Melez looks back to the tavern and the bartender nodding at her.
She turns back with a slight smile. "Yes... It appears he could use
your expertise..." She walks in and discusses terms with the
bartender. After a while she walks back out to Blake. "He will give
you a room if you do not have one... Food you will have to provide
for yourself..."
Melez shrugs, "I don't know... I'll find out..." She sighs as she
goes to ask. She comes back, "No, I'll take you to the woodworker's
in town to buy some..."
''let's go then'' he said, putting his hammer in a table. ''don't
move too much, your legs aren't 100% recovered yet'' said Blake,
looking at Isis, and went to the woodworker's shop with Melez. They
ordered 20 wood planks, and sat down at a nearby bench. ''do you
think he'll take his time?'' he said, looking around the town. ''a
magic shop! maybe i can buy some stuff there later'' he thought,
and nodded
Zack saw all this while hiding behind a wall, he first thought to
go and teach those demons a lesson, but as he saw other people
dealing with them, he just stood there and watched them fight.
"That was a good nice fight" he said at the end of the small
battle. He turned back to stairs and went to his room. "I am not
fighting and just relaxing.... as I wished!" said Zack as he lied
on the bed.
~I have loved the stars too fondly to be
fearful of the night~
Melez stands as she sees the woodworker come out and wave for them
to get their order. She turns to Isis and smiles, "Hello, you were
the angel in the fight with the two demons right? I didn't catch
your name..."
Blake jumps out of the bench to get the order, and notices Isis
coming. ''oh hey Isis, thought i told you you shouldn't move too
much'' he said, as he got all the wood planks and paid the
woodworker. ''we can go back now'' he said to Melez.
Melez nods to Blake and she turns to smile at the woodworker who
runs back into his shop. She heads back towards the tavern, "It was
a pleasure fighting alongside you Isis..." She says as she walks.
Caelum walked along the road, kicking stray stones into the alleys
and generally being a bored child. He continued this until the
faint smell of smoke wafted through the air. He looked up and saw
three people walking together, just a little bit away. He stepped
out of the way and examined them, feeling as though he were unable
to look away. Something about these people fascinated him and he
couldn't help but stare as they walked.
Melez gets an uneasy sensation of being watched. She turns and
notices a young boy watching them. She turns to Blake, "I'll meet
you at the tavern later... I have something to do..." She waves to
them as she walks into the little store nearby. She looks over her
shoulder at the young boy as she enters.
Caelum's gaze followed the woman parting from the others, a rather
blank expression on his face. Though he longed to learn more about
all of them (and why they fascinated him), the woman who entered
the shop sparked his curiosity the most, and he started walking
towards the shop, failing horribly at trying to be sneaky. Who
is this lady? Why is she so interesting to me? Caelum thought
as he inspected the woman further.
Melez walks up to the counter and talks to the shop owner. He
disappears into the back room and she smiles as she sees the child
enter out of the corner of her eye. She sits on one of the many
stools lining the counter. She looks to the child with a slight
smile on her lips. She looks back to the shop owner as he comes
back out to her. They talk, in an inaudible tone, and he looks to
the child and he smiles as he walks to the other end of the
counter. Seemingly making something. Melez turns back to the child.
"Don't just stand there... Come sit..." She chuckles and motions to
the stools.
Caelum was watching this conversation and his cheeks reddened
considerably when the woman invited him to sit. He hurried over to
one of the stools and hauled himself up, then looked at the lady.
"I-I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't mean to stare," he stammered, his
fingers curling around the edges of the stool tightly.
She smiles much wider and her near perfect white teeth show. "Thank
you for the apology, but its not really necessary, no harm done. Am
I that interesting?" She chuckles. "What is your name young man? I
am Melez." Her almost golden eyes shimmer as a ray of sunlight
catches in the window. "And more importantly, do you like ice
cream?" She chuckles as she thinks to herself. "The politeness and
curiosity remind me of me when I was this age..."
"C-Caelum. It's nice to meet you, miss Melez. U-um, I do like
ice-cream..." Caelum heard his voice trail off. While being excited
about the possibility of eating ice-cream, he didn't want to come
off as greedy or rude, so he spoke the last sentence quietly and
Melez laughs. "It is a pleasure to meet you Caelum. You are very
well mannered and well spoken for someone seemingly so young..."
She looks up to the shop owner and exchange glances as he walks
over and sets a small bowl of ice cream in front of her and asks.
"Anything else for you?" She smiles. "Whatever this young man would
like." They both turn to look at him.
Blake grabbed the wood planks, and returned to the tavern, inviting
Isis to come with him. He ripped off all the wood planks from the
damaged wall and grabbed the new planks and started cutting it and
hammering to the tavern's broken wall, so it matches the size.
''gotta be a hard work...'' he thought, as he grabbed the second
plank and started hammering it.