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SakuraWolf23's Starry Skies

Forum-Index Diaries SakuraWolf23's Starry Skies
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Tue, 07/05/2024 05:53 (19 Days ago)
Been crocheting two chihuahuas for my grandma for Mother's Day. They're supposed to represent her babies who passed last year.

The one still needs to be pieced together, and the other is only halfway done, but this is about twenty hours so far.

Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Wed, 08/05/2024 00:24 (18 Days ago)

Ugh. I hate it when the desire to look at the blogs comes during the daytime. When it's closer to 9 pm, it's easier to ignore as I remember that quote I saw that said something like, "Do not believe anything your mind tells you after 9 pm or as you're heading to bed. It is your enemy, then"

*deep breath and repeats to self* You're upset at something, and your brain took this as an opportunity to push you into making a really bad decision to feel even worse. Don't listen to it. You're happier now. Don't give in to dark impulses. Don't throw five months of growth away.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Wed, 08/05/2024 23:37 (17 Days ago)
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Thu, 09/05/2024 01:11 (17 Days ago)
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Thu, 09/05/2024 03:47 (17 Days ago)
Now that a few hours have passed and I'm calm, I must apologize. I completely overreacted to a simple thing, which I need to work on, and I took things so personally that weren't even meant to be an attack.

One most important thing is. After the half-hour conversation with my dad, I came to the most horrible realization. Something that people have repeatedly said but that I refused to admit.

I keep starting problems and then crying over the result. I make excuses and justifications for my behavior and refuse to accept the consequences of my actions. I then blameshift and try to say that my response was because of what they did. Saying that I'm being mature isn't maturity. It's a denial of how childish I am. With all the similar situations I've been in over the last four years, I should know better by now.

I'm going to start taking better care with my words and picking my battles. I'm sorry if I upset anyone or for any problems my earlier actions caused.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Fri, 10/05/2024 00:54 (16 Days ago)
People don't always think things through before they speak/act. That doesn't make them bad people. I have what Dad calls "illogical logic" about things. But when confronted with something, I attempt to understand your point of view. If your logic makes sense, I apologize and change my mind/opinion.

Don't share half-truths or make assumptions about people based on what others say. I will always admit to wrongs I've done because I've seen far too many times how a lack of communication and honesty causes soooo many problems.

The constant arisal of problems with what I say/do has made one thing clear.

As much as I like to talk about my writing, gaming, life, etc. My future posts will be game or Angel of the Shadows-related only. I know I've said this before, but I will stick to it this time because I'm just tired of always being in others' mouths negatively. Find me on Facebook, Discord, (and soon to be either Twitter/Tumblr as SakuraWolf23) if you want to keep updated about real life.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Sat, 11/05/2024 04:41 (15 Days ago)
So, I joined both Twitter and Tumblr to test how well they build communities. I think I'll start streaming again next month, jumping right back into my M/W/F at 5.30-7.30 pm PST schedule.

I love streaming, but I'm not doing it to become popular. I know I'm not good or social enough to ever become big. My biggest issue with streaming was only ever having one consistent viewer. I felt like nobody cared enough about my hobby to support and encourage me. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that people have lives and other priorities, and I just need to accept that they will pop in when they can.

This is more to help me push past my anxiety and socialize more with like-minded people or those I can fangirl with or talk to for hours and to build a community/following for my drawing, writing, and gaming.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Sat, 11/05/2024 06:41 (15 Days ago)
I know I said no more non-PH posts, but I thought I'd let everyone know to look up at the sky if you want to see the Northern Lights!

You may not be able to see the colors with the naked eye, but you can see slightly off-color moving sections of the sky. Snap a few pics with your phone!

This is so far visible all the way down to Alabama and Northern California!

Northern Lights
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Sat, 11/05/2024 22:59 (14 Days ago)
Found on Facebook and had to share.

"One mistake you should never make in life is to allow yourself to be recruited by someone to hate another person who hasn't wronged you. Only a fool inherits other people's enemies as a sign of loyalty."
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Mon, 13/05/2024 16:49 (13 Days ago)
Event egg APs:
4k, 11.2k, 20.8k, 33.6k, 48.8k, 65.6k, 84.8k, 105.6k, 128k, 152k, 178.4k

I thought these were supposed to have become easier. As it is, most people will only get two, maybe three eggs.

I'd be okay if it went 4k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 20k, and then continued with the huge jumps because

-That still gives the average player 3-5 chances for a Shiny
-I feel like the jumps are meant to discourage excessive clicking
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Fri, 17/05/2024 17:54 (9 Days ago)
Wow. Block me for linking to adult content (which I did not do; the chapter I linked to had nothing inappropriate in it, nor would I have linked to any chapters that did, and I would have had CLEARLY marked trigger/content warnings on the said chapter just in case you saw it while reading other things. I might do dumb things on occasion, but I'm not an idiot), and then make a mature joke post about Vaporeon. You can NOT make or post jokes like that on a site with children, and then get onto adults for the same/similar things. Granted, I'm older and should have known better, and not thinking it through is no excuse, but still. Quite hypocritical.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Sat, 18/05/2024 22:04 (7 Days ago)
Exhausted as heck. I just spent three hours changing the hinges on our new (old) refrigerator. The nuts were so old and tight, and I had little room to use the ratchet (nut driver? I can't remember which one it was). I had to call dad over a few times to help because I didn't have the arm strength (even with the fulcrum of the extender bar). And I hated doing so because exerting more pressure than I could exhausted him, but I knew better than to hurt myself by continuing to try on my own. Regardless, I did it! ^.^

On another note, I managed to get through all my eggs during Type Race on PFQ. Well, not all, as I didn't buy the extra 50% each day, and I still had 144 in Supplier and didn't go through about 50 Daycare, but I don't mind that. I did extremely well for the limited time that I had.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Mon, 20/05/2024 07:35 (6 Days ago)
*sees someone's comment about someone getting FoS of an Event and how unfair it was to the Spriter*

Sorry. NO. I've said it before, and I'll probably say it every time because of how WRONG the current system is.

I firmly believe it is WRONG and UNFAIR for the Spriter to get First on Site of their creation. Do they deserve a free Shiny/SM? Absolutely! They put in the hard work to create it. But MANY people like myself LOVE the hunt for First on Site. It increases Gem and Pokemon trades and makes the community interact with each other more than usual. THAT is why I feel it's wrong and unfair to US that the Spriter gets to claim first. It's negating all the hard work WE put into gathering the materials to hunt. It takes away from OUR excitement of "OMG! I got the first!"

It's just as annoying as the one person on PFQ who gets most of the FoS Melans. Yeah, you're rich and active and have earned all the materials/currency, etc., but let other people share in the excitement. Let other people have the chance to show off their FoS. I have three FoS Melans, whereas the person I refer to has at least 20.


Also, I think the Block algorithm thing is broken. I have it where guests can't see me.

Dad was being funny and saw me on someone's page and said, "Oh, wow! Someone who doesn't have you blocked. That's amazing!"

So I went to someone who had me blocked and asked him if he was happy, to which he replied, "Yes."

While there, I noticed I could see their feeds, and I knew I couldn't the day I visited them to block them. So I went to someone else, who I knew I hadn't been able to see the feeds of, and I could suddenly see them.

Soft and Hard refreshed. I had dad go to the profile of someone who had him blocked, and he didn't change anything. Which means either these two people conveniently chose to turn off guest hide at the same time, or there's a problem with the coding.
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 1,087
Posted: Thu, 23/05/2024 18:25 (3 Days ago)
I found this on Facebook and had to share it because it resonated with me. It's part of a longer bit from Kalen Dion Poetry.

"Do you know what I think is the best way to ask for forgiveness? Do everything that you can to make things right, and then let the person you have harmed feel the way they feel for as long as they need to heal."

It made me think about the drama blogs. The ONLY thing I have control over is how I react. After the incident that blew up, I talked to people, researched, accepted that I was wrong in some aspects, changed some of my views/opinions, apologized for the pain/damage I caused, and then moved on. Granted, that took six months to begin because I was still emotional and in denial of the consequences of my words and actions.

I have not looked at the blogs for five months. I have had a Tumblr for about a week now and have STILL not looked at the blogs OR searched any of my names. I still talk about what happened occasionally and how I feel about the fact things are still being said/done. But this time, I truly feel that I've finally learned this lesson and have no desire to perpetuate the cycle by responding. The people who hate me can hate me for as long as they want/need to. I've made things right. That's all that matters.