Forum Thread
~The Islanders~ (Sign-Ups)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → ~The Islanders~ (Sign-Ups)Once upon a time,
there was a spot of land, surrounded by sea. There were mountains in the northern bayside, and a vast plains separating it from the luscious, evergreen forest that grew in the south. Animals with special abilities began to settle there and colonize, making groups called 'tribes'. The species that settled there were named 'Settlers'. There were many tribes, but there were four that were most powerful: The Mountains Tribe, the Plains Tribe, the Forest Tribe, and the Ocean Tribe. They lived in harmony for ages, even when the bank flooded and the land, named Ka'huna, became an island.
But one day, disease broke out in the Ocean Tribe. They were disbanded and scattered throughout Ka'huna, not to be seen again.
Millenia later..
Mysterious deaths popped up across Ka'huna. The smaller tribes were destroyed by a group named 'the Marine Menace'. The only three tribes left were the most powerful ones, as stated before.
The leaders of each tribe, Marshon, from the Plains, Baxton, from the Forest, and Drilldrum from the Mountains, gathered the Islanders to discuss the attacks.

-Follow all PH rules, of course.
-Me and Sangria run this RP. Any questions go to either of us.
-Only me and Sangria can RP the Leaders.
-No powerplay.
-No godmodding or bunnying.
-No humans.
-Half-humans, such as centaurs or merfolk, are allowed.
-Aquatic species are the evil guys, but there can be some good guys. Just tell us.
-If you want to add in some more plot, that's fine, just consult us first.
-If you want to make your character another species, again, consult us first.
-No more than 2 powers per character.
-Don't kill another player's character without their permission.
-The password's Mountains, Plains, and Forests and Oceans. Put it in 'Other'. Without it, you won't be accepted.
-You'll be warned, and eventually banned, if you break these rules.
-Have fun!
Species of Ka'huna

Cats/Big Cats
Giant Lizards/Geckos (literally)
This list will be expanded in time.
[color=olivedrab]Islander Terms
[spoiler]Islander(s) - Those that inhabit Ka'huna. Can relate to any tribe or group.
Rogue(s) - Those without a group.
Mountaineer(s) - Those from the Mountain Tribe.
Plainsfellow/folk - Those from the Plains Tribe.
Foresthunter(s) - Those from the Forest Tribe.

[b]Romantic Interest(s)[/b]:
[b]Appearance[/b]: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred.
[b]Special Abilities[/b]: Remember, 2- per character.
[b]Romantic Interest(s)[/b]:
[b]Appearance[/b]: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred.
[b]Special Abilities[/b]: Remember, 2- per character.

Leader - Dilldrum (Sangria)
Rockclimbers - Arctic (Corona_Ayameko) Trigon (Steel5299) Alyssa (TheCorgiMafia)
Youth-mother - Moonlight (Corona_Ayameko)
Youth - Borealis (Corona_Ayameko)
Leader - Marshon (pineapplesandbluejays)
Runners - Lightpaws (pineapplesandbluejays) Bolt (Hipsterpotamus) Ferran (Sangria)
Leader - Baxton (pineapplesandbluejays)
Seekers - Wildfire (Sangria) Grantya (Hipsterpotamus) Dylise (TeaAndKookie) Jackson (TheCorgiMafia) Jamie (TheCorgiMafia)
The Marine Menaces
Leader - Aeneas (Sangria)
Co-leader - Lios (pineapplesandbluejays)
Mariners - Aquaria (Corona_Ayameko) Aaron (Corona_Ayameko)
Manoki (pineapplesandbluejays)
Liv'wor (pineapplesandbluejays)
Alaska (pineapplesandbluejays)
Alex (TheCorgiMafia)
Leader - Dilldrum (Sangria)
Rockclimbers - Arctic (Corona_Ayameko) Trigon (Steel5299) Alyssa (TheCorgiMafia)
Youth-mother - Moonlight (Corona_Ayameko)
Youth - Borealis (Corona_Ayameko)
Leader - Marshon (pineapplesandbluejays)
Runners - Lightpaws (pineapplesandbluejays) Bolt (Hipsterpotamus) Ferran (Sangria)
Leader - Baxton (pineapplesandbluejays)
Seekers - Wildfire (Sangria) Grantya (Hipsterpotamus) Dylise (TeaAndKookie) Jackson (TheCorgiMafia) Jamie (TheCorgiMafia)
The Marine Menaces
Leader - Aeneas (Sangria)
Co-leader - Lios (pineapplesandbluejays)
Mariners - Aquaria (Corona_Ayameko) Aaron (Corona_Ayameko)
Manoki (pineapplesandbluejays)
Liv'wor (pineapplesandbluejays)
Alaska (pineapplesandbluejays)
Alex (TheCorgiMafia)
Gender: Female
Species: Arctic Wolf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Mountaineers
Romantic Interest(s): Arctic
Partner(s): N/A
Family: Killed when she was a child
Appearance: Brilliant white fur. Blue eyes, and she has two tufts of black fur above her eyes. Razor sharp fangs
Personality: Kind and motherly to all. She is hard to anger, and will give out second chances.
Backstory: She was devestated when her older siblings were killed in the attacks. Now, she watches out for the other pokemon in her tribe. Mostly, she sticks with Arctic who is her mate. Moonlight is pregnant, and expecting pups. They already take care of a pup named Borealis.
Other:Read the rules
Name: Arctic
Gender: Male
Species: Gray Wolf
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Mountaineers
Romantic Interest(s): Moonlight
Partner(s): Moonlight
Family: Mother and father killed when he was a kid. He and Moonlight have 2 pups.
Appearance: Mostly dark gray fur, with white legs. Yellow eyes. Razor sharp fangs
Personality: Quiet and prefers to be with his family. However, if either Moonlight or Borealis are threatened, he will become vicious
Backstory: Arctic was only a pup when he was attacked. Moonlight rescued him, and nursed him back to health, and they've been best friends ever since
Name: Borealis
Gender: Male
Species: Gray Wolf
Sexuality: N/A
Alignment: Mountaineers
Romantic Interest(s): N/A
Partner(s): N/A
Family: Mother: Moonlight Father: Arctic
Appearance: Mostly dark gray fur, with white legs and belly. Yellow eyes. Razor sharp fangs
Personality: Bouncy and energetic like all pups. Loves being with his family
Backstory: Born to Arctic and Borealis
Other: :D
Name: Drilldrum
Gender: Male
Species: Griffin
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Romantic Interests: see Sexuality
Partners: He prefers to work and be alone after his best friends death
Family: His mother and father died, he is an only child. Keep in mind that this boii’s ancient
Appearance:Drilldrum is an old griffin. Most of his hair and feathers are gray, but some still show The coppery Brown of his youth. His Head is that of an eagle’s but the rest of his body is that of a lion’s. His eyes are droopy with age and a dull green. His tail is that of a lion’s and hangs sadly. From his back sprouts a pair of wings- larger than he is and absolutely majestic.
Personality:he’s an old man. He loves puzzles and dislikes young children. He sometimes is the stereotypical angry grandpa but usually tries to stay calm. He’s a leader, not a follower, even in his old age.
Special abilities: he has such a commanding presence that he doesn’t need a special ability. In other words, his ability is the fact he can lead
Backstory: Drilldrum has seen many many things in his long life. He was born on the mountains to a pair of loving griffins. He was a natural born leader at first- young and cocky and slightly idiotic. That all changed when his parents died. He had never seen a griffin die before and believed his race to be immortal. He had just become leader of the Mountaneers when his father died in a border skirmish initiated by Drilldrum himself. He was so shocked that he ordered his troops to retreat. When he told his mum, she cried for days. Eventually she succumbed to sickness and died. From then on Drilldrum vowed to never let another Mountaneer die because of him. He made peace (or tried to) with the other tribes and had others working furiously to develop some sort of medicine. Eventually he settled into his role as leader and grew old.
Other: lol jokes on you my name is Sangria
Name: Wildfire
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Sexuality: Demiromantic/Demisexual
Alignment: Foresthunters
Romantic interests: open
Family: Olympus (dad) And Elevation (mum)
Appearance:Wildfire is a bright in your face cherry red. Her underscales are a burnt orange and her stomach is a golden orange. Her eyes are light blue and her claws are a shiny black. Her back spikes and horns are a darker burgundy color. She is smaller than you think, as she is around 7 feet tall fully grown.
Personality:Wildfire is like a wildfire. She rages up and down and sideways. Shes very grumpy and antisocial, preferring to keep herself to herself. If you make her an enemy she will probably go out of her way to ruin your day. If you’re her friend she might ease off the yelling.
Special abilities: Firebreath
Backstory: Wildfire was born into the Foresthunters because her parents (former rouges) sought medical care there. Her mum laid Wildfire’s egg there and the two decided to stay. Wildfire was sometimes ostricised due to her lineage, but proved herself worthy when she survived for a week without help from the clan.
Other: lol jokes on youuuuuuu
Name: Aeneas
Gender: Male
Species: Merfolk
Alignment: The Marine Menace
Romantic interest: Probably after revenge more than a date
Partner: open
Family: his only family is his mom and dad.
Appearance: Aeneas is a merfolk. He has a tail that flows seamlessly into his body. The tail resembles that of a stereotypical merperson, excepting the fact that his tail is scale-less and a deep purple that grows lighter the closer it gets to his head. His skin closer to his head is a light lavender and his hair and eyes are white. He has webbed fingers and his ears are replaced by webbed frills. Those frills are present elsewhere on his body- his elbows, tail, and back specifically. He’s very thin and agile, preferring to lead from the shadows instead of fighting up front.
Personality: he hates surface-dwellers with a burning passion. Despite this though, he’s a total dork who can’t name secret terrorist groups to save his life. He loves the sea and all of its creatures and desperately wants to prevent another outbreak of disease.
Special abilities: Amphibious (he can breathe both air and water)
Backstory:Aeneas was brought up by his parents to hate surface-dwellers and to eradicate them. They taught him what they had been taught- Surface-dwellers are a poison to aquatic species. They eat the helpless ones and steal treasure from the stronger ones. They pollute and kill and maim and destroy. They would absolutely love to drain all th oceans and destroy all sea life if they could. They are the sole cause of the disease that destroyed the Ocean Tribe.
The surface-dwellers have yet to prove them wrong.
Other:lol omg you think I’m gonna do that well tHINK AGAIN
Finally got those done
Carpe Noctem
She/her pronouns pls
Help my Tree Boi And Tree Girl!
And also their Tree Son pls
Gender: Female
Species: merfolk
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: The Marine Menace
Romantic Interest(s): N/A
Partner(s): N/A
Family: mom and dad

Personality: Vain and selfish and cunning
Special Abilities: She has a siren's voice, and is known to lure surface dwellers to a watery doom. She also has normal water abilities
Backstory: She doesn't know much other than being endlessly brainwashed into believing surface-dwellers are evil.
Other:Mountains, Plains, and Forests and Oceans
Gender: Male
Species: Leopard gecko
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Plainsfolk
Romantic Interest(s): Open
Partner(s): N/A
Family:He loves everyone from his tribe, especially his parents and little sister
Appearance: A small light yellow lizard who has big fingers and gigantic tail for a lizerd of that size.
Personality:A small lovable guy who isn't afraid of anyone even though he is so small and cute. He oftens gets underestimated by others which allows him to take them by surprise.
Special Abilities: His fingers allows him to stick to any surface, meaning he has the ability to climb walls. Also, his gigantic tail allows for powerful blows even though he is only about 30 inches big.
Backstory: When he was a newborn, his tail got eaten by a bird, leaving him with a stomp. After a few months, it grew back bigger than it was before and it never stop growing and is now twice as long and big as his size.
[color=olivedrab]Name: Grantya
Gender: Female
Species: Moose
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Foresthunters
Romantic Interest(s): Open
Partner(s): N/A
Family: Dones't have any bloodrelated people, but she considers everyone of her folk as her family.
Appearance: A dark black stain colours her reddish fur on her back. Her head without horns makes her jealous of the males, because she finds them very pretty.
Personality: She is mostly quiet and prefers to stay out of peoples way, but she gets pretty emotionel when people talks behind her back and will usually start a fight with them, even though she doesn't have any horns like males do.
Special Abilities: For about a few minutes, she is able to grow on her forehead some beautiful and majestic horns that are very sharp. She found this ability only a few days before, so she doesn't control it very well. Often, her horns would grow so big that she is unable to support her weight and falls to the ground.
Backstory: She lost her parents very young because of an unexplain accident
Gender: Male
Species: Is Half Dragon okay?
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Rogue
Romantic Interest(s): Idk
Partner(s): None
Family: WIP
Appearance: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred. Alexander is a 6 foot eight inches dragon human hybrid. The rest of the dragons see him as a sort of unique beong and an outcast. His only friends at the moment are two Arctic Wolves, a fox, and two full dragons. He has black hair, cut short. He usually wears a leather jacket with two huge slits in the back where his wings push out of the jacket. He likes to wear any T-Shirt and any pair of jeans. He has red eyes, and a slightly smaller than average nose. He has a nice tan skin tone except for where the scales cover his body. The scales cover his back and most of the important joints like his knees, elbows, etc. to keep rhem protected. He has a necklace comprised of especially reinforced string and in the middle houses a scale from his parents.
Personality: WIP
Special Abilities: Remember, 2- per character. Alexander has the power of teleportation. He can create portals to any place he has been before, another person near him has been before or anywhere in his vision. His second power is enhanced senses. All his physical and mental capacities are higher than average. He can see farther, smell sharper, and hear louder.
Backstory: WIP
Other: Moutains, Plains, Forests, and Oceans.
Name: Jackson Price "Captain Price"
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Foresthunter
Romantic Interest(s):
Appearance: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred. WIP
Personality: WIP
Special Abilities: Remember, 2- per character. Extreme speed/Time slowing. If you know about Zoom or Quiksilver, he moves so quickly that time seems slower for him. His power only works when he is fatally wounded. When he isn't fatally wounded, he just moves way faster than normal.
Other:Moutains, Plains, Forests, and Oceans.
Name: Jamie Price
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Wolf
Alignment: Foresthunter
Romantic Interest(s): Alex
Family: Jackson
Appearance: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred. WIP
Personality: WIP
Special Abilities: Remember, 2- per character. Unique Vision: X-Ray and Nightvision; and Poison Releasal. She can release poison through her teeth and through her claws. The acid instantly dissolves the target. The poison can be cured by a concoction made from her blood and the poison. The other cure can be made from a plant that can be found in the forest called expelliarmus venus. This ability only works on smaller animals because her claws can't get through the skin of any animal bigger than herself.
Other:Moutains, Plains, Forests, and Oceans.
Name: Alyssa
Gender: Male
Species: Siberian Tiger
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Mountaineer
Romantic Interest(s): Open.
Family: None.
Appearance: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred. WIP
Special Abilities: Remember, 2- per character. Alyssa inflics any enemy she wounds with temporary hemophilia to the wound. The duration lasts for an 10-30 minutes depending on the wound. The wound will continuously bleed until the duration is over. She can only use this on animals smaller than herself.This makes hunting easier because after the first wound, she can track the animal. Her 2nd power is extreme sense of smell, which speaks for itself.
Other:Moutains, Plains, Forests, and Oceans.
The rest haven't been started yet.

Romantic Interest(s):
Appearance: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred.
Special Abilities: Remember, 2- per character.
Romantic Interest(s):
Appearance: Pictures are fine, but text is preferred.
Special Abilities: Remember, 2- per character.

So a little advice- either get rid of the teleportation or mass/density control.
Both together is a bit much. Maybe have one and make the enhanced vision your second power?
Carpe Noctem
She/her pronouns pls
Help my Tree Boi And Tree Girl!
And also their Tree Son pls