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Wandering Moon 1x1 SVTFOE RP with DiamondDust

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Wandering Moon 1x1 SVTFOE RP with DiamondDust
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 10:10 (4 Years ago)
Moon thanked Matilda for the wonderful meal before she was about to take a small bite from her own spoon, it was smelling so good and she was so eager for a bite, but instantly paused as she gave a side glance over to Toffee, smiling again as she saw the light in his eyes. It suited him, she couldn't help but gently nuzzle against his neck for a second before she nodded. "I am, thank you Toffee. This has been such a wonderful day so far! I still can't wait for where ever this mystery place we're going to tonight is though!" she gave him a playful pout before her attention went over to Ludo as she watched him eat, her eyes widened slightly, 'D-does he....not...eat at his castle? I know Matilda's cooking is phenomenal but he's acting like he never eats..! Could just be a me thing..' She gave a small chuckle again as she looked towards the tadpoles who were eyeing Ludo. "Hmmhmm Maybe they want to have an eating contest? Or they're probably as to curious as I am about something." She gently took a small sip from her West Mewni Swamp Water before looking back to Ludo with a small frown.

"Do you..do you eat at your castle, Ludo?" She tilted her head a little, awaiting his response. she then shook it off, "Aaaah i'm sorry i'm sorry that was out of line. You just ate so fast I was concerned...But it's probably just because her cooking is so--...." she looked down at the spoon in Toffee's hand cross eyed before she looked back at him, giggling cutely before she humored him and gently taking the bite. Her eyes sparkled with how great it was. She herself was half tempted to scarf everything down, but would be polite and eat her stew like everyone else, minus Ludo.

"Mmm! This is wonderful, Matilda! Blagodaryu vas!"

Buff Frog had finished his stew a little before everyone else had, he was eager to get started on the cookies and knew he wouldn't have enough time if he stayed around the table and talked with everyone, as much as he wanted to, but he knew that this was for Moon, so he would sacrifice a little table time. He went into the kitchen and started to prepare the dough, humming a Russian song to himself as he then started to bake, time passing by moments later before he then placed the cookies into the oven, awaiting for them to be the right temperature before he added in the worms.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 10:34 (4 Years ago)
Ludo looked up from his meal, beak a bit messy as he blinked. Taking a gulp from his recent bite he gave a 'seriously?' sort of smile before he laughed. "Well of COURSE I eat at my castle Moonie! What kind of question is that?" he laughed again before wiping his beak clean of extra stew bits. "It's just that my minions don't cook that well, so something THIS amazing is a real treat you see!" He gave a big toothy smile before he sat back, his stomach contently full. He would never admit to Moon that there have been times that he hasn't eaten because he's had half a mind to think that some of him minions have tried to get rid of him, this was a good group night, not a night for serious topics like whether or not he eats back home, or how Moon would turn Mewni in her hands, no, it was a night of friends and fun! and He wouldn't let anyone think otherwise.

Toffee looked towards Buff Frog as he got up from the table, at first a little puzzled before he realized that this would be the perfect time to make the cookies. The smell of the stew would be strong enough to hide the scent of the worm cookies as they cooked, so it would still be a surprise to Moon, as far as he knew. He turned his attention back towards Moon, nuzzling against her as she did to him. He loved seeing her like this, so happy and carefree, he wished to himself that she could stay this way forever, but deep down he knew she still had to rule the castle, still had to make all of those boring decisions and work on the monster-mewman treaty, but he just wanted to take her away from all of that and keep her here, where she was safe and happy, though he knew it could only be wishful thinking at best. He disregarded it for the moment and gave her a happy smile before took a bite of the stew himself, his smile growing a little as he ate with everyone. "Yes, indeed this is a wonderful Stew Matilda."

Matilda gave a smile and a small croak as everyone kept complimenting her on her cooking. She would never admit it, but she loved all of the attention, especially when it came to her food. She gave a small blush before she gently waved her hand, a little jokingly, a little dismissively. "Oh, now now, it is not in being THAT good everyone. But I am glad that you are all enjoying it to the fullest! You are very welcome Moon~" she smiled again as she also ate her meal, finishing up so she could get the full-bellied tadpoles to bed. "Now, keep on eating everyone, there is plenty enough for seconds!" She gently grabbed her children, a smile on her face as she softened her voice, gently whispering to them as she walked away. "teper' idi syuda, moi dorogiye malen'kiye deti, vremya spat'."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 11:35 (4 Years ago)
Moon blushed embarrassedly upon hearing Ludo make his comment, gently slinking down in her chair slightly as she apologized and bowed her head once again to him. "I'm really sorry Ludo...I shouldn't assume things...I just...ah never mind." she nodded in agreeance with him over Matilda's fabulous cooking, going back to eat her stew, which she savored every bite. Moon hadn't really noticed that Buff Frog had left the table since she was mostly conversing with Ludo. She then glanced up towards Matilda and jumped on the compliment train,it was the least she could do, she very much considered offering Buff Frog and Matilda jobs at the castle to be her own personal chefs, seeing as how no one else in the castle would appreciate their cooking other than her.

"What are you talking about, Matilda? Of course your cooking is THAT good! It's even better!" Moon rose up in her chair and started to playfully beat on Matilda's shoulder for thinking that way, even if it was just for fun. "You know, Matilda...if you and Kenny ever need a job...I would be more than willing to hire you both as my own personal chefs..." She then sat back down, "At least you guys would know what you were doing and wouldn't need to be told every single day what to make." a small groan escaped her lips before she watched as Matilda left with her babies, a sincere smile on her face, Matilda really did inspire her to be a better person.

"Good night my babies! Daddy will see you in morning!" Buff Frog called from the kitchen as he went back to humming before pulling out the cookies from the oven. He set them on the oven top and gave them a good sniff, Moon was going to love them. He set them aside and gently wrapped each one in a napkin for him to take to the tavern, along with leave several for his wife and babies. He packed them up in his fanny pack like pouch as he made his way back to the table where the other 3 were at, raising a playful brow.

"Are we in being ready to get this party started?" He said while pulling out his dimensional scissors, "We have some fun to start in having."
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 12:03 (4 Years ago)
Matilda gave Moon a gentle smile as she was offered a place in the royal kitchen as Moon's personal chef. It was a wonderful idea, and she gave a small happy croak before she left into the children's room, returning moments later after she got them all into their beds.

"Oh, thanking you Moon dear. It really means well for you to be thinking so high of my cooking." she started, her voice soft as to not wake the children. "It is appreciated, but we'll be doing more talking when you come back, da?" she smiled again, giving Moon a big hug and a kiss on her head. "Now, go and be having the fun tonight! Yvgeny and the boys have planned something fun for you!"

Ludo gave a laugh again, not so much as to be a jerk, but in a 'I totally getcha' sort of way as he finished up his bowl. He knew that they meant well, and it's not like she actually knew what was going on in his castle, so he tried to shrug it off and just gave Moon a big smile before he noticed Buff Frog return to the table. "Oh it's quite alright Moonie! It happens to the best of us! Now before we eat any more and pop my bubble belly, let's get rocking! oooh, I've been looking forward to this all day!"

Ludo started jumping in his seat as he watched Buff Frog pull out the dimensional scissors. "c'mon c'mon c'mon! I'm tired of waiting! Let's go!"

Toffee gave a small irritated sigh at Ludo's impatience, this was Moon's night, yet, as usual, he seemed to be taking the spotlight for himself, but he digressed, if he was any other way she might worry about his well being, he ultimately told himself before watching Matilda give Moon some affection before he smiled again, rising from his seat.

"Buff Frog is right. We should be getting going now so we don't waste any more moonlight. Shall we go my dear?" he held out his hand towards Moon, the light still in his eyes as he looked towards her, a smile on his face as he waited for her response. "I know you'll love it."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 12:15 (4 Years ago)
"R-Right...Sorry." She gave another nervous laugh again before it quickly turned into a sincere smile as she felt Matilda's strong hug and then the kiss on her forehead. Matilda was always so motherly towards her, she felt that now even more so, since she wasn't sure if Matilda had heard that Queen Comet was killed in battle not to long ago. Moon would definitely need to be spending some girl time soon to fill in the family void that the guys couldn't give. "I really appreciate all you've done for me, Matilda..and everyone here. I'd be so lost without you guys..." She was about to tear up but then instantly laughed as Ludo made his comment about his belly and then started jumping up and down in his seat, 'well that's one way to get rid of your bubble belly, you weirdo.' Moon playfully thought and chuckled to herself before she nodded gently and looked towards Buff Frog, who was sighing an irritated sigh as well, more bored looking really, but they all expected Ludo to behave that way. She liked it and hoped it wouldn't change, it made him him.

"I don't mean to be impatient like a certain someone we know...But I am really looking forward to wherever we're going." she tried to hide her eagerness as she gently grabbed Toffee's hand, she could feel her body start to bounce a little with a spring in her step, Toffee could probably feel it too.

"Haha! Well then! Let us be in commencing the night away! Proshchay moya lyubov'!" Buff Frog smiled as he waved towards Matilda before turning around to cut the air with his own scissors.

"Ladies first." Buff Frog bowed playfully as he let Toffee and Moon through first.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 14/05/2020 12:28 (4 Years ago)
Matilda gave a warm smile as she waved to everyone, glad that they would all be having so much fun at the tavern tonight. "veselis' moya lyubyashchaya sem'ya" she said as her ears flapped again, glad to see them smiling before they all left. "I look forward to all of you returning in the morning!"

Toffee gave a small nod towards Buff Frog before he turned his attention again towards Moon. He could feel her bouncing spirit and he could barely hide his happiness that he'd be making her wish for today come true. Keeping a gently yet firm hold of her hand, he led her through the portal, with Ludo close behind, as eager and impatient as he was, he at least waited for Moon to pass before running through the portal himself. "Typical Ludo. Well, my dear, I hope you're ready. The big surprise for tonight?" He gently placed his free hand over her eyes before he walked her over towards the doorway of the tavern. "You ready?"

He, for once, actually didn't wait for her to answer before he whisked his hand away from her face, revealing the door to the Tavern at the End of the Multiverse was before them. "Surprise Moon." He gave her a warm smile before gently opening the door for her.

Ludo, in his excitement had actually tripped on the way to the door and had gotten himself a little scuffed and dirty, but that wasn't going to damper his mood in the slightest. Jumping up he gave a big grin before he turned towards Moon. "You know, we all planned for you to come here with us tonight! I do hope that you appreciate all that we--"

"Ahem..." Toffee quickly interrupted Ludo, giving a heavy sigh before he looked back towards Moon, a 'it wasn't really his idea, it was mine' look before he gently shrugged his shoulders, holding his hand out towards her again as he looked to the portal, watching Buff Frog enter before the portal closed.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 08:39 (4 Years ago)
Moon couldn't help but to keep finding herself giggling each passing second that she was kept waiting for this big surprise location. She looked back towards Toffee, trying to keep herself calm but gave up eventually, she couldn't hide it and she thought Toffee wouldn't want her to hide her eagerness to find out where they were going. She gently gripped his hand back before following him through the portal before she was about to say something, but yipped a little as her eyes were covered by Toffee's hand. "Uhhh..."

Upon his hand moving she gently shook her bangs back into place before she looked up, her eyes wide with sparkles as she saw where they were, she had been hoping to what she wanted was right, and it was! There they all were, where she first met Ludo and Kenny; the Tavern at the end of the Multiverse. She couldn't help but cheer and dance happily, before leaping up and landing a playful kiss on his nose.

"Aaaah! Thank you thank you thank you, you guys!" Moon happily exclaimed as she did a playful spin on her heel. "You guys are the best! I'd be lost without you!" She turned her attention towards Ludo with a sweatdrop, about to comment before glancing back to Toffee upon him doing the expression. She gave a playful 'well i'll let him have his moment because it's Ludo' shrug before nuzzling against Toffee once more.

"I figured it had to have been your idea, Toffee." Moon smiled up to him, "You're the one who knows me best. But for the night's sake just let him have his moment, okay?" She kissed him again before making her way into the tavern, taking a seat at the table she sat at, the one closest to the karaoke bar.

"This feels like heaven." Moon said quietly, her eyes darted over towards the bar area, a rather tall avian creature had caught her attention. "...?"

Buff Frog rolled his eyes playfully as he closed up the portal behind the three and placed them into his fanny pack. "Ludo...Do not be in making scene until we are getting inside. This is for US, not just you." He gave Ludo a stern but playful look before he watched Toffee and Moon ahead, his ears flapping a little before he then escorted Ludo inside so that he could just march his way towards the karaoke bar. Upon entering himself he took a seat at the table that Moon was at, gently reaching into his bag and pulled out 4 small napkins, sliding one over to Moon. "I think you will be enjoying this, Moon. I was in hearing they were your favorite." He winked playfully to her upon watching her curiously open the napkin, a happy squee had escaped her lips as she happily started to nibble at the Worm Cookie, a piece of worm still wriggling outside of her mouth like a moving piece of spaghetti, causing her to chuckle happily. Moon made comment how Buff Frog was the best for making them, which made him blush happily and playfully shoo his hand in the 'oh stop it you' sort of way.

At the bar was perched a rather tall and thin She-Kappa, her darkish purply grey hair gently settled over her eyes as she took another sip of her drink, curious to what all the commotion was about behind her, but she tried not to eavesdrop. She looked up a little towards the other patrons at the bar, her lemon yellow eyes lightly darting across the room, hoping not to catch any attention that wasn't unwanted. She crossed her legs a little before looking back up at the barkeep, her voice was surprisingly light for someone like her.

"One more, please." she spoke lightly,gently pushing the glass with the tops of her claws towards him. She gave a gentle sigh before resting her chin on her hands as she waited, looking to the side at the karaoke bar, listening to the others sing. "Seems really active tonight...My friend might have liked it."
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 10:33 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a small blush as he felt the kiss on his nose, it felt a little silly to him, getting kissed in such an unusual place, but he knew that Moon was happy and that was all that mattered to him. He gave her a warm smile before he looked towards her dress. Matilda must have done some kind of frog-man magic or something because the dress Moon was in originally had changed to a beautiful party gown that flowed slightly, but would not get in the way of her dancing or having fun at the karaoke machine. She looked simply stunning in the dress, he was actually at a loss for words. He would let Ludo's actions slide this time, it would be a good night, and he didn't foresee anything getting in the way of tonight. Making his way towards her at her usual table with Buff Frog he gave her a happy smile before sitting at her side, promptly ordering the three of them their usual drinks from the waitress who appeared shortly after.

"Well, my dear, I can let his actions pass this time. Tonight will be wonderful. I just know it." he gave her a soft smile again before nuzzling her cheek, giving her a surprise kiss after she ate her worm cookie. "After all, I haven't seen you this happy in quite some time."

Ludo wasn't going to let Toffee's 'matter-of-fact' attitude get in the way of him having fun. In fact, once everyone got settled into their seats he actively demanded to be a main part of the night, promptly having a good portion of his drink before his attention turned towards the mysterious she-kappa at the bar. His eyes grew wide as he looked at her, her long legs, her soft voice, that faded purple-grey hair, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"ah, who... who is that dazzling beauty over there?" he muttered, his eyelids lowering a little as he appeared to have become quite love struck at the image of this mysterious woman. "She is simply gorgeous! I have to know her name..!" he whispered, mostly to himself, but it was easy to say that the others were able to hear what he was saying.

"Well then Ludo, you should go introduce yourself to her.." Toffee said with a raised brow. He admitted, he never saw Ludo quite like this before and it was rather entertaining to him. Using his tail he gently pushed Ludo closer to the bar. "Don't worry, we'll all be right behind you to support you, wont we everyone?"
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 11:19 (4 Years ago)
"Thank you, Toffee." Moon said quietly after he said he would let Ludo's actions slide. She knew that Ludo was just as excited as she was to come out to the tavern, since she and him weren't all too different, they were both pretty much shut ins that hardly ever got to go outside for anything. Well, her more so since she was queen and he had the freedom to do what he wanted when he wanted, but she digressed after she finished her cookie, droll lightly seeping from the sides of her lips as she gently picked up the napkin to wipe them away, she thought it rude but, Buff Frog's Worm Cookies were just so amazing. She looked towards his soft smile, something she was finding herself to make her fall more in love with him, nuzzling his cheek back before flinching a little at his surprise kiss, laughing cutely before gently punching his shoulder.

"You didn't even say surprise! You jerk." Moon laughed playfully before she glanced back towards the She-Kappa that Ludo had just saw, a smirk on her face, it looked like his plans were going to be cut short thanks to this mysterious stranger. Moon lightly shook her head playfully, she didn't quite know why Ludo wanted to be a main part of the night, he usually WAS since he was the more active one, but she digressed once more and agreed with Toffee and Buff Frog, chiming in.

"Yeah! Go and talk to her, Ludo! I haven't seen a Kappa like her before. Maybe she'll be juuuuuuust what you need for your castle to uhmm...liven up a little and keep your minions in line?" She gave a hopeful smile, she just really wanted Ludo to find someone to love him for all he is. She and Buff Frog nodded at Toffee's comment before she reached into her dress and pulled out one of the Lilypad flowers that was sewn in.

"Here! Why not give her this? Lilypad flowers are rare around here. She might like it." She gave Ludo a playful wink.

The She-Kappa thanked the barkeep for her second drink, taking another small sip from it as she continued to watch the karaoke bar be active like usual. Her attention shifted a little as she felt she was being stared at, raising a small brow before she turned around in her seat and faced the area the barkeep resided in, once again not wanting to draw unwanted attention to herself. She nervously started to curl some of her side bang hair into her claw before she happened to do a side glance over towards the table where the four were at, looking away once again. 'I found the active table for the night.' she thought to herself taking another small sip, 'They look like a fun group..One of them almost looks like Queen Moon.'.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 11:33 (4 Years ago)
"uh... surprise?" Toffee gave a small chuckle as Moon playfully punched his shoulder, it was cute how surprised she actually got by his sudden kiss, he rather enjoyed seeing her in such a way. He gently raised his brow as he looked towards the She-kappa for a moment, it seemed she was looking towards them as Ludo was staring at her. Perhaps she could feel the eyes upon her and was just trying to not make a scene about it.

He turned his attention back towards Moon again, wrapping an arm around her after she gave the flower to Ludo to give to the she-kappa, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "Well now, Moon my dear, why don't we see how the events of this are going to unfold?" he gently whispered into her ear, clearly curious as to how Ludo would try to woo this mysterious stranger. "Or, if you'd prefer, I would love to watch you sing. It's been a while since you've done anything to do with Karaoke, hasn't it?"

Ludo seemed a little flustered, but he took the lilypad flower and tried to muster his courage. Giving a playful scoff he dismissed the idea of anyone putting his minions in line except himself. "Oh, please Moonie! My minions only listen to me, you know this! Well *gulp* here's goes nothing!"

He started to approach towards the she-kappa, putting his best foot forward as he held the flower in his hand. Steeling his courage, he managed to sit in the bar seat next to her before he looked towards her, a small smile in his eyes. "Why, hello there. I can't say I've seen you around here before. Welcome to the Tavern at the End of the Multiverse." he started, relaxing a little before he held out the flower towards her. "Ah, here, a small token to welcome you here, I hope you like it!"
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 11:50 (4 Years ago)
"You can't do that now!" Moon laughed again before her attention went back to the She-Kappa, who was looking towards them. She lightly brushed it off as she felt Toffee's arm around her, nodding to his comment before she blinked twice as he made mention of her doing karaoke. She chuckled once again before looking back to him with a small nod.

"It has been a while...The last time I did do karaoke was when I first met Ludo and Kenny...I'll do it after Ludo finishes talking to the She-Kappa over there. I wouldn't want to distract him by me singing and he yells at me asking why either A. I didn't wait for him or B. How dare you sing before me." She chuckled playfully. "But I promise I will sing for you tonight." She drank a small sip from her beverage, lounging a little in her seat as her head found itself resting on Toffee's chest, watching her big brother attempt to woo the stranger. She blinked a little at how civil he was being, it wasn't like him at all, but she admired that about him.

The She-Kappa took another sip before her attention found itself towards Ludo as he approached. Another Kappa? She gave a small smile, thankful there were more of her species around, in the enderverse she was the only one, so she was thankful that more existed outside. She watched him take the seat next to her, impressed he managed to get that high up, she herself taking on this form because it was easier for her, but she admired that he managed to do it. "H-Hello." she cooed a little at him with a gentle wave, "Thank you for the greeting but...I've been here before..." she tilted her head with a playful calm smile, "This would be my fifth time here. But thank you for the formal greeting." She then blinked twice and looked crosseyed at the flower he held out for her, a lilypad flower? She had never seen one in person before, it was really beautiful. She gently reached up and took it, gently holding it to her beak as she took a small sniff.

"For me? Wow! Th-thank you, sir." She then placed it in her hair behind one of her sidebangs. "I haven't seen another Kappa before...I'm really glad to have met you..!"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 15/05/2020 12:04 (4 Years ago)
Toffee blinked before he gave a small chuckle. "Oh? Can't I?" he gave her a small smirk before listening to what she had to say about Karaoke, giving a small nod before he gently rested his head on hers. "Ah, fair point. that would be a very Ludo thing to do." he smiled as he felt Moon close to him, his tail lightly 'thwaping' on the booth seat they were sitting on.

"Say, Moon, do you think he'll be able to get close enough to ask her out, or do you think he'll fall flat?" he asked, a light tone of humor in his voice. "I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I do know he's never had any romantic experience with women before. So I'm curious, what do you think will happen?" he looked down towards her, only really seeing her shimmering powdery blue hair for the moment before he looked over towards Buff Frog, asking him the same question as well.

"Not to be rude, but, personally, I think Ludo might trip up on himself. He's never seemed to be good at the more romantic topics if I could guess."

Ludo gave a small nervous sweat drop before rubbing the back of his head. "O-oh, well then. Sorry I didn't get to greet you here earlier then! It has been a while since I've been here. But you're welcome!" He watched as she placed the flower in her side bang, she looked so beautiful, he couldn't really contain himself before he gently rested an elbow onto the counter, looking towards her with some small hearts seemingly floating around his head. "I'm actually really glad I got to meet you! I mean, it's not every day you get to see another kappa, let alone one as pretty as you who isn't related to me!"

"Say, Miss," he paused for a moment, looking towards her with a playful curiousity. "Did it hurt when a beautiful angel like you fell from heaven?" it was totally cheesy, and he knew it, but he couldn't seem to hold himself back from saying such a corny line that he just looked towards her, one of the dopiest grins going across his beak as he asked.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2020 09:34 (4 Years ago)
Moon shook her head playfully at Toffee before she then nodded, her head gently turned a little as her eyes glanced down at his tail, she playfully poked at it quickly before resting her hand quickly back in her lap, giggling cutely before she looked back to Toffee and tilted her head a little, pondering a moment.

"You have a point...He looks like he's actually doing good so f--....Aaaaannnnd there he goes." Moon gave a playful sigh before happily face palming herself in a 'Oh Ludo you silly Kappa' sort of way before resting her elbow on the table, her cheek resting on her hand as she took another sip. "Though you have to admit..His love struck face is rather cute..For a Kappa anyway." She giggled quietly once more before she then leaned against Toffee, resting her head on his chest again as she continued to watch Ludo try to flirt with the She-Kappa, still conversing with both her friends to not make it blatantly obvious that she was watching them, as to not make the woman uncomfortable. "..."

Buff Frog had agreed with Toffee, knowing Ludo for the longest time, he never was good with romance in anyway, he remembered that Ludo had tried to hit on a few of the other princesses on his travels, ultimately getting him slapped in the process. Why he was trying to get with a Mewman, no one, not even he understood. But he hoped that maybe this lady would give Ludo a chance, taking a sip of his drink,snagging another cookie in the process, also passing one down to Toffee and Moon in case they wanted another one.

The She-Kappa gently shook her head playfully before she grabbed her drink, resting it in her hand as she took another sip, waving her free hand. "N-No it's okay! I don't normally talk to anyone here anyway...I'm more...an observer..It's so different here than in the Enderverse..." She gave a playful chuckle as she took another sip of her drink, resting it back on the counter before she looked down to Ludo again, tilting her head cutely once more as she then blinked twice before smiling again.

"Oh! Hmm hmm! Likewise...! Well I mean since I don't have a family of my own...I'm glad I--...Err...N-Nevermind! I'm not making any sense!" She rubbed the back of her head nervously before looking away for the moment, but then looked back down to him, her eyes widened a little and she blinked twice upon hearing his question.

"Uhhh...I wouldn't....Say I'm an Angel since I've...." She then paused a moment, looking to his dopey grin, she couldn't help but give a giddy smile herself, covering her beak slightly with a cute giggle escaping her lips.

"You have a really cute smile, sir." She blushed lightly.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2020 09:42 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a small sigh as he looked towards Ludo, he really was hopeless, such a lame pickup line, but it seemed to work for him.. this time. Giving a small chuckle he looked back down towards Moon and nuzzled the top of her head as she cuddled against him.

"I suppose it is my dear, though, I do think that your face is much more adorable to look at." he said with a cheeky little grin, looking down towards the napkins with the worm cooking within, gently passing them down towards Moon. He wasn't hungry after dinner, but he knew that she would probably love to have dessert. "Cookies, my dear?"

"hhmmmmm?" Ludo rested his elbow on the counter as he watched her giggle, as he let himself become even more in awe of her. "Well, Thank you! I.. I do take great pride in my smile!" he began before he gently leaned forward, an elbow on the counter. "You know, you look like an angel to me, miss... uh..." he blinked for a moment. It was only now that he realized that they had not actually introduced themselves to each other. "Oh! Silly me! I seemed to have forgotten my manners while I was so enraptured by your stunning presence! We forgot to introduce ourselves!"

He gave her a big smile as he stood up on the seat. He kept what she said earlier about not having family of her own in the back of his mind. He figured she would open up to him enough later to tell him more about it when he decided to ask, but for now, he was more concerned on learning this beautiful she-kappa's name. "Allow me to start, I am the one and only, great and powerful Ludo! Future King of Monsterdom!" he said, hardly remembering that he was inside a smaller area. "Plus I'm a master Karaoke singer if You're interested~" he finished with a playful wink, before he sat back down, taking the drink that the barkeeper offered to him and taking a fair sized gulp. "aaahhhh~ Well, now that I've introduced myself, what's your name? I'm sure you wouldn't want me to just keep calling you 'Beautiful Angel' all night... eeeven if you look like one, heh."
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Mon, 18/05/2020 20:37 (4 Years ago)
Moon was even surprised at how well that line worked for him, blinking twice before she gave a playful shrug, happy that Ludo had gotten farther with this mysterious She-Kappa than any of the Mewmans he had tried flirting with in the past, well, at least the ones she knew of. She smiled faintly upon feeling Toffee's jaw on her head, continuing to nuzzle him before she rolled her eyes playfully at him.

"Adorable huh? Thank you, I guess." She chuckled lightheartedly towards him as he grinned. Her eyes then sparkled a little as she looked towards the cookie Toffee offered her, gently reaching down to take it before nuzzling more against him, resting her head on the center of his chest to hear his heartbeat. It soothed her, she found herself half tempted to fall asleep, but watching Ludo attempt to flirt made her stay awake; she never would admit it but, she hated cliffhangers and needed to find out what happened with anything.

The She-Kappa chuckled once more at Ludo's modesty, she found it cute. "I can tell," she began, gently poking his beak with her free claw, "such pearly whites compliment that sharp beak of yours." She then tilted her head with a happy smile again before she opened her eyes and blinked a few times, a small 'uhhh' escaped her lips before she then chuckled cutely with a nod.

"Ah! We didn't, did we? I'm just having fun talking to you it didn't even cross my mind!" She gently rubbed the back of her head as she then watched Ludo stand up on the seat, listening to him as he introduced himself in his glorious honor, her attention briefly looked towards the table where his friends were at as Moon was chuckling at how he was behaving. Taking that as normal her attention went back to Ludo as he finished and took his drink. She gently got out of her seat and gave him a kneeling bow, resting her hand over her heart with her free arm extended to the side.

"It is an honor to formally meet you, oh great and powerful Master Ludo. I am Nel." she looked back up to him before getting up herself and smiling again, gently brushing some of her stray side bangs out of her face. She gave a faint blush, still wondering how in Mewni's name she looked like an angel, but digressed and thanked him for the compliment anyway. She took her seat back and then took a sip of her drink once more. "I.....I don't do karaoke i'm afraid...But I wouldn't mind watching you if you did it!" She gave him a nervous smile.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 09:20 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a surprised glamce towards Ludo, he could hardly believe it. Ludo was attempting to flirt and this She-Kappa was actually going with it. He pondered for a moment, wondering if she actually felt in awe of Ludo's small stature and advances or if she was just humoring him. He started to feel like it was the previous of the two, she wasn't looking away or rolling her eyes he noticed, so maybe she could actually be the one. He gave a small chuckle hismelf before gently running his fingers through Moon's hair, glad to see her happily eating the the cookies and watching Ludo as well. He was starting to think she was tempted to fall asleep, but something told him that she wouldn't, not yet anyways.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself wuite a lot tonight my dear." he whispered to her as he continued to stroke her hair. "Curious, do you think she might be the one for him? She hasn't rejected any of his advances yet as far as I've seen so far."

Ludo couldn't hide a small blush as the she-kappa poked his beak, her claws were so clean, much as the rest of her he could see. And her expressions were adorable as well, he couldn't help but give a big, almost dopey smile as she chuckled. 'She... she even sounds like an angel!' he thought as he then watched her bow before him, making him feel even more powerful than he did before.

"Ah! Well I see that you certainly know how to treat someone of my stature!" he laughed before he notioned for her to rise back up and take her seat again. "But no need for such formalities tonight Nel!" He felt his tongue tingle as he said her name, it had such a sweet sound to it, and he wanted to say it more. "Nel... Such a beautiful name if I do say so myself!"

He gave her another big grin before he gave a chuckle again. "Well, that's fine if you don't sing! I have more vocal talant for both of us!" he chimed before he leapt down from the seat. "Here! let me show you!" he gave her a playful wink before he started to walk towards the Karaoke stage, unaware of the stone-eyed look of Toffee as the table knew what was about to come.

"Oh dear... Buff Frog my friend... some ear buds for Moon please... hopefully this Nel girl will... ah.. appreciate... Ludo's distinct singing voice..." Toffee said as he watched Ludo picking a song from the small computer, the music starting to load for his song.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 10:15 (4 Years ago)
Moon smiled lowly as she felt Toffee's fingers run through her hair, it was such a gentle touch whenever he did it. She never had any knots in her hair because of him, so her hair was always really nice to the touch. She looked up at him with a bit of cookie dangling from her lips as she smiled a little and chuckled faintly, looking back towards the two Kappas before she nodded.

"I am enjoying myself.." she replied lovingly, nuzzling deeper into Toffee's chest, gently reaching up with a free hand to play with some of his loose hair, wrapping it around her finger. "I hope she is. I haven't seen Ludo this happy since his surprise birthday party when he got to celebrate it because people remembered." She chuckled lowly, it really was a great party, and it was always fun to see Ludo get drunk, he was so silly. She gently digressed and then looked towards Buff Frog, thanking him for the ear buds so that she would be able to enjoy their company and still be able to hear things.

Nel gently looked back to Ludo, smiling to his dopey grin. She couldn't help it, his smile was addicting to her, it was so cute, she wouldn't be able to not return the smile.

"Well, of course!" Nel replied quietly before she then stood back up as he said, taking her seat back on the stool at the bar before she blinked twice and then smiled again, tilting her head cutely, "Oh! Thank you..! I named myself actually...I really liked how it sounded so I went with it." She gently rubbed the back of her neck a little before she gave a nervous chuckle towards him and then smiled more, nodding cutely as she crossed her legs and took a small sip from her drink.

"Please do! I can't wait to hear you sing, Ludo!" She gave a playful grin, her eyes glanced towards the three at the other table, curious to why the Mewman girl was wearing earbuds. She digressed and focused her attention towards Ludo as he made his way to the stage and awaited what was to come.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 11:42 (4 Years ago)
"Hm... Very true." Toffee said as he though about the day that moon insisted on throwing Ludo that birthday party. His eyes were as big and shiny as brand new dinner plates that day as his grin was so wide that he felt like he'd need a pole fault to get to the other side, but he knew Ludo was happy. It was a good day for everyone, and he didn't want that to change anytime soon.

Gently nuzzling her again, Toffee prepared himself for the onslaught of Ludo's singing, gently closing his eyes so he could mentally prepare himself, keeping Moon close to him, actually moving her onto his lap as he continued to stroke her hair.

"Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! And she's smart too! if you were able to name yourself with such a unique name!" Ludo started before he grabbed hold of the microphone. "I hope you're ready to have your socks blown off Nel!"

He gave her a big grin again before the music officially started and he started singing, his piercing notes and enthusiasm quickly getting to everyone else in the tavern, sausing a select few to pass out from some of his higher notes. he kept singing his little heart out to the song "Funkytown" as he moved along, hopping and dancing every now and then when the lyrics dropped before he picked back up again, ready to keep going before the song finally ended several minutes later. He gave a few deep breaths, trying to regain himself as he used a lot of energy, but he was having so much fun he hardly cared about it, looking around to see several passed out people in the Tavern, he gave a big smile.

"Ah! Another show stopper! What did you think about that Nel?" He looked towards her, his smile bigger than ever.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 12:00 (4 Years ago)
Moon nodded again and lightly nuzzled him back before she looked over towards Ludo as he started to sing, gently nervously smiling as she lightly glanced away from the group and looked to the void in the corner of the room, her mind starting to wander everywhere so she wouldn't have to focus on his singing. She loved her brother, but she wasn't fond of the threat of going deaf every time he decided to go all out.

After Ludo had finished she quickly took out her ear buds before Ludo could notice. Thankfully he had been so preoccupied with Nel that she was able to do it with no issues. She then smiled back at Toffee, a playful and nervous chuckle escaped her lips as she reached up and gently started to stroke his hair, moving to his jaw.

"Are you okay, Toffee? You aren't deaf yet, are you?" She then looked over to Buff Frog and asked the same, laughing a little as Buff Frog had responded with a playful 'What?' as he took out his ear buds as well. Things seemed good, she was just waiting for Toffee. She knew he was probably fine since they had done this many times, but she did often worry that one day his ears wouldn't be able to handle it and he would actually go deaf.

Upon hearing Ludo sing, she flinched a little as he hit the high notes, but admired that someone like him could do that and not care what everyone else thought. She wish she had that mentality, but in the enderverse if you were to be taken seriously, you didn't have time for frivolous things like singing or anything like that. She started to hum a little as he sang and clapped along with some of the song. After it had ended she stood up and gave him an applause. "Wonderful singing, Ludo!" Nel smiled happily and then raised her glass to him. "I'm so envious!" She smiled to his smile and then gently got up from her seat and walked over to him with a glass of water, gently getting on her knees so that she matched his height, gently holding the water in front of him.

"Care for a drink, super star?" she tilted her head and smiled playfully to him once more.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Thu, 21/05/2020 12:20 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a small grin, but not a 'i'm so happy' grin, more like an 'ow, i feel like my head is going to explode' grin before he looked back towards Buff Frog, then towards Moon. He admitted, it was nice to be there to support Ludo with his fun activities, but sometimes he really wished that Ludo wouldn't sing songs in such a manner, but he held his tongue, he couldn't be the one to bear the harsh news that none of them really cared for his singing, and he knew the others wouldn't either.

He looked back down towards Moon again and gave a small chuckle, tilting his head a little. "ah, no, not quite my dear. I do hear a lot of ringing though..." he admitted, giving a small shrug before he took a sip of his drink again. He knew that his beverage wasn't the best for his splitting, song induced, headache, but it was in front of him and he had to at least appear that he was fine in case Ludo looked over.

"I do think, however, that I'm going to lay down and get an ice pack when we go to rest..." he jokingly said before wrapping an arm aroung Buff Frog and his tail around Moon, using his free hand to raise his glass towards Ludo.

"Wonderful Job Ludo! You really brought the house down this time!" he gave a small cheer before he took another sip.

Ludo seemed to have exausted himself with all of his singing, he gave a few pants before he put the microphone back onto the stand and took a bow to his 'adoring' fans in the tavern, a big grin returning to his face as he saw Nel had been clapping along as he sang. It seemed that he had a new fan in this woman, and not only was she a fan, she seemed to cater to him in everything he desired. He had only known her for a few short minutes, but it was clear to him, he was in love with her. He wanted to know everything about her and he hoped that he could convince her to stay. Though he didn't know how things would go, if she was really from the enderverse like she said she was, then how would she feel living in a world that moved much slower than hers? and, more importantly to him, if she went back, would he ever see her again? He kind of understood that time worked strangly for the enderverse, where full years passed by there in a matter of minutes here.

"Oh well thank you!" He happily took the water from her and took a few big chugs of it, giving a happy exhale as he finished his glass in mere moments. "you know Nel, you're probably one of the biggest fans I've ever had when I sing! Normally everyone is so in awe of my powerful voice that they pass out before me! You really are something special."