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What is the purpose of filling the Pokedex?

Forum-Index General Discussion What is the purpose of filling the Pokedex?
Trainerlevel: 3

Forum Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 31/03/2018 04:16 (6 Years ago)
Out of every single Pokemon Region, you are given the ULTIMATE task by the professor to fill the pokemon pokedex. What he tells you is that the purpose to do so is to catalog every single last pokemon, so that the information will serve to better their study or something like that.
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But here is the thing, the pokedex already has all the information about every single pokemon in existence. So, adding a new pokemon to your pokedex does in no way further the research of the pokemon world, since everything that ever could be known about that pokemon, and all pokemon is already known. So, there is no point in sending a child out into the world in order to capture a number of pokemon that they are financially incapable, and physically incapable of taking care of.

There are several reasons I think this.

1. When you capture a new pokemon, you already know the opposing pokemons name already, which means its not a new species.

2. When you capture the pokemon, you do not get to choose what the pokemon is called. For instence, if you capture a Pikachu, you don't get to call it Pikachu the Iron Stallion Pokemon. It's pokemon type, Information about the history of the pokemon which would be impossible through any kind of scanning or dna testing is already unlocked in your pokedex. As well as its average height and weight, type etc. This means that everything that your pokedex tells you about it is already known.

3. The information is given to you only AFTER you capture it, and immediately afterwards. Which means the info on all pokemon is already in the pokedex system. Its just DLC at the time. ( Disk Locked Content).
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4. Other people own pokemon that you have not captured, and the information on them is not already automatically available to you in the pokemon dex. This means information about pokemon is out right restricted from you INTENTIONALLY.

So this leaves a few things debunked about WHY we have to fill our pokedex.

1. It does nothing for the research of the pokemon professor since all the information you "gather" is already known to that pokemon professor.

2. It does nothing for being on an adventure, since catching them all does not make you understand any pokemon better, it just means you have more of them.

3. It cannot be a friendship lesson since the more friends a person has the less friends a person has. You cannot grow intimate friendships when you converse with 700 people a day that you consider a friend.

4. It is irresponsible to have that many pets. Therefor, the purpose of the adventure cannot be about teaching responsibility of any kind. Nor can it be about setting goals as this is an unrealistically irresponsible goal to have.
more: mua biệt thự 17 phạm hùng
So, what is the purpose of filling the pokemon dex?