Forum Thread
Pyre Pixels [Closed]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Pyre Pixels [Closed]Username: Beckysh92
Pokemon Shown: Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite
Pokemon Silhouetted: Dratini and Dragonair
Silhouette Color(s): Dratini (white) Dragonair (Red)
Extra: would it be possible to have Dragonite in the back with Dratini on the left and Dragonair on the right? If not I trust your artistic work! Thank you, take as long as you need. I will be sending you plushies.

❦ Sʜᴏᴘ Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ! ❦

Sorry for the long wait everyone! I meant to take a break but I found new sprite ideas and couldn't resist~
❧ Rules
• Rule #8 has been updated for more clarification.
• Added a new Rule, #16!
❧ New Sprites Added
• Albino (Theme Section)
• Melanistic (Theme Section)
• Matrix (Animated Tab)
• Surprise Avatar (Surprise Tab)
❧ Added Payment Tab Section
These are things I can do for a price!
(If they seem like they shouldn't have a price or are too pricey,
it's because I don't want to do them but the payment is a nice incentive to do them~)
• Chaos
• Animated Chaos
• Scratch Sprites
• Spriter's Choice - Advanced Fusion
• Really Bad Art Avatars

❦ Oʀᴅᴇʀ Uᴘ! ❦

❧ BabyEevee22
Thank you~


❧ TheRealMew
Sadly this one didn't turn out as great as the previous ;w;


❧ Roshi-JOAT
You're welcome~


❧ Buchanan
Thank you~


❧ Maguro


❧ Miizyu
*Pretends not to see that bad pun*


❧ Rose~Kitty
Weirdly, they are super compatible Pokemon to fuse together.


❧ Flurry
Wow, I like how this one turned out *w*


❧ Prof-birch*the*gecko
Plooshie time is the best time XD
Thank you~


❧ arkidog
Thank you~


❧ Beckysh92
If you do then thank you~


Username: Maguro
Base Pokemon: Dusknoir
Payment: 5k PD
Extra: Golisopod looks really cool! I like it a lot! :D
Username: witchy666
Text: Witchy’s Art Hut
Text Colors: light purple
Text Placement: center
Background Colors: Pastel pink
Design: paint splattered
Design Colors: pastel purple and blue
Pokemon: shiny Tapu Lele
PKMN Style: pop out
PKMN Placement:in both corners
Extra nope

Username: BabyEevee22
Pokemon: Eevee
Pose: 3
Payment: 25,000 pd
Extra: gg broke after this but who cares cuz ur sprites are awesome
Username: Ropets123
Base Pokemon: Rhydon
Second Pokemon: Aegislash
Extra: Yo yo yo! It's the one! The only,

Username: T0xic
Pokemon: Arcanine(Or if you can't do it, then growlithe)
Pose: 7
Payment: 25,000
Extra: May I pay after it's done? That way I can get the payment set up quicker and I wont have to worry about accidentally giving my money to someone else or that >.<
Username: Sparky
Pokemon: Pikachu
Style: Partial
Extra: I thought if it would like neon sign?
Trainer:diamond and pearl lady please
PKMN Included?: (Y/N) yes please
Extra: sending you some PD :3