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Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Myriad
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Tue, 08/05/2018 23:22 (6 Years ago)

Myriad - “a countless or extremely great number,”

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A collection of short stories dedicated to my Pokémon characters


Ft. Luciana, Connor, Mel, Mia, Sam, Xavier, Leanne, Val, and Ryan

And their Pokémon, of course

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Mia ;

Alloy - Scizor’s Nickname
Night - Zoroark’s Nickname
Sear - Houndoom’s Nickname
Coyote - Lucario’s Nickname

Mel ;

Riu - Lucario’s Nickname
Aki // Akira - Gallade’s Nickname
Orpheus - Gengar’s Nickname
Dew - Roserade’s Nickname

Luciana ;

Roue - Gardevoir’s Nickname
Luma - Espeon’s Nickname
Psi - Alakazam’s Nickname

Connor ;

Pom - Ambipom’s Nickname
Simon - Sableye’s Nickname
Midori - Meganium’s Nickname
Ao - Swampert’s Nickname

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 02:28 (6 Years ago)


Only partially in line with the canon characters; The cause of both deaths were somewhat true to what actually happened.

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Two days prior to this short, Mel was killed right in front of them. Connor blames himself, Mia tries to be responsible, Luciana cries a lot, Night is a supportive friend and Riu really wants to die.

He hasn’t moved in two days.

Then again, there’s no real reason for Riu to move. There’s nobody to grin and laugh and shriek and drag him outside and race him to the gym a few corners away. That someone had been snatched away from him.

Shifting slightly, Riu curled tighter into himself. He could feel every scratch, every cut every bruise from that fatal fight. His receptors were broken. He was rendered useless now.

If he couldn’t protect the ones he loved, what was the point of living?



Mia’s Zoroark had changed over the years; He no longer chased after Riu like a love struck puppy— He was independent and surprisingly powerful in both body and spirit. (He would never admit it, but Riu was incredibly jealous.)

And the Zoroark has practically been taking care of him for two days without pulling any funky moves. Riu was a little suspicious, to be completely honest. Actually, he wasn’t anything. He didn’t feel anything anyway.

”Please drink something.” Night was saying softly, pressing something into his paws. Something cold, a shock to his abnormally warm paws.

Riu didn’t respond. He just stared at the cup. Those once bright red eyes had faded so quickly to a murky brown with just a touch of their old warmth hidden in the corners.

”Riu.” Night pressed one clawed paw against the younger’s forehead, letting out a surprised hiss. ”You’re burning up. It’s getting dangerous.”


Night yanked his paw back and stared at him. The Zoroark’s crystal blue eyes were pained. ”Please don’t day that. Do you really think we can take another hit like that?”

”Who cares,” Riu buried his face in his arm. ”Leave me alone.”

Agony flashed across those blue eyes. ”You’ll kill yourself if I leave.”

”I wish.”

Night left without another word and Riu nearly clawed his eyes out.


His receptors were covered in bandages. Which was partly his own fault.

It had either been them or Night, so the choice hadn’t been that hard to make. The stupid Zoroark was an essential part of his life, whether he liked it or not. Like a source of stability. Not.. Not a boyfriend. More like a brother.

Having something so essential to his being nearly ripped off the back of his head had been one of the most agonizing experiences he’d ever lived through. Worse than watching his best friend collapse in front of him. It was like having his very soul ripped out of his body. There were memories that had vanished with the wounds.

According to Nurse Joy, the likelihood of them ever healing properly was zero.

Without those damn receptors Riu was completely useless.

He couldn’t speak to trainers. They couldn’t understand him. He couldn’t draw from his aura, he couldn’t see through the aura, all of his attacks were rendered completely useless. And those memories he had treasured were fading as fast as his spirit.

Acciaio had done her best to help him. But her aura was as yellow as the sun in comparison to his flaming red. There was nothing she could do, and the chance of a Lucario with a red aura was astonishingly low. Like blood types. That’s how Luciana compared auras of Lucarios. Blue, Black, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Green, Red, White. Red was the second rarest color. Riu had never met another Lucario with a red aura.

So he was left to pull through on his own.


Sam was still alive.

Mel had jabbed the end of her nunchaku into his stomach around the same time he’d plunged the knife into hers. Connor had been on a warpath for revenge since.

The only reason Riu knew Sam was still alive was because the redhead was standing right in front of him in the burning house.

They’d let their guard down for too long. And Sam had taken their grieving process and turned it into a weakness. And he attacked, setting the entire city ablaze in the process.

“Well. Would you look at that. If it isn’t that little Lucario. What was your name again? Acier?

Riu visibly flinched back, receptors stinging as he attempted to push them up to make an attack.

Acier. Means ‘steel’ in french, doesn’t it? I don’t see how it went from Acier to Riu, though.”

Riu snapped.

There was a blazing burst of pain as he lunged forward, slamming his paw into Sam’s stomach to send him sprawling backward.

Elely, Sam’s Mienshao, was on him immediately.

The sight of the Mienshao was like a stab through the heart because that was his daughter, that was the child he’d lost in the fire the day he’d lost Mel too— and she was throwing her strongest attacks his way.

She’d been there that time when Roue had gone crazy and snapped his wrist cleanly in half. She’d been there when Mel had been thrown off the roof of Valarie’s gym. She’d been there beside him and had trusted him.

And yet here she was, throwing punches at him that he couldn’t bring himself to counter.

So he dodged and left her for the flames.


Three weeks later and Riu lost feeling in his left arm.

That was the arm that was attached to the wrist Roue had broken. It had never healed properly anyway.

According to Nurse Joy, he should have been long gone. It wasn’t just the injuries that were severe. It was the mental trauma that was making him weaker and weaker. She’d suggested putting him down.

Night, Roue, Alloy, Dew and Aki had been the loudest in the room with their answers. All no’s.


In the end, there was no need for any of that, because Riu took matters into his own hands. By collapsing in the grass and not even struggling again.

He was on his back staring at the night sky.

”Smile for the stars.” Mel had said. ”Smile for me.”

He knew she would know if he did.

So Riu tilted his head back and lifted his eyes to the dark sky. Those soft red eyes regained their usual spark for a brief moment as his mouth twitched into a weak smile.


The next time Riu opened his eyes, Mel was crouched in front of him. Sky-blue eyes blazed with warm affection as she offered him her hand.

He smiled and accepted.

They were surrounded by the night sky full of softly glowing stars. Because that had been both of their final wishes. To be with the stars.

Riu tilted his head back and smiled up at the brunette next to him.

And Mel smiled back.

The universe is cruel.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Wed, 13/06/2018 18:46 (6 Years ago)



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Mel has lots of fears, but siderodromophobia had never been on the list before today.

So what exactly happened?

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Takes place when Mel is sixteen (16).

Warnings for mentions of somewhat major character death(s).

The train station was completely packed.

Mel was completely in her element, surrounded by people and basking in the soft, early-morning sunlight that swept through the windows.

Riu was pressed tightly against her side, a firm reminder that she probably had to fight her way through the crowds ASAP before the Lucario started to panic. So she grasped his paw (and winked at him, her little brother was the best) and led them through the crowd. All she had to do was flash a dazzling smile and the adults would smile back and move out of her way.

They must have recognized her from tv. She was pretty popular in Kalos.

As the pathway cleared (slowly but surely) Mel pulled them through and onto the train, ducking through the doors. “Where d’you wanna sit?”

Riu shrugged, red eyes bright with the relief that hit him as soon as he exited the crowds. ”Anywhere. Pick a spot.”

Mel nodded and hesitated before making her way toward a window, dropping onto one of the seats in front of it. Riu mimicked her and sat next to her, crossing his legs as they both watched the other people enter the train.

A boy took the seat next to Mel an flashed her a small smile. “Hi.”

“Heya.” Mel greeted right back, blue eyes bright with unbridled curiosity. “Packed this morning, huh?”

The boy laughed and relaxed, leaning back into his seat. “The usual, I s’pose.” He decided, shooting Mel a grin. He offered her his hand. “I’m Lemar.”

“Amelia,” Mel introduced, accepting the boy’s hand with her own smile. “But I go by Mel.”

“Mel it is, then.”

The boy was nothing but sweet, and constantly checked to see if she was paying attention. And he was rather pretty too, with russet skin, reddish-brown in color. He had wide dark eyes that glimmered with childlike youth that Mel had become unfamiliar with as she grew up. And his hair was darker than his eyes, a night sky on his head. It was pulled up in a ponytail of sorts, short but effective.

And there was a Pichu on his lap, it’s pretty eyes gleaming as it looked up at them.

Lemar kept talking. He told Mel about his family, about his parents and his little sister Brianna and honestly? Mel already loved his family. The way he talked about them with that smile and the glimmer in his eyes.. She liked him.


It became a routine for them.

Mel usually got on the train first, so she would make a wild dash back to their usual seats and throw her legs up to save them. Lemar would enter after a few minutes and shove her legs down to sit next to her, with Pech, the Pichu, settling down with Riu.

The routine went on for weeks. Two months and a week and a half, to be exact.

Lemar’s family consisted of the sweetest people Mel had ever met. She was proud to be able to look at the Carter family and say “Yeah, I know them and they’re the best people ever”. Brianna wanted to become a gym leader when she grew up, so the two of them had spent a lot of time contemplating strategies together. Mel promised to let Brianna do one of her gym battles for her. Brianna had been ecstatic.

But everything changed when the brakes failed and everyone was thrown forward.


They’d been nearing their stop when one of the passengers had noticed that they weren’t slowing down.

It was concerning, but nobody really thought much of it.

Until the brakes began to squeal but the train didn’t slow at all.

Okay, so now everyone was worried.

A nervous voice came over the loudspeaker, voice somewhat staticky. ”Attention all passengers. Please remain seated while the train comes to a complete stop.” The automated voice actually made the atmosphere somewhat lighter.

“What the hell’s goin’ on?” Lemar wondered, pressing his face against the window to look down at the wheels. Still moving pretty fast. They hadn’t slowed at all. “If we take the next turn at this speed, I bet the train’ll flip over.”

For once on that train, his voice was dead serious.

Mel shifted nervously. Riu was pressed tightly against her, whining softly.

”Would everyone please remain seated and fasten their seatbelts, we will be coming to a stop as soon as we can.”

For once, nobody argued putting on a seatbelt. Hell, Lemar already had his on.

Mel had barely clipped hers on when the train suddenly jerked to the left, throwing everyone off balance. Riu was buckled in too, both him and Pech sharing a seatbelt. The Pichu was pressed against the Lucario.

Nothing stopped the train’s jerking motions.

And suddenly, the tires squealed and sparks went flying and then the whole train was thrown off the tracks and onto the grassy field.

Mel’s head slammed against something hard and her vision darkened as quickly as blinking.


When Mel came too, she was strewn on the ceiling of the car. The seatbelt was in tatters hanging upside-down from the new ceiling, the old floor of the train.

Others were starting to stir too. Groans and sobs filled the air, along with several Pokémon cries.

Pokemon cries.

She whipped her head around and let the breath she’d been holding upon spotting Riu pushing himself to his knees and Pech growling as she scratched her leg.

But where was Lemar?

She genuinely couldn’t see him. Smoke floated through the air, enough to choke on. Everything was a haze of gray and black. She could feel the bruise forming on her forehead, and every single scratch from the broken glass she’d gotten.

“Christ—“ Mel broke off into a fit of coughs, hitting her fist against her chest. “Riu?” Her voice was croaky now.

”I can’t see.” Riu’s voice was floaty and panicked. ”Sh— Where are you?”

“On your right.” Mel lifted her hoodie over her mouth and nose, blinking rapidly to clear her vision as best she could. “Lemar?”

The air was sticky and filled with the scent of blood. Mel knew what that smelled like. She knew all too well.

People were starting to shout and cry out and Mel couldn’t make out the voices and everything was stuffy.

”Amelia!” That was Pech, her bright eyes cutting through the dust and debris with ease. ”Over here!”

She stumbled toward their voice and her heart fell out of her chest.

Because that was Lemar, crushed underneath the seats.

“Oh my god,—“

Pech was whining, pushing against the seats and Riu was suddenly by her side, those crimson eyes wet.

”Is he..?”

”Lem!” Pech was screaming, attempting to push the seats off of her partner.

Mel’s movements were automatic, were fluid as she crouched down next to Pech and began to push the seas aside too. The Pichu gave a a grateful look as Riu scrambled to join them, though his eyes had a suspicious glazed-over look.

Several other people began to shuffle over to help them. It took some effort but the seats came loose and fell aside.

Lemar didn’t move.

One of the other passengers shifted slightly and placed her fingers against the boy’s throat before pulling back and shaking her head.

He was cold.

An age-old searing pain flared through Mel’s chest and she crumpled over with a sob.


She learned five days later that Riu was blind.

When the train had crashed something had gone awfully wrong when he’d been flung back. Nobody was sure what exactly had gone so terribly wrong, but he was blind.

Pech was currently wiped out on Mel’s bed, curled up with Riu. Occasional jolts of electricity sparked from her cheeks but nobody was fazed. It was normal now.

Mel had been strong for five days. She had cried once, the first day, and that was it. Because Pech needed her. And the Carter’s needed her to be strong. They could afford to lose someone else, they’d said.

She rested her head on her desk and finally allows herself to break.