Forum Thread
Sparks of The Eclipse RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Sparks of The Eclipse RPYung and Lumi was checking over Hydra, with worried expressions
"So..." Winter began, looking at Roran, then Hydra leaving, then the others in the room. "I guess we have no choice now."
"Of course!" Roran snapped, uncharacteristically of him. "If our next step to finding our friends is in the mountains, that's where we're going, regardless of whether these others come along. Now let's go!" He took the map and ordered his apprentice, who nodded and turned to hastily follow him
Yung and Lumi went to follow Roran, they seem to be talking about the situation.
Roran and Winter were outside at this point, making their way casually past a Noctowl and Mightyena that had clearly been snooping around outside the mansion. Roran stopped and looked at the map. "It's the Guild Mountain. We've been there before. If Reye and her friends know something, it wouldn't surprise me."
Winter nodded. "It'd be nice to see them again." the last time Winter had seen the Shaymin was a while ago...and before the incident had happened.
“Right, so we have to go to the mountains, yes?” Yung stated as he looked at the map that Roran had taken from Hydra
"It doesn't matter Orkei, it doesn't concern us. Let's just get moving" The Mightyena said not wanting something more to deal with "We already wasted too much time" Jiji started to walk away from the group leaving the mansion
Orkei was hesitant to follow since he knew that the two of them could help, but he eventually followed Jiji's directions

The Noctowl bowed apologetically to the Staraptor "Sorry about him. He doesn't like being bothered with things that he thinks isn't his responsibility"

Kokiri decided to stay in the shadows for the time being, not really wanting to talk to the others.

Orkei was stuck in the middle he wanted to help out but he didn't want to leave Jiji. The Noctowl waited a little longer to see if anymore conflict would happen, he didn't want to get into any fights but Jiji still has a short temper (though he was doing his best to manage his anger)