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FatHead's Diary

Forum-Index Diaries FatHead's Diary
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 192
Posted: Sat, 26/11/2022 04:17 (1 Year ago)
10:00 p.m.


I've decided to start keeping a Diary on here. I just would like to share some life experiences that I have had. Some may be from years ago, some may have happened just a few minutes ago. But of course, there are restrictions to what I will share. I cannot share certain things about my life, such as things that are just... Nobody else's business. Sorry, didn't mean to sound rude, but that is about the only way to explain it. Anyway, I'll start with the tale of my first big crush. Let's go back in time, about 5 school years back, all the way back to my days in Fourth Grade...

On the first day of Fourth Grade, I noticed an unfamiliar face in the crowd of kids. It was a face that I personally considered to be pretty attractive. The face belonged to a girl named Allie. Whenever she introduced herself, I could hear a strong country accent coming through her words. She and I didn't get along very well during the first few months of knowing each other, but then came the English Project...

We were all placed into groups of three or four people. We had to work on a Project that was centered around "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief". The two people that I was grouped up with: Lana (her story will be saved for the next Entry) and, of course, Allie. Who saw that one coming? Anyway, Lana didn't show up to school on the first day of working on the Project, so it was just me and Allie. It was kind of awkward at first, but that experience helped us two to bond more than before. After that, we started to become slightly better friends. And then, I gathered up the courage to let her know how I felt...

You see, I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to things like this. But I did it. Sort of. I wrote a note saying that I was crushing on her since the first day of Fourth Grade (we were nearing the end of the school year at this point), and I slipped it to her in class, during Movie Time. She read it, but didn't seem too surprised. Just a little, "Okay" escaped her mouth.

And then there was Fifth Grade, when we were put in separate classes, but still saw each other at P.E., Lunch Time, and Free Time. And then there was Sixth Grade, which was the same thing. Except at this point, I had given up on Allie. I was now interested in this girl named Lilly. It doesn't matter, though. I left that school and moved to a new one a few months until Graduation. And I haven't seen either one of them (or any of my other Elementary School friends) since then.

But I've made some Friends here on PokeHeroes. Ones that I feel... comfortable talking to. Like they actually... understand me. And I love that feeling.

Anyway, next Entry, I'll dig deeper into the story between me and that Lana girl that I mentioned earlier. Thanks for reading!
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 192
Posted: Sun, 27/11/2022 02:12 (1 Year ago)


8:06 p.m.

As I promised, I will now tell you the story of Lana. She and I were what you would call "Rivals". We considered each other to be our "Worst Enemy", but in reality, we got along better than we let others believe. Before I begin with the juicy part, I must let you know that Lana's Story will not be quite as long as Allie's Story.

One day, in Fourth or Fifth Grade I believe, Lana and I were on the playground, and we had a group of kids that we were starting up a kickball game with. Now, keep in mind that her and I were "Rivals".

Then, Lana said something that gave me more Goosebumps that R.L. Stine. She said something to the effect of, "You do know that I have a crush on you, right?" Now, it wasn't that I didn't like the girl, I just... didn't expect all of that.

So, that's really it. That's the Lana Story. At least, what I would like to share of it at the current moment.

Next Entry, I'll dive into the subject of Brady, my Best Friend from Fifth Grade. I hope you enjoyed reading this Entry!