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Area High

Forum-Index Roleplay Area High
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 15:04 (3 Years ago)
sign-ups: here

Long, long ago, a kingdom named Aeraya lived. Surrounded by hills of beauty, waters with immense power and rich of food with divine taste. At least that's what the textbooks say.
Aeraya is gone now, replaced by the city of Teretori in an everyday modern world. Gone are the royals, the people who once ruled the lands. Gone are the soldiers, who risked their life each day for the country. Gone is the bakery, loved by a- Okay, that one is still there.

Although the kingdom is gone, the people surely aren't. Still roaming the halls with as much happiness, mysterious aura and repressed feelings are the high schoolers of this generation - those that attend Area High.

Val rubs himself on the top of his head. It was the first day of school since summer vacation, and he wasn't sure if he was... excited for it. They had pretty much rebranded the entire school after the infamous Water Bucket incident the year before. Lots of people got fired, a new principal got hired, it was all new. He isn't quite sure if he likes the change. As he grabs his bag, yells a quick goodbye to his mom, and storms out the door, he bestows the school one more thought. He'll find out. He'll make this year the best one yet. Probably.

Thea pinches her nose as her father runs around the entire house, throwing various articles of clothing everywhere.
"Remind me why you're running around like a mad man?" The young girl asks, now putting a short stop to her dad's messiness.
"I signed you up for that school when the old nice woman was in charge, Thea! I wasn't aware of this! The school has apparently had several incidents!" He rushes up to Thea to hug her. She doesn't exactly... reciprocate the hug. "I send you off to that school and you'll be a rebel for the rest of your life!"
She sighs, "Nice to hear your fatherly advice and all, appreciate it a lot, but I also have to go. Um. Right now." Without saying one more word, she hurries out the door, ignoring her father's voice behind her.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 19:03 (3 Years ago)
After a very relaxing summer vacation,Alexander leaped out of his parents' car ad he quickly muttered "Bye". With his luscious hair gently going against the wind,Alexander sticks the landing by bending his knees and rises up, taking a good look at the school. Thankfully his bag wasn't that heavy. He slowly made his way towards the entrance,spacing out while looking at the other students.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 19:21 (3 Years ago)
Now, it's one thing to have to wake up. Difficult, cold, obnoxious... But how do you think it is to wake up without an arm? Or, to try to? Eon found himself lying on his belly, his alarm blaring and shouting, repeating beeps trying to stir him. Eon reached out, aiming to turn off the alarm, only to wave half of his arm at the alarm clock as he woke up. In his tired state, he'd simply tried to do what came naturally: turn off the alarm clock. However, his lack of a forearm made it difficult. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Eon pressed the sleep button on his alarm clock. He wore a comfortable set of sweat pants and a tank top, his usual sleeping attire. Swinging his legs out of the warm sheets, he shuffled to another set of clothes, a tank top and a pair of blue jeans. Slipping out of his sleep clothes and into his day attire, Eon stretched, his back popping as he yawned. On his bedside table, their was three thing: the digital alarm clock with a black shell and red numbers, a Newton's cradle with an illusion below the metal spheres, and an arm. Grabbing the aim carefully, Eon slipped it over his stumpy half, hiding the scar on it and giving himself a bit of comfort. To be separated from an arm was difficult, though to be separated with a prosthetic is... Expensive.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 22:35 (3 Years ago)
Shiloh exchanged frustrated glances with her husband, Ian, and looked up the stairs again. "Regina, you're going to be late!" A young, female voice snapped back, "I'm coming, I'm coming." "Hey," Ian said, his own voice rising, "Don't talk to your mother like that." "She's not my real mother!" That stunned the couple into silence, which filled with awkwardness as the teenage girl that they had been arguing with clomped down the stairs in a navy blue hoodie, black braids bouncing against her shoulders. As usual, that strange glittering silver necklace that she never seemed to take off rested on her chest. "I'm ready to go," she said brusquely. "Good," Shiloh said. "Grab something quick to eat and we'll be on our way, okay? There's some-" Regina had already started walking towards the kitchen. Shiloh sighed, burying her face in her husband's shoulder. "What are we going to do, Ian?" She groaned. "It's been less than a year since we adopted her, I know, but sometimes it feels like she wanted us to get rid of her." "We're doing our best. And you know what they told us about her, she's been through a lot." "But why won't she let us help her?" "She doesn't realize that people want to help her, so it's hard for her to accept that they do. Give it time, Shiloh," he said encouragingly. The two of them hugged, and there was a moment of silence before it was interrupted by, "Well? Are we going or not?" They looked up hurriedly to see Regina standing there, watching them with a dry look. She was currently licking the jam off of the tips of her fingers, watching them with one dark brow raised. "Right," Shiloh said hurriedly, picking up her purse and digging into it, pulling out a set of car keys. "Let's go."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 23:19 (3 Years ago)
Eon managed to pull on some socks, snagging his basketball before stepping out of his bedroom and headed for the kitchen. Setting the ball down the floor by his front door, he grabbed a piece of toast and laid an egg and a patty of sausage on it, eating it merrily as he kicked his schoolbag towards the door. Shoving his feet into his shoes awkwardly as he finished the toast, Eon shoved his basketball into his bag and picked the backpack up. Slinging the backpack over his shoulder, Eon pushed the door open and bid farewell to his parents. Closing the door gently behind him, Eon started towards the bus stop, not too far away. Hearing the bus engine growing steadily louder, Eon quickened his pace a little. Jogging up as the bus stopped, Eon waved, greeting the familiar bus driver with a smile.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 755
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 04:57 (3 Years ago)
Ava placed a finger against their mouth as they hummed and Pondered very deeply. In front of them sat two colorful backpacks, one blue with a rabbit pattern and the other just a solid pink. It was a very difficult choice, obviously, evident by the way they're so in their head they can't hear their siblings yelling as they called out for their mother. "Hey, mama, which one do you think goes with my outfit better?" They turned their head back while loosely pointing at the bags, only now noticing what a handful their mother has to deal with. "Uh?" She craned her head to get a better look at what they were talking about.

Her view was slightly blocked because she was a little busy trying to feed Amina, Ava's younger sister, breakfast. "The blue one is cute," She didn't try to hide the fact that she only took a millisecond of a look, Ava would understand her situation right now after all. And Ava took her word as gospel anyway. "Alright! Thankies!" They quickly took the bag and put it on with a flourish and a little spin. Their mother glanced at them again before focusing on her stubborn 8 year old. "Did you eat breakfast?" "Yep" "Did you take a shower?" "Yep," "You didn't pack your bag, though" "I had already packed the blue one actually," These rapid fire questions were pretty normal for Ava by this point. Their mother never got used to Ava waking up earlier than everyone, or rather it never stopped her worrying. They had to wake up on their own though, how else are they going to find time to throw shiny colors and glitter on their face? Or, well, skillfully throw shiny colors and glitter on their face.

"I'm off now," Ava was just about to touch the door's handle before they heard their mother's voice "Hold on, hold on, dgeega," She raised an eyebrow and straightened her back, leaving Amina for a moment. "How exactly are you off?" Ava blinked once, twice. "I'll...walk? School's not that far away, right?" Their declaration was met with a slight gasp "And get kidnapped inshallah??" Ava blinked again. Okay, walking was off the list, for Kidnapping reasons. "I'll take a taxi?" They offered, completely serious. "To SCHOOL?" Their mother shook her head "Amal, My Eyes, Habibi, Love Of My Life, just wait until I'm done with Amina and Ahmad, please." Ava groaned a little but decided there's no other option. "Okaay... Fine. I'll help. But of course obviously only because it'll get me there faster. And I am Not changing any diapers."

(sorry this is so wordy lol i wanted to establish Some Things and it kinda went out of hand 💔)
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 598
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 09:42 (3 Years ago)
Despite his hurry out the door, Val walks at a slow pace to the school. Paying close attention to the buildings all around him, he thinks back to his childhood memories. He's that type of person who's only lived in one place all his life despite being in a busy street, so he's had a few friends move both in and out throughout the years.
'And that's what we're not gonna think about today...' He thinks for himself, unfortunately reminded by the fact that he doesn't really... have friends right now.

Running until no more voices could be heard, Thea halts and nearly throws herself to the ground.
"These... legs are... mea-meant to lay... not... run..." She pants, gathering a little bit more public decency and raising herself up from the ground again. With absolutely no clue on where she's actually going, she opens up a map on her phone and-
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 14:33 (3 Years ago)
Shiloh drove Regina to school, despite her insisting on driving herself. "I know you have your driver's license, honey, but let me do it this one time, okay? I happen to like driving this old car and it's going to you soon so I want to make this moment special. Regina sighed, and slid further down in her seat, pulling her hood over her head. Her feet bumped against her backpack, squished between the floor of the car and her sneakers. It was a dreadful reminder that she was going to school again. She hated school. Hated being around people. At least there was one thing that she liked about Shiloh and Ian, they never seemed to bother her about making friends. Something Regina didn't want.

They arrived at the school, and Regina checked her phone. A good 20 minutes early. "I thought we were late," she said icily as she gathered her things. "Okay, okay, that one's on me. Have a good day, honey!" "Bye, Shiloh." She hefted the backpack onto her shoulder, slammed the car door shut behind her, and started walking towards Area High.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 15:36 (3 Years ago)
Getting startled a bit from the loud noise of a door getting shut,Alex turned around and spotted Regina. "Jeez,someone didn't wake up in a good mood...Everything's alright,Regina?" he said while waving at her,since there was quite a distance between them. "Good morning." he added,as he slowly walked towards her.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 18:47 (3 Years ago)
The bus make thankful haste, allowing the few people riding it to reach the school with plenty of time ahead of them. Stepping off the bus with his satchel draped carelessly over his shoulder, Eon took a deep breath. It was good to be back, even if summer vacation had been blissful. He called out several good-mornings to those around him, occasionally waving with his false arm. Thankfully, nobody seemed to take too big of notice. To Eon, that meant there weren't too many new students so far. And to him, that meant a lot less explaining.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 19:28 (3 Years ago)
Regina was stewing in her own thoughts, angry at her mo-Shiloh, and at the world. That was normal for her though. Being angry. It seemed like everything, and everyone annoyed her. Though she only got angry at her parents. She turned her head, her angry green eyes piercing through Alex like a pair of daggers. "I'm fine, Alex."
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 19:49 (3 Years ago)
Eon grinned as he approached the school, noticing just how many familiar faces he saw. Then, his mind flashed the the freshmen. They were all new here.. That would only mean he'd have to explain his arm to an entire class. He was shaken from his thoughts by a friendly call, his eyes finding the source. A used-to-be Junior, a basketball under his arm. He waved, beckoning Eon over. "Betcha can't make this first shot of the year from here." He bounced his basketball once, nodding his head at the hoop behind him. Eon grinned. "Betcha I can. Here, hold this for a second." Eon removed his arm, handing it to the Senior and setting down his bag. Taking the ball, he bounced it twice. Then, after a moment of watching the hoop, he took the shot. "How much did you bet I wouldn't make it?" Eon grinned as the ball slipped cleanly through the net. Reattaching his arm, he shook his friend's hand. "Good to see you again." "Good to see you too."
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 19:57 (3 Years ago)
Regina's penetrating glare almost froze Alex for a second. He had forgotten how angry she could get. "Hey hey hey! You got the whole tone wrong!" he said as he hopped in front of her. "It should go along the lines of 'I'm perfectly fine,o great Alexander with the fabulous hair~!' with a big..." as he kept prolonging the 'big' he moved his index fingers towards her mouth to form a smile but on second thought he almost immediately pulled them back and instead formed a wide smile on his own face.

"Come on,didn't you have a relaxing vacation? Didn't you eat luxurious sweets,sleep in a 5-star hotel,swim every day at the beach..." and he kept going and going briefly mentioning what he did during his vacation.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 20:14 (3 Years ago)
Regina sighed, and rolled her eyes. Alex was one of the only people that could stand her anger issues, and for that she was grateful. But after the tense morning, and wishing that she was on another planet, she wasn't really feeling friendly. She didn't even really consider Alex a friend, even though he talked to her. "No, Alex, I was being adopted over the summer. The notice I got last year went through."
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 761
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 20:59 (3 Years ago)
The sun was bright, the birds were chirping, and Elliot hated this. The trek to school was never fun and he despised the uphill climb that he had to take on his way to school. It was painful and it was sweaty and Elliot hated all of that. While he understood why his mother couldn't drive him, it still sucked to walk to school. It wasn't a short one either as Elliot was forced to get up at way-too-early o'clock in the morning to make it to school on time. Well if there was one thing that the long walk had was time. And Elliot would use this time wisely by cracking open a book. A perfect.plan. nothing could ever go wrong.

And for a while nothing did. It was just another walk up the sloping hill towards school. The only eventful action was him complaining about the heat, his usual combo of a jacket and hhoodie a deathtrap in these situations. It took another good hour and the completion of his latest book before Elliot finally reached school grounds. It was lound, sound dog basketball being played a d students catching up on what they had done. It was familiar but Elliot didn't feel inclined to join in the pleasantries. It wasn't like he had any friends to talk with anyways. With that thought in mind, he began to cut through the sea of students, apologizing every time he bumped into someone, but steadily making his way through the courtyard and into the school.

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 21:08 (3 Years ago)
Feeling a gentle bump and hearing a quiet murmur, Eon turned. Elliot was shuffling by. "Ah, no worries there." Eon grinned and started to walk with the boy. "Have fun over the summer?" His steps were quick, but short. Not his usual pace, but slowed down slightly to stay alongside Elliot.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 755
Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 06:17 (3 Years ago)
Ava bid his mother and siblings adieu with a cheerful "bye-bye!" and an added "good luck" referring to his siblings. And Thus They Were Separated. Ava had some eyes on them while they strode in, naturally, with their super bright get up. Though they didn't pay any mind to anything as they were lost in their own thoughts again.

They spoke to themselves "Alright. I've watched Mean Girls," (they didn't) "I know how to do this." They looked around the school and jotted down some mental notes, looking towards the source of what they assumed were Sport Noises. 'Eon, Ian? definitely a jock. The other guy with him too. Maybe the whole basketball team? Probably.' They trailed their gaze towards 'Elliot? Oliver? Something like that' and then 'Regina. Maybe something on the emo spectrum. To be debated.' They nodded silently at their own wisdom. With their field of vision they also managed to spot 'Alex! Alexander. Yep that's him alright. Is pretty boys a clique? Well, it is now.' They added in some other (see: irrelevant npcs) students until they got bored of assigning everyone.

"Oh... I didn't plan this far ahead." They mumbled to themselves again while trying to come up with the next step in their agenda. Their eyes almost unconsciously got set on Alex and Regina. ((wattpad author voice) extroverts 🙄🙄)

They slowly starting approaching the pair, trying to go in unnoticed so they could sit around for a bit.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 09:21 (3 Years ago)
"Oh..." he cleared his throat,trying to get a bit more serious. "I think I understand. You're still not used to them and it's taking a while to get to know them and also get comfortable around them,right? Don't worry,I'm sure you'll manage!" he felt as if he was being watched but he paid no heed to it. "Being angry at them or avoiding to talk won't make matters any better,but I assume you already know that. Communication is key,y'know?" He started looking around from time to time to see if he could spot who was watching them. Maybe he could recognise someone else while looking around,since Regina would probably prefer to stay alone.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 761
Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 09:40 (3 Years ago)
Someone was talking to him. He couldn't be bothered to look over his shoulder but he was raised in a family of relatively high social standing and manners were drilled into him since brith. Not replying would be rude and there were few things that Elliot hated more than being rude. Halfheartedly shrugging he adjusted his backpack to sit more comfortably on his shoulders. "Homework. Familial duties. Nothing out of the ordinary." He said stiffly. Taking a few more steps and breaking out of the throng of students gathered at the courtyard, he finally had the space to turn around and see who he had been talking to. His eyes immediately fell towards the prosthetic arm and a name popped into mind immediately. After all, there weren't many students with physical disabilities. "I assume your summer was more thrilling than mine, Eon?"

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 715
Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 11:21 (3 Years ago)
Harper let out a long, exaggerated sigh as she stared at the school. A new school? After getting kicked out of her old one, she felt a pang of apathy towards... well, everything. She was probably gonna get suspended from this one too, so what was the point of even trying? She frowned when the sun blasted her eyes and put a regretful hand on her forehead. The voices of other students caught her attention, making her remove a single earplug to listen to the chatter.