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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ethereal Stars (Sign Ups Open!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ethereal Stars (Sign Ups Open!)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Thu, 30/08/2018 17:32 (6 Years ago)
It had been years since the Dark Matter incident. Despite the world having been saved yet again, Rescue Teams and Guilds were still necessary as Pokemon still had little missions they couldn't complete on their own. Outlaws still roamed around, stealing what they can and causing trouble whenever and wherever they strike. A new guild, the Cosmic Guild, has come up recently in the Air Continent, and is looking for new members. Can you, a Pokémon in this world, climb up the ranks?

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1. All PH Rules.
2. No godmodding or bunnying.
3. Try to keep species of Pokemon unique unless they are related.
4. Level-ups will be determined by an actual formula, and will be updated as Pokemon level-up and on this post, so check here if you had to log out during an Expedition.
5. Romance is fine, but keep the fluff from covering the roleplay.
6. If you choose to be a human turned Pokemon, your Pokemon will be randomly rolled, but you can choose two TMs or two Egg Moves or two Move Tutor Moves or a combination of those. Loss of memory is optional.
6½. Two rerolls available.
7. If you choose to be a natural Pokemon, you can choose any Pokemon(within the standard limits, of course), but only get one TM/Egg Move/MTM.
8. All Pokémon start at level 15.
9. Remember to get consent from all members on your team before making an official team request.

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Species: [Wait for your roll]
Appearance (shove a picture here if you want): [Wait for your roll]
History(Optional, TBRP'd allowed):
Moveset: [Wait for your roll]

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Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed):

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Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed):

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Team Name:
First 3 Members:

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Username: MimiKyushu
Name: Clair
Species: Dratini
Level: 15
Rank: Apprentice
Team: N/A
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):
Personality: Only a little shy, Clair doesn’t have too many problems making friends, except for one thing… her extremely low self-confidence and tendency to cry. During particularly bad moments, she lashes out at those around her. When she’s not feeling like utter trash that needs to be disposed of, she’s actually pretty peppy, but her mood can swing with the utter of a word. Also lesbian. Can’t forget that.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): Raised in the Mist Continent and having a relatively peaceful life, Clair’s ambitions swiftly changed from singing to explorations when she got lost in the Forest Grotto. After being rescued by a local Rescue Team, she spent all of her time training herself to join a Rescue Team. Finally, when her parents had received word of the Cosmic Guild, she went as soon as she said good-bye, swimming all the way to the Air Continent.
Moveset: Dragon Rage, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Rain Dance
Other: >:] nice

Username: MimiKyushu
Name: Golurk
Species: Golurk
Level: 60
Rank: Guildmaster
Team: Cosmos
Appearance: Standard Golurk with a Guildmaster badge affixed to its torso.
Personality: Remains mainly in solitude, so people apart from his Team Members don’t know much about his personality. Usually has either Grumpig or Dizzy deliver messages from him.
History: Unknown to anyone. (TBRP’d)
Moveset: Earthquake, Curse, Dynamic Punch, Fly
Other: Guildmaster.

Username: MimiKyushu
Name: Grumpig
Species: Grumpig
Level: 54
Rank: Platinum
Team: Cosmos
Appearance: Standard Grumpig wearing a bandanna with a Platinum-Rank badge affixed to it.
Personality: A bit narcissistic, but really caring. May or may not be in a relationship with Dizzy.
History: He has told some stories about his youth, but nothing too exciting. Seems to have had a relatively normal childhood.
Moveset: Psychic, Payback, Power Gem, Charge Beam
Other: One of the founders of the guild.

Username: MimiKyushu
Name: Dizzy
Species: Spinda
Level: 52
Rank: Platinum
Team: Cosmos
Appearance: Standard Spinda(you can imagine where the spots go i can’t be bothered i’ve been working on this for 3 days okay >:[) wearing a little cone-shaped hat with a Platinum-Rank badge affixed to it. You can probably imagine it falls off a lot.
Personality: The team’s conflict solver. Kind of a klutz, even compared to other Spinda. Still, she has a really good heart. May or may not be in a relationship with Grumpig.
History: She became an explorer to differentiate herself from the other Spinda in her family. She joined Team Cosmos, and ever since she has not once regretted leaving her family behind.
Moveset: Flail, Dizzy Punch, Calm Mind, Double Edge
Other: One of the founders of the guild.

Username: cosmin_2006
Name: Aphi
Species: Phione
Level: 15
Rank: Apprentice
Team: N/A
Appearance: Normal Phione.
Personality: If he's not in the base or on an expedition, chances are, he's swimming. He tends to stay out of your way if you stay out of his.
History: Nothing noteworthy.
Moveset: Acid Armor, Surf, Dive, Aqua Ring.

Username: Waddlenohara
Name: Momo
Species: Buneary
Level: 15
Rank: Apprentice
Team: N/A
Personality: Shy and wary of her surroundings, at first glance she's often mistaken for a simple, cowardly pokemon; however she will undoubtedly rush into a dangerous situation if it's to save another pokemon and will display a bravery that's typically unusual for her character. She's usually quite gentle and easily, easily intimidated, becoming flustered at the flip of a switch. She rarely speaks out loud to anyone besides her partner, Ashe.
History: Though the village Momo grew up in was peaceful itself, the surrounding forests were dangerous and very often filled with unruly outlaws. Though it was dangerous, Momo and the others in the village knew how to act safely, and there were almost never any huge incidents that occurred. The biggest thing to happen was when Momo came across an injured Quilava when the Buneary had come too close to the forest's edge. Bringing the injured pokemon home to her village, Momo discovered both her love for rescuing pokemon in need and her soon-to-be best friend, Ashe. She and Ashe both set off to join the Cosmic guild once they heard of it.
Moveset: Defense Curl, Quick Attack, Baby-Doll Eyes, Teeter Dance
Other: She prefers to let her partner(s) handle battling while she scouts out for escape routes and reassure Pokemon in need of rescuing. She prefers rescue missions to exploration and outlaw missions.

Username: Waddlenohara
Name: Ashe
Species: Quilava
Level: 15
Rank: Apprentice
Team: N/A
Appearance: (See image above that MimiKyushu was too lazy to put it on because there's a lot to do okay?!)
Personality: Rowdy, unapproachable and often picking fights, Ashe's main motivation for doing anything is to somehow become stronger by doing it. Though she's quite fierce in battles, she has very little actual knowledge on how to act or interact with anyone or thing outside of battling, thusly she comes off as very naive. She's mean, but not because she genuinely dislikes people, she just doesn't know hot to, or really see the point in interacting differently. The only person who's the exception to Ashe's attitude is currently Momo.
History: Rasied by her father, who was a notorious outlaw, she was mostly taught how to defend herself and how to survive on her own. Though his methods were harsh, and he genuinely wasn't the best parent, Ashe still loved her father dearly, and it broke her heart when he was eventually captured. She picked one too many battles out of grief, and ended up severely injured; Miraculously she was saved by Momo and her village, and Ashe is certain she wouldn't have survived otherwise. Momo quickly became Ashe's first and only friend, and the two worked quite well together. Hearing about the guild that was accepting new members, the two friends headed off to become a famous Rescue Team together.

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Username: AngellTale~Sans
Name: Soul
Species: Absol
Appearance: A black-furred Absol.
Personality: She can be chaotic, but she just wants a friend. Since she's been a loner, she's developed a mental shell around her self and distrusts many.
History: (TBRP'd)
Moveset: Razor Wing, Shadow Ball, Slash, Bite
Expertise: Lock picking/Pocket picking
Other: Enjoys Red Gummis and Haben Berries.

Username: Steel5299
Name: Bagels
Species: Bagon
Appearance: A normal Bagon, but has a scar on their right hand.
Personality: Usually quiet, but loves to battle and can get reckless.
History: (TBRP'd)
Moveset: Dragon Breath, Dragon Rush, Bite, and Ember.
Expertise: Battling.
Other: Will do anything for a good battle.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Fri, 31/08/2018 00:57 (6 Years ago)
Name: Soul
Species: Absol
Appearance: A black furred Absol
Personality: Can be chaotic, but just wants a freind. Because of being on her own, she’s developed a hardened shell and trusts no one.
History: (TBRP’d)
Moveset: Razor Wind, Shadow Ball, Slash, Bite.
Expertise: Lock picking and pocket picking
Other: Enjoys red gummis, and Haben Berrys.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Fri, 31/08/2018 01:50 (6 Years ago)
Name: Bagels
Species: Bagon
Appearence: has a scar on right claw/paw.
Personality: usually quite, but loves and battle and is reckless.
History: (TBRP'D)
moveset: dragon breath, dragon rush, bite, and ember.
Expertise: battling
Other: will do anything for a good battle
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Fri, 31/08/2018 02:39 (6 Years ago)
Both accepted! Spread the word please. I'll add them to the outlaw list when i next have access to a computer.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 03/09/2018 18:39 (6 Years ago)
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):
Personality:If he's not in the base or on an expedition, chances are, he's swimming. He tends to stay out of your way if you stay out of his.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed):no thanks
Moveset:Acid armor, surf, dive, aqua ring.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Tue, 04/09/2018 17:15 (6 Years ago)
Ugh. I really like this character but I don't really want to accept it because if I do then people will try to sign up as Mew and Celebi and other Mythicals. Personally, I don't feel like Manaphy is as over-powered as the others, but, again, it's totally a Mythical.

I would accept Phione, but Phione doesn't have Heart Swap. Sorry, but not accepted. Really good character, though.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Tue, 04/09/2018 17:29 (6 Years ago)
Altered him a little, now he has acid armor instead of heart swap and i removed the mention of heart swap in his personality.
also he's a phione now so it SHOULD be acceptable
didn't really want this character to go to waste even though you said he was good so i hope this is alright
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Tue, 04/09/2018 17:35 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! Just need one more person to start, so please spread the word!
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 05/09/2018 00:52 (6 Years ago)
Name: Momo
Species: Buneary
Appearance: (The image is kinda big so be careful!)
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Momo has very soft fur, and she takes great care to keep the fluffy and bouncy quality of it.

Personality: Shy and wary of her surroundings, at first glance she's often mistaken for a simple, cowardly pokemon; however she will undoubtedly rush into a dangerous situation if it's to save another pokemon and will display a bravery that's typically unusual for her character. She's usually quite gentle and easily, easily intimidated, becoming flustered at the flip of a switch. She rarely speaks out loud to anyone besides her partner, Ashe.

History: Though the village Momo grew up in was peaceful itself, the surrounding forests were dangerous and very often filled with unruly outlaws. Though it was dangerous, Momo and the others in the village knew how to act safely, and there were almost never any huge incidents that occurred. The biggest thing to happen was when Momo came across an injured Quilava when the Buneary had come too close to the forest's edge. Bringing the injured pokemon home to her village, Momo discovered both her love for rescuing pokemon in need and her soon-to-be best friend, Ashe. She and Ashe both set off to join the Cosmic guild once they heard of it.

Moveset: Defense curl, Quick Attack, Baby-doll eyes, Teeter dance

Other: She prefers to let her partner[s] handle battling while she scouts out for escape routes and reassure pokemon in need of rescuing. She prefers rescue missions to exploration and outlaw missions.

Name: Ashe
Species: Quilava
Appearance: (See image above!!)

Personality: Rowdy, unapproachable and often picking fights, Ashe's main motivation for doing anything is to somehow become stronger by doing it. Though she's quite fierce in battles, she has very little actual knowledge on how to act or interact with anyone or thing outside of battling, thusly she comes off as very naive. She's mean, but not because she genuinely dislikes people, she just doesn't know hot to, or really see the point in interacting differently. The only person who's the exception to Ashe's attitude is currently Momo.

History: Rasied by her father, who was a notorious outlaw, she was mostly taught how to defend herself and how to survive on her own. Though his methods were harsh, and he genuinely wasn't the best parent, Ashe still loved her father dearly, and it broke her heart when he was eventually captured. She picked one too many battles out of grief, and ended up severely injured; Miraculously she was saved by Momo and her village, and Ashe is certain she wouldn't have survived otherwise. Momo quickly became Ashe's first and only friend, and the two worked quite well together. Hearing about the guild that was accepting new members, the two friends headed off to become a famous Rescue Team together.

Moveset: Ember, Tackle, Leer, Flare Blitz (only used as a desperate, last resort move)

Other: She enjoys focusing on battles and would rather take missions about taking down outlaws. Sh thinks boys r stinky and is considerably more rude to them than she is to girls. Cute, fluffy things are her secret delight.

(I hope this is alright! If there's an issue with their colors/ their moves being too op i'll change them right away! I'm also sorry for getting really wordy there/// i'll try not to word gush so much during the rp ;w;)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Wed, 05/09/2018 02:40 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! The RP will be made in 12 hours, because I don't have access to a computer/anything that can copy-paste links right now. Sign-ups are still open, so feel free to drag friends on over here!

(also word-gushing is totally fine by me. personally, each person's style of writing adds to a roleplay and the overall experience. of course, misspelling words is something not many people like (unless it's txt-speak or intentional and a joke i guess), but using a lot or a few words to describe your characters is great! i actually prefer longer writing; it feels a lot like a fanfiction written by multiple people that way)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Wed, 05/09/2018 19:51 (6 Years ago)
Name: Kali
Species: Espeon (F)
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe): Black furred with a scar on her right eye. Ice-blue eyes

Personality: Vicious and cold as ice and merciless and arrogant. Trusts no one and loves to mock others for any seen weakness. She will pick fights freely but smartly. If she is tasked with eliminating some pokemon, she will make it her personal duty to make sure the job is done. Thoroughly done.

History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): Her father was a Mightyena outlaw, who taught her the trade of battling. Growing up, she was punished if she lost to other pokemon, so she learned to win pretty quickly. Her father's name was Fang, and boy was he known. People and pokemon used to fear him. Kali resides in the forest near Momo's village. Trains herself daily.

Moveset: Psychic, Iron Tail, Confusion, Hyper Beam
Expertise: Battling and Sneaking
Other: works on hire to eliminate other possibly innocent pokemon. She's a mercenary.


Name: Gwendoline
Species: Shiny Espurr(F)
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe): big so hold on

Personality: Stuck up, arrogant, elitist, and prissy. Hates getting dirty and typically calls for servants to attend to her needs. She lives in a 5000 sq ft mansion and grew up in one of the richest families alive. She's admired wherever she goes
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): Her mother, Lady Gold, was responsible for Gwendoline's attitude. Gwen was much more loved than her little sister Violet, who was considered a disappointment. She takes daily lessons on how to be a perfect lady. She is scolded if she does anything wrong. But she is pretty much spoiled and perfect. She loves to bully Violet.
Moveset: Psychic, Taunt, Attract, Dizzy Punch

Name: Violet
Species: Espurr
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe): big image
Personality: Shy and demure. Always keeps her flower near her
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): She has grown up knowing no kindness. Her mother and her mean older sister Gwendoline made her life miserable.
Moveset: Psybeam, Psychic, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 03:22 (6 Years ago)
Not accepted; Mewtwo doesn't seem to be in the "usual standards," and overall is pretty OP of a character.

The RP is open! Can't link rn, but it's on the first page of Pokemon RP.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 03:58 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 04:01 (6 Years ago)
For a Lv 15 Pokemon dohs moves doh...
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 04:24 (6 Years ago)

Title: Done

Name: Noche
Species: Zoroark (shiny)
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):
Personality: Verte is a very anxious zorua. He has massive trust issues. When he does grow comfortable, he is very charismatic. He jokes when he feels uncomfortable. He can be extremely random.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): TBRP'D
Fake Tears
Fury Swipes

Name: Dio
Species: Ditto
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe):
Personality: Verde is a very caring, acts like an older sibling.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): TBRP'D
Moveset: Transform

Name: Forecast
Species: Castform
Personality: Multi Personality Disorder based on the weather.
Normal- He is monotone, he is very literal
Rain-Gloomy, enjoys depressing things, negative
Sunny-Hotheaded, aggressive, enthusiastic
Snowy-Rude, dramatic, abrupt, brash
History: tbrp'd
·Rain Dance
·Sunny Day

Avatar by Me

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 215
Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 06:06 (6 Years ago)
Name: Vaoi
Species: Riolu
Appearance (insert picture i guess maybe): Just a norm riolu
Personality: Shes A Stuborn Survivalist. She Is hard to persuade which often leads to her downfall.
History(Optional, TBRP’d allowed): TBRPD
Bullet punch (Egg move)
Force palm
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Fri, 07/09/2018 13:17 (6 Years ago)
@Corona - Accepted, but I would appreciate it if Gwen was an Espurr.

@Zorro - Not accepted; devolve that Zoroark and give some moves. Also, I do want personality not to be TBRP'D because I don't want a secret Gary Stu/Mary Sue

@Miizyu - Accepted!
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 727
Posted: Fri, 07/09/2018 18:08 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 26
Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 23:12 (6 Years ago)
apperence:Wears a Blue Scarf
Personality:brave loud energetic lone wolf
Moveset:Slam double team iron tail
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 255
Posted: Fri, 12/10/2018 23:14 (6 Years ago)
Accepted, but could you edit it to add a name?