Forum Thread
Karmas Art
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Karmas ArtThis is Karmas Art Thread
I will only show you my Pokémon related drawings because this is a Pokémon-Forum
You can talk with me about my art but I don't care if you don't like it
Also please don't post your own art here's my Thread
Oh and have fun~!
Colored drawings

You are not allowed to use the two Pokémon above without asking. They belong to me.

Both made by Iskandar
Anyways, I like the one with the Pikachu (Or is it Pichu?) and Meowth squished in a box x3 Also that Litwick Human/Ginjinka(Cant spell today XD) is awesome : D And then your Pokemon you made. It almost looks like a Meowstic, but like a different species or something... It's hard to explain XD
Keep up the good work!! x3

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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So many people say that xD And I always tell them that they just have to practise everyday~ xD
It’s actually a Pichu xD I’ve drawn him more like a Pikachu because he’s as old as the Meowth~ Uuh I think it’s spelled Gijinka but I’m not sure xDD The name of the Pokemon ins Invy (Short for Infinity, which is the name of me in my own dream world~) And it’s a legendary~ The gold one (Her name is Vinyx) is normal, silver (Eve) is Shiny~ Haha yes xD But I’ve created it 2 years ago
I will~ ^-^

Both made by Iskandar

Her name is Lillith

Lillith with a better hairstyle~
I've drawn the outlines with a fineliner and colored her with my graphictablet~

That's me after eating too much chocolate

Say hello to Joel~

If I would be a pokemon, I would be a Meowth~
I will now show you my own starter pokemon
They don't have names yet and the last evolution of the fire and the grass starter are still not finished

Both made by Iskandar
I haven't opened my shop yet because I'm still waiting for some more people who vote (Poll is in my profile)
And I would like to know how much you would pay for it
And what your character is (or just show me a picture)

Both made by Iskandar
is that ok with you?
I hope it's a pokemon or a female human
Because I don't draw male humans often (and if I do, they look like little boys hehe)

Both made by Iskandar
if you can do this i will be very happy.
And I don't know if I can draw a meditative pose
Buut I will try it c:
I dunno how long it will take for me to draw it but I'll tell you when it's finished

Both made by Iskandar