Forum Thread
New Island RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → New Island RPHe say to make Lycanroc not feel so guilty

"Morning, everyone!"
Ninetina greeted her fellow pokemon crewmates in a cheerful tone before turning her head at the vast variety of foods that was offered to her.
"Ooo~! They look delicious."
Ninetina smiled as she skipped her way to consume her breakfast. The breakfast she prepared was simple: A few pieces of bread with peanut butter and jam and some fruits to boost her energy to the maximum.
"hmmmm.....found it!"
he grab the cookie jar at shelf
(No idea why I posted this but I felt like it.)
(Ninetina is just really hungry dw:D)
"Hey Kya you want some?"
he ask Kya
"Huh, not bad!" He grabs another cookie for the way, glancing a little at the Ninetina at their eating habit with a sweat drop. How ravenous. "I'm gonna take a seat over there, okay Mimicco?" Kya said before grabbing a plate of pancake and heading towards one of the empty seats near the end of the breakfast room.
he continues to nom the cookies..until its empty
he notice a smoll tore..on his cape
"hmmm...i will sew this"
he out from breakfast to find a needling kit to sew it...whhile out from the room he hum a liltle
Garchomp 4(the island cook): No worries, I have more!
*Garchomp 4 gives Icy extra biscuits.*
Half a hour later Guardchomp walks in.
Guardchomp: guys! Breakfast’s over, we’ll go on a tour!
The group walks outside, behind Guardchomp.
You walk through a hall full of photo’s of Garchomps. One of them is a Shiny one. There is also a photo of Mewtwo and one of Haxorus.
Guardchomp: So this is our hall of fame. As you can see, most of them are Garchomp. However there are two different ones. Hacoruss there is our boss, and Mewtwo… Mewtwo made this island full of pokémon, including clone ones. Also he made more cloning machines, allowing…..
*Guardchomp is silent for a while*
Icy: Allowing what?
Guardchomp sounds very nervous for the first time.
Uhhhmmmmm…. Just uhhh…. Forget about that part?
You walk further on the island tour.
Icy: Weird…
Demisexual pansexual.
I will edit my Signature soon!
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT
it make remember his past...its was nice..until...
hmmm..just forget it..he continued hummin a melody that a nostalic memory for him..

"Hmmm... What a peaceful day to begin with"
Ninetina spoke under her breath.
Although, Ninetina is not very sure about what Guardchomp's comment. If there is really something suspicious about this peaceful island.
The island itself was quite beautiful, definitely much better than the dull mountainous area of Kya's home. The view outside the building was stunning and the air felt clear and fresh. Although taking another look at the Guardchomp, a question pops up into Kya's head. WHY is there so many Garchomps? It's probably merely due to to...Hacoruss? The boss as the Guardchomp said liking to the species but, there's other Pokemon that are perfect guards!
Kya lets out a huff as he follows the group, stopping himself from spiralling into many unneeded thoughts. He should really just enjoy the island than questioning unimportant matters.
he as i question that is hanging on his head...why the Garchomps cut off its word...well
he just ignored that question for now...he should just enjoy the island for now on...
Oh an Eevee he wanna he wanna greet it...maybe he just wanna disturb its sleep...
"Is that poor eevee okay?!"