I think.)~