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Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Danganronpa Roleplay [PRIVATE]
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 06:00 (1 Year ago)


Damn right Mei was, and after realizing she had no popcorn left, she threw the bucket too. Amazing how the screen 4th wall hasn't broken yet, the hell was this stuff made out of?

Anyways, on a side quest she went on, she finally found the commotion near the trophy set and grabbed some tissues for Darcy and Idris's sob story. Heart-breaking, tear-jerking, moving trauma dumps from both ends, give a round of applause to these two weirdos! Oh, and she made sure to save some popcorn for Kubo, even had some leftover to throw at the three others standing there. Kubo got the most though, and that handful was filled with rotten kernels and burnt ashes of what one could only hope was previously popcorn.

Oh yeah, and she obviously took a peek at that suspicious name that blue rat was hiding, she totally knows everything.


The quiet walk to his initial destination was a little longer than he would've thought, which was slightly unpleasant but he couldn't complain. Better than running into whatever was going on in that one place he couldn't bother to remember, shoving that detail into the back of his mind.

The kitchen was... Surprisingly empty, which was nice I guess. Nobody to bother him, nobody to interfere with whatever he was doing.

Nobody to witness.

Uh oh, spoiler alert, let me just Neuralyzer pen you :)

Anyways, just as he was deciding what to make while observing everything the kitchen had in store (albeit, nearly falling asleep while doing so, somehow), a certain somebody decided to show up.

Uh oh, Lucian jumpscare. Speaking of... What FNAF jumpscare sound fits your character best? Leave your answer in the comments below, and don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe to the channel! Also check out my merch, I'm now selling $500 pebbles covered in my bath water! Trust me, it's very valuable stuff.

"oh! hey again. I was just going to check if..."
"...if... The concessions were in order. For prom."

He immediately became more alert upon hearing another voice, not even hearing their footsteps. Not exactly startled, but not exactly relaxed either. He turned his head over toward Lucian as he came in, noticing the hesitation but not saying anything about it. Akari seemed to tense up a bit upon Lucian mentioning prom again, but otherwise didn't really react to anything else. Just a slight nod of acknowledgement, I guess.


He hesitated slightly, his finger now faintly tapping on his arm as he crossed them, almost like he wasn't all that enthusiastic about what he was about to get himself into. What a surprise, ammiright?

"Y'know... I would've thought Monokuma would've had it all set up himself, honestly..." He mumbled, looking back at his surroundings instead of the person standing next to him.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 16:31 (1 Year ago)

Lucian Arbred's POV

Lucian noticed Akari was tense as usual. The poor guy. Maybe he was upset because he never got to be a part of anything except filler plots.


Lucian tried to offer him a welcoming smile, to try to ease the tension. But... that probably wasn't helping much.

"Y'know... I would've thought Monokuma would've had it all set up himself, honestly..."

"...yes. I would've thought so, too." He looked thoughtful. Perhaps they would have to ask Serend about this particular conundrum, but the fourth wall had taken enough abuse already. How was it still holding up?

Lucian scrounged through the pantries, and tried not to think about all the kitchens he had found himself inside over the course of his life. It was like a strong, flashing sequence of memories, one after another. Never the same one for long, and yet, never feeling entirely safe in any of them. No different than here, he supposed...

He looked back at his companion, who appeared to be avoiding eye contact. "...are you hungry?" he couldn't help asking. "I could make you something, if you want."

Maybe that would be a good idea. He could make something for everyone. Of course, he'd have to set up the concessions for later (unless Monokuma jumpscared them all with platters of food that came seemingly out of nowhere and were probably poisoned) as well, who knows, ANYTHING was on brand for that bear. ...except for just letting everyone walk right out of the building, unharmed.

Was that too much to hope for?

"...Akari? Do you think we'll... ever get out of here?"

The question came out before he could stop it. As it came out, he surprised himself.



Oh, if only he could just sacrifice himself. If only everyone was guaranteed to leave by just his own death. But Lucian knew that sort of sacrifice meant nothing, given that he attributed no value to his own life. He was only good for how much he could help others. If he just knew that cutting himself out of the picture... would make everyone else happy... it would fix everything.

But he had promised Kaoru he'd get out of here, with everyone. He'd... promised Mei something similar, as well.

Promises... they weighed you down so much. He wasn't so sure he could even keep them, or if he just had wanted to ease their worried minds, just a little... before...


It was so hard to believe they were both dead and gone. And Horatia, and Futatabi too. How many more would die, in Monokuma's twisted game, before he was satisfied?

He wouldn't be content with just killing students himself... would he?

Nono, surely, he would mean to instigate it upon and among all of them. If no students succumbed to killing one another... maybe they could figure out a way out of here.

And Lucian would do whatever it took, as long as he was still alive, he swore to himself... he would try everything he could to help everyone get out of here together.

If only he had known... such a hope would be futile.

Sawyer Laurens's POV

Sawyer was... dreaming. Perhaps. A dream within a dream...? Was that what it was?

They weren't quite sure. Never quite sure of anything. Not who they were, not who the others were, not why those voices sounded so familiar. Not why the one called... Darcy, they thought... seemed so very familiar. He seemed to know things about them, things he couldn't know otherwise.

But how did he know them . . . ?

Maybe this was all a dream. All an abundance of hallucinations. Perhaps Sawyer had created this world, themself. Perhaps they had created everyone. Was that it? Were none of them real?

There was a figure. At least... Sawyer thought that was what they were. A person, slightly hovering above the floor. They slowly...

Approached the figure.


Who was that?

Why did they...

Look so faintly familiar?

Were they a person?


Or something else, entirely?

"Did I... make you?"

There was no response.

"My friend...?"

Friends. People were all friends. Oh, yes. Everyone was your friend.

Friends, friends, friends, joy and laughter, laughter...

What was laughter?

What was...

The important thing that Sawyer had forgotten...

That they were trying to remember?

It hurt to remember.

Please make it stop.

It hurts.


Why was... the person hovering?

Why did... they seem to drift further away?

"Heyyy, don't run! I'm your friend! I'm not going to hurt you!"

...were they...


And then, Sawyer saw it. There was a curious shape around their neck. It was...

No, what was that?


Oh, of course it wasn't a person. They didn't speak.

Yes, it must have been a doll. Or a mannequin.

The hair was a pale green. Short, and soft, brushed and straightened to perfection. A long black, flowing skirt, a fine black blouse, a familiar shape around their neck.

It was...

A cross?

The skin was paler than pale. There was... something wrong with the expression...

What a strange mannequin. How...


strangely familiar...


They tried again. There was no response.

And then, the figure mannequin disappeared.

It was strange... they almost looked like...

That hair, that hairclip.

"It's okay. Don't be afraid."

They turned.

She was smiling. Who was this stranger?...

And why did... they feel like... they knew her?

They were lying in the stranger's lap, barely conscious. They tried to move, but... something was stopping them. Something... hurt? Maybe they imagined it.

But they could... see her. They could feel them, stroking their hair. It was... nice. Comforting.

...Sawyer breathed, in and out, in and out.

There was something comforting, something peaceful. A name almost came to them.

"Kaoru." It stirred on their lips. "Kaoru Kajiwara."

She laughed, and her prim haircut swayed slightly to the side. Her eyes were bright. Pristine, shining.

Kaoru... was... that who this was?

Why was... this stranger... so oddly familiar?

"Your hairclip looks so nice! It... suits you," they chirped.

They found themself conscious now. The hurt had gone. The hurt was gone.

"Oh... thank you."

"And I like your haircut, too! It's really pretty. And your necklace... you look really cool!"

They liked the stranger's eyes, too.


There was something calming about her. So calm, so gentle.

Was she real? Did they make her? Why did the name sound so familiar, as though they were someone Sawyer had met before? Why? It didn't make any sense...



That wasn't...

Back again, staring through the glass. Agonizing...


Begging and pleading...

To no avail...

The... sauce. The sauce, that must've been what it was. Was getting everywhere. Was... was she cooking... or something?


Why did...

Why did she seem to be in pain?

That wasn't Kaoru.

That couldn't be Kaoru.

It was... a mannequin. An illusion. A bad dream.

Yes, it was all a dream.


Sawyer was in the hallway, searching and searching. They had to find... something.

. . .

What was it they had to find? Something lost. Maybe something that they had forgotten.






Oh! That was right. They had to find... a bag. Kaoru's bag.

Kaoru, who was smiling, who was laughing, who was gentle, comforting, who was... pretty. Mesmerizing.

They would feel their cheeks grow warm, and a smile upon their face, as they thought of her.


Kaoru... was she... a stranger? A friend? Someone who they had... made up, inside their head?

She was there. She was always there. To take care of them.


They searched, and searched, and searched. And yet... they couldn't find it. That thing they had been looking for.

That thing they had forgotten.

And then... the doors were locked. Sawyer was left... alone. Outside, in the darkness.

Forgotten. Again. Isn't that familiar?

. . .

They didn't know how long they were asleep.

Treasure hunt!! Those were fun. And... oh...

. . .

Must have been... another doll. Another mannequin. An illusion, of some sort.

Because although they had won the sword fight, it had been a peaceful surrender.


I didn't kill her. I couldn't'a killed her. That... doesn't sound like me...

It was a curious thing... almost... fitting. To see her... in that coffin... stabbed... through with leeks...


No, it wasn't her... it wasn't... Horatia?

...was... that who she was?


The one with the cool Shakespearean speak.


It hurts.


No, it doesn't hurt.

. . .

I'm alright.


I'm smiling, see?

...I was still just a child.

...I think.


I don't remember.

...did it really happen?


I can't forget.

I can't remember.


It's okay. I'm fine.


It wasn't real.

It was all a dream.

Horatia. Kaoru. Futatabi. Mei.


Did I...

Make you?

Did I...




That couldn't be right. They must have merely left the dream. Dreams changed a lot. They were... strange, peculiar. Things could happen within the bounds of your imagination, beyond the bounds of your imagination.

I think...

I knew you once.

"You left me."

Why did you have to go?

I don't understand.

Was it because of her?

I didn't think she'd do a thing like that.


Darcy... who was that?

Another one of their dreams? Their illusions?

Kaoru was alive. She just... had to go. They didn't know why. People just... had to leave you, sometimes. They'd leave, they'd leave, they'd leave, without saying a word.

The doctors wouldn't explain why they had to leave the room. They wouldn't explain why you couldn't go see Mom and Dad! They wouldn't explain why you couldn't leave. Perhaps you were the dreamer. The one trapped in the dream. The maker of everything.

The destroyer... of everything.

No... Darcy... he wasn't real, either. Just another part of the dream.

People left the dream. Sometimes.


It was all a never-ending dream. No one was trapped here. They just chose to stay here. Because I needed friends. I needed to play with someone!

And they needed to, too! They needed friends.

Kaoru didn't do that... it was just...


She was just...


Horatia was just leaving.

Futatabi... Mei. They just left too.

...wait... who... left?

had there been someone there? Something?...



couldn't remember.

what was...


It must have...

been a dream. a game.

something they made up.

They made everything up.


it was all a dream. all a game.

"I must have brought them all to life. But they can come and go as they please. At least... I think so. Yes. That must be it. And we're all meant to be here, to play... forever. At least... I think."

There must be something...

something they couldn't remember.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 18:33 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"I guess that's two votes then. What do you think Idris?"

He stared at him. "The hell do you mean, 'what do I think'? I came up with the freakim' idea of having a meeting, and the whole 'dreamwork makes the teamwork'-type crap, dumbass."

He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't let Saeko anywhere near me, if they know what's good for them."

" 'Kay?" He flashed a grin.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 19:14 (1 Year ago)

Darcy Harper's POV

Now playing: Waiting In The Wings (Reprise)

"Guess by now I oughta know my place
Do your humble duty with a smile on your face
Mother knows how much I love her
But she's always doing other things
So I'll keep waiting in the wings
I crave so much
And yet I kept on waiting
One glance, one touch
And I just kept on waiting
And when it came, it came with strings
So I kept waiting in the wings"


"The hell do you mean, 'what do I think'? I came up with the freakim' idea of having a meeting, and the whole 'dreamwork makes the teamwork'-type crap, dumbass."

...of course. Of course he came up with it. Of course, because Darcy would never create or do something of great importance. Darcy couldn't do anything of any real value. How could he forget? Of course, this was all Idris's idea. And of course, he had to be a jerk for no reason. That was just like him, wasn't it?

...well... maybe he wasn't being fair. Oh, Hell, he had no idea. He was just so tired right now. He offered a smile, but it felt so forced. He could feel it cracking on the inside.

Good for you, Ultimate Linguist, who is so amazing and so superior, just like everyone else. Everyone but me.

"Idris, it doesn't matter who started it, okay? I think we should just be glad Kubo is going along with this." He said it in a tone that seemed to indicate "Kubo, of all people", which he felt, admittedly, a little guilty about.

Who was he, to be so judgmental of these people? Who he barely knew...

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't let Saeko anywhere near me, if they know what's good for them."

Of course. He was going to still be like that. It was a huge step forward, in any case...


Darcy said nothing else, he merely nodded. "Okay. I... guess we better go see if anyone else is willing to join us. Or we should start strategizing now?"

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 20:49 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"Idris, it doesn't matter who started it, okay? I think we should just be glad Kubo is going along with this."

Excuse me? Excuse me-?

Idris scowled. "Fine. Whatever."

I honestly couldn't care less if the Ultimate Idiot joined or not but whatever.

"Okay. I... guess we better go see if anyone else is willing to join us. Or we should start strategizing now?"

He shrugged. "We already have a decent group size here, and I don't know where anyone is right now. Also, isn't prom soon? We should focus on this before everyone gets distracted by that stupid prom."

"Speaking of prom....it's such a huge trap, right? Someone is definitely getting murdered, I can just feel it. So, I feel like we should keep watch on everyone, y'know? Keep a count of all the knives in the kitchens and whatnot-"

idris is turning into twogami i'm sorry

He sighed.

"I just....I just don't want another death." He glared at everyone, his voice catching a little.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 21:56 (1 Year ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"Fine. Whatever."

Gee. Okay, Mr. Grumpy Grump. ...okay. Not like Darcy himself was any better, but at least he was TRYING to act positive about this. ...plus... he couldn't say he approved of Kubo much either. He and Idris could at least agree on that. What an odd group they were...

"We already have a decent group size here, and I don't know where anyone is right now. Also, isn't prom soon? We should focus on this before everyone gets distracted by that stupid prom."

Darcy sighed. "Yeah, you're right. That might be a good idea. Okay... what should we try first? Should we check for vents and windows?" Of course he recalled seeing those inside of buildings and the occasional movie Sawyer forced him to watch with them, and occasionally he thought they might make for a good escape in an emergency.

Stupid prom... Darcy almost winced, but forced himself not to. Yeah. Stupid prom. He had to agree with Idris there, he just... hoped this time would be better. This time would be different.

"Speaking of prom....it's such a huge trap, right? Someone is definitely getting murdered, I can just feel it. So, I feel like we should keep watch on everyone, y'know? Keep a count of all the knives in the kitchens and whatnot-"

Okay, still as grumpy as ever. He was right, though, and Darcy knew it. "Yeah... the goofy chunk of Yin-Yang metal probably just wants to let everyone's guard down. I mean, come on, what OTHER motivation could he possibly have for 'cheering you sad saps up'?" he asked sarcastically, doing air quotes as he mimicked the stupid bear's words. "Agreed... knives in the..."



[Insert black-and-white version of an earlier scene with the player clicking through the dialogue because this is Danganronpa after all]

"Is that how... Sawyer's hands got all..." he said out loud, without realizing. "I mean- never mind. I guess that explains what I saw earlier."

...had Sawyer... killed someone? No. The thought was unthinkable. They wouldn't do a thing like that. Plus, it was THEIR hands that were injured. It had to be self-harm.

"I just....I just don't want another death."

Darcy crossed his arms and stared at the floor. "I feel you about that. I... still can't believe that four of us are dead now. It's kind of crazy, when you think about it."

...it was. And there was something a little upsetting, about the fact that...

Kaoru was dead, and oh wow, look at Jerky McJerkface Detective over there. Someone who had clearly mattered to him, or USED to matter to him sacrificed her freaking life for him. Darcy gritted his teeth, and tried not to flat-out yell at him about it. Like, okay, yeah, the others here were strangers, so if you were that much of a jerk, fine. But Kaoru had MEANT something to him, or at least used to.

And she SACRIFICED herself for you. Do you seriously not care?

Granted, Kaoru wasn't the best person. They'd framed Sawyer for the murder, so naturally, Darcy had reason to be seriously ticked off at her, but she hadn't deserved to die. At least... Darcy thought that was what he was supposed to think. No, he definitely thought she didn't deserve to. Right?



It was all so confusing, he didn't even want to think about it. But one thing he knew was, SERIOUSLY, what the hell, Kubo? And that guy had the nerve to act like everybody was nothing without him. Like they all NEEDED him. Oh, yeah, and not to mention to literally almost drive Lucian to suicide, who was just trying to get him to stop fighting with Idris.

And then... something made Darcy restrain himself even further. If everyone just fought with and insulted Idris and Kubo... and didn't give either of them the chance to mature and do better, it'd just make matters worse.

I told you I thought I was better than that, didn't I, Mei? I'm good. I'm a good person. Or so I want to believe.

But no, he wasn't a good person. It was about time he accepted that. A good person wouldn't do what he did, and keep it a secret. There was a reason that that photo was up there. Or at least... used to be. He slowly pulled it out of his pocket and stared at it.

Two people, holding hands, on a bench. They looked so happy, and yet... it was monochrome. Isolating it as a thing of the past, a thing that was no more. The past was no more.

Is there... even a reason... Sawyer's was up there?

He didn't believe... or... he didn't want to believe... that Sawyer could have some dreadful secret that they never told anyone. Two tombstones... what could it possibly mean?

It was best not to think too much about that. It hurt to think about. He'd be happier just not knowing. Not knowing the dreadful things everyone here might have done. The scars that they had, the secrets they hid...

It was best to just live life hiding behind lies. Behind masks, wasn't it? And that was something he envied. Sawyer's denial, although it... made them so confused... and it... made them forget so many things... they were happy. They were always happy. And Darcy couldn't stand it.

Oh, shut up. His brain needed to shut up.

"It might be best if we ensure that nobody is alone, at the same time, so nobody winds up dead. Although... yeah. Most people will probably show up for prom, I think... so we should probably start theorizing now."

I'm not good. But I want to be good. And I just hope... eventually I can find it in me to become someone good. I can't pretend I'm better than anyone here... because... I'm really not, right?

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 22:06 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"Yeah, you're right. That might be a good idea. Okay... what should we try first? Should we check for vents and windows?"

He nodded, running his hands shakily through his thick hair. Why was he so nervous?

"Is that how... Sawyer's hands got all..." .... "I mean- never mind. I guess that explains what I saw earlier."

Idris raised an eyebrow but didn't inquire.

"It might be best if we ensure that nobody is alone, at the same time, so nobody winds up dead. Although... yeah. Most people will probably show up for prom, I think... so we should probably start theorizing now."

"Yeah good plan. So, as a start, are any of you gonna actually go to prom? And if so, who with?

Makes it easier to have alibis, right?"

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 22:18 (1 Year ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

Shoot. Darcy knew he shouldn't have mentioned that. Fortunately, Idris didn't mention it, but from the skeptical look on his face, he still wished he hadn't said it.

"Yeah good plan. So, as a start, are any of you gonna actually go to prom? And if so, who with? Makes it easier to have alibis, right?"

"You have a good point there... If most people have alibis, a killer might hesitate more, out of fear of being the odd one out. I mean... remember when... Kaoru tried to make it seem like Sawyer was the culprit, by confusing us about the time of day? I know a culprit could still do that this time, but... yeah... alibis might make things a little easier, whether someone dies or not."

He swallowed. And then... he considered the other part of it.

"Well... I was... planning to." He hesitated, a little unsure to say that he was... going with Sawyer, because, it wasn't exactly that he was ashamed to be going there with his friend, but, he wasn't entirely sure what they were going as, and for some reason, the idea of going with somebody felt weird and embarrassing, although wasn't not having a date also weird and embarrassing?! Argh, he didn't know.

"Umm... Sawyer said... they'd come along with me." He still stumbled over the words, barely getting them out, because, it was confusing, and awkward. They'd lost their memory recently... and he had no idea if they fully understood the concept, and if they were going as friends or not. "What about you all?" he asked, waving a hand, eager to change the subject.

He almost wished he hadn't afterwards... because... Idris was probably not going at all, and would have gone with Mei, if she was still here, he guessed. Kubo, he had no idea about, because he was as dense as a black hole, and probably either didn't realize Lucian liked him or didn't like him back, who knew what went on in his head though?? As for Miyako, she was probably going with Shi or not going with anyone at all. Or so he thought.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 22:22 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"You're going with Sawyer? Cool. Have...fun, I guess." He muttered, giving a half-hearted smile.

Darcy was one of the few people Idris tolerated, even though they did piss him off on several occasions.

"What about you all?"

He paled a little. "...I don't care for prom." Idris lied.

"I- ... I'm more focused staying alive." He turned away a little.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 22:29 (1 Year ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"Uhhh... yeah. Thanks." He smiled slightly at Idris. He hoped that he was doing okay... given... what happened with Mei...

"...I don't care for prom. I- ... I'm more focused on staying alive."

Oh. Darcy felt really bad now. He didn't want to think about it. But it... must have been hard for him. Mei meant a lot to him, Darcy knew that. Yet, he didn't want to embarrass him in front of Kubo and Miyako, so...

"It's- not really a big deal. I just explained the concept, a little, to Sawyer, since... they don't really seem to remember, but... I didn't really even finish before they asked me, so, I- I don't really know if they understood what it... meant, really."

He inhaled. "I get that, though. You'll still be welcome there if you want to come, though, okay? I mean... it's- not weird if you decide you wanna go with somebody else, or, by yourself or something, I'm... sure nobody will judge you. But... it's your choice. Of course. And I completely get if you just want to focus on staying alive. It probably won't be that great or anything, considering the bear's... history, so... you won't be missing out or anything."

Great... wow. He was really awesome at this comforting and not embarrassing thing. Clap clap.

He was really not great at the whole positivity and encouragement thing. Sawyer was a lot better at that. Probably because... to them, everything always turned out okay. Everything always was okay, no matter what bad things happened. But... Darcy knew... life didn't usually turn out alright.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 22:35 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"It's- not really a big deal. I just explained the concept, a little, to Sawyer, since... they don't really seem to remember, but... I didn't really even finish before they asked me, so, I- I don't really know if they understood what it... meant, really."

"But it's a big deal to you, right, Darcy? I mean, you like Sawyer, right? Unless my observation skills have gotten worse these past few days. I mean, if it means so much to you-

Wouldn't you want Sawyer to actually know what prom is?"

He shrugged.

"I get that, though. You'll still be welcome there if you want to come, though, okay? I mean... it's- not weird if you decide you wanna go with somebody else, or, by yourself or something, I'm... sure nobody will judge you. But... it's your choice. Of course. And I completely get if you just want to focus on staying alive. It probably won't be that great or anything, considering the bear's... history, so... you won't be missing out or anything."

Idris scowled. "Who would I go with, anyways? Plus, prom just reminds me of bad memories, 'kay?" He spat. "How would I know if I'm missing out or not? You think I'm actually experienced in this sorta thing? Heck, I didn't even know what prom wa-"

He bit his lip.

"Doesn't matter."

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 22:55 (1 Year ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"But it's a big deal to you, right, Darcy? I mean, you like Sawyer, right? Unless my observation skills have gotten worse these past few days. I mean, if it means so much to you-

Wouldn't you want Sawyer to actually know what prom is?"

"W-Well! I- um..." Darcy looked away, and clutched tightly at his skirt, getting noticeably flustered. "Well... I..."

What was he even supposed to say to that? He just… wanted to help Idris feel better about it. He didn’t want him to… wind up feeling upset or jealous because… Mei wasn’t here… or something…

“It’s… complicated. I’m- working on it.” Oh, great, was that your best response? What the hell was he supposed to say?? He didn’t know if Sawyer had been asking him as a friend or not.

“I just… I- I don’t know what way they meant it, and… I don’t know if I even want to dare to ask, okay?” He gripped tighter at his skirt, gritting his teeth. “If anything… I’m doing this… more for them, than for me.”

Because… maybe… if it’s similar enough to the time before… they’ll remember everything. At least… I hope. Besides… there’s… no way they actually like me like that. Even if they understand what it means.

How did… Idris know? Darcy wanted to deny it, because it was so stupid, and so awkward, and AUGH. But… what was even the point?

"Who would I go with, anyways? Plus, prom just reminds me of bad memories, 'kay? How would I know if I'm missing out or not? You think I'm actually experienced in this sorta thing? Heck, I didn't even know what prom wa-"

Darcy looked away even more, if that was possible. He didn’t want to look at Idris as he said that, so… angrily.

“Oh… I see. Sorry.”

He didn’t know what else to say to him. Maybe to tell him that he didn’t exactly have fond memories of prom either… that… last time… Sawyer went with him, when he had no one else to go with. When he was rejected. Always rejected.

They’d gone just as friends back then, and maybe it was… still the same this time. But Darcy didn’t want to know, and he didn’t care, either. At least… he didn’t think he cared. This was about helping Sawyer get their memories back… right?

And they’d prevent everyone from dying… right? …maybe.

"Doesn't matter."

“Maybe you could still go with someone, but…” He trailed off. What else could he even say? Like… who? Idris was right. “Never mind.”

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 23:04 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

“I just… I- I don’t know what way they meant it, and… I don’t know if I even want to dare to ask, okay?”

“If anything… I’m doing this… more for them, than for me.”

"Okay geez. I understand it's not my place, and I won't say anything else, okay?

“Maybe you could still go with someone, but…”

He shrugged. "I would.


But she's not here anymore."

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 17:00 (1 Year ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

"Okay geez. I understand it's not my place, and I won't say anything else, okay?"

"...okay." Darcy felt a little bad for reacting as strongly as he had. It was so stupid, really.

"I would.


But she's not here anymore."


Imagine falling in love with anybody in this wretched place. Maybe it was better to be dead, so you didn't have to worry about it. So you'd never have to deal with it.

Darcy's own feelings with Mei Akamatsu were... complicated, but... he still wished she was still here. There was so much he had to say, that he needed to say. That he never got to say.

And he knew it was stupid, to have feelings for Sawyer. Darcy knew it was stupid. He had to think of them, only as his best friend. Love only brought heartache, love only brought rejection. Love only took people away from you.

There was that look in his eyes... and I felt... like he knew. He knew.

Feelings only brought you hurt. And so it had hurt Idris now.

Mei had been taken away from him, just like...


"I- I know. I'm sorry." What else was he supposed to even say? She's probably watching over you in Heaven or something? BS. If anything, Mei Akamatsu would go to Hell by a landslide.

...as if you wouldn't.

No, it was... just that one thing.

It wasn't that bad.

You know it was.

Plus... Idris probably wasn't religious. Not like Darcy could know for sure, he just had a feeling. Not like that was reliable.

"Let's-- just try to find a way to escape. We should probably start inspecting potential exits."

Maybe it was best just not to talk about it.

He gestured to Idris, Miyako, and Kubo, for them to follow.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 18:03 (1 Year ago)



Lucian seemed to be a little tense as well, but instead of doing nothing about it and standing around like an idiot similar to a certain somebody, he was just rummaging the pantries.

"...are you hungry?"

...Probably not best to answer that question. Sure he didn't feel all that hungry, but he knew that by now he was on the brink of collapse due to how little he ate. Your honor, my client has pleaded "whoopsie daisy." That was pretty much the reason he came here in the first place, keep himself alive and all.

"I could make you something, if you want."

He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself before saying anything. The words that would've came out of his mouth were something along the lines of, "I was going to do it myself, but ok," which admittedly was a little rude. Sometimes he despised his more blunt nature, but it did him well so far so he couldn't be that irritated with himself. It was basically his version of the "costumer service voice", and unfortunately he didn't exactly have an alternative. Wasn't exactly used to being around those he could be casual with, not anymore at least.

And well, then again, he didn't exactly have anything in mind for himself, not even now after all that time he had to think. "...You sure? Go ahead then, I guess, I don't mind."

A silence seemed to fall between them, something that could be compared to the calm before the storm. A calm before something completely out of nowhere came to snap him back to reality.

"...Akari? Do you think we'll... ever get out of here?"


Well that came out of nowhere. Akari had been leaning back against the counter, his arms crossed and his eyes falling a bit too lazy for his liking. Man, even after all that, he was still exhausted? Oh well, he was hoping he could sleep through tonight anyways. That question did wake him up though, and he took a moment to think about it.

Honest answer? No. He wasn't exactly the most optimistic guy in the group, far from it actually, but logically speaking it just didn't seem possible. Every door was locked, there was no visible way out. None of the students even seemed to know exactly how they got here either. Flashback to a few days ago jesus pretty much a year now, they all just woke up in the gym, assumingly after they got knocked out at the entrance. No way of knowing exactly how they ended up here. Were they even in the same building? Akari didn't even think about that until now. Normally, there was at least some hope of escape if you could trace your steps, but there were no steps to trace. That thought alone worried him.

Not to mention the bear, and all those stupid rules he strictly enforced. It was obvious that whoever was behind all of this had the manpower to do exactly what they said they would, and they were already doing it. They had to kill to graduate, and getting caught would result in death. It already happened twice now, it could easily happen again.

And tonight would be the perfect opportunity.

Which gave him another reason to avoid that sh*tshow. He'd probably not want to get murdered at an event like that.

"...I... Don't know."

Not like I've really been trying, anyways.

"Doubt I am, but-..."

He was just about to give him some sort of false hope, wasn't he? "Maybe you guys can," or something cheesy like that? Yeah right, he already considered it all to be hopeless. Lucian would probably believe that there is still a chance regardless, no matter what Akari said, but he still didn't like the idea of fueling a fire that would quickly be snuffed out.

"I wish you guys the best of luck."


Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 18:22 (1 Year ago)

Kubo Atsushi

I would. But she's not here anymore.

That was Mei. He couldn't delude himself any longer. The feeling was clawing its way up his throat. Unrecogniseable, after all this time.

Guilt. When had he stopped feeing that? When had he convinced himself to stop feeling that horrible aching in his gut?

"I'll be going alone. Supervising, I guess."

He glanced at Idris. If you want, we could go together. Supervise the lot. But he held his tongue. It wasn't his place. Idris wouldn't care to hear it either way... and he didn't really feel like confronting him when he was already working through a plateful of confusing emotions.

Anyway, Kubo had to admit Darcy was right, albeit begrudgingly. Of course it was idiocy to search at this point. Surely the spaceship would've been a safer bet. The whole thing was probably put together in half the time the Mastermind had for Hope's Peak Academy. But they never had conducted a thorough investigation to begin with. Not to mention the morale boost it would have on them all.

The cold clinical facts were laid out in his mind's eye. But the squeezing feeling in his chest wouldn't go away.

He'd shut it down. He could admit that now. Crushed the feeling because it was too painful to bear.

So why couldn't he do that now?

Because you deserve it.

Kaoru's voice was rattling. Distorted. Glitching. He could barely hear her dulcet whispers anymore. Only her cracked broken scream.

It was never about you Kubo, okay?! The world doesn't revolve around you. It doesn't stop or start whenever you dictate it. You aren't a hero, and you sure as hell aren't mine.

He almost pushed her just then. The thought was in his head. If I kill her, then I don't have to go home. I don't have to go to school. To church. To the park. To anywhere where she is, or anywhere where the rest of them are.

As she stared back at him, beautiful amber eyes alight with orange flame. Mascara. Eyeliner. Pain and rage in the watery depths. She turned her back on him, and blinked hard, but he still saw the way the dying sunlight caught the tears trickling down her face.

Kubo's hands remained still then. He didn't reach for her, try and touch her.

At least, she said. Don't follow me.

But he did. He followed her to Hope's Peak Academy. In a way, he killed her. Pushed her, just as he'd wanted to.

The sunset and the bridge vanished, and suddenly Kubo was back in his own body. Darcy, Idris, Miyako, Shi. Brick walls. Trophy cabinet with Niwa Atsushi's name inside. Kaoru dead, their town dead, none of that ethereal beauty existing. Only memories.

He subconsciously pressed a hand to his wrist, feeling the bloody wounds that ripped down his arm. Would Kaoru have mourned me as Idris does Mei? he wondered. Remembering those amber eyes, he knew for certain. She would have. And she'd have hated me just as much for it.

Kubo shivered.

"I'm going with Shi." Miyako flashed a pearly-white smile. "To honour the dinosaur nuggies."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 18:59 (1 Year ago)

🦋Darcy Harper's POV💌

Darcy studied the Ultimate Detective's expressions. His face was cold, and yet... there seemed to be something there he couldn't quite place. Maybe... the faintest of guilt. Of reflection. On something. Something he didn't know.

Perhaps sins of a long-forgotten past. He couldn't help but think of Kaoru Kajiwara, Kaoru, who he hadn't known, and yet, who he somehow felt like he knew. Somehow felt like he understood. Kaoru, who Sawyer had liked, but wasn't aware of it... who couldn't even remember it. Kaoru, who had struggled to keep structure here.

She'd... seemed like a kind and caring person. But they'd tried to frame Sawyer for a murder. And then fought to justify it...

Not that I'm any better.

He couldn't help but wonder... all that he didn't know about Kubo. What Lucian could possibly see in him. He was so... bitter, so rude, so relentless and uncouth. He didn't seem to care about anything or anyone. Speaking of Lucian...

"I'll be going alone. Supervising, I guess."

Darcy raised an eyebrow at this. "Aren't you... forgetting someone, Kubo?" he asked curiously. They weren't sure if they should outright say it. After all... like Idris said... it wasn't any of his business. And it wasn't Darcy's business either, but...

Well, it wasn't like Lucian would ask Kubo anyway. And he wasn't so sure it was a good idea. Kubo had proven to be... dangerously unstable.

"I'm going with Shi. To honour the dinosaur nuggies."

"Pfft." That sounded about right. "Well, sounds like fun! Good luck with your prehistoric poultry tradition." He was just relieved that Miyako had a girlfriend, honestly. Not for any particular reason, obviously. He was just happy for her. There absolutely couldn't be any other reason for that.

❄lucian arbred's pov🕊

Now Playing: 静寂の海 [NAGEKI'S THEME]

"...You sure? Go ahead then, I guess, I don't mind."

Lucian gave Akari a welcoming nod and a reassuring glance, before looking through the pantries. His first instinct was to make pasta, it was something he was more used to, and sometimes he had to cook the fastest thing he could think of, so his family wouldn't get mad at him for taking too long. He had been expected to be very efficient with anything that he did, they... were often quite impatient.

But he wasn't quite sure what Akari liked, so he thought he'd ask. Before he could though, Akari answered his question.


"...I... Don't know."

Lucian gazed at him, his mouth slightly agape. He looked a little worried at the Ultimate Engineer's answer.

"Doubt I am, but-..."

"I wish you guys the best of luck."

This immediately made guilt cloud Lucian's features. "...oh... I..."

He looked down at the floor. What was he supposed to say to that? "...Akari, I know there's... not much of a chance, but..."

Lucian took a deep breath, attempting to compose himself as he closed the pantries. He could make something for Akari... after this.

"maybe there... is a way out. that we haven't considered yet."


Would it be better if...

maybe he should have.

But it wouldn't make much of a difference.

"...I'm... sure you'll get out of here, somehow, Akari. I believe in you."

He looked at him with a certain warmth in his eyes, a certain certainty. Even if the Ultimate Engineer didn't think so... Lucian thought he could get out. Maybe everyone could.

"...maybe... you and everyone else... can make it out of here. we just haven't found the answer yet."

...Lucian almost wished he could just take his own life, make it clear it was a suicide, just so no one else would... have to die at this time, but... maybe Monokuma would just make everyone keep killing one another.

It's... just not fair. I don't matter. It's not me that matters, it's... everyone else here. They don't deserve this. I wish... I could just die in their place, but I'm not even worth that much. Oh... Kaoru, Horatia... Futatabi... Mei. Why are you gone? It shouldn't be like this.

"...is... there anything you'd like to eat? I was going to make pasta, but..."

He figured he might as well change the subject. The thought of everyone dying here... was a particularly gloomy thought.

A curious thought occurred to him. Obviously, this was probably not a real school. Or... maybe it used to be. But... something still dwelled within him. Lucian's family wouldn't have cared to reach out to him and check if he was okay, but what about everyone else here? Their families may have tried to send texts, letters... something... they would have realized something could have been wrong.

Sure, it had only been a few days, but... wouldn't it have seemed a little odd to their families and friends on the outside world, if they received not even a single word of reply? Something was clearly wrong. Something was very clearly wrong.

Now Playing: OMORI OST 003 - Lost At A Sleepover
°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

°*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪ °*•★ • ° ★ : ; . • ° ★ : . ; ° ♪

"Everything is going to be okay."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 19:05 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"I- I know. I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "I am too.

I wish I died instead, honestly."

"Let's-- just try to find a way to escape. We should probably start inspecting potential exits."

"Good plan. We'll uhhh...come back here in like an hour? To state any potential discoveries?"

"I'll be going alone. Supervising, I guess."

He frowned. "....alone? You....tryna get killed?" Idris rolled his eyes.

Did he even care if Kubo died?

He did....hate his guts but....

He sighed. "Even though I honestly hate you with every fibre of my being, you are not going alone. I don't trust your sly ass, at all. You, alone?"

Idris scowled.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 116
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 19:14 (1 Year ago)

Miyako Hiroto

Prehistoric poultry tradition!

Miyako smiled at them, even though cold rage was beginning to build in her chest. "Thanks! You have fun with Sawyer. I imagine they'll need a lot of supervising."

And of course, supervising would be done. Cameras would be fixed all around the prom room. Every minute of their life would be caught on tape to be dissected later by Monokuma. Safe and secure...

It was almost calming, to be sure that truth could be absolute. That no one could blur the lines, because every fact and matter of the case would exist somewhere out there. It wasn't just a desperate scrambling for survival that came at the Mastermind's whims, but rather something clinical and done with procedure.


It felt very nice.

Kubo Atsushi

"I can't say that I'd put in that much effort for a poorly calculated suicide attempt. I imagine the Nurse's Office to be a far less painful way to go."

The snark just came out. At this point, he just gave up. People irritated him too much. Kubo crossed his arms. "So what? You volunteering to go with me?"

Kubo highly doubted that. Even if he was, then it was undoubtedly for some murder attempt. He had better judgement than that.

But lately... he hadn't always been accurate with any of that crap. Lucian wasn't some cold, calculating manipulator. Neither was Kaoru. And Mei- even that psycho- she had cared about someone. Enough to make Idris care about her in turn, even after everything she'd done.

What had she done?

What had Idris done to make Kubo doubt him?

"I suppose..." he muttered. "I wouldn't mind. If you're offering, or whatever..."
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is this signature
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 19:22 (1 Year ago)
Idris Kallikrates

"I wouldn't mind. If you're offering, or whatever..."

He rolled his eyes. "You're so goddamn annoying, I hope you know that." Idris muttered.

"So, where to, buddy?" He spat. "Lead the way, I bet you can use that clever noggin of yours to find us some clues, eh? Detective Douche, I mean, Kubo?" Idris smiled.