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Sparks of The Eclipse RP

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Sparks of The Eclipse RP
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 23:17 (3 Years ago)
Emerald waved…he looked kind of tired and sad. “Hey there Shade…” He said in a slightly toned down voice.

Yung and Lumi was checking over Hydra, with worried expressions
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 23:26 (3 Years ago)
Hydra shooed the Pokemon fussing over her away with her dud head. "Go away, I'm fine!" She snapped, bringing herself to her feet. "It was just a vision, I'll get over it. Now go! I gave you what you sought to hear, and now I must rest." She left the room with her servants.

"So..." Winter began, looking at Roran, then Hydra leaving, then the others in the room. "I guess we have no choice now."

"Of course!" Roran snapped, uncharacteristically of him. "If our next step to finding our friends is in the mountains, that's where we're going, regardless of whether these others come along. Now let's go!" He took the map and ordered his apprentice, who nodded and turned to hastily follow him
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 23:28 (3 Years ago)
“I have no idea what’s happening so I’m following the people I know.” Shade walked to Emerald “You alright bud?”
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 23:29 (3 Years ago)
"...I'll be fine. Can I uh...lean on you as we walk?" Emerald looked at Shade, trying to keep a smile on his face as he began to walk.

Yung and Lumi went to follow Roran, they seem to be talking about the situation.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 23:31 (3 Years ago)
“Go ahead, anything for a friend of mine!” Shade’s floof grew out for him so he’d be comfy
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sat, 03/07/2021 23:49 (3 Years ago)
Team Eclipse basically just ended up following them. It seemed as if their next step was the mountains as well, and it seemed as if that Ninetales had taken the map.

Roran and Winter were outside at this point, making their way casually past a Noctowl and Mightyena that had clearly been snooping around outside the mansion. Roran stopped and looked at the map. "It's the Guild Mountain. We've been there before. If Reye and her friends know something, it wouldn't surprise me."

Winter nodded. "It'd be nice to see them again." the last time Winter had seen the Shaymin was a while ago...and before the incident had happened.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 00:12 (3 Years ago)
Kokiri and Erin both headed outside as well. Neither the Snivy nor the Staraptor knew who these Pokémon were, but they might as well help with what they're doing. They had both been going solo prior to getting mixed up in all this, but it seemed like a nice change of pace anyway.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 00:16 (3 Years ago)
Emerald spotted Winter but he was a but preoccupied with Shade…he was being kinda comforted by his fur.

“Right, so we have to go to the mountains, yes?” Yung stated as he looked at the map that Roran had taken from Hydra
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 466
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 00:23 (3 Years ago)
Shade floofed up to a comfortable level of floof for Emerald and himself “You’re a new face to me, what’s your name?” He looks at Lumi
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 01:24 (3 Years ago)
Orkei had quickly went back to a 'I'm not eavesdropping' pose once he saw everyone start walking out. The took note of everything he heard and quietly told Jiji

"It doesn't matter Orkei, it doesn't concern us. Let's just get moving" The Mightyena said not wanting something more to deal with "We already wasted too much time" Jiji started to walk away from the group leaving the mansion

Orkei was hesitant to follow since he knew that the two of them could help, but he eventually followed Jiji's directions

lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 01:37 (3 Years ago)
Erin had taken notice of the Mightyena and the Noctowl.

"Ok. What are you two doing here, and are you coming with us or not?" She asked them
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 01:56 (3 Years ago)
Jiji looked back "No we're not, we don't even know you all. Besides what you all are doing doesn't concern us and it's not our business. We probably won't be of any help anyway so we'll be going now" The Mightyena was annoyed and wanted to get things over quickly

The Noctowl bowed apologetically to the Staraptor "Sorry about him. He doesn't like being bothered with things that he thinks isn't his responsibility"
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 02:50 (3 Years ago)
"Ooohkayyyyy," she said, "But do you know any good routes to the Guild Mountain? Yes, I can fly there no problem, but I'm not alone today, I'm travelling with these guys, and does it LOOK like most of the others have wings and can fly? And does it look like I can carry them all there while flying?!"
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 02:57 (3 Years ago)
Roran's ears pricked as he overheard the conversation with the mightyena nearby. Oh no! This was not a good thing, considering what the wandering warrior knew about the mountains in question. "Winter, you look at the map, I'll be right back." He ordered the Vulpix before he intercepted the two. "I can assure you they certainly do not. No traveller with a brain would go to those mountains with only a sales cart and make it out alive. The Guild of Warriors makes their base there, but so do the Outsiders, or didn't you know?" He said sternly. "Even I have the sense not to travel there alone."
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 03:07 (3 Years ago)
"Ugh........ Just forget I asked." The Staraptor face-winged. She would ask why any Pokémon with a functioning brain would make their base the same place where the Outsiders made their base, but she kept it to herself.

Kokiri decided to stay in the shadows for the time being, not really wanting to talk to the others.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 03:53 (3 Years ago)
The Mightyena was a little offended by the Alolan Ninetales "Well to answer your question unknown Staraptor I know about a few good routes. As a sales man I make sure that my wares are in good condition meaning I try to avoid any and all conflict or harsh conditions that could damage my items. So I know some of the best routes to avoid any rock slides, avalanches, or any bandits. I also have been through these mountains about a few times, and yes I have been attacked here and there" Jiji sternly answered staring the Ninetales down not wanting to be underestimated
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 04:08 (3 Years ago)
The Ninetales rolled his eyes. He knew this creature was lying. "And what mountains are you talking about? Certainly not these ones. That place has no bandits. It is crawling with Outsiders. Those guys would not let a salesmen of any kind through their territory without trouble." He narrowed his eyes, leaning into the canine's face. "What do you know of the Outsiders? If you expect me, a seasoned warrior, to believe you made it past creatures willing to kill merely to show off, you're delusional." He took a step back toward the group. "I can see why you would choose not to come with us. You would see the danger there."
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 165
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 04:18 (3 Years ago)
The Mightyena was extremely annoyed but decided not to pick a fight "Fine might as well not join then, after all it doesn't concern me. I was intrigued at first but it's just a waste of time after all" The Mightyena said not wanting to converse anymore with someone he found to be irritating

Orkei was stuck in the middle he wanted to help out but he didn't want to leave Jiji. The Noctowl waited a little longer to see if anymore conflict would happen, he didn't want to get into any fights but Jiji still has a short temper (though he was doing his best to manage his anger)
lol get rekt
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 04:25 (3 Years ago)
Roran grunted and turned to go back to his apprentice. Admittedly his anxiety had made him a bit easier to anger than usual. The Alolan Ninetales normally had a much calmer demenior, yet in any case, he hated seeing someone so casually lie just to sound cool, about something as dangerous as this. He only hoped the Staraptor was educated enough to see through it, but he saw the sense in backing down now. No use wasting his time with a scam artist. Though his last jab had been a challenge, but it seemed the dark type had the sense not to push his lies further, and Roran had to respect him for that. He returned to Winter, who was attempting to allow the rest of the group to see the map and discuss the next course of action. It was clear Hydra expected them to work together. After all, there had only been one map given to the group.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Sun, 04/07/2021 12:45 (3 Years ago)
"Either he was just lying about knowing good routes, or he thought I was talking about a different, much safer mountain where the only things to worry about there are rock slides and the occasional bandit."