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The Legend of Melbu (Sign Up)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Legend of Melbu (Sign Up)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 15/10/2017 16:37 (7 Years ago)
Welcome to Lowethin. Lowethin is a thriving little village, filled with plenty of races and classes. They live together in complete harmony, and everyone knows everyone else. People who live here have lived here their whole lives, never needing nor wanting to leave. Everyone is very happy here, content with their seemingly perfect lives.

But one day, when individuals were out and about, a dwarf came staggering into town. He was disheveled, but dying. A young bars was playing music for a small crowd when he saw the dwarf and raced towards him. Before he died, he passed his message of need onto a young bard.

"Across the Valley of Terrina, there's lies a prophet by the name of Melbu. She is a powerful woman, and she is trying to spread her darkness to this side of the valley due to a prophecy she received by the undead. My group and I tried to stop her but... She blew us all away. Please. Stop her."

And so the bard decided that he and his friends had to stop her. He gathered his friends, and after telling them about the story, they decided to go as a group to defeat her. Each of the members were different but alike, and with their abilities, they hoped they could defeat this Prophet Melbu. Hope is all they have.

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-2 character max
-All the characters are friends.
-Romance is acceptable, don't make it a centerpiece of the story
-Violence will occur, but don't be descriptive on it.
-No OP, Mary Sue, or Gary Stu characters please
-I have the right as the creator to not accept you for any reason. If you wish to discuss the matter with me, please do it via palpad
-they're all around their 20s-30s oof
-Sob stories are acceptable ?

Quote from This is just something to go off of, you don't need to make it the exact sameName:

My Form:
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Alexander Jonathan Dennei
Half Elf
He's short tempered and fiery. He's extremely introverted. He is quiet and cold to most until you make him angry. He will spout angrily and loudly, and he often gets emotional when he yells. When he's quiet, he's usually thinking about everything that could go wrong, since he has some pretty high anxiety. He is very hotheaded and protective. He is very soft inside.
Alex has bright blue eyes and black hair that is barely past his ears. He has pointed ears and there are three silver rings in each ear. He is extremely skinny and lanky, and he is only 5'3". He is extremely feminine looking, with long eyelashes and wide doe like eyes. He has a lot of freckles, covering his whole body. He has a button nose and very squishy cheeks. He wears a black tank top that's long in the back, going to his shins. He wears white leggings underneath, which are kind of flowy and loose. He doesn't wear shoes, and wears a little golden anklet around his left ankle.

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Quixi Dee Lovett
Forest Gnome
Eccentric and Lively. Happy. She's a very bouncy and sweet girl who doesn't bother to hide her emotions. She is extremely talkative and kind, but when people tell her to shut up, she shuts up fast. She can be extremely quiet when she's sad, and is very sensitive when it comes to people telling her to be quiet. She doesn't often get angry, and she turns out to be quite calm and collected in dangerous situations. After said situations is when she freaks out.
Qui has light brown skin, her eyes a deep green. Her eyes have no whites nor pupils, so they only consist of the green color. Her hair is curly and black, pulled back in a long braid that goes to her feet. She sometimes makes the braid a bun, usually before sleep or a known fight. She stands at 3'3", with small dark brown freckles on her nose. Her ears are pointed lightly, with a little golden ring on each. She wears a green cropped tank top with leaves and flowery designs on it. She wears a flowing white skirt and green and white fingerless gloves. She is a little cubby, and her face is extremely cutesy. She carries a white staff with a little circle on it, holding her healing magic.
Open / Palpad
Open / Palpad
-she's tiny oof
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 15/10/2017 19:58 (7 Years ago)
Name: Delmar Pérez
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Merfolk/Elf
Class: Druid
Personality: He tries to be charismatic, but often comes off arrogant instead. Despite his demeanor, Delmar is usually in tune with the emotions of the people around him, and will always do his best to keep them in the best of spirits.
Appearance: Brown hair w/ grey eyes; ears have fins behind them; gills under his ribcage; webbed fingers & toes. usually without a shirt because of his gills, but when necessary it's probably a crop top. Usually with camo pants because he's tacky.
Sexuality: Bisexual w/ a pref for women
Other: His druid magic is water based, and extremely flexible, but weak.

by TheCandyCoating | check out my DeviantART and instagram

hello! i'm python, feel free to hmu!
. . .
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 232
Posted: Sun, 15/10/2017 20:41 (7 Years ago)
Name: Marius Cinis 'Clearwater'
Age: 70 (21)
Gender: Male
Race: Nymph
Class: Wizard, specialty in water magic.
Personality: Loud, rude, cares strongly for those he's befriended. Sarcastic.
Appearance: Tall with dark blue hair. Dark skin. Long pointed ears with four piercings in his right ear and five in his left. covered in bioluminescent freckles. Wears a puffy pirate shirt and loose beige pants. Smells like the sea with a hint of death. Littered in various scars.
Sexuality: Pan with a preference for Boys.
Crush: Open
Dating?: Nah
Other: His whole lifes story

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 01:05 (7 Years ago)
((Both accepted! Please advertise!))
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2017 05:07 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Lizzy Ember.
Nickname: Liz or Vixie.
Age: 24.
Gender: Female.
Race: human/vulpine hybrid (humanoid fox(?)).
Class: Witch, specializes in potions and fire magic(though not very strong fire magic), and can transform into a fox as well as summon a familiar(which is a barn owl).
Personality: she can be a bit of a hothead and snappy, but she's very sweet and caring to those who she know's.
Appearance: she has fiery ruby red eyes, long curly silvery grey hair, she's rather tan like she's been sunbathing, freckles splashed across her face, she's a bit skinny but still has some curves to her, her ear's and tail match that of a silver fox and are fluffy af(her tail mostly being super fluffy, lol), she wear's a knee-high long sleeved turtlenecked night sky blue dress with a few little white stars in a few spots, a pair of black tights, grey ankle high boots, and she has a choker necklace with a small fox charm on it, she also wear's a hooded cloak occasionally when she goes out to the forest for potion ingredients, stands at 5'4''.

this is what she looks like in her fox form, only with her eye color and her necklace acting like a collar instead of a choker.
Sexuality: swings either way.
Crush: none at the moment.
Dating?: she's more focused in her witchcraft than relationships (open).
Past: she doesn't like telling it unless she's really close to someone, so only one person knows about her past(that being her best friend), but she was abandoned at a very young age(6) and lived on the street's until she was 9 when a woman, who was a witch herself, found her and managed to take her home, where she was raised and schooled until her mentor, the woman who saved her, disappeared without a trace one morning when she went out to gather ingredients and never returned, she was 18 when her mentor disappeared, so she's been living on her own since then.
Other: her best friend is a dragon halfling who is a current resident of her house, has a "spicy" tooth(it's like a sweet tooth, but for spicy foods), her familiar's name is Honey.

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Name: Fredrick Wolf.
Nickname: Fred or Freddy.
Age: 26
Gender: Male.
Race: a human dragon hybrid(or halfling, whichever term works).
Class: fighter, specializes with a couple steel daggers and a steel longsword, has the ability to change into a dragon and breath blue fire that burns a bit worse than normal fire in both forms(he's immune to his own fire and can only cause a small bit of damage with this since he's so young in dragon years, and was born with this power since he's a dragon halfling).
Personality: he's pretty quiet and can be a bit shy, but once he gets to know you he is nothing but a big hug-able teddy bear, but he can be rather stubborn.
Appearance: he has surprisingly bright clover green eye's, straight semi-long aquamarine blue hair, pale, he's pretty skinny for a guy his age(though don't let his size fool ya), wear's a dark red shoulder length sleeved shirt, a pair of slightly puffy beige paints, doesn't wear shoes, he does have a dragon tail in human form that has white scales and a tuft of aquamarine fur, and has pointy ears, stands at 6'0''.

this is what he looks like in dragon form, only with his eye color and the mane, fur, and tail tuft are aquamarine, and he does have wings in this form(image is not mine).
Sexuality: swings either way.
Crush: none at the moment.
Dating?: he's a single pringle! (//shot for bad pun/joke).
Past: he's not too keen on telling anyone, only his best friend knows about it, but his breed is basically taboo in dragon culture due to the fact he's only half dragon, hence why his mother, who was a pure blooded dragon with the ability to change into a human, was punished severely cause her actions.... but she managed to hide her son by leaving him with his father.

his father, who was a human, did his best to take care of Fredrick and teach him the things he needed to know until he was about 20 when his father passed away due to natural causes, leaving him alone in the small hut at the edge of the forest

he was 22 when he met Lizzy, who was about 20 when she stumbled across his hut, since then he's been living with Lizzy for 4 year's.
Other: he's known Lizzy longer than anyone else and is best friends with her, loves sweet's, usually sketches in his free time, helps Lizzy out with gathering ingredients, he also knows a bit of hand to hand combat.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 01:12 (7 Years ago)
((Accepted! One or two more to begin!))
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 18/10/2017 13:03 (7 Years ago)
Name: Beverly
Nickname: Bev
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Rogue

Personality: Strong, silent type. She is a woman of little words and doesn't take many people too seriously. She is independent, mainly only looking out for herself. She has acquaintances in the village that she tolerates and will travel with, but hasn't shared much about her life or her travels.

Appearance: Has ginger hair that is always braided back in someway or another, freckles, and bright green eyes. She has a scar that reaches from below her ear through her left eyebrow. She is of average height (5'4) and build. She wears a dark, hooded cloak with many hidden pockets, dark brown traveler's pants, and sturdy, leather boots. She has a long dagger that hangs on one side of her belt, but several other hidden ones. Her main weapon is her bow and arrows, made of elven craftsmanship.

Sexuality: Bi with preference for women
Crush: n/a
Dating?: n/a
Other: She has a love for music, though not being a bard, and has a flute that she carries with her at all times.

Check out my Art Blog on Tumblr!

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Thu, 19/10/2017 02:21 (7 Years ago)
((Accepted!! We can start when wolfgirl finishes her second form...!))
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 21:34 (7 Years ago)
(( maybe we ought to send her a reminder?? ))

Check out my Art Blog on Tumblr!

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 21:38 (7 Years ago)
((Ah, no, she's finished her form! Let me make the rp real quick, it shouldn't take too long... EDIT: here it is!!))
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 01:12 (7 Years ago)
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<Don’t steal my form thanks>

{ Bio }

Name: Húsevő Protector “Volund” (Goes by Protector and Volund)
Age: 52 Years (Early 30s in human years?)
Gender (Pronouns): Female (She / Her)
Romanticism-Sexuality: Aromantic-Asexual
Race (Subrace): Houndfolk (Foxhound)
Class: Monk
God(s) (if any): Heironeous
Status: Uninterested (May consider a QPR)

{ Appearance}

Hair / Fur / Scales etc.: Brown with black waist and white underbelly, legs, arms, and muzzle
Eyes: Brown
Skin tone (if any): N/A
Height: 3’7”
Noticeable features:
*Real short, mlem, scary??

{ Extra }

History (Opt.): n a h


-Loud laugh
-Chews on things a lot
-Will get aggressive if someone touches her without permission
-Tendency to twitch her eye when blinking and sniffles even when she isn’t sick (Tourette’s)

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<Don’t steal my form thanks>

{ Bio }

Name: Versul (Temp. name until I find something better)
Age: 17 Years (Mid 20s in human years)
Gender (Pronouns): Male (He / Him)
Romanticism / Sexuality: Demi-Grayromantic Asexual
Race (Subrace): Cecaelia (Deep)
Class: Eidolist (Giant Crab)
God(s) (if any): N/A
Status: Open, but reluctant

{ Appearance}

Hair / Fur / Scales etc.: Blue
Eyes: Black
Skin tone (if any):
Muted blue (Skin)
Blue with darker blue circular pattern (Tentacles)
3’4” (Torso alone)
10’1” (With tentacles)
(He’s only a head taller than someone 6’0”)
Noticeable features:
*Doesnt look you in the eye, soft spoken, shoulder looks like someone took a bite outta him

{ Extra }

History (Opt.): n a h


-Always thinks you’re lying to him
-Fidgets a lot, will accidentally break things with his tentacles
-Folds his tentacles inwards when “sitting”
-Slow walker and slightly unbalanced at times-he’s got tentacles for leg
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 13:58 (7 Years ago)