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Grey. ~Pokémon black and white role play.

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Grey. ~Pokémon black and white role play.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 16:43 (7 Years ago)
________________THIS IS WHERE YOU SIGN UP!!!!!__________________

This is the story:
Nimbasa city has fallen under an odd spell of sorts; everyone in the city and surrounding areas has suddenly fallen asleep and won't wake up, and to make matters worse it seems as though Nimbasa is stuck at night time!
Professor Juniper contacts many capable trainers from Unova and other regions and requests help from them.
So with her parting gift of oddly coloured stones, The teens set off to find the cause of the problem.

"The world isn't just black and white; how can you classify things as 'good' or 'evil'? Where does one end and the other begin? They can not end, they blur, they merge, they create grey. There is a fine line between 'good' and 'bad', and sometimes you have to cross the grey bridge."

(The events of Pokemon Black/White have not taken place. They are set in the same universe though the journey and out comes are different.)

1. No Mary/Gary Sues. - No. Just no. They aren't gods.
2. NO SHINIES.+ ONLY legendaries allowed in party/box are; Cobalion, Terrakion, Virirzion.
3. No cursing/ coarse language!!
4. No OoC!
5. The NPCs are played mainly by me, but please pal pad/ private message me and I will allow you power over said character.
6. Please be semi-literate or higher.

(Y) Hope to see you soon!j
Play here.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 30/12/2017 19:24 (7 Years ago)
Name: Evanna Sky,
Age: 17
Appearance: Long red hair, grey eyes, fair skin. Wears black leggings, a red one piece (romper?), a short white and red jacket and black and red sneakers.
Personality: Quiet, cold. Very perceptive. Likes all pokemon but mainly Dark and Dragon types.

Drei - Hydreigon (received as a gift from a stranger after the discovery of her starter (Flame's) Tepig's death.
Flora - Flygon (received after completing a bet with the previous owner; who was horrible.)
Streak - Sharpedo (she saved him after he was caught in a fishing net)
Frost - Weavile (caught.)
Night - Houndoom (rescued her from a hunter's trap in Pinwheel forest.)
-*Poochyena (recently found injured near a school, doesn't really belong to her...)

She has never met her father, he 'died' before she was born, her mother fell into depression after her brothers' death (he died due to an unknown illness) and she had to work for everything she owned so she didn't have[read; human] friends. Her mother died when she was fifteen. She gained all eight badges from the Unova gyms but had no motivation to challenge the champion, so she didn't. She likes to help pokemon and spends most of her time either with Prof.Juniper or searching for and rescuing pokemon.

Original Residence: Unova region.
Cruch/BF/GF? : Not at the moment.

Other: she braids together threads {one thread for each pokemon/person that she has lost} and wears it around her left wrist.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 31/12/2017 11:56 (7 Years ago)
Name: Niomi Kelppsy
Age: 16
Appearance: Curly purple hair cut in a lob (long bob), Bright green eyes, pale skin, and curvy-thin. She wears black leggings, a teel and white spotted skater dress, a grey oversized hooded cardigan, and black kneehigh boots with white fur lining the inside and upper edge.
Personality: She's shy at first but can be silly and fun after you get to know you. She loves making puns and often stumbles over her words. She's motherly and kind, she loves to cook, wright, grow berries, and breed Pokemon. She's not the most skilful battler, but she knows what works. She's nervous around older men. She's prideful and doesn't like to say she's wrong.

Fen-Braxian (Received as starter From Professor Sycamore)
Japan-Oshiwott (Found abandoned by trainer in the pokewood)
Joker-Espeon (Birthday present from mom as an Eevee)
Glaze-Glaceon (Birthday present from mom as an Eevee)
Swa-Swablu (Caught on route 14)

She moved to Unova from the Kalos Reagon when she was 12 with her mom after her parent's divorce. She delayed her journey to take care of her mother and deal with her own emotional fallout. She Lived in Driftvail city for a few years before setting off on her journey. She got sidetracked by other things and only has 3 badges. The other ids like to tease her because how old she is and how few badges she has, and she'd be lying if she said she was unphased by their cruel words, but she's used to it. She can often be found growing berries and breeding Pokemon for other trainers, which is how she gains poke. She tends not to battle Pokemon because she's bad at it.

Original Residence: Dendemille Town (Kalos)
Crush/Bf/Gf: She claims to be in a long distance relationship with a girl in the Sinnoh Reagan.

Other: She doesn't know what to do with her life because she likes too many things!
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Sun, 31/12/2017 12:24 (7 Years ago)
Name: Erinielle "Erin" Kwon

Age: 17

Appearance: Has short slightly curled white hair framing her slightly pale face, her hair is often braided on sides, which emphasizes her bright ruby eyes. She also likes to wear ribbons on her head. Often seen around with long sleeved clothing, presumably sweaters and blazers, short denim shorts sported with a pair of feminine sneakers.

Personality: Very sensitive and fragile when it comes to handling with her own emotions. She's not vocal and rarely expresses her own desires and will just go with the flow even if she doesn't like it. Some disadvantages include being dense and insensitive to other's feelings.

Cyan♂(Beartic) - obtained as a gift from her mother
Frill (Rotom) - obtained as a gift from her daycare teacher
Magnus♂(Salamence) - caught as a Bagon from Meteor Falls
Zen ♂(Darmanitan) - caught as a Darumakka from Desert Resort
Divine ♀(Mienshao) - from a trade with her grandfather
Azul♀(Lapras) - found injured near Castelia

Erin had a rough childhood due to the overprotectiveness of he grandfather born in Snowpoint, Sinnoh and lived her first years of childhood then later moved to Icirrus, Unova. She started out her journey 2 years behind from the traditional newcomers. She immediately travelled through Hoenn, she took a year break from travelling then travelled through Unova. She went to explore Kalos but later returned to Icirrus in Unova to the present time.

Original Residence: Icirrus, Unova.

Cruch/BF/GF? : ..?

Other: she trained under Nurse Joy of Icirrus for a year when she took her break.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 31/12/2017 12:40 (7 Years ago)

Title: Template for Character profile







Original residence:


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 31/12/2017 13:12 (7 Years ago)
Nayoung Accepted!
Kigome27 Accepted!
Now just head on over to the main page to get started! :D
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 01/01/2018 10:59 (7 Years ago)
Name: Luka amano

Age: 16

Appearance: Knee length sand colored hair, usually held in loose pigtails and shoulder length bangs that are held back by the goggles; blue green eyes that normally have slight eyeshadow; average height and of slim build luka prides herself on her ability to run. Kind of a mix of styles luka wears a spring green trench coat, the ends of which reach just above her ankles, that only has gold buttons on the chest then is open, as in it cuts off and only the sides are there, since her stomach is visible luka also wears a black half shirt. A black belt keeps her poke balls at her waist and also keeps the coat in place, while she wears a short mint green skirt over knee length black shorts. A simple pair of black hiking boots, a short mint green tie, black fingerless gloves, and gold style goggles that normally rest on top of her head finishes her outfit. luka is normally covered in scrapes and bruises.

Personality: It's easy to tell luka is rash and not much of a planner. hyper, luka can't stand being still for very long and may fidget of lose focus because of boredom. Since she isn't much of a planner luka tends to get in trouble, either in battle or just travelling town to town. Luka is very trusting and this trust can be hard to break, though if that occurs it is almost impossible to earn it back. She has a strong sense of justice and won't stand by when she sees something considered evil or illegal happen; brimming with overconfidence luka doesn't let others put her down, literally she will fight them. stubborn as a mule, once luka makes a decision it's almost impossible to make her change her mind and this can sometimes bring out her childish side. It's probably no surprise that luka can get extremely loud and unruly when angered, which is sometimes rather easy to do if someone knows the right buttons to press, and only calms down when she runs out of energy. Dense, luka isn't the best person for advice and may help others too much or may try to fix a problem without the full story; this may come off as annoying to others but luka doesn't notice because she thinks she's helping them. Though luka seems impervious to negativity she takes things said by her friends very seriously and can become depressed if they are mad at her. When this happens she bounces back pretty easily if the problem is worked out. Since she gets injured a lot luka is petty good at healing people, pokemon not so much since berries work more for pokemon than people.

Exo-female-flygon (partner found as a trapinch)
Amp-male-noivern (received as a trade as a noibat for a gible)
Bayern-male-talonflame (caught as fletchling)
Slick-male-goodra (recently caught)
Vanoss-male-crobat (caught as a zubat)
Peace-female-togekiss (hatched from an egg given to her as a gift)

History: Originally from the hoenn region luka had a pretty normal life, her father worked in the food court while her mother worked on the TV mauvile. Always seeing trainers on their Pokémon journey passing through made luka want to go on a journey of her own, so one day she did. One day when she was nine luka snuck onto route 111 but only made it a few feet when a wild Pokémon attacked, having no Pokémon or poke balls she panicked and tried to run home. This only caused the Pokémon to chase her and almost caught her until a trapinch saved her. scared it too would attack, luka ran home determined not to leave again. This didn't last long as fear isn't really her thing so after a few days luka returned to route 111 and was surprised when she saw the trapinch who helped her. This meeting continued until luka was allowed to go on her own Pokémon journey, already knowing who she wanted as a partner all she requested was a poke ball. Going to route 111 she found the trapinch, now nicknamed exo, who she had been meeting daily since they met and when she invited exo to join her she had her partner. This was the beginning of her pokemon journey and in her travels she learned she liked the dragon and flying Pokémon. After collecting all the badges luka tried her luck at the elite four but was defeated easily, this fueled her drive to find and create the best team she could with only her favorite types; this search took her to the kalos and sinnoh regions, Collecting the badges for the regions in the process, which is how she got her current team. Finally feeling ready luka has returned to the hoenn region to challenge the elite four and hopefully become champion.

Original residence: Hoenn/ mauvile city

Crush/bf/gf: Not right now

Other: Luka is a dragon and flying type specialist, so she only uses Pokémon with dragon and/or flying typing. Her outfit is styled slightly after her partner, exo.
sorry it's so long I tend to write a lot.
Edit: thank you and I added one, I forgot it >.<
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 02/01/2018 13:21 (7 Years ago)
glameow101 accepted! :D Although does Luka have a last name? It might be needed... Also don't worry I like your writing. :D
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 04/01/2018 08:11 (7 Years ago)

Title: Where is everyone?

Hi guys, If you sign up I kinda expect you to actually take part in the role play... If you would like to quit, tell me, On private chat or on here, because otherwise there's a block in the entire thing.
We good?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 05/01/2018 00:09 (7 Years ago)
Um has it started? cause I can't find it if it did, so I'm confused.

Edit: sorry found it I didn't know it was up. I'll post now
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 86
Posted: Sat, 06/01/2018 08:24 (7 Years ago)
Name: Elijah Krist

Age: 13

Appearance: WIP


-Zorua "Noel" ; Male ; Level 13; Scratch, Pursuit, Fury Swipes, Fake Tears

-Gible "Zion" ; Male ; Level 12; Tackle, Sand Attack, Dragon Rage

-Oshawott "Malakai" ; Male ; Level 16; Focus Energy, Tackle, Water Gun, Water Sport

History: He is the son of N, his mother passed away during labor. He has lived with his two aunts and father in their home base. He was lonely with his pokemon most of his life due to his Family being "activists" and always being out, he has never met his grandfather, Ghetsis. He enjoys cooking, gardening, training, and playing with his pokemon.

Original Residence: N's Castle, Unova

Crush/Bf/Gf: None


Avatar by Me

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 06/01/2018 19:56 (7 Years ago)
noelfigu3roa I don't mind you joining but in this role play N is still 18/a teenager, so is there a chance you could change it a bit?