Forum Thread
Dragon Wars (sign Ups)
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Sign ups~

Rank Wanted-
Kingdom they are in- (Western or Eastern)
Power(s)- (Nothing OP)

Eastern Kingdom
King- Soarin
Queen- Serenity- wolfgirl2398
Prince(s)- Max of 2
Barret- mikim007
Princess(es)- Max of 3
Iris- saratank
Healer- Iyashi- Knighty
Alexis- DarkHorse
Guards- (For the Royals and Eggs)
Western Kingdom
King- Will be picked in the RP
Queen- Oracle
Prince(s)- None Yet
Princess(es)- None Yet
Darken- DarkHorse
Guards- (For the Royals and Eggs)
Braise- wolfgirl2398
Joki- Knighty
Haku- saratank
Emeric- mikim007
Neutral- (Trying to stay out of the War, max of 10)

NO OP POWERS (if you have to, ask me before signing them up)
No mates or crushes on your own characters
Be active
Have fun
I control day and night
Dragonets must have one parent signed up as well
I will add more rules if I need to
Try posting longer than 1 sentence per post
Sign up at LEAST 2 dragons (one per kingdom)
My Sign Ups~

Name- Soarin
Gender- Male
Rank- King
Rank Wanted- //
Who do they follow- Leads the Eastern Kingdom
Crush- Serenity
Mate- Serenity
Dragonetes- Iris, Barret
Family- Oracle is his sister, he killed their parents. His offspring and the Queen are all he calls his family.
Power(s)- Soarin can become invisible, but ONLY if he stays still long enough. He cannot become invisible on the battle field because of the constant movement. He can also breathe fire if he is warm enough.
Look- His colors are bright red and orange throughout his scales, looking like fire when he flies through the air. His eyes are an amber orange.
Name- Oracle
Gender- Female
Rank- Queen
Rank Wanted- //
Kingdom they are in- She leads the Western Kingdom
Crush- None yet
Mate- None Yet
Dragonetes- Wants one day
Family-She has Soarin as her brother, but she doesnt know about his offspring.
Power(s)- She can breath ice and shoot icicles, but only if she is flying quick enough to cool her scales.
Look- She is jet black with Dark blue and purple mixed into her scales, much like the night sky. Her eyes are a deep sapphire blue
Name- Iris
Gender- Female
Rank- Princess
Rank Wanted- //
Kingdom they are in- Eastern
Crush- None Yet
Mate- None Yet
Dragonetes- Wants some day
Family- Her mother and father, the king and queen
Power(s)- She can partly read minds, but only if she concentrates long and hard enough, but its rare that she uses it.
Look- Iris is ice white with ice blue eyes
Name- Haku
Gender- Male
Rank- Regular
Rank Wanted- //
Kingdom they are in- Western
Crush- //
Dragonetes- //
Family- PM or PalPad if you want to be his family
Power(s)- His "power" is just that he is really good at making weapons.
Look- Haku is an emerald green color with bright orange eyes

Name- Serenity.
Gender- Female.
Rank- Queen.
Rank Wanted- n/a
Kingdom they are in- Eastern
Crush- Soarin
Mate- Soarin
Dragonetes- Iris, Barret (more to be added).
Family- Parents are unknown, siblings are unknown, only dragons she considers family are her dragonets and Soarin.
Power(s)- she can help plantlife grow and only uses this ability for her garden, she can also produce vines from the ground to aid her(thornless for helping with writing, gardening, ect. | with thorns for trapping and harming prey and/or enemies).
Look- she's got fluffy fur around all four leg's around just a bit above the heel's as well as around her chest and a mane that runs down to the base of her neck, only a mix of earthy brown with minty green in her fur, while her scale's and wings are a chestnut brown, her wing's has the webbing like a normal dragon would, she has bright jade colored eye's, she has a beaded necklace she crafted herself with rainbow colored bead's, she has ears like a lopped eared rabbit that matched her fur, and curved horns like an eastern dragon would.
Other- n/a
Gender- Female.
Rank- Queen.
Rank Wanted- n/a
Kingdom they are in- Eastern
Crush- Soarin
Mate- Soarin
Dragonetes- Iris, Barret (more to be added).
Family- Parents are unknown, siblings are unknown, only dragons she considers family are her dragonets and Soarin.
Power(s)- she can help plantlife grow and only uses this ability for her garden, she can also produce vines from the ground to aid her(thornless for helping with writing, gardening, ect. | with thorns for trapping and harming prey and/or enemies).
Look- she's got fluffy fur around all four leg's around just a bit above the heel's as well as around her chest and a mane that runs down to the base of her neck, only a mix of earthy brown with minty green in her fur, while her scale's and wings are a chestnut brown, her wing's has the webbing like a normal dragon would, she has bright jade colored eye's, she has a beaded necklace she crafted herself with rainbow colored bead's, she has ears like a lopped eared rabbit that matched her fur, and curved horns like an eastern dragon would.
Other- n/a

Name- Braise.
Gender- Male.
Rank- Guard.
Rank Wanted- King(like anybody would)
Kingdom they are in- Western
Crush- none atm.
Mate- open/palpad
Dragonetes- one day he will.
Family- parents and siblings are unknown.
Power(s)- he's able to breathe green fire and will only use it when necessary(green fire burns hotter than normal fire, fun little fact).
Look-his scale's are a mix of green and a fiery red color while his spikes are a bright flame orange color along with his underbelly scale's that went from his stomach to his neck, his eye's are a bright amber yellow.
Other- n/a
Gender- Male.
Rank- Guard.
Rank Wanted- King(like anybody would)
Kingdom they are in- Western
Crush- none atm.
Mate- open/palpad
Dragonetes- one day he will.
Family- parents and siblings are unknown.
Power(s)- he's able to breathe green fire and will only use it when necessary(green fire burns hotter than normal fire, fun little fact).
Look-his scale's are a mix of green and a fiery red color while his spikes are a bright flame orange color along with his underbelly scale's that went from his stomach to his neck, his eye's are a bright amber yellow.
Other- n/a
place holder for future dragons

Name: Aria.
Gender: Female.
Personality: she's quite calm and sweet, though can be harsh at times mostly in a caring way.
Appearance: her wing's are feathery with bright silky sky blue feather's in her wings and on her chest as well as around her face giving her the almost same appearance as an owl mixed with cloudy white feathers, while scales run over the rest of her body in the same coloration as the feathers, has feathery ear tufts on her head with horn's forming out of her head into almost like a buck's antlers would, she has a beautiful shade of tan colored eye's, she also had a charm with beads and a couple of her molted feather's hanging off her one antler and wear's a lavender scarf around her neck with her name embroidered on the one part of the scarf that hangs down.
Name: Frost.
Gender: Male.
Personality: somewhat cold and distant at times, though he's a real softy in the inside with a big heart, so he'll never fail to come to the aid of a fellow Dragon in need.
(eyes are an icy blue)
Gender: Female.
Personality: she's quite calm and sweet, though can be harsh at times mostly in a caring way.
Appearance: her wing's are feathery with bright silky sky blue feather's in her wings and on her chest as well as around her face giving her the almost same appearance as an owl mixed with cloudy white feathers, while scales run over the rest of her body in the same coloration as the feathers, has feathery ear tufts on her head with horn's forming out of her head into almost like a buck's antlers would, she has a beautiful shade of tan colored eye's, she also had a charm with beads and a couple of her molted feather's hanging off her one antler and wear's a lavender scarf around her neck with her name embroidered on the one part of the scarf that hangs down.
Name: Frost.
Gender: Male.
Personality: somewhat cold and distant at times, though he's a real softy in the inside with a big heart, so he'll never fail to come to the aid of a fellow Dragon in need.

Rank Wanted-//
Kingdom they are in- (Western or Eastern)Eastern
Dragonetes- //
Family-He was taken under protection by Royal Family and he never met his true parents.(Is it okay or do I have to change it?)
Power(s)- (Nothing OP)Sometimes, when enraged, he can change the feeling of gravity by one person.(Is it ok?)
Look-His scales are silver and his wings are emerald like his eyes.
Other-He don't take a part in Royal Family events.
Rank Wanted-//
Kingdom they are in- (Western or Eastern)Western
Dragonetes- //
Family-Not known.
Power(s)- (Nothing OP)He can fight very good, using his claws and fangs.
Look-His color is orange like sunrise and his eyes are brown.

Gender- Female
Rank- Healer
Rank Wanted- N/A
Kingdom they are in- Eastern
Crush- N/A
Mate- N/A
Dragonetes- N/A
Family- Was a rogue but was recruited because of the lack of a healer, no none really.
Power(s)- She can create vines with her tail by tapping the ground which can whip and trap enemies. She can also shoot a green beam which heals allies, though it’s short ranged. Using her powers too much causes her to wilt.
Look- Oof sorry if the image is awkward.
Other- ayyy hope this is ok
Name- Joki
Gender- Male
Rank- Guard but normally stays inside his small mechanical pocket in a tree by the boarder.
Rank Wanted- He is in support of creating a new role called 'support' as he isn't the strongest fighter.
Kingdom they are in- Western
Crush- N/A
Mate- N/A
Dragonetes- N/A
Family- Not really important
Power(s)- Nothing, but he is skilled with technology. He can create weapons and armour for other dragons and if requested will create any weapon which isn't op (laser gun, strong armour which slows you down etc).
Look- Small dusky brown dragon with goggles on his head and burn marks around his body. He also has blunt claws and a small rusty gun attached to the bottom of his right hand that isn't strong but it pushes enemies back. It fires slowly though (this is the kind of quality his weapons are). He also has a small grey scarf and goggles on his forehead with small armour patches along the top of his wings.

Rank- Fighter
Rank Wanted- King
Kingdom they are in- Western
Crush- None as of yet
Mate- None as of yet
Dragonetes- None as of yet
Family- Alexis from the Eastern Kingdom
Power(s)- He has the power of shadows and darkness.
Look- He is a pitch black dragon. His scales are mate looking with sapphire blue eyes.
Other- He and his sister have there disagreements and they both in hatred of each other. He has a scar over his left eye from her. He is a quiet dragon who wishes the best for everyone but will protect the ones he loves and cares for.
Name- Alexis
Gender- Female
Rank- Fighter
Rank Wanted- Princess
Kingdom they are in- Eastern
Crush- None as of yet
Mate- None as of yet
Dragonetes- None as of yet
Family- Darken
Power(s)- She has the power of light and healing but she rarely uses it.
Look- Her scales are a bright white/silver with sky blue eyes. Total opposite of her brother.
Other- She is a soft heartened female with a tough hide. She does not take back talk to her and she will speak her mind if need be.

Gender- female
Rank Wanted- Princess
Kingdom they are in- Eastern
Power(s)- Control water
Look-(water dragon) Neon blue scales, gills, glow-in the dark stripes (on tail, snout, arm, leg, underbelly, side, and the undersides of wings), webbed talons and powerful tail for faster swimming, webbed spines (along chest and along the back of neck to the tip of tail.)
Name- Midnight
Gender- Male
Rank- //
Rank Wanted- dragonet
Kingdom they are in- Western
Power(s)- can see in the dark, blend in with the shadows
Look- black, with (underside of wings) night(sky)-like look