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Trainerlevel: 91

Trainerpoints: 17,222/24,933


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Shiny Hunt

Princess is currently hunting Sprigatito.
Hunt started: 30/12/2024

Chain: 319


Some info

Resolute Stones and Uxie Egg Vouchers

3 mega huntable shinies, 75 Nuggets, or 120k PD each.

Everything in my boxes has a price, if you see more than one. Feel free to shoot offers in palpad, I may not always respond. Feel free to follow up if I missed you.

I am willing to help with dex completion if you only need a few pokemon.

Shiny mega checklist:
Show hidden content
Festival Gardevoir
Galarian Rapidash
Mewtwo X
Retro Charmander Y


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
_Treecko_ 1 Month ago
Zarbes 2 Months ago
Lemeyx 2 Months ago
Nika~ 2 Months ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #342589551
Registration: 23/09/2013 (11 Years ago)
Time Played: 3986:42 Hours
Total interactions: 631,765
Money: 2,543,556
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Congratulations! A shiny mega Snorunt hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #546)! That makes 2! Sadly no mega stone currently so it's getting shoved in a box for now
2 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny mega Snorunt hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #299)! Nice it's female too, 1 more to go
3 Months ago
I'm very grateful Diancie is breedable with how this chain is going so far
1 Year ago
Remember, if someone tries to dm you to test a game or anything else very sus on a website randomly, it's likely attempted account theft. Even your closest friends account may be trying to steal your account. Always check suspicious links or files before opening them.
1 Year ago
Congratulations! A shiny Gothita hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #741)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

I guess my premium ran out and I didn't realize, that's a bit frustrating
1 Year ago
Congratulations! A shiny Festival Ralts hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #451)!
Shiny Mega!
1 Year ago
Now that I'm actually IV breeding festival ralts, I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to separate the high iv festival ralts like this one. Does anyone know of any IV related sales, and values?

Also as a side note, does anyone know if giving both parents a destiny knot helps increase iv chances further? I do happen to have a male gardevoir with good ivs as well to pair, but destiny knots are a bit too expensive right now to test this without evidence.
1 Year ago
I heard there was a shiny kyogre in SWT, so I threw in a shiny regieliki as well. Good luck!
2 Years ago
To celebrate the release of scarlet and violet, I'm giving away two shiny festival ralts! All you have to do to enter is like this post, and comment which starter you're picking! I will pick the winner on launch day.
2 Years ago
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 9 Years now!

Getting close to double digits
2 Years ago
I'm curious what next years pikachu event will be, or if it'll be something new like the naruto pikachu? The pichu from ranger is cute though, so I'm not against more spin off pichus
2 Years ago
Why does there have to be a limit of 10 fish adopts per day at the beach? Does adopting 150 tentacool at once really hurt the economy that bad?
2 Years ago
If anyone would like to donate 585 nuggets for the flute combo+mega cuff for a month, I will give every shiny/mega I hatch from this festival ralts chain during that month to them. (Excluding a shiny mega).

If I don't hatch a shiny or mega in that month period, I will instead give the gems I earn that month from the galar rumble. (Gems are how I currently pay for it each month)
2 Years ago
I'm conflicted on this new update. I like that the shinies are released, but like the meowth update, the goals are a bit too high for my liking.
2 Years ago
I get rid of one hoopa, and find another, the endless cycle of a treasure hunter.
2 Years ago
I've had 8 daycare eggs in the past 48 hours, why even pay for the flutes if they aren't helping
2 Years ago
Honestly, they should add a male festival ralts that uses a male kimono.
3 Years ago
If anyone would like to send me 2500 nuggets, I'll purchase a festival ralts event pass for you.

You will not receive the shiny from the event pass, you get a shiny festival ralts during the nugget trade.

You will get every festival ralts from the event pass, including megas. You can choose not to accept the normals, and you can request me to only hatch during mega fountain days. I do have the mega bracelet and mega cuff.

If I hatch a shiny mega from your event pass, I will give another shiny non-mega festival ralts. This trade is a gamble on it's value, so please only offer if you're sure you don't mind taking a money loss.
3 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny mega Shinx hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #734)! That wasn't so bad
3 Years ago
I'm half tempted to buy shinies in BDSP with nuggets, but I feel like I'll just get hacked shinies.
3 Years ago

Badge Showcase

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Set #4


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Browsing through notifications (1 Month ago)

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SourAppleThu, 13/Mar/2025, 09:31
VapourWed, 12/Mar/2025, 00:08
-MorningstarThu, 06/Mar/2025, 11:13
ariiWed, 05/Mar/2025, 20:08
BLEACHIchigo1Tue, 04/Mar/2025, 21:42