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Forum Thread

More Story than Diary

Forum-Index Diaries More Story than Diary
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 311
Posted: Sun, 25/02/2024 00:30 (2 Months ago)
(Just please don't post in here, I'm making my own story on here you can read it though. If you have any recommendations, PP/PM me, I will post it here with credits from you. Thank you! <3 )

The night was a cold breeze. Very cold. I was strolling along the wet path. It was Halloween night.
I held out my basket as I knocked on the next door, wrapping myself in my warm scarf. They didn't respond. I glanced inside to see if anyone was in there. From what I made out through the blurry window, I saw a man watching TV.
I knocked harder on the door, practically going to banging and then pounding. No answer. The TV wasn't loud neither. His hand made out to be turning the TV up.
He wanted an excuse to not respond to me. I was starting to get annoyed and started banging even harder. He finally got up and snagged his candy bucket as he opened the door and tossed some candy in my basket before slamming the door. I got annoyed and wrote a note on his door with Expo Marker "You're mean and weird," before leaving.
The next morning, November 1st, I ate breakfast and then sat on my phone. I heard loud sirens followed by police cars. I was wondering what was going on, so I peaked out my half-blurish window.