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Dragonformers Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay Dragonformers Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 17:28 (7 Years ago)
The dragonformers are a special type of transformer. Dragons are rare on Cybertron, especially when bots took the dragon as their alternate form. But the risk is that the Cybertronian dragons live in clans, each territorial of their land. This will take place on Cybertron after it has been rebuilt and the war is over. Peace reins over the great planet...for now. Any and all generations and universes are allowed.


-Have fun!
-Any and all Transformers Universes and Generations are allowed!
-No god-modding or power-playing please!

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Players: 2/6

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Quote from Ember_The_CharizardCharacter Name: Hunter/Short Spark

Age: 10 thousand years old

Gender: Male

Faction/Clan: Autobot turned Decepticon

Appearance: Hunter and Short Spark are very, very large and not too bulky. However, his metal is made up of the strongest known to Autobots, Decepticons, and Humans, while also being able to bend and shape themselves in impossible shapes, sizes, and angles. His right optic is a piercing blue, while his left is a blood red. He has drills, wrenches, hammers, blow torches, and other various tools used to create and destroy Human made machines, and Autobots, and when need be, fix up Decepticons, or improve upon them. Their Dragon form is long and thin, each individual wing is 50 feet across, 100 foot wing tip to wing tip. Their head is the size of a semi truck when in Dragon form.

Weapons: As earlier stated, they has a variety of tools at their disposal that could potentially be used as weapons. However, they also have a tank of acid in their "stomach" in order to blind or disable their opponent(s), his teeth, claws, and tail, which can send a large enough spike of electricity to shut down any Autobot or Decepticon for a day minimum.

Personality: Hunter has, what many Humans would call, multi personality disorder. He is ruthless, uncaring about Autobots, always willing to help a Decepticon, quiet, and almost always out hunting. Short Spark in somewhat energetic, seemingly happy, hates Autobots with a passion, and loud. Both of them are willing to trade out their own parts for other Decepticons, if the time ever came.

History: Hunter and Shortspark had once been two separate Autobots, until a Decepticon had gotten hold of them and made them one, as well as corrupting them in every way possible.

Relationships: None.

Other: None (For now)

Quote from KurumaCharacter Name: Venom

Age: 27,000 years old

Gender: Male

Faction/Clan: Decepticon

Appearance: Venom is made of Transformium so his body varies... He is usually all white and resembles diamonds... but likes to travel around in a black cloak, he is tall and slender while still masculine, robot wise...

When in dragon form he is usually all white with red streaks going down his body from the sides of his maw... He has horns, claws, a tail, and his body looks like scales but it's metal. He is 75 feet tall, and 30 feet wide, although in dragon form his wings are 30 feet squared each...

Alt Mode: Usually a Hennessy Venom but changes form to other supercars, etc.

Weapons: Venom is quite fast so he needs light weapons... He has two katanas that transform based on the situation...

Personality: Venom is egotistical and competitive... If you run into him he will usually race you and win... he loves to be fast.... He is brave, courageous and trustworthy to other decepticons...although pessimistic and blunt...

History: TBRP

Relationships: TBRP

Other: TBRP

Quote from TBD

Quote from TBD

Quote from TBD

Quote from TBD

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 17:29 (7 Years ago)

Title: Starting Post

Hunter sighed again, as Short Spark laughed. "That was fun, Hunter! Can we please see what's inside of him? Please, please, pleeeeeaaaaase?" Short Spark asks. His voice was high and sounded like it had been damaged at some point. Hunter shakes their head. "No. If we do that, we might damage anything salvageable. For now, we keep him alive." Hunter says. His voice was deep, and echoed slightly. Much like Short Spark's, his voice sounded damaged, though much more so than Short Spark's. Only half the mouth moved when each spoke. Hunter wraps his tail around the semi-working Autobot, so that he couldn't move, and snapped his wings open, taking to the air. On his chest was the symbol of an Autobot, though it was heavily scratched and worn. Underneath, and above that, was the Decepticon symbol, one an electric blue, another a blood red. In each of his claws was another Autobot, each one just as ineffective as the one in his tail.

Hunter and Short Spark, despite their own size, were rarely seen outside their little home. When they were out, they were hunting, salvaging, or helping other Decepticons.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 20:28 (7 Years ago)
Venom enjoying his time... spending his days driving, flying, and fighting... Earlier that day he assassinated an autobot from 1 mile away... but now all he wanted was to find another decepticon... Venom wanted other decepticon friends since it gets boring as a lone wolf.. He stood straigth up, ran in 1 direction, jumped as high as possible, and quickly transformed into a dragon.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:00 (7 Years ago)
As Venom flew, he'd be able to hear the sound of two bickering voices a ways away, another draconic Dragon in the air, odd shapes in their claws and tail, the head tilting back and forth. The shape, though, was easily distinguishable. Short Spark and Hunter were...unique among Decepticons, and was often the one who fixed them up if they were damaged...and had something handy, be it a Human invention or a still-salvageable Autobot.

"...enough parts!~ Oooh, maybe we could make him one of us!" Venom would catch onto the ending of his sentence. "Short Spark...how many times must I tell you. If we were to try that, it could be ruined." Hunter says, shifting one of the autobots he had so that the grip was better adjusted.

"Awwwh, you're no fun Hunter!~" Short Spark says, before laughing happily. Hunter sighs and growls at the same time. "Shut up, idiot."
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:04 (7 Years ago)
Venom flew towards Short Spark and Hunter... "Hello, fellow decepticons! What are ya' doing..?." Venom's voice was smooth while mature and deep. "I was looking for other decepticons to hang with and it seems you have found some... autobots...."

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:11 (7 Years ago)
"Hello!" Half the Dragon's mouth moved in greeting towards Venom, smiling, only receiving a grunt of greeting from Hunter. "We kinda killed them, but we're keeping them intact for--" "While I understand you're excited, Short Spark, do not blaber without knowing if someone is eavesdropping or not."

Hunter sighs quietly after interrupting Short Spark. "I am glad that you are interested in...hanging out." Hunter says, calmly. "But until we are at home, it would be unwise to speak of private matters." Hunter says, Short Spark chuckling nervously.

"Sorry about Hunter...he has a bit of a stick up you-know-where.~" Short Spark says, laughing after at Hunter's groan. "May we ask what your name is?"
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:16 (7 Years ago)
"Yes... my name is Venom... the humans based the Hennesey Venom off me! I am one of the fastest decepticons out there and I love killing you-know-what but it gets boring when you are a lone wolf!" Venom replied. "And I bet you are going to use you-know-who for salvaging, right? I love ripping them apart... robotic limb from robotic limb..." Venom chuckled.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:20 (7 Years ago)
Before Short Spark seemed to be able to respond, Hunter did. "We would prefer to remove their parts and limbs more...efficient than simply ripping them." Hunter says, Short Spark nodding their head happily.

"Ya! That way we can use their parts!" Short Spark says happily, laughing as he did. "We are currently in the process of...refining the surgical practices of many things." Hunter says, chuckling somewhat darkly.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:23 (7 Years ago)
"Have you seen many wars...? Or do you fight a lot? My body is still quite refined even after the war but it's probably cause I'm made of enhanced/perfected transformium! Well... everyone has their own hobbies... I think it's more fun to watch them squeal pitifully as I rip off their limbs slowly... but since they are dealing with electrical currents that stun them, they can't stop me..."

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:28 (7 Years ago)
"I think I like you, Venom!" Short Spark says, happily, smiling as he did. Hunter grunts softly, nodding. "Indeed. As for the wars, every day alive is a war...especially with this idiot." Hunter says, Short Spark laughing after a moment. "This is just his way of showing his happiness with me!~" He says, Hunter sighing quietly.

A moment later, they started to dive down, slowly. It wasn't a steep dive, but it was enough to be noticeable when going down. "Follow us!~" Short Spark says, happily as he did, Hunter rolling his eye a bit as he did.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 21:55 (7 Years ago)
Venom quickly dived... accelerating occasionally, while following Hunter and Spark... he nodded while diving... "Life is indeed a war with only 1 conclusion... death! However the war veteran has much more survival chance than the rookie... and my 27,000 years of living has given me the amount of tactical and combat prowess needed to 1 versus 1 against Optimus Prim, that's his name, right?"

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:00 (7 Years ago)
"It would not be wise to assume you would be able to take Optimus Prime one on one." Hunter says, glancing over as best he could, despite able to see from both eyes. "In our opinion, it's best to just assume that everyone's better than you!~" Short Spark says, seemingly happily.

A moment later, they dropped the Autobots in a very large pit, landing beside it. Around them were piles upon piles of parts, from both Autobots and Decepticons, though there was one body that was simply tossed aside and completely scrapped.

"Take care not to take anything." Hunter says, starting to Transform into a...somewhat smaller body. Everything on them was able to become smaller, though when he was as small as possible, he was just a few inches shorter than Optimus himself, the Decepticon symbol on his chest, his eyes staring now.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:06 (7 Years ago)
"No offense, mate! I don't really need it... my body and weapons are tip top shape at the moment so I feel amazing..." Venom replied. Alex transformed into his robotic form.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:08 (7 Years ago)
Nodding, Short Spark and Hunter moved to one of the piles, starting to pick things up and toss them back into the pile, before glancing over. "You're focused on long range and speed. Do you have anything for up-close and personal encounters?" Short Spark asks, curiously.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:10 (7 Years ago)
"Yeah, my focus is on sniping, assault rifle combat, etc... but I have two katanas... they are quite light although sharp... and I have two daggers...I can move in if needed and assassinate my target in a sense..." Venom nodded.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:13 (7 Years ago)
They nod, and after a moment, went back to the pile of parts. "Good." Turning back, they went to sit at the edge of the pit they had dropped the Autobots in. "Now, what do you know about us?" Hunter asks, glancing over to him.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:17 (7 Years ago)
"Well... as I can see... you are two autobots...formed into one... you like salvaging and etc. You have a dragon form so you are like me... that's it!" Venom replied.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:20 (7 Years ago)
They nod. "Good...the reason we salvage, though, is mostly to fix up our allies should they come to us injured." Hunter says, Short Spark grinning. "And to find any better things for us should we come across them!~" He says, happily.

"If you ever are injured, get your metal tail to us ASAP. The more recent the injury, the better we can find a replacement." Hunter says, glancing to the single body separated from the piles. "He was the one who made us. Dead now, but still there."
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:33 (7 Years ago)
"Damn... I will come... but you guys are lucky... you know who made you... my creator left after making me..." Venom replied. "I have been on my own since... except for the occasional meeting."

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 22:36 (7 Years ago)
They nod slowly, seeming to think after a few moments. "Stick with us." Hunter says, glancing over to him. "Ya!~ We could always use someone to watch our backs when we're not home!~" Short Spark says, happily.