"Phasers? Forget it. I prefer human weapons." said Forge. Your
stubbornness will be your downfall. commented Hunter. "Look
who's talking." Forge shot back. Hunter had no response to this.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
"Stay focused. If it attacks one of us, We won't know, until it is
too late." Starlord said as he kept his guns raised. Jewel was
looking through his gun aimer, and saw no trace of it.
"Well, Yagdra's coming." Dominion said the room suddenly shook as
if there was an earthquake "Yagdra... Ready your weapons! Yagdra's
has come and he will not stop until everyone of us is dead."
Yagdra shot a web at jewel trapping him "It will be hard now... The
last time I fought him he wasn't this strong Helios must be back...
Wait, did I say something?" Dominion said
"If it has to kill us, hen we'll go down fighting. AND KID!" roared
Forge. "QUIT IT WITH THE DAMN OSHAWATT!" Just then Slendy charged.
"Why you sly son of a- FIRE!" shouted Forge, pulling his Shotgun's
trigger. Soon he was out of ammo. "Reloading, cover me!" he
shouteed, getting to one knee and stuffing rounds into his Shotgun.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Boomer tackeled and used flamethrower close up on Slendy.
Goliathion grabbed Slendy and threw him unto the wall, cracking ut
it's spine. Starlord burned it with his flamethrower. 'Kid, Stay
out of trouble, Dakar, Take care of the kid."
"Feel feel to jump in, just don't die!" shouted Forge, taking a
spurt of acid and quickly removing he affected areas of his armor.
"Starlord, how much longer?" he asked.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
I'm taking it you're enjoying this? Hunter asked Aqua.
"Where is it?" asked Forge, looking around. "If you so much as
think about spraying me with acid again..." He looked
around. Suddenly, the small amount of light there had been in the
room was extinguished. "Ahh... god. Where is it?" asked Forge,
digging through his bag. He felt something and pulled the pin,
silently praying it wasn't a grenade. It wasn't. It was a flare,
illuminating the darkness in a few feet diameter circle. "Guys, to
me. As soon s this flare is out..."
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
"Hah, you pathetic fools try to stop me? Helios is back and the
rest of the black Knights are also rising all of you are now
doomed." Yagdra snarled
"Duck!" Dominion shouted shooting Yagdra with a kinetic pulse