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Wild cat life [sign up accepting]

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Wild cat life [sign up accepting]
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Mon, 30/07/2018 05:05 (6 Years ago)
i know there’s a rp like this called Third rise of moonclan


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-ph rules


-don’t call people out for making a mistake in the story or a grammar mistake if they got something in the story wrong calmly tell them.

-ya know what? I’ll allow shipping/2 different people’s cats to be come a couple just make sure that you both are ok with it

-3 warnings then you’re out, the cat will no long exist we will say a human or wild animal killed it

-no real cursing but I will allow the warrior cats cuss words but don’t go into a story like it just cuz of this because I never read that stuff and probly won’t :^D

(The cuss words of cats :0

Mouse-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Mouse-dung A somewhat harsh insult - to compare someone to mouse faeces. Also used when something unfortunate happens, similar to the English term 'Darn it'
Mouse-heart A somewhat harsh insult - to call someone a coward.
Fox-dung A harsh insult - to compare someone to fox faeces. Also used when someone disagrees with something, like the English term 'That's a load of rubbish'.
Fox-heart A harsh insult - to call someone cruel, cold hearted or evil.
Foxbreath / Fox-breath A harsh insult - to compare someone to a fox's breath, to say they smell bad.
Bat-blind A somewhat harsh insult - to say someone is naive, narrow minded or foolish.
Flea-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Birdbrain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Pigeon-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Hare-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid or crazy.
Haredung A somewhat harsh insult - to compare someone to hare faeces. Also used when something unfortunate happens, similar to the English term 'Darn it'
Bee-brain A friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Beetle-brain A friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Feather-brain A friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Dandelion-brain A friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Fish-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Frog-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Frog-guts A harsh insult - to compare someone to a frog's guts.
Frog-dung/dirt A harsh insult - to compare someone to frog faeces.
Frog-face A somewhat harsh insult - to call someone ugly.
Minnow-heart A harsh insult - to call someone a coward.
Minnow-brain A somewhat friendly insult - to call someone stupid.
Snake-heart A harsh insult - to call someone cruel, cold hearted or evil.
Snake-tongue A harsh insult - to call someone a liar.
Rabbit-heart / Rabbit Heart A somehwat harsh insult - to call someone a coward.
Rabbit-brain A somehwat harsh insult - to call someone a stupid.
Buzzard-face A somewhat harsh insult - to call ugly.
Bug-breath A friendly insult - to say someone has bad breath or eats bugs.
Mange-pelt / Mange-ridden / Mange-breath / Mange-face A harsh insult - to call someone unpleasant, scruffy or dirty. Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss.
Stone-headed A somewhat friendly insult - to say someone is stubborn or foolish.
Fluff-brain A somewhat harsh insult - to say someone is empty headed for not understanding something.
Fuzz-brain A somewhat harsh insult - to say someone is empty headed for not understanding something.
Greedy-belly A friendly insult - to say someone is greedy.
Cleanpaw A somewat harsh insult - to insult someone who tries to be good and is afraid to break the rules.
Slow Slug A friendly insult - to say someone is slow.
Sleepy Slug A friendly insult - to say someone is tired or slow.
Furball A friendly insult - generically used with other insulting words such as: stupid furball, bossy furball or lazy furball.
Stupid Puffball A friendly insult - another friendly insult similar to 'furball'.
Crowfood / Crowfood-eater A harsh insult - to compare someone to rotting food / prey, or to say they eat rotting food. It is often used in threats such as 'I will turn you into Crowfood!'.
Crow-fur A somewhat harsh insult - to compare someone to crow fur (which is odd as they have feathers, not fur).
Dungeater A harsh insult - to say someone eats dung (not literally of course).
Dungface A fairly harsh insult - to compare someones face to dung.
Dungheart A fairly harsh insult - to compare someones heart to dung, to say they have a rotten heart.
Dormouse A friendly insult - to call lazy, or to say they sleep a lot.
Scaredy-mouse A friendly insult - to say someone is afraid of something.
Scaredy-sparrow A friendly insult - to say someone is afraid of something.
Smart-ears A friendly insult - to say someone is trying to be clever.
Mousefodder A somewhat harsh insult - to call someone worthless (such as a Kittypet).
Flea-pelt / Fleabag / Flea-ridden A harsh insult - to say someone has a lot of fleas.
Mouse-eater / Mouse-muncher / Squirrel-chaser A harsh insult - to insult ThunderClan cats because they mainly eat mice and squirrels.
Fishface / Fish-breath / Fishfur / Fish-eater A harsh insult - to insult RiverClan cats because they mainly eat fish.
Rabbit-chaser / Rabbit-eater A harsh insult - to insult WindClan cats because they mainly eat rabbits.
Kittypet A somewhat friendly insult - to question someone's warrior skills, usually used in terms such as 'You fight like a Kittypet!'.
Badger Droppings A harsh insult - can be used to compare someone to badger droppings. It is more commonly used to state that something isn't true, similar to the English term 'That's a load of rubbish'.
Cheeky fox A friendly insult - to call someone cheeky.
Badger-stinky A Kit insult - a silly insult that may be used by Kits, to compare someone to a badger.
Prey-stealer A harsh insult - to accuse someone of stealing the prey of another cat or Clan..
Herb-muddler A somewhat friendly insult - for Medicine Cats because they work with herbs.
Goody four paws A friendly insult - to say someone is always good and follows the rules (equivalent to goody two shoes).)


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warrior = these cats are in all colors and skilled fighters to they wear a gold earring in an ear of choice found by scavengers.

Scavengers = these go by the towns of humans and help get food, these cats are only grey or black. They wear dark purple rough clockes when out.

Jury = these cats come in all colors, they put cats who have broke the rules in the special cleanser tent. They wear baseball caps found by scavengers.

Cleanser = these cats are white, they heal who have sinned. They wear plastic tiaras found by scavengers.

Babysitter = these cats come in all colors, they take care of the babies while the parents are out. They wear headbands found by scavengers.

Baby = these cats come in all colors, they are young and helpless, they were bibs found by scavengers.

Medic = these cats come in all colors, they heal the wounds. They wear nurse hats found by scavengers.


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Rp name:
Rp nickname: (optional)
Personality: (optional)
Mate/crush: (optional)
Kids/babies: (optional)

My forums

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Rp name: Diddy

Rp nickname:

Age: 26 years


Gender: female

Role: medic

Personality: tbrped

Mate/crush: mate is Tux

Kids/babies: Spotty, scrappy

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rp name: ???

Rp nickname: Tux

Age: 31 years


Gender: female

Role: babysitter


Kids/babies: Spotty, scrappy

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rp name: ???

Rp nickname: scrappy

Age: 2 and a half years


Gender: male

Role: baby

Personality: tbrped


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rp name: Spotty

Rp nickname:

Age: 2 years


Gender: male

Role: baby

Personality: he is very spunky and lively he loves to run around and annoy other cats



Hipsterpotomus [Fire paw m] miizyu [amberflower f]


Hipsterpotomus [Silk f]




Hipsterpotomus [Snowstorm f]


*FlowerDragonStary* [Tux f]


*FlowerDragonStary* [Spoty m] *FlowerDragonStary* [scrappy m]


*FlowerDragonStary* [Didly f]

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Tue, 31/07/2018 02:37 (6 Years ago)
Rp name: Fire paw
Age: 20 years
Gender: male
Role: Warrior
Personality: He's always careful and will prefer to watch before acting. However, he can get rilled up pretty fast which can cause him to act stupid sometimes.
Mate/crush: none yet
Kids/babies: none yet

Rp name: Snowstorm
Age: 24 years
Gender: female
Role: Cleanser
Personality: She is pretty calm and will not change her mind once she decided something.
Mate/crush: None yet
Kids/babies: None yet

Rp name: Silk
Age: 8 years
Gender: Female
Role: Scavenger
Personality: She is pretty young so is curious about everything and will never think about the consequences before it's too late
Mate/crush: None yet
Kids/babies: None yet
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 02:16 (6 Years ago)
@hipster sorry for the late reply I frogot to sub ;-; accepted

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 02:58 (6 Years ago)

I have made a story line! (I will tell it in the timeline of the rp)

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the leader of the clan calls a meeting, it’s about a veey bad problem the humans have moved away because of the scavengers stealing so much food and now they are to far away to get food! sence nobody is good at hunting we had to find a new place to get food. Every cat votes and all the role players are voted to do it so every cat packs important items and sets off at 3:00pm sharp. You and everybody else travel for 2 days then find a cave. Every cat disides to go in, you find a room full of salmon, once almost all of its packed the owners come home wolves will they all make it out with the salmon maybe even make friends with the wolves? Who knows?

The rules of where the cats live

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Respect your elders
Harsh insults/cussing can not be used unless in a serious/dangerous fight
Don’t try to change the roles you are
Never take your item that shows your role off unless you are going to bed

Maybe I’ll make a wolves life rp connected to this world

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 215
Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 04:24 (6 Years ago)

Rp name: Amberflower
Rp nickname: Amber/Am
Age: 12

Role: Warrior
Personality: She Taught herself to hunt. She didn't like the way the clan was run. She enjoys climbing trees. She taught herself how to fend for herself in case she got separated. To other cast she seems rude and such.
Mate/crush: (optional)
Kids/babies: None
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 04:56 (6 Years ago)
@mii accepted

Miizyu do u wanna start the rp without hipster or wait for more to join or just start the rp?

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,336
Posted: Thu, 02/08/2018 03:42 (6 Years ago)
I won't be able to join in for the next two days, but ill be more active after so yeah, you can start if you want
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Thu, 02/08/2018 04:09 (6 Years ago)
That’s fine :3

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,194
Posted: Fri, 10/08/2018 20:16 (6 Years ago)
And finally the rp

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)