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Cookie Crumbs

Forum-Index Diaries Cookie Crumbs
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 21/05/2014 01:09 (10 Years ago)
May 20th~ 8:09 PM

I've been thinking of making one of these for a while but I've finally decided to do it. I'll talk about not only Pokefarm but also other things too like my cosplay progress, my art work and things like that.
I don't feel like I'm good enough to make a topic in the art for it so I'll put it all here.

I'm going to separate things for the main stuff after I have an entry like this one. Not really sure how best to do this but this will be how I do it I guess.

I'm trying to find friends and fellow people who like Kamen Rider. I'm a big fan of it though I haven't seen too much if I'm honest and love to find other's who like it too as well as pokemon of course!

I'm also interested in roleplays if anyone wants to. ^-^

I haven't gotten any Dawn stones yet so I don't have a single Froslass yet.
I'm running out of everstones. They never have any in the shops when I'm online.
Female Snorunt: 34
Frosslass: 0

~Shiny Hunt~
Currently Hunting Snorunt 0/52
Hoping to get a female but at the same time I don't mind. I'm going to hunt shiny Snorunts until I either get two females or a female and a male. I want a shiny Snorunt and a shiny Froslass when I'm done.
Planned: No idea yet.

I am so excitedly working on my Urataros cosplay. Right now I'm working on building his weapon. It's so much fun!

Recently painted a Helheim Fruit from Kamen Rider Gaim~!

~Sprite Work~
I'm trying to get back into spriting. Still figuring out how to sprite with Photoshop since Paintbrush sucks so I don't have any new spritework to show yet.

~Give Away/Selling~
Currently selling/Trading away any of the male Snorunts I have in my shiny hunt box. I don't really have a reason to keep them as I'm a Froslass hoarding so I'm just using them for trades and for getting PD.

~Pokemon Game~
I just realized I should also put information on my pokemon game progress and stuff!

I tried to catch Mewtwo but that didn't go so well so I'm going to save him for later.

I just recently captured the Z legendary pokemon and I am in loooove with him. Gosh he's so beautiful and amazing. I just want to hug him and ride on his back. I also just today beat the last gym leader and the elite four my first try.

I also got a pokemon I was trying so hard to get by wonder trade which makes me soooo happy. The last member of my team has arrived so now I got a Pokemon X team finally. ^-^ Hehe I'm so excited!! Now to fix up the movesets to my liking.

I don't know what to do in the game now though after the elite four what do you even do …?

~Anything Else I Forgot For the Day~
So far I don't think I forgot anything big for my first entry. Whooohoooo~!
OH and anything new that I add later in the day will be purple and then later red. So I can make an edit to things twice after the first if things change, which won't be often that's why I thought I'd just do that. ^-^
Give me a popsicle. Ich bin ein Eis am Stiel.
This is my little baby and her boyfriend.

I'm a Kamen Rider fan and a cosplayer~ Please refer to me as male if you must and go ahead and call me Ankh, the guy I am using as my face claim/to represent me and will always be in my avatar.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Thu, 22/05/2014 03:39 (10 Years ago)
May 21th~ 10:30 PM
Ahhh today has been half decent I guess. I haven't been on very often but I did give someone a plushie today so that was nice and been building up my dream points to get more later. I hope I get a Snively~!

I've been so slow at getting eggs today from the day care so I haven't been able to even do much. Without eggs I can't hatch for my shiny, without the ability to get the shiny I'm sitting here staring at the lab pokemon and stuff just being bored and lonely.

I haven't really figured out much to do on here to be honest and haven't made many friends yet. I've joined a couple clubs but I can't do much in them right now because lack of ability on my side and in one the club isn't really doing anything yet it's not even talking about the stuff it's supposed to be a club about. It's a mess but if like twenty more people join maybe something will happen by what the owner said. I hope so. I really would love to have fun doing stuff.

Oh I did get a female Eevee though this morning before bed! That was great. I don't know if I'll shiny hunt Eevees but I think I might try to hatch a few for selling and trades so I can get more stuff. Maybe I can get some Dawn stones that way at least.

Hmm … maybe I'll find some new friends later who are nice. To be honest there's one person who spoke to me and kind of creeped me out so hopefully I can find a friend who isn't really creepy scary and doesn't make me feel uncomfortable.

Female Snorunt: 39
Frosslass: 0
Dawn Stones: 0

~Shiny Hunt~
Currently Hunting Snorunt 0/60
Planned: No idea yet.

I've been working really hard still on the blades for my cosplay. It takes eight hours to cure between coats so this is going to take a while to finish them up enough to touch up and paint so nothing much is different than the last pictures but now has big bubbles on it again where I'm fixing holes.

No new artwork.

~Sprite Work~
Still haven't gotten the sprite thing figured out. D :

~Give Away/Selling/Trades~
Currently Selling/Trading away any of the male Snorunts I have in my shiny hunt box.

~Pokemon Game~
I haven't gotten to play today. > :

~Anything Else I Forgot For the Day~
I REALLY WANT TO WATCH V3 but I don't because I hate Shiro so I'm avoiding continuing it at the moment. I'm on episode 37 or 38 not sure, out of like 53? So I'm getting done but I'm already emotionally finished with Shiro's whole persona. Aaaaaaah.

I want to get to X so I can get to the next and move on and on. I wanna watch Amazon so muuuch. I wanna watch that cutie pie sweet heart friendship maker.
Give me a popsicle. Ich bin ein Eis am Stiel.
This is my little baby and her boyfriend.

I'm a Kamen Rider fan and a cosplayer~ Please refer to me as male if you must and go ahead and call me Ankh, the guy I am using as my face claim/to represent me and will always be in my avatar.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Thu, 03/07/2014 00:11 (9 Years ago)

UGH All that time and effort and work and just I don't even know what I typed for most of this anymore since it's been so much effort it's such a blur. UGH I AM SO ANGRY. I don't even know if I'll try to remake it after all that was five six hours of work lost.

Maybe I don't even know whatever. I'm just so angry at my browser and my computer. why did it go back when I hit post? why? and why wasn't it copied? I hit copy. Why? T-T

Well if I do retype and work everything It'll really suck and It'll be really slow work but whatever if I do I'll just slowly work on it here. stupid thing.

Welcome to the Cursed Steel Gym.
So, you come to give me some popsicles? I'm on my last one.
I take it since you don't have a popsicle you're here to take my Haunted Core badge.
Well you're going to have to fight me for it since I don't just give things away.
... okay maybe if you gave me a years worth of popsicles
But I'm sure you don't have that kind of money so a fight it is!

First off check to make sure you know what you're getting into because I'm not going to accept the fight, no matter how many popsicles you give me, if you don't follow the rules.

Show hidden content
•Follow PH's Rules
•Auto-Level 50
No Legendary Pokemon
•Teams will be of four pokemon. Make sure your team is four before making the request.
•No duplicated pokemon. You can have pokemon in the same line like Pichu and Pikachu but you can't have two Pikachus.
•AI Mode better be on, but if you disconnect it doesn't matter if you win with it it'll be counted as a loss.
Don't forget to post your request in the topic! Otherwise it won't be official and you won't be counted as a win.
•If you are idle for more than ten minutes I have the right to disconnect and count it as a loss for you.
•You can, currently, only challenge once a day. This may change to twice a day later.
•I can change the rules at any time.

So with all that settled and you're ready to go. Just note I am in Central Standard time and will be more active later in the day than earlier.

The Haunted Core Badge

Don't even try to copy this early as winners will get a sprite version of the badge to show their victory.

Battle History

Challengers Who Must Try Again
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None yet

Challengers Who Have Earned Their Badge
Show hidden content
None yet

Click for Music

Well I guess I'm challenging gyms. So uh.


Give me a popsicle. Ich bin ein Eis am Stiel.
This is my little baby and her boyfriend.

I'm a Kamen Rider fan and a cosplayer~ Please refer to me as male if you must and go ahead and call me Ankh, the guy I am using as my face claim/to represent me and will always be in my avatar.